A large teleportation array must be presided over by a space mage of the Grand Mage level.

As for the super teleportation array that can accommodate 1,000 people or more at the same time and conduct simultaneous teleportation, it requires a mage of the Dharma God level to preside over it.

Such a super teleportation array is currently only available in the Imperial Capital, and that one was installed a thousand years ago.

In the thousands of years since the empire was founded, no second super teleportation array has ever been built.

Xu Lai did know a great magician in space. Unfortunately, it was wartime, and life in the tower was slightly better than in the empire.

When the battle is over in the future, with Xu Lai's reputation, he should be able to ask the other party to help him improve the teleportation array.

Xu Lai didn't expect to build a super teleportation array with more than a thousand people, but he wanted a teleportation array that was at least a large one.

The throughput during transmission is only one aspect. More importantly, it is related to the image of Qingfeng City.

Of course, that is something that needs to be considered in the future when Qingfeng City really becomes big one day.

Now, let’s solve the problem from scratch first, and then consider the problem from small to big.

Xu Lai himself also wanted to return to Qingfeng City, but before things were sorted out in Conaston, he, the top leader, ran away. What happened?

Fortunately, Tahan has been asked to escort the mages back. Even if it takes two or three days on the road, if everything goes wrong, the teleportation can be activated in about ten days.

If everything goes well, the teleportation array should be open within a week.

The teleportation is instantaneous and faster than flying. There are no disadvantages except that it is more expensive.

At that time, Xu's travel between the two cities will be as easy as walking down the street and visiting each other.

He had no feelings for Conaston, and he had no intention of personally managing this city that others flocked to.

After Jimmy arrived, Xu Lai personally rushed to the teleportation array to greet him.

Jimmy was flattered and hurriedly expressed his gratitude to Xu Lai.

Xu Lai smiled and waved his hand and told Jimmy: "You don't have to rush to thank me, I should thank you.

You are the only one who stands firmly by my side. "

Jimmy hurriedly said: "That's my luck. I stood in the right team in advance."

Xu Lai smiled and said: "Yes, it is your luck and my luck too.

Your performance this time is very good. I want to reward you. You deserve a reward. "

Jimmy's face turned red, and the words of rejection were on his lips, but he couldn't bear to say them out.

Xu Lai didn't give him a chance to hesitate and said directly to him: "How about it, do you want to come to Conaston and become a city lord?"

As soon as Xu Lai finished speaking, Jimmy almost bit his tongue in excitement.

"You, what did you say? You want to give me the city of Conaston?"

Xu Lai smiled and said: "It's not for you, Conaston City is still mine, but I will leave it to you to manage.

I won't pay you any salary, you will get commission directly from the income of Conaston City.

In other words, the better you manage Conaston City, the more income you will earn, which is equivalent to your share of the city. "

As the core and largest city in the entire grassland, Conaston's value lies not only in this city, but also in its iconic attributes.

This is a city that only those in power on the grassland are qualified to own.

When Xu Lai said that he couldn't give him the city, Jimmy, who had just whetted his appetite, was a little disappointed to be honest.

However, the disappointment only lasted for a moment. If Xu Lai really gave him Conaston, he would still doubt whether Xu Lai was testing him, and he should refuse resolutely.

But it was just the words of the city lord. To be honest, there was no need to test.

He was originally the head of the knights of Earl Ani. Even if this position is not as good as that of the city lord of Conaston City, the difference is not too big.

Upgrading to the city lord can be regarded as a promotion in the position, but this is still far from Xu Lai's original promise of making him the pie of the largest noble in the grassland.

But the conditions Xu Lai then proposed were really a big reward, and it was a reward that no nobleman had dared to offer before.

If a city does not develop well, there will not be much business tax revenue, and it can only rely on farmers' tax revenue to maintain it, and it will not make much money a month.

Moreover, what Xu said was profit sharing, not income.

If an ordinary city does not do well, it will simply be unable to make ends meet if there are too many infrastructure projects.

According to Xu Lai's sharing method just now, as the city lord, Jimmy won't get a penny, and he even has to pay it forward.

But Conaston had no such concerns at all.

Jimmy was Aini's confidant before, so he knew the situation of Conaston very well.

