The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 518: Fight to the Death

Pella walked out of the teleportation array in disgrace. The place he chose to teleport to was not the cathedral of Holy Angel City, but the cathedral of Avic City.

Nowadays, among the several cathedrals in the temple, apart from the Capital Cathedral, Avic Cathedral is relatively peaceful.

After leaving the teleportation array silently, Pella walked quickly towards the cathedral, not even paying attention to the priests who greeted him along the way.

The Northern Empire has temporarily returned to peace because of Xu Lai.

The temple has also re-adjusted its force structure. Currently, the only crimson archbishop stationed in the cathedral is Kemel.

He was originally the patriarch of this place, so it was only natural that he was left to preside over the settlement of the remaining demons in the Northern Empire.

Pella hurriedly found Kemiler, and after a brief greeting, he immediately reported the situation of Fort Kaunaston.

The door to the conference room was tightly closed from morning to afternoon. No one knew what the people inside were talking about, except that they didn't even bother to have lunch.

After one or two o'clock in the afternoon, Pella opened the door of the crimson bishop's office in despair, followed the waiter to his temporary resting place in a daze, then took out the magic stone and dialed Count Aini's communication.

"Archbishop, how is the situation? What did Xu Lai say? Are you willing to withdraw?"

In fact, Aini is very clear about what is happening in Kaonaston now. Xu Lai has occupied the teleportation certificate, closed all the city gates, taken over the city hall, and actively met with the officials appointed by Aini.

All signs indicate that Xu Lai has no intention of leaving.

After waiting patiently for Aini to ask all the questions, Perla replied:

"Unfortunately, Your Excellency, the negotiation with Your Excellency Xu Lai broke down. Your Excellency Xu Lai did not agree to withdraw. He insisted on occupying Conaston."

There was no reply from the other end of the communication stone for a long time, allowing the mana of the spell casters on both sides to be lost in vain.

Just when Pera couldn't help but frown and urge, Aini finally spoke again:

"What does he mean, does he insist on forcing me to fight to the death with him?"

As the ruler of the grassland, Aini certainly owns not only one Kaunaston Castle, but also two castles under his direct control, which do not even include the Stone Castle.

In addition to the two castles he directly controlled, the nobles he united with also controlled several base camps, fortress-level cities and castles.

If they really want to defeat the enemy, Ani can pull out more power, such as the orcs who have made some kind of promise.

Of course, that was the last step, and it was used to defeat Xu Laiyu.

If his army really appeared together with the orcs, there would probably be a mutiny within the army.

Pella frowned and said, "Xu Lai's evidence has already been submitted to the Parliament of Nobles and the Temple, and even His Majesty the Pope knows about it.

Previously, we chose to suppress this matter for the sake of peace in the empire and in order to reduce the internal friction of mankind.

It's the same now, Conaston has been occupied by Xu Lai, and he is unable to seize more of your cities.

I have discussed it with all the crimson bishops, and they promised that as long as you do not continue to attack the Martell Territory, they are willing to mediate for you.

You cede Conaston to Xu Lai, and at the same time the bishops promise that Xu Lai will not continue to attack your territory, and that the two of you will not disturb or interfere with each other, and live in peace. "

If Aini didn't understand it at the beginning, he understood it very clearly later on.

"You guys want to abandon me?"

After a brief silence for a few seconds, Pella muttered: "You are wrong, if we were to abandon you, we would have been too lazy to care about you.

What we are doing now is trying to find ways to protect you.

You may not know that when I was negotiating with Xu Lai, he asked me to tell you that if you don't surrender immediately, he will give blood for blood and life for life.

But don’t forget, you assassinated him. Do you think he will spare you after he catches you? "

"Are you so sure that I can't beat him?

Even if I can't defeat him, or die with him at worst, I still don't believe that he is more powerful than the orc army! "Aini said still unconvinced.

Faced with Aini's forced marriage and his threat to die together, Perla had no reaction.

He just said calmly: "Perish together? What do you want to do with him?

There are some things you don't know about. I have been authorized today, so I can reveal some secrets to you.

Haven't you always been curious about why Xu Lai has an artifact like the Doomsday Blade in his hand?

