The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 539 Mutual Benefit

There is one person who takes the lead and successfully reaps the benefits. This leader effect is very useful.

Things like positions and certificates of innocence were not visible at the scene, but the 5,000 gold coins were shining brightly and blinded many people's eyes.

As a result, reports came one after another at the scene.

And each one is more urgent than the last, because many people actually have the same information.

For example, most of the specific information about the underground members is the ones who usually behave more openly.

Intelligence and information have only one-time value.

Before others know it, information can be worth thousands of dollars.

But after others have learned about it, this information becomes worthless.

The same goes for information about dungeons. The experience of the young mercenary before was, after all, only a minority.

Most of the maps obtained by others were old information from major cities. Otherwise, with the purchasing power of these mercenaries, they would never spend a lot of money to buy an unused map.

But then again, dungeons have been associated with treasures, adventures, etc. since ancient times.

When Xu Lai explored the dungeon for the first time, he received great benefits one after another.

Not only did he get an elf general, but he also upgraded Giselle to level 9 and became a titled ranger. Not only that, he also had the ability to train phantom shooters.

Su Ya just gave him the good news yesterday. After a week or so of crazy training, the first batch of sharpshooters brought up from the underground have all advanced into phantom shooters.

Although the Phantom Shooter is only a level 6 long-range combat unit, in terms of combat effectiveness, the Marksman Master and the Explosive Marksman, who are both Level 6, are not worthy of carrying the Phantom Shooter's shoes.

Xu Lai really wasn't exaggerating at all. The phantom shooter's exaggerated range and lack of half-arrow penalty were enough to kill any shooter instantly.

Of course, there are also shortcomings. The Phantom Archer is equipped with a bow and three quivers. While ensuring long-range output capabilities, it also further weakens the melee capabilities.

Although due to its characteristics, the phantom archer can use a bow and arrow to fight back even if he is approached, the complex action of drawing a bow and shooting an arrow will be greatly affected by being approached.

Therefore, phantom shooters must also have adequate protection.

The elven tree spirit and the phantom shooter are an excellent match.

They are huge, and when loaded with a phantom shooter, they can not only protect the phantom shooter, but also provide the phantom shooter with high-altitude vision, longer range and uninterrupted line of sight.

Moreover, the price of advanced phantom shooter is actually quite high.

In addition to the normal upgrade costs, Su Ya also reported that each phantom shooter needs to consume one unit of crystal energy.

In addition, Su Ya also paid more than 800 gold coins for each phantom shooter in the advanced training ground.

In this case, plus the cost of their advancement, the cost of training a level 6 phantom shooter is almost equivalent to training a level 7 paladin.

The good news is that crystal is a rare resource necessary for phantom archers. Whether it is a level 5 marksman or a level 4 long archer, only one unit is needed.

Training long archers is nothing more than spending a little more time and gold coins, and there is no need to spend more rare resources.

Xu Lai can reap such benefits when he explores underground for the first time.

There are also many other organized forces that have gone underground, especially group organizations such as mercenary groups.

This kind of force that has conquered dungeons for a long time is Xu Lai's real trading partner.

However, the information provided by others was not useless. At least it enriched Xu Lai's map and information.

And ordinary people are not the focus of his punishment.

Therefore, even if others submit the same information, as long as there is new content, Xu Lai will at least provide a certificate of innocence.

This thing is just a piece of paper. While the walls of Kaunaston Castle are still there, Xu Lai only needs to block a few gates to control all the mercenaries in the city.

Three days later, in addition to blocking the entrances and exits, he will also conduct an inventory of all mercenaries and underground forces in the city.

He is not Aini. He cannot bear the existence of forces beyond his control in his city.

He also couldn't bear that his city was full of thieves and robbers.

The wealthy and aristocratic areas where Aini and the others live are heavily patrolled and tightly guarded.

There will be no thieves or robbers coming to this place to commit crimes.

But through the bartender in the tavern, Xu Lai knew clearly that there were serious security problems in this largest city on the grassland.

