After returning to the camp with the large army, Xu Lai immediately upgraded the two trainee shooters. Fortunately, even the pack horses were recognized as mounts and allowed to be used.

After upgrading, Xu Lai no longer had level 2 archers under his command, and the lowest were all level 3 archers. In addition, there was a level 4 ranger and two level 4 long archers.

The cost of the Ranger has not increased, and the attack methods are the long sword for melee combat and the bow and arrow for long range combat, but the Ranger has an extra charge feature.

Charge: Increase movement speed by 30%, speed additional damage by 15%, can be activated if physical strength is greater than 50%.

In addition, in the treasure house, Su Ya killed no fewer units than Xu Lai, but Xu Lai's level was too high and he could not be upgraded this time. Even with the command bonus, it only increased from the previous 5% at level 7 to 41% at level 7.

On the contrary, Su Ya jumped from 2% at level 4 to 85% at level 4, and it seemed that she was about to upgrade again.

When she reaches level 4, her peasant leader characteristics are improved and she becomes a people expert.

The attributes of the civilian expert have not been greatly improved, but the attack and defense speed have been increased from 1 point to 2 points, the health value has been increased to 8 points, and the morale is still 10 points.

However, the upgraded feature has an additional effect, which allows Su Ya to train militia shooters from farmers.

Under normal circumstances, farmers can only advance to become militiamen. If there is a chance, they can be sent to the mage tower or library to be trained as apprentices.

But the militiamen have only one choice, which is to put on simple armor, shoulder their spears, and kill the nobles, consuming their opponents' physical strength and arrows.

If you are lucky, you can kill a few cavalrymen who are unlucky enough to bump into the spear head.

However, some farmers made a living by hunting. After being recruited by lords or nobles, these farmers could pick up bows and arrows to fight and became militia shooters.

Su Ya's upgraded characteristics can directly transform the farmers who want to be upgraded into level 1 militia shooters. They wear the same clothes, just replace the simple long gun with a simple bow and arrow, and change from melee to long range.

After everyone was upgraded, Xu Lai immediately ordered all items to be packed, including the fish kept in the wooden basins, tools and the like.

Fortunately, Xu Lai's space backpack expanded by 50%, otherwise he would not be able to take away so many things at once.

Fences cannot be recycled. They can be chopped down to make a fire or stored into wood, but that will take a long time.

It was only 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and there were still more than 3 hours before dark. Xu Lai was in a hurry and didn't want to waste any time.

Therefore, anything that cannot be recycled is discarded. At most, some fences are chopped and used as firewood and torches.

Only if he had known that he was going to move today, he would never have bought that tent. Now, he lost 25 gold after just one night's sleep.

Xu Lai recovered 75 gold from the three tents. Counting the 30 gold he had left before entering the treasure house, it was just enough.

Treasure House gave 5,000 gold, and after giving 500 to Elena, there was still 4,500 gold left. The advancement consumed 400 gold, leaving a total of 4,200 gold.

Harvest what can be harvested from the farmland, and the remaining ones will have to wait more than ten hours to be harvested, so we might as well give up.

After recovering about 31 units of food, Xu Lai had more than 520 units of remaining food, plus some uncountable fish and meat.

The last and most important task was naturally to recover the Castle Heart. He had 3 Castle Hearts in his backpack at this time, but he did not choose to synthesize them. Instead, he dug this one out of the ground first.

This heart of the castle is bound to the wanderer camp. How can it be done without upgrading it?

After packing up everything, Xu Lai and the others walked downstream along the river.

With the blessing of primary logistics, the farmers increased their basic speed by 2 points due to Suya's characteristics. While maintaining high morale, the speed was actually not slow.

What's more, these farmers will not complain or do anything else to affect the marching speed.

Xu Lai can also order a forced march, in which case the entire team will start running and the movement speed can be increased by more than 50%, but the physical consumption will become extremely huge.

There is no need to do this. It would be okay if he was rushing to a certain destination. The key is that Xu Lai doesn't even know where he is going now.

He only knew that the town Walker and Lane planned to defend against the orcs was dozens of kilometers away.

So he must leave here at least 50 kilometers to see if there is any better place behind the town that can be developed.

Among other things, wood, stone, and water resources must be available, otherwise survival will be a problem, let alone development.

It would be best if there are still mineral veins. It may be difficult to find unowned mineral veins in other parts of Middle-earth, but on the grasslands, the probability is still very high.

The grasslands are vast and sparsely populated, and most of them are engaged in animal husbandry. They like to settle along rivers, and both villages and towns are near rivers.

This leaves a large area of ​​the grassland as no man's land. Xu Lai should have a chance to find a piece of mineral vein in these no man's land.

Xu Lai felt quite sad after leaving this area where he had lived for several days. When he passed by Gram Village, he found that they were also packing various supplies.

Compared to Xu Lai, there are more things to be abandoned in Gram Village. Even if those wooden houses can be recycled, the loss will probably not be small.

The whole village was in a mess, and Xu Lai didn't disturb or add to the chaos. He just came to this strange world and just met a few people who could barely be considered friends. They were about to say goodbye, and Xu Lai felt a little sad. .

However, Xu Lai couldn't say goodbye to Lazi and the others. Not far after they left along the river, a girl knight riding a white horse chased them from behind.

The white horse was so majestic and so fast that even a modern car might not be able to outrun it. It didn't take long to catch up to Xu Lai.

Xu Lai, who possesses the primary eagle eye skill, can see far and clearly now. He has already recognized that the person coming is Elena, who had not been separated for a long time, so he stopped on the spot.

"Your Excellency Xu Lai, please wait a moment."

"Hello, Priest Elena."

"Your Excellency Xu Lai, thank you for your recognition of me. This is a little gift from me, please cherish it."

Without stopping for a moment, Elena handed Xu Lai a paper package from her sleeve and left in a hurry.

Before Xu Lai could even say his thanks, the person had already left far away.

Elena hurriedly sent it, and it was indeed not a valuable thing. Inside a large paper bag were dozens of small paper bags. The words on the paper bag should not have been understood by Xu Lai, but in fact, he did not understand the pressure at all. A big character.

"Green vegetables", "cabbage", "cotton", "rapeseed", "peanuts", "peppers", etc., etc., are all kinds of seeds that Xu Lai is familiar with but also unfamiliar to. Some of them are useful for eating, but Xu Lai doesn't even know these things. Is it suitable for planting in grasslands?

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