The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 535 Amazing Reward

For two whole days and two nights, Xu Lai stayed in the city.

Although Conaston appointed a new city lord, Xu Lai couldn't really ignore anything.

Otherwise, wouldn't others really think that Jimmy is the real master of this city?

The city can be managed by him, and even personnel rights can be given to him, but does Xu Lai have to appoint his own people for some important positions, such as the financial system?

Of course, he has no so-called own people now, only a group of tax bureaucrats who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Xu Lai didn't want to use these people but had to use them.

Without them, Xu Lai didn't know who to collect taxes from and how much tax he could collect.

So these two days, Xu Lai has been inspecting everywhere.

His inspection was not like Aini's, where he would go around the busiest streets with servants and guards, riding a tall horse.

Xu Lai behaved quite low-key, leaving Elvi to look after the house, and only brought Roland and Jilong with him.

Of course, he is not a private visit incognito. Although the gorgeous armor has all the light turned off, it can still be seen at a glance that it is of high value.

However, whether it was Xu Lai or Roland and Jilong, they did not enter the city for a long time.

At most, others can tell that these people are not simple people at a glance. Except for the heads of various departments, ordinary municipal employees and guild members are unlikely to recognize Xu Lai.

What's more, Xu Lai also needs this skin.

Otherwise, no one would be willing to pay attention to him if he were to visit him incognito and wearing ordinary clothes.

It was not easy for him to ask some sensitive questions and he just handled some ordinary business.

For example, the household registration business that must be done to settle in Conaston, or the pseudonym Zhang San, joining the mercenary guild, etc.

These are all tasks that must be handled when settling down for a long time or looking for a job. Many heroes also handled it before Xu came.

Therefore, Xu Lai did not arouse anyone's suspicion, and he successfully got some useful or useless information from him.

For example, the municipal employees all looked at people with their nostrils turned upward. Even though Xu Lai was accompanied by bodyguards and entourage, they were not willing to talk to Xu Lai, let alone serve him.

Don't even think about serving tea and water. Seeing Xu Lai's tip, he forced a smile and revealed a little information.

Even though there are many people in Conaston, there are many shady people here.

The so-called black households are those who have not applied for household registration. Without household registration, they are not included in the statistical series and naturally do not need to pay taxes.

Although Xu Lai also believes that the various taxes established by the Aini family are extremely unreasonable.

However, others told him that such tax evaders are basically not from small households.

Because every year, Aini conducts a census, and everyone who lives in the city, even if they are just homeless people with nowhere to stay, must pay taxes.

The situation at the Mercenary Guild is not good either. Although the city of Conaston is larger and has a larger population, the Mercenary Guild is in tatters.

Not to mention Qingfeng City, even Martell City where Jilong is located, the mercenary guild there is much better than here.

In addition to the shabby decoration, the mercenary guild's commission is also very exaggerated.

But I have to say that the mercenary guild here has a lot of tasks.

Even so far, the most rewarding task on the ranking list is still assisting in city defense and killing invading enemies.

Needless to say, there was no one else invading the enemy except Xu Lai and his troops.

Generally speaking, the mission of the mercenary guild should be canceled directly after the death of the mission owner.

The mission posted on the Mercenary Guild was issued by Connors in the name of Aini.

With his family in such a big situation, it was rare for Aini not to be stingy. The mission rewards were extremely generous, so generous that even Xu would be tempted to see them.

Especially the reward related to Xu Lai is the most valuable reward in this series of tasks, with a total of two million gold coins.

Even Jimmy, the traitor who stabbed Ani in the back, had a reward of only 300,000 gold coins.

"I remember that Connors seems to be still locked up in the dungeon. If I can complete these tasks, do I have to break into the dungeon to find him to deliver?"

After applying for the mercenary certificate, Xu Lai pointed to the highest-ranking tasks.

After taking a look at it, the teller smiled and said:

"That's not necessary. We don't care how you complete the task. Anyway, before the deposit is used up, as long as you complete the task and provide proof of the task, you can receive the task reward."

As he said that, the teller pointed to the tasks with large bounties and continued:

“Many people have already accepted these tasks, and Count Aini does not limit the number of people who can accept the tasks.

