"We are from the Evernight Mercenary Group. We have accepted an underground exploration mission and plan to try our luck in Shimmer Canyon."

The map was in Xu Lai's hand, and he was not afraid of others knowing that he was going to the dungeon.

The underground world is no better than the surface. Xu Lai has explored it himself and knows how complex the terrain there is. Coupled with the dark sight, Xu Lai has to bring a professional with him if he has a map.

Even if others want to follow him, as long as they go down the underground passage, they will find him there.

"What mission?"

The teleportation officer glanced at Xu Lai and continued to ask, as if he would not stop until he asked.

Xu Lai handed over another money bag as if nothing had happened and whispered: "Collection task, I don't know what's wrong with my employer, he just likes to collect some weird things.

I have been partial to items in dungeons recently, and I found information that there is an underground passage to the underground in Shimmer Canyon. "

The teleportation officer weighed the money bag, looked around and said:

"Okay, okay, seeing as you are so sensible, I will help you fill out the return application when you come back, so that you don't have to queue up next time."

Xu Lai smiled and said: "Sir, we understand that you are so stubborn, but we really have no way to confirm the return date.

You should also know that this kind of exploration mission is full of uncertain factors. If you are lucky, it may take a week or two, but if you are not lucky, it may take a year or two, or you may even not be able to come back. "

"Haha, that's not the case. I have heard of the name of your Yongye Guild. Your men are elite at first glance."

With that said, for the sake of two bags of gold coins, the teleportation officer didn't embarrass Xu Lai anymore, let them pay the money, and teleported away directly with a team of more than 50 people.

"Sir, they are not mercenaries at all. With this serious discipline, soldiers are not so obedient. Could they be mercenaries?"

As soon as Xu Lai and others left, the other officers guarding the teleportation array reported their doubts to the teleportation officer.

The teleportation officer snorted coldly and said: "Nonsense, you have already seen it, I can't see it.

And let me tell you, none of these guys are easy to mess with.

In broad daylight, would a normal person need to use such a big cloak to cover his whole body?

Look at how tall their knights are. You can't reach their horses even if you stand up straight. Even our lord's horses can't reach this group of people. Do you want me to stop them?

If you really stop these guys, believe it or not, they will poke a few holes in us without any eyesight! "

The officer was speechless because of the training, so he had to apologize profusely.

However, the teleportation officer waved his hand and said: "It's useless to talk about this now. There are hundreds of people here including the teleportation masters.

There are too many people and we have missed such an obvious target. Once the lord knows about it, we will all be miserable.

Wait a few more minutes. You can bring a few people and follow them in disguise.

I immediately went to report to the Lord and told him that we were playing a long game to catch the big fish.

If there is any unexpected gain this time, we brothers will no longer need to guard the door here."

Of course, the officer didn't hesitate. He immediately took a dozen people with him, took off his armor, only wore regular clothes and asked the teleporter to send them to the same destination as Xu Lai.

After witnessing the officer leading the people away, the teleportation officer snorted coldly:

"Eternal Night Mercenary Group, huh, what a bunch of mercenaries, no matter how much money I pay, they can't get the temple masters to say hello, okay?"

Xu Lai didn't know that he was being targeted, but no one in the small town he teleported to gave him trouble.

In addition, basically all the demons in the Northern Empire have been cleared away, so no city has been closed.

Xu came to a grocery store and bought a detailed map of the local area. After replenishing some water, fresh food and lighting supplies, he successfully left the city and headed straight to Shimmer Canyon.

The underground passage in Shimmer Canyon has always been there, but this small city was built later.

Most of the people who come to this small city are mercenaries, expedition teams and the like for underground exploration, so the city is well prepared for all kinds of materials for underground exploration.

Because the city is not big, the city's owner does not have enough strength to occupy this underground entrance.

Mercenary guilds, adventure guilds, even underground slave guilds, and black market merchants are not something that a small noble can fight against.

Therefore, the underground passages of Shimmering Canyon have become one of the few public passages in the entire empire.

This undoubtedly brought a lot of trouble to Xu Lai's profession.

The original intention of their outfits was not to attract attention, but because they were too neat and numerous, they became particularly eye-catching.