The establishment of a public security station alone can only curb the further erosion of the situation. If the underlying rotten roots are not removed, the public sentiment and economy of Kaunaston Castle will never exceed the upper limit.

Xu Lai did not wait until dark in the mercenary guild. Anyway, no matter where others were, all friendly forces within the radiation range could enjoy his attribute bonus.

And with his current level of 40, I dare not say that there is no unit in the entire Conaston that he cannot radiate.

He left the Mercenary Guild after receiving a large pile of mercenary information from the guild leader Mohan under the witness of many mercenaries.

Mohan did not directly provide the list, but he gave Xu Lai information on 23 mercenary groups.

Among them, there are not only 7 mercenary groups registered in Conaston, but also 16 mercenary groups registered in other cities in the empire. They only have branches in Conaston, and some are even just escorting caravans passing by. Mercenary group.

The closer these mercenary groups are to Conaston, the more information there will be.

Details include the number of people in the entire mercenary group, the number of combatants, the number of reserve personnel, and even the personnel who have left and their relevant home addresses, team stationing addresses, etc.

The entire document records every person in these mercenary groups in detail.

Including their personal level, actual combat record, number of tasks completed in the past, task rating, etc.

With such information, anyone can roughly evaluate this person's combat effectiveness.

Not to mention that the information was obtained by Xu Lai and his army, even if it was obtained by a small team that was far weaker than these mercenary groups, they could defeat each of them with this information.

Therefore, the mercenary guild should consider these information more important than anything else.

Because they know that once this information is leaked, no matter what the reason is, they will never be able to gain the trust of the mercenaries again.

When the Mercenary Guild was first established, the founder vowed to protect the secrets of the mercenaries with his life.

But unfortunately, when Mohan had to face more than 3,000 mercenary guild staff and a larger number of family members, he could only make this choice.

Now that Xu Lai's butcher knife has been lit, he will not give up until he achieves his goal.

The reason why Xu Lai waited in this bloody place was to take these away in public and completely ruin the credibility of the mercenary guild.

Just when Xu Lai asked Jilong, Jimmy and others to look through these materials, he personally compared the dungeon map and merged the relevant information.

What happened in the mercenary guild gradually spread.

Some mercenaries are unwilling to stay in this place any longer, while some killers feel guilty and want to leave secretly.

However, all the gates in the entire city have been blocked and locked, and the only way to leave the city is the teleportation array, which is also closed.

Even in order to prevent accidents and card break-ins, Xu Lai let out all the two most capable men, Elvi and Roland.

Roland left the Holy Light Knight in the castle, and he and the Holy Knights were divided into several small teams and stationed at the major city gates.

As for Elvi, she left the archangel and the angel behind and listened to Xu Lai's call.

She led the more powerful Seraph and flew over Conaston.

The martial law in Conaston not only frightened the mercenaries, but also frightened the directors and consuls of the major caravans.

Fortunately, the city gate guards told them that the city gate was not permanently closed and would still be opened during the day.

However, entry and exit will not be as convenient as before, and everyone needs to be inspected.

Normal caravan members can enter and exit without any hindrance after verifying their identity.

However, if the caravan hires mercenaries without proof of innocence, it can only give up these mercenaries or stay with these mercenaries in the city.

But at the same time, Xu Lai also made some compensation.

In addition to the city entry tax exemptions that had been issued previously, Xu Lai also allowed these merchants to pay taxes only on the goods they bought and sold.

According to the rules of the empire, commercial taxes have always been paid based on the volume of goods sold by merchants.

Therefore, the more cities they visit, the more expensive these goods will be, otherwise merchants will simply not be able to make back their money.

Moreover, this will also put greater pressure on merchants. They will not dare to easily sell new products that have not been tested by the market to unfamiliar cities.

There were countless merchants who sold goods from the South to the North, or goods from the North to the South.

As a result, due to different customs in the two places, sales were bleak and it went bankrupt overnight.

Xu Lai's compensation plan is equivalent to collecting only taxes on moving goods, which greatly reduces the pressure on merchants and at the same time gives them great profits.

Of course, as a way to make up for the income, Xu Lai originally wanted to lower some commercial taxes to attract more businessmen.

