The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 522 The dust has settled

The knight was also unlucky. He could see that his defeat was certain, but Count Ani, whom he was loyal to, flew away alone at this moment.

The commander-in-chief of the army has fled. As a subordinate, of course there is no need or obligation to continue fighting to the death.

Therefore, if Tahan's lance had arrived a little slower, the knight might have prostrated himself on the ground and asked for surrender.

But there are no ifs in reality. The blame can only be on this knight, who joined the wrong camp and chose the wrong person to be loyal to.

Of course, the knight holding the flag had no chance to surrender, but others still had the opportunity.

The moment the flag representing Aini collapsed, the morale of all the troops still affiliated with Aini on the entire battlefield dropped by at least 15 points.

The flag represents the commander-in-chief, and on earth, the collapse of the flag is even more serious than the death of the commander-in-chief.

After all, not many people can see the death of the coach with their own eyes, but the loss of the flag means that the commander, or at least the command system, has failed.

This world is much better, because heroic commanders can attach attributes to soldiers.

With a hero around, your sword is sharper, your armor is thicker, you run faster, and your attributes are stronger. These are all attributes that can be easily perceived.

But even so, the falling of the flag also means a failure of command. After all, the Magic Stone is not a popular prop, and not everyone has the magic power to support it.

Therefore, when the flag collapses, it is not just a local morale drop caused by casualties, but a overall morale drop, and the closer to the flag, the more morale drops.

The key is that as the flag falls, those statuses attached to Aini also disappear.

This easily makes people think, after the flag fell, was the coach also killed by the enemy?

The resulting panic caused all the troops belonging to Aini to instantly lose all fighting spirit and scramble to escape for their lives.

Those troops under the command of the nobles were okay. When most nobles saw this situation, they would use their own banners and find ways to lead more of their own people away.

Most of the rest are running around like headless flies.

It was obvious that Leina only had a few thousand troops in her hands, and now she was short of manpower to gather the surrender troops, but the soldiers felt as if there were thousands of troops behind them chasing them.

No way, panic is contagious.

And because Count Aini left and lost the protection of ultimate leadership, even high-level soldiers of level 7 and above began to flee, which further deepened the fear of ordinary soldiers.

On the battlefield, such chaos is too deadly.

Reina has urgently adjusted her orders. Joseph, who is more independent, and the knights under his command are no longer covering up and killing infantry, but are constantly comforting these ordinary soldiers.

This battle is not only a civil war among humans, but also a civil war between the same camp or even the same region. There is really no need to kill everyone.

The decrease in the population of the grassland is due to the combat effectiveness of the entire grassland area. Otherwise, if Xu Lai directly launches Doomsday Judgment, no one would dare to complain to him.

Moreover, these soldiers who have at least received military training, not to mention being well-trained, are Xu Lai's best sources of soldiers.

If Xu Lai were at the scene, he would probably just relax all restrictions and let them run away as much as possible.

Anyway, after these people run back, he can recruit them again in the future. Anyway, at this time, he is unwilling to surrender his troops for a small amount and cause a large number of casualties.

If everyone here dies, Xu Lai may be more heartbroken than those nobles.

However, Reina didn't care much about human life. She only knew that what Xu Lai lacked most at this time was soldiers.

And these ordinary soldiers who have no morale, low pay, and no special status are the best candidates for conversion.

When the battle flag was cut off, it also meant that the war that had lasted for many days was finally over.

The troops who were ordered to pursue Jimmy didn't know where they went.

Only the infantrymen who were originally blocked at the city gate and had nowhere to escape silently put down their weapons and surrendered to those who had been attacking just now.

All that's left is to clean the battlefield and collect the loot.

You don't have to worry about recruiting soldiers, just pick up the gold coins left behind after they disappear.

But the wounded on the ground, who either died in battle, died in a stampede, or were injured, must be treated and dealt with.

Otherwise, the death energy formed by the accumulation of a large number of corpses can easily create various natural undead creatures.

Of course, there is no need for Reina, the commander-in-chief, to worry about these things. She can just give the orders.