This is also the biggest reason why Xu Lai wants Jimmy to be the city leader.

Conaston City is different from Qingfeng City, which is still developing. The permanent population here and nearby towns is nearly one million, and the floating population is also close to one million.

It is also the commercial center of the entire grassland, and the infrastructure is already very complete and no more capital investment is needed.

According to Count Aini's previous results, except for the staff of the city hall, the salary of the city guards, etc., there are basically no additional expenses.

Even the necessary municipal investment in road repair, sanitation and fire prevention, etc., Aini asked each household to apportion.

Jimmy didn't know how Xu Lai wanted to govern. Even without apportioning these exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, Conaston would have tens of thousands of gold coins every day just from the entrance fees collected from caravans entering the city.

Every noble would collect this money, so Xu Lai shouldn't throw it away in vain, right?

"How about it? Are you willing to manage this city for me?"

Jimmy swallowed and smiled: "Of course I do, it's my honor."

Xu Lai nodded and said: "You know, although I won Conaston, I am not a nobleman enfeoffed by the Supreme King, and I am not qualified to enfeoff you.

Therefore, I cannot give you more in terms of title and territory, I can only make some compensation to you financially. "

What the nobles longed for most was undoubtedly title and land, which Xu Lai could not give.

Not only because Xu Lai was just a legal baron, but also because he didn't want to enfeoff at all.

Just kidding, Xu Lai, who came from modern society, certainly knew that the feudal system was a backward system.

However, the productivity at this time has not yet been reached, and it is impossible to establish a social state. If we find a way to centralize power, there may be a glimmer of hope.

He doesn't want to rule the entire empire. None of the four empires in the west, south, east, and north can be provoked by him, not to mention that the four empires themselves are not peaceful.

However, on the grassland, Xu Lai saw the hope of reunification.

“I can understand that, and in my opinion, the Aladdin family empire is doomed.

The existing aristocratic system may be reset to zero, and then all land and resources will need to be redistributed. "

"Oh? Do you think so? But the kings of the Northern Empire and the Southern Empire are all from the Aled family."

Jimmy smiled lightly and said: "But they have no development prospects. I haven't heard much about the Southern Empire.

But I also know that Moriel in the dungeon, with only some basic troops and the dragon army, directly swept through the entire Southern Empire and plundered a large amount of wealth.

I have long heard about the wealth of the Southern Empire. However, they only have wealth, but they do not have the power to control it. In this troubled world, they are just prey for others.

In the Northern Empire, I know quite well that Grand Duke Aled is already old, and like Aini, he doesn't want to make progress and just wants to maintain the status quo.

In such troubled times, a conservative king will not do anything. "

"What about the Eastern Empire and the Western Empire?" Xu Lai asked curiously.

Jimmy said: "This is exactly what I want to say to you.

I haven't received any news from the Western Empire for a long time, but I don't know if you have noticed that no caravan has come from the west for a long time.

Moreover, many refugees from the Western Empire have been found in my territory. "

Xu Lai frowned and said, "I really haven't noticed this, but after the demon trouble in the Northern Empire subsided, the temple has already sent aid to the Western Empire."

Jimmy shrugged and said: "I don't know about the temple, but judging from various situations, the Western Empire is about to be destroyed.

My lord, you should no longer limit your sights to the grasslands. We need to be alert to enemies coming from the west at all times.

Of course, there is no fertile land in the grassland, only endless horse farms. Devils do not raise horses, they need fertile land.

Therefore, according to my judgment, after they capture the Western Empire, their next step is either to go south or north. We still have enough time for unification and development. "

Xu Lai was silent for a while and said: "Where is the Eastern Empire?"

Jimmy smiled bitterly and said: "I know nothing about the Eastern Empire at all, but I once heard Aini say that Grand Duke Yuwen of the Eastern Empire was a very powerful figure.

However, the undead are the most dangerous and difficult to deal with among the three evil camps.

They are endless, cannot be beaten to death, and cannot be destroyed. Being entangled by them, there is nothing that Grand Duke Yuwen can do no matter how talented he is. "

Xu Lai thought about the dracolich he met underground. He was indeed very troublesome, with huge lethality and immortality. Being targeted by him was really a terrible thing.