In fact, the reason is very simple. Whether it was the capture of the Emerald City, the elimination of Sellon's demon army, or even the killing of Sellon himself, it was Xu Laiqu who completed it.

So why the temple failed to recover the Doomsday Man was because it was his trophy. The temple had no reason or qualification to seize his trophy.

Even Sellon and his demon army failed to die together with Xu Lai. Why do you think so? "

The temple and King Aled, for the sake of their own honor and coercion, have never disclosed the matter of recovering the Emerald City and annihilating the Serron Legion.

What was disclosed to the public was that both parties worked together to eliminate Sellon.

This is also the reason why King Alade paid Xu Lai those soldiers and horses so happily. Xu Lai betrayed their reputation and did not reveal the truth.

Of course, even if Xu Lai wanted to expose it, no one would believe him.

In this case, why not trade these reputations for something substantial.

Without the wealth and resources provided by King Aled, without those knights and soldiers, Xu Lai would not have the capital to start a war.

"No, it's impossible. How could he, a hero who has just been in this world, have such ability?"

Not to mention Aini, even Pella herself didn't believe it when she said this.

"I have told you what should be said and what should not be said. If you continue to be stubborn, the temple will no longer provide you and your family with any protection or help."

"Haha, am I stubborn?

No matter what you say, I will never let Fort Kaunaston go out. If you don’t help me, I will drag the entire grassland and go to hell with the man named Xu. "

Aini knew very well which situation the temple was most worried about.

At this point, he can only drag down all the soldiers and civilians in the entire grassland area to get the temple to stand on his side.

In good conscience, Pella has served as the archbishop of Kaunaston Castle for such a long time, and he is obviously on Aini's side.

In addition to several crimson archbishops, Pella, who governs the vast prairie area, has a status in the temple second only to several crimson bishops.

If the Scarlet Bishop becomes vacant, he will undoubtedly be one of the strong contenders for the position of Scarlet Bishop.

Although Xu Lai has cooperated with the top officials of the temple, when it comes to relationships, he is definitely not as good as Pella, otherwise the temple would not keep suppressing Xu Lai.

But good relations are good, and once the fundamental interests of the temple are involved, Pella will not give in at all.

"Your Excellency, please think clearly, once you decide to do this, the entire temple will be your enemy.

At that time, it will no longer be your problem, but the entire Aini family will be uprooted.

But now you only need to make a step back, and you will still have the status of an earl, and you will still have the vast land except Conaston. "

"Haha, if I lose Conaston, what kind of earl am I?"

Pella wanted to persuade her again, but the person on the other end suddenly hung up the communication.

"Your Majesty the Earl?"

After hanging up the communication, the person who was most worried was not Pella, but the chief mage Parame who was also involved in the whole process.

Count Ani glanced at Parame and said to him:

"Master, don't you want to back down now? We have signed a contract.

If you want to back down now, aren't you afraid of being backlashed by the contract? "

Agreements, contracts, and contracts in the magical world cannot be signed casually, especially contracts with powerful magic attached to them.

In order to ensure her own interests, Parame specially found a magic contract to come over.

You can't blame him. At that time, he never thought that the dignified ruler of the grassland would be where he is today.

Although he shot himself in the foot, Parame still knew clearly which was more important, the backlash of the contract or the loss of his life.

"If you are willing to stay and help me, I will succeed, and your salary will be doubled in the future.

Even if I fail, I will take the initiative to terminate the contract and not let you bear any losses.

Besides, you are a mighty magister. It is not easy for others to kill you. You are not their priority target. "

After swallowing, Parame said: "It goes without saying, Your Excellency, I will not leave you at this time."

Aini sneered in his heart, but said: "I knew I was right about you.

So, my chief mage, let us prepare for the upcoming battle. "

Parame nodded and said: "Are you going to take advantage of the fact that the castle is still there and work together inside and outside to recapture Conaston?"

Aini shook his head and said: "Of course not, before you came, my new knight commander just came to tell me that he could no longer stop Xu Lai's troops.

If we evacuate now, we will only be chased by them, and our morale will definitely collapse.

Moreover, I am afraid that there will not be many soldiers left under control by the time they reach Conaston. "

Apart from magic, Parame is not very good at military knowledge.

Although Aini himself doesn't like to go to war, he is a hero anyway, and there can be no problem with basic military common sense.