If you are interested, you may as well proceed. Whether the bounty mission is completed or not, it will not affect your mercenary score and mercenary level.

Of course, for these tasks, our guild will not be able to pay you bounties, but there is no need for you to rob the prison.

We have the same mission in other cities of Count Aini, and we have also sent people to communicate with Count Aini.

As long as you don't mind the trouble, after completing the task, we can arrange for you to go to other cities to collect the rewards.

Well, two million gold coins, I guess no one will mind this trouble. "

The teller chuckled. He didn't know how many mercenaries he had explained to. He was very familiar with the situation and didn't pause at all.

In addition to Xu Lai's own bounty, his Holy Light Knights, generals, angels, and even Jilong, who had just appeared in Conaston a few days ago, are all on the list.

The total bounty for assassinating him and the soldiers in his army has exceeded 10 million.

Coupled with Jilong, Jimmy and the others, the value of the entire set of tasks and bounties is already worth tens of millions, which may be equivalent to the economic income of the entire grassland for several years.

If such a task is given, who would not care about it or be moved by it?

And like the teller said, if you don't accept the reward, it will be free. If you can't complete it anyway, it won't affect your mercenary rating.

What if I get lucky and encounter an unsuspecting Xu Lai in the wild, and pick up someone's head by luck?

Even ordinary mercenaries will not go out of their way to complete these tasks, but those killers who specialize in assassinations, those in the dark camp.

These guys are especially good at camouflage, stealth, setting traps and poisoning.

Especially poisoning, which is neither physical damage nor magic damage. Apart from antidote, one can only rely on physical attributes to resist.

Xu Lai's constitution is very high and he is not afraid of ordinary toxins at all.

However, since others want to deal with Xu Lai, how can they use ordinary poisons.

You know, even a dragon with such a powerful physique is not afraid of level 5 spells, but there are still poisons specifically targeted at the dragon.

If Xu Lai was accidentally hit by a potion that could poison even a giant dragon, he would definitely not end well.

The most important thing is that these guys are elusive all day long, and you never know when they will be attacked.

"If I'm just running errands, of course I won't mind the trouble, but this city is still in the hands of Xu. If I accept the reward, won't there be any trouble?"

Xu Lai is obviously not the only one who has this concern.

The teller smiled and said: "As long as you don't talk stupidly, who would know that you accepted this reward."

Xu Lai narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the other person without speaking.

The teller probably realized what Xu Lai was suspecting, so he laughed and said:

"Are you worried that our mercenary union will reveal this information?"

Xu Lai shrugged and said, "Don't you know it? Who can guarantee it?"

The teller sneered and said: "The mercenary guild has a nationwide chain. Let alone a little baron who usurped the throne, even if the Supreme King comes in person, he can't even try to obtain the secrets of our mercenary guild.

I don’t need to promise you this, believe it or not. "

Xu Lai hesitated for a moment. It seemed that he was ignorant and underestimated the influence of the mercenary guild.

Xu Lai glanced at Jilong silently, and the other party gave him a helpless wry smile.

Xu Lai's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. After being silent for a while, he still smiled and accepted all the rewards.

After leaving the mercenary guild, Xu Lai went to those busy streets.

The commercial atmosphere in Conaston is not yet there. There are many shops on the street, but few are open.

Xu Lai randomly picked a tavern that seemed to be well decorated. After asking the bartender about the most expensive wine and meat in the store, he smiled and asked for information.

There is no free lunch in the world. Although Xu Lai has never inquired about information in a place like a tavern, he has never seen a pig running and has always eaten pork.

Sure enough, after Xu Lai's generous consumption, the bartender with two mustaches poured wine for Xu Lai while talking non-stop:

“Although the new city lord has issued several policies to benefit the people and business, he seems to be very friendly to civilians and businessmen.

But those businessmen are afraid. "

Xu Lai calmly pushed a glass of precious wine to the other party and stuffed a few gold coins beside the glass.

"A drink for you."

The bartender excitedly picked up the wine glass and, with lightning speed, dropped a few gold coins into his pocket.

"The guest looks unfamiliar, so he must not be a local."

Xu Lai smiled and said: "It's true that they are not local. We brothers escorted a business group over, and this happened to happen.