Moreover, there happened to be a powerful group of priests in her team, and it happened to be their corresponding job to purify corpses.

Other things are more time-consuming, especially the collection of large numbers of prisoners and loot.

Relying on them, no matter how hard you try, you may not be able to mobilize a thousand free people's Qingfeng Legion. This job is not easy.

"Hello, beautiful lady, Jimmy Martell would like to thank you for your help."

Fortunately, although the logistics troops from the rear have not arrived yet, there are hundreds of thousands of residents in Martell who had migrated back to the city early.

There are so many people and there are not enough manors in the city to provide food. If Count Aini besieges him for another week or so, Jimmy will collapse without a fight.

It is precisely for this reason that Count Aini was not in a hurry before, as he did not want to cause a large number of casualties to his side by attacking the city.

At this time, Jimmy Martell couldn't wait to seize Aini's logistics reserves.

Otherwise, their villages and towns will either be occupied by Aini or destroyed, and there will be no way to resume production immediately, or people may starve to death.

"You must be the lord of Martell City. Hello, I am the commander of the Qingfeng Legion, Lena Memphis. You can just call me Lena."

"Ms. Reina, thank you so much. That old guy Aini didn't know what kind of medicine he took, and he suddenly started attacking without caring about the lives of his knights."

Reina could probably guess the reason. She was probably stimulated by the military parade in Qingfeng City.

Xu came to the military parade to show off his strength. He originally wanted to help Jimmy relieve some pressure, but he unexpectedly encountered an unexpected assassination, which put too much pressure on Aini.

"My lord asked me to lead the troops to Martell City within two days. Fortunately, I was still in time.

However, our unit has too few manpower. After defeating Aini and his troops, we will not be able to do many things in the future. Can you please help? "

"No trouble, no trouble, this is what I should do.

Don't worry. There are at least hundreds of thousands of civilians in Martell City now. I will immediately call them out to help.

We have been besieged for too long. Can you give us some of the food and grass left by Aini and the others? "

"Of course there is no problem. The food and grass we carry for this expedition is enough.

There is also a logistics team responsible for the response at the rear. I have sent knights to notify them and come to help as soon as possible. "

When Jimmy heard this, he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

He didn't know the news that Conaston had fallen, but he knew that Aini was finished this time, and it was completely finished.

Ever since he first escaped from the battlefield, he would never gain the trust of other nobles again.

Even if there are still those who are stubborn and loyal to Aini life and death, Aini is already helpless.

To besiege the city of Martell, Aini used hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. Even if he had some left at home, it would not be of much use.

The most important thing is that it doesn't matter even if one's own troops do not have the advantage.

He could clearly see from the city wall that the soldiers on Aini's side were several times more numerous than the enemy, but they were defeated head-on by Reina with only a few thousand troops.

And when Reina and Xu Lai and the others conquer these surrendered troops, the gap in military strength will no longer exist.

No, it should be said that as long as he, Reina, Xu Lai and others join forces, the gap in military strength will be made up.

Of the 3,000 elites he brought out, more than 1,000 were killed or injured, but there were still more than 3,000 people on the city walls.

Because there were no priests or priests in the city, many people were lost during the continuous attack on the city, and there were still 45,000 wounded soldiers in the city.

There happens to be such a large group of priests here in Reina, and it should be possible to treat all the wounded soldiers in two or three days.

If you add this up, there will be 20,000 to 30,000 troops, not including these surrendered troops.

These troops, as long as they are not attacking cities, are not inferior to Aini in field battles.

"Your Excellency Viscount Martell, you should be familiar with Aini's troops."

Jimmy nodded quickly and said, "Of course, I know most of the officers."

Reina nodded and said: "That's good, these are soldiers with valuable practical experience, and their commander has abandoned them, so it should be easy to persuade them to surrender.

It would be better if His Excellency the Viscount knew their commander. Could you please help us persuade them to surrender? "

"No problem, this is what I should do." Jimmy patted his chest.

Reina smiled and said: "It would be great to have your help, I am worried about how to arrange them.