I don’t know if the Dragon Lich, who is suspected to be the hero of the previous generation, has been resurrected after such a long time.

If the dracolich comes to find him after his resurrection, he will really have a headache.

Xu Lai took a serious look at Jimmy and said to him sternly: "Don't worry, I won't let down my guard just because I defeated Aini.

To be honest, I never cared about Aini.

The words I have provoked from my enemies will probably scare you to death. "

At this time, Xu Lai was taking precautions in advance, so that Jimmy would not complain again when the undead, orcs, and demons appeared one after another in the dungeon.

The devil may not be interested in the not-so-rich grasslands, but Kerrigan is definitely interested in Xu Lai.

Sure enough, when Xu Lai said this, Jimmy was stunned.

Xu Lai ignored him and continued: "Don't worry, the promise I made to you will be valid forever as long as I am alive.

Moreover, Conaston City, I not only plan to let you be the city lord, I also plan to let you help me form a legion on the spot. "

Many big nobles have multiple towns, which they cannot manage on their own.

Therefore, they will appoint trusted people to serve as village chiefs, town chiefs, and city lords.

The position of city lord can be regarded as the highest official in the usual sense, enjoying administrative power, law enforcement power, even legislative power on a small scale, and military power in a certain sense.

Like Aini, there is no security department, but there are city guards dedicated to guarding the castle, city walls and city gates.

Such city guards are generally under the jurisdiction of each city lord. Of course, some nobles will give the city guard chiefs independent rights to prevent each city lord from becoming powerful.

But Xu Lai, who directly asked Jimmy to form an entire legion, should be considered unique.

"Lord, this is not appropriate."

Xu Lai shook his head and said: "There are too many officers and soldiers imprisoned in the dungeon of Conaston City.

Most of these people have professional military qualities, so it would be a pity to leave them alone.

Including these prisoners and the troops you mobilized from the Martell Territory, the number is nearly 20,000.

These 20,000 people would be difficult to manage without forming a legion. "

"Didn't you already ask Ms. Reina to form a Qingfeng Army?"

Xu Lai nodded and said: "Yes, but this is far from enough, and the tasks you each need to be responsible for are also different.

Lena is better at defense and I have a lot to do with her.

I have a hunch that it won't take long for one of my enemies to come to my door. "

Jimmy was stunned and said: "Your enemies are my enemies. My army and I are at your disposal at any time."

Xu Lai waved his hand and said, "You're not needed yet. If I can't deal with this enemy, it's useless to add you.

If I can solve it, it will be a waste of time.

I'm not asking you to form this army just to watch a show.

I need you to complete the training and reorganization of this legion in the shortest possible time so that they can become combat effective.

Before Aini and the other nobles of the grassland could react, grab all their cities and fortresses from me. "

"Do you want me to carry out military missions alone? But I don't have the bonuses like Count Aini. Even if I have the advantage in terms of troops, I'm afraid I won't get any advantage."

Xu Lai smiled and said: "Don't worry, you just need to help me form a good legion and perform some low-difficulty tasks by the way.

For example, in addition to Count Aini, there must be other small noble towns, which should have little defense.

You can threaten them with military strength, and you can regularly clear out the wild monsters, bandits, etc. that threaten the city of Conaston.

In short, you can take full responsibility for handling this low-intensity combat mission.

And if you are worried about attribute additions, you can also recruit some heroes. Just remember to control those soldiers and prevent them from being abducted by those heroes. "

Xu Lai is not worried about recruiting soldiers. The ownership of those soldiers must be with him. Even if they are kidnapped and imprisoned elsewhere like Jimmy, the other party will definitely not be able to use them.

However, ordinary warriors may be deceived. After all, if you have breasts, you are a mother, and the heroes who have arrived all come from an era when they were good at drawing big cakes.

Xu Lai patted Jimmy on the shoulder and said: "After taking the other castles in Aini, I plan to manage those castles together with Conaston, and hand them all over to you.

At that time, you will no longer be the city lord. "

Jimmy was stunned and said: "Then, what is that?"

Xu Lai smiled and said: "I am called the Governor, in charge of and supervise all military and political affairs!" (End of Chapter)

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