The leader of our caravan asked us brothers to come out to find out the news. "

The bartender has seen countless people, and it can be seen at a glance that Xu Lai is not an easy person.

He didn't believe Xu Lai's rhetoric at all.

But what does that have to do with him? Taverns across the country have a default unspoken rule.

There is a charge for information. Any customer willing to pay can buy the information, regardless of the customer's origin.

What's more, what Xu came to inquire about was not confidential information, and there was no need to keep it secret at all.

"Brother, don't be anxious. The political power is unstable now, and it's normal for businessmen to be afraid.

Think about it, any of these businessmen can open a shop in Conaston, and none of them has anything to do with Earl Ani.

Now Count Ani is not at home, but his hometown has been stolen by an unknown little baron. He will definitely fight back in the future.

When Count Aini comes back, he finds that all his former allies have started doing business with the young baron. Will Count Aini be angry? "

Xu Lai nodded and said: "If I were Count Aini, I would definitely be angry.

However, after this incident, the entire Conaston must have been very depressed and needed to quickly restore the economy.

Even if Earl Aini comes back, he won't fall out with those businessmen. "

The bartender gave Xu Lai a thumbs up and said, "You can see far, but it's a pity that Count Aini doesn't have such a vision.

Their family has ruled the grassland for nearly a thousand years. Who can not know the temper of this family?

Even if Count Aini can endure it for a while, once the situation improves, he will definitely come back with crazy revenge.

So, those businessmen are afraid.

I also watched the little baron when he entered the city. The troops looked very powerful, and there were angels to help them.

But he only has a total of more than a hundred angels, and they are all recruited angels.

Once he himself is gone, these angels can only become wild creatures.

When the time comes, think about it, can Jimmy alone be able to defend this city? "

Xu Lai nodded and said, "So, most people in this city still support Aini?"

The bartender shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily the case.

As far as I know, that little baron is quite courageous and knows how to win over the people as soon as he comes to power.

Anyway, most of the residents in the city and many small businessmen supported him, but they were so quiet that it was of little use.

Moreover, the Dark Alliance, the Thieves Guild, and even the Mercenary Guild all had high bounties on the little baron.

With this posture, I am afraid that if the Supreme King comes, I will have to lose something.

Everyone just has no confidence in the little baron. "

Later, Xu Lai asked the bartender about some previous situations.

Including those companies that had the best business when Aini was here, what about the Dark Alliance, the Thieves Guild, and whatnot.

This guy took the money and actually worked hard.

He looked around for a moment and secretly asked Xu Lai to come over.

Roland's right hand was already on the hilt of the sword. Fortunately, the bartender was not a disguised assassin. He only revealed the news and made no other actions.

What the bartender revealed was related to the Dark Alliance and the Thieves Guild.

These underground figures are so pervasive that even if it's just some not-so-secret information, the bartender doesn't dare to talk about it in public.

After a long time, Xu Lai thanked everyone, left a few gold coins as a tip again, and left.

Not long after Xu Lai left, two teams of about a hundred knights rushed to the mercenary guild with their horses and whips in full swing.

Before Jimmy's large army arrived, Tahan left with the teleported helpers.

It can be said that in the entire Conaston, there are only a few hundred paladins and angels brought by Xu Lai, as well as more than a hundred confidants brought by Jimmy, and more than a hundred people brought by Jilong.

These hundreds of people, including at most the hundreds of people who were resurrected, amounted to no more than a thousand warriors in total.

Of course, during this period, Xu Lai also controlled the heart of Conaston's castle, raided all recruitment buildings in the wild and in the city, and recruited dozens of knights, infantry, etc. in total.

Coupled with the many surrender troops who had surrendered and handed over certificates of surrender at Jimmy's signal, Xu Lai and the others still had two to three thousand men available.

But these people either have to guard important places such as warehouses, dungeons, and prisons.

Either they have to guard the castle, the city hall, the houses of Jimmy and others, etc.

In short, these two teams of more than a hundred knights are all the strength that Jimmy can use now.

In order to ensure that nothing went wrong, Xu Lai also summoned Elvi, who was looking after the house, leaving only the paladins who had been given a warning order to guard the castle. (End of chapter)

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