"As you wish, my lord."

Since he chose to fight, Aini had to make preparations in advance.

Because Xu Lai suddenly attacked Conaston, Aini's plan to storm Martell City in the morning also came to nothing.

Throughout the morning, Aini and Jimmy Martell, who were trapped on the city wall, were all trembling with fear.

But in the end, the two of them received different results.

The Earl's army, which had been preparing for war, finally did nothing.

But they have been waiting for news, completely lost their direction, and neither chose to withdraw immediately nor choose to attack the city by force, wasting the most important time in vain.

At this time, they had been driven up by Rena and her troops. If they escaped directly at this time, they would definitely not end well.

Apart from the military perspective, Aini himself was unwilling to escape.

His men betrayed him, the city was gone, and his family's fortune might even be in jeopardy.

Even the last glimmer of hope chose Xu Lai instead of him. Count Aini had almost nothing left.

Therefore, he must fight this battle and win.

Only by winning this battle, completely breaking one of Xu Lai's thighs, and letting the temple see his strength can he have the last chance to make a comeback.

The enemy's victory lies in the strength of the cavalry, as his new knight commander has proven to him.

Not only were almost all the cavalrymen who had been saving up for several months killed in battle, but almost all the herdsmen he had brought with him to fill the scene were also captured by the other side.

As a result, his knight commander told him that the opponents were all high-level knights and they were no match at all.

This is really crazy. Where did the boy named Xu get so many high-level knights?

But no matter what, the other nobles who escaped together can also prove it, which is enough to prove that this is the fact.

It was precisely because the opponent's cavalry was strong that Aini never thought of evacuating.

Otherwise, if you are attacked from behind by the opponent, your evacuation will immediately turn into a rout.

The best way to deal with cavalry is to form a formation and use cheap pikemen to compete with the cavalry, or use other cavalry to hedge.

If Jimmy had not rebelled and the 3,000 elite cavalry under Ani's command were still there, Ani would not be worried at all.

He is gifted with cavalry, and the cavalry under his command has extremely strong combat effectiveness, and the 3,000 cavalry are his carefully built elite guards, all using the best horses and equipment.

Unfortunately, there is no such if.

Therefore, in order to deal with the opponent's cavalry, Aini chose to use a large number of pikemen to form a pike phalanx to fight the opponent head-on.

After several days of continuous siege, Aini lost a lot of long-range troops.

Fortunately, his troops were large enough and still numbered more than 100,000. Even if they had to guard against Jimmy Martell behind him, their size was still far greater than Lena's.

Aini placed three rows of spearmen at the front of his formation, with level 3 spearmen at the front, level 4 spearmen behind them, and heavily armored spearmen behind them.

They are of different levels and use weapons of different lengths. Three rows of pikemen exactly form three rows of pikes.

If Rena sends cavalry to charge at this time, the length of the cavalry is longer than that of the spearmen, so the first row will be stabbed to death without a doubt.

However, the spearmen in the second and third rows, with the help of the cover of the spearmen in the front row, have a high probability of inserting their spears into the cavalry's body.

Even if the spearmen in the front two rows are exchanged for a cavalry, Aini will still make a lot of money.

The most powerful thing about cavalry is their mobility. Aini, who has the talent of cavalry, knows this well.

So he didn't leave any loopholes for himself. Directly in front of him and on both sides were these hedgehogs full of spikes.

Only at his rear, he did not have such an arrangement. Instead, he placed a large number of sword and shield soldiers and swordsmen.

In the center of the army, he will personally take charge, and with him are at least 30,000 archers and crossbowmen who are still alive.

As long as Jimmy Martell dares to come out of the city to take advantage of him, he only needs to let the sword and shield soldiers lie down, and the endless rain of arrows can wipe out most of Jimmy's troops in an instant.

The same is true on the frontal battlefield. Behind the spearmen are the crossbow shooters.

If the opponent's cavalry did not come, he would let the spearmen lie down and shoot at the opponent with archers who were far superior to the opponent.

If the opponent sends cavalry to charge into the formation, then let the spearmen stand up and fight the opponent's cavalry with their flesh and blood.

Anyway, there are many others, no matter what, the other party can't afford to lose more. (End of chapter)

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