Fortunately, this administrative order has not yet been announced, so it can be simply canceled now.

After all, the meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step. If you are too good to these businessmen at one time, I am afraid it may be counterproductive.

I learned that I could go out of the city during the day and gain real benefits.

For a time, the merchants who were greatly affected not only did not complain, but after hearing that Xu Lai needed information about the dungeon, they took the initiative to provide it.

Xu Lai could not meet every businessman who came to his door individually, but after accepting their gifts, he agreed on a time to meet with these businessmen together.

Businessmen who travel all over the world are more knowledgeable.

And they are not like those mercenaries who work hard. The mercenaries are reluctant to spend their hard work money to buy some messy things.

But businessmen are different. They rely on information to make a fortune.

Therefore, any businessman with some brains will subconsciously collect all kinds of information.

The information they submitted to Xu Lai was richer and more detailed.

Therefore, Xu Laicai specially held a dinner in this brand-new castle to thank the businessmen who provided information.

Moreover, unlike the stingy Aini, Xu Lai is relatively generous to these businessmen and pays attention to courtesy.

Others provide him with information, and he provides others with channels.

The map is relatively rich in content, and Xu Lai provided them with channels for buying and selling weapons, equipment, treasures, and various high-value resources such as food, salt, and iron.

It includes not only Conaston, but also cities such as Martell City and Qingfeng City.

Basically, relying on the sales of these materials, these businessmen can at least make a living no matter how far they get.

And even for those merchants whose maps had been duplicated or who had no valuable information, Xu Lai also gave them the qualifications to buy war horses, crystals and other rare resources in Qingfeng City.

Of course, there will still be a limit on the quantity, otherwise just a few businessmen can wrap it up for him.

Most of the supplies and channels are in Qingfeng City.

Now, these businessmen had to go to Qingfeng City.

But it doesn't matter, as long as they can make money, they don't mind traveling a little further.

The mood of the merchants was soothed. On the second day after Xu Lai bloodbathed the mercenary guild, Conaston's economy was not affected. On the third day, dozens of shops reopened one after another.

The remaining chamber of commerce information for those that were not open, especially large shops, was basically sent to Xu Lai's desk by Mo Han.

After being suppressed by Xu Lai, not only did the revenge from the mercenary guild that Jilong and others expected not come, but Mohan became even more flattering than before.

Perhaps because he had already made an exception, there was no hesitation in leaking all kinds of information this time.

The board that Xu Lai raised high finally only fell gently.

After Mohan relied on the mercenary guild's channels to provide Xu Lai with extremely detailed dungeon information, Xu Lai allowed Mohan to handle the mercenary guild's affairs on his own.

Of course, although Mohan was allowed to handle it on his own, it still had to be shown to Xu Lai and the citizens of Conaston.

Otherwise, ordinary people who don't understand anything would really think that Xu Lai was bullied by the mercenary guild.

Only when the members of the mercenary guild were punished in public could Xu Lai let his influence penetrate deep into ordinary people.

This is no longer killing a chicken to scare a monkey, but killing a monkey to scare a chicken.

When the chickens looked at it, Xu Lai even killed the more dangerous, smarter, and more precious monkeys. How could ordinary chickens like them dare to disobey.

In the past three days, the saddest thing may have been the major mercenary groups, especially the seven locally registered mercenary groups.

Because these mercenary groups failed to obtain Xu Lai's understanding in time, nearly one-third of their members quit the group in just these two days.

The closer the deadline is, the more people quit the group.

At the major city gates, Xu Lai not only did not relax his guard, Jimmy was also taking all the prisoners as quickly as possible, recruiting soldiers to reorganize, and prepare for the next battle.

All signs indicate that Xu Lai is not joking, he is really going to take action against the major mercenary groups and underground forces.

The mercenaries of the mercenary group are also waiting for the final decision of their respective bosses.

After 12 o'clock tonight, if our mercenary group is still on the blacklist, then at dawn tomorrow, the mercenary guild will probably receive countless applications to withdraw from the group. (End of chapter)

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