The good news is that, after all, they are blocked by the cloak, so they attract attention. After all, others don't know the identity and strength of this team, and they don't dare to provoke them easily.

The bad news is the same. They didn't show their strength, but many people thought they could take advantage of them, so they quietly followed Xu Lai and the others.

Roland frowned and couldn't help but said to Xu Lai: "Sir, would you like me to take someone to kill them?"

As Xu Lai's bodyguard, Roland simply couldn't accept the sight of many people following him.

"Calm down, Roland, you don't look like a Holy Light Knight."

Roland said helplessly: "It is precisely because I am a Knight of Holy Light that I must be brave enough to use my sword against these little beasts!"

Xu Lai shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Let them follow if they want to. If someone really wants to die, we will wait until we go underground."

Going underground does not mean that everything will be fine, but the underground does not belong to the sphere of influence of the empire, and the restrictions on heroes will be much smaller.

The nobles can manipulate legislation and use the legal situation to make themselves kill people reasonably.

Ordinary people don't care at all, or in other words, the rules have almost no constraints on ordinary people.

Only the group of heroes is a very special existence.

On the one hand, the laws of the world favor heroes, and on the other hand, the laws of the world also have great restrictions on heroes.

It's not that heroes can't kill people. Xu Lai has killed many people, but he will be punished even if he kills heroes from the enemy camp.

Killing one's own people, especially those in one's own camp, if it is not for self-defense or other appropriate reasons, will at least lose the favor of the surrounding people, and at worst lose the favor of the entire empire or even the human camp.

Of course, the lower the status of the person killed, the smaller the impact.

Previously in Conaston, he only locked up the heroes who offended him, but he could fully bear the consequences of killing these ordinary people.

It's just that relatively speaking, the underground is a closed environment. If Xu Lai really did something bad, the impact would be much smaller, and the reputation would be reduced less.

The impact on the surrounding area is almost zero, because the surrounding area is not the imperial forces, and it will not affect the relationship between Xu Lai and the residents of the small town.

Besides, Xu Lai, who has been to the underground, knows very well that when he gets there, he really doesn't need to do it himself if he wants to kill people.

The Glimmer Canyon is named because there are many fluorescent mushrooms that can emit a faint light in the night.

Xu Lai is very familiar with this kind of mushroom. It is a specialty of the underground city. It grows very well in the dark, but it can't stand strong light.

The canyon environment of the Glimmer Canyon blocks the intense sunlight for these mushrooms, allowing them to survive in the canyon, but they have never spread out of the canyon.

The origin of these mushrooms is naturally from the mercenaries, rangers, and adventurers who keep going in and out of the underground city.

As they kept going in and out, they would always bump into many mushrooms and bring mushroom spores to the surface.

Over time, these mushrooms spread on the surface.

This characteristic was soon discovered by humans, but humans did not clear out these mushrooms with strong spreading ability.

First, these mushrooms are afraid of sunlight and cannot survive in the sun.

Second, humans can judge the danger of the underground world connected to the current underground passage based on the number of these mushrooms.

If there are many mushrooms, it means that many people have returned from the underground, otherwise it is impossible to bring seeds to every corner in the sun.

But if there are no mushrooms around, especially in those dark corners, then unless this is an underground passage that has never been discovered, you have to be careful.

A little mushroom is useless, which usually means that all the targets, including humans, who have entered, have not been able to come out alive.

This underground passage in the Glimmer Canyon no longer needs to be judged by mushrooms, after all, its reputation has long been spread.

Xu Lai just glanced at the cave entrance casually, and after asking his assistant Jilong and several holy knights to guard the warhorses on the spot, he led people into the underground passage.

With a ding sound, Xu Lai had not had time to react, and a machete chopped down with great force, but was blocked in time by Roland who had been carefully guarding.

However, Roland could block the ambushes from both sides, but could not block the crossbows and arrows shot from a distance.

Fortunately, Xu Lai was also a veteran of the battlefield. With the few seconds that Roland had fought for, he subconsciously raised the shield in his hand as soon as the sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Several adventurers were reluctant to use armor-piercing arrows, and precious arrows such as magic arrows naturally could not do anything to the Lion King Shield in Xu Lai