Sorry, I just saw that your casualties were quite high. I wonder if there is a teleportation array in Martell City that connects to Conaston. "

Jimmy was stunned and said: "Yes, there is, but after I took refuge with Mr. Xu Lai, the teleportation array was closed immediately."

Reina nodded and said: "Then you can open it now, I have just asked Mr. Xu Lai.

He has successfully taken Conaston and occupied the teleportation array and the city hall.

However, due to the shortage of manpower, they only monitored Kaunaston Castle, and there were not enough manpower to control Aini's castle in a short period of time.

Therefore, I need to send some manpower to help.

If Lord Martell..."

"Please call me Jimmy, Ms. Rayna."

It's rude to interrupt someone in the middle of a conversation, but Jimmy really couldn't stand Lena continuing to be polite to him.

Every word that came out of her mouth made Jimmy panic, especially the news of the fall of Conaston.

Jimmy never dreamed that yesterday he was still asking Xu Lai for support, and Xu Lai indeed agreed and provided support.

Xu Lai, who Jimmy had high hopes for, was not present, but even though he himself was not present, the troops he sent also repelled, no, they defeated hundreds of thousands of Aini tribe.

At this time, he didn't know that Aini also had a logistics force that was paralyzed on the roadside due to interference from Yan Feng's archers and gale knights.

However, although Yan Feng could barely control the tens of thousands of logistics personnel, his military strength was still slightly insufficient if he wanted to win.

Therefore, Reina specially asked the knight to notify Wang Chao's troops at the rear and ask him to get closer as quickly as possible.

With Jimmy's help at this time, she could free up her hands to send out Joseph and Nalu's cavalry.

Just leaving Tan Khan here is enough to deal with any unpleasantness that may happen.

Of course, at present, this kind of unpleasantness will probably not happen.

After Jimmy learned the latest news about Xu Lai, he lowered his attitude even more.

After a pause, Reina smiled and said: "You don't have to be like this, Mr. Jimmy, Xu Lai values ​​you very much. After knowing that you were in danger, he sent us out as soon as possible."

Jimmy also smiled bitterly and said: "I know, you should just call me Jimmy, it makes me feel better."

Reina shrugged, not bothering with such trivial matters.

She nodded and said: "Okay Jimmy, you can also call me Reina.

In short, Xu Lai needs many reliable people to help him.

My manpower is very limited, so if you have anyone trustworthy, you can go with my people to assist Mr. Xu Lai.

In addition, this battle is not over yet. I still have a cavalry archer unit fighting against Aini's logistics unit.

Xu Lai also has an angel army there, and they can help resurrect the troops we lost in this battle.

Of course, many soldiers on your side also died.

As long as the body is roughly intact and the death time does not exceed 24 hours, it can be sent to Conaston together with our fallen personnel. "

Jimmy slapped his thigh hard in excitement. The last people he brought out to charge were his confidants.

Many of them are directly descendants of the Martell family. They and Martell City both prosper and suffer losses, and they fight extremely hard.

"Great, how many people can I bring there?"

Jimmy knew that Xu Lai had an angel army, he had seen it outside the village.

But he didn't expect that he would still have a place in the angels' precious resurrection skills.

Reina glanced at the sky. It was already getting late, and it shouldn't be long before 12 o'clock tonight.

“If you have anything that meets the requirements, you can bring it over.

I don’t know how much resurrection capacity Xu Lai’s angels have, but he has a lot of angels. It’s almost past 12 o’clock, so he should be able to revive a lot of lives.

I will try my best to delay the battle until after 12 o'clock and then end it. Of course, if there are enough resurrections, please give priority to resurrecting my subordinates. "

"Of course." Jimmy assured, patting his chest.

Reina nodded: "Then please act quickly, time is very precious."

"Don't worry, I'll find someone right away. The teleportation array will be launched soon. I'll ask my son to lead the team in person to assist Mr. Xu Lai."

Just as Reina was about to nod, Tahan came over on a fearless horse and said:

"Legion Commander, let me lead the team to assist the lord. This flag may be helpful to the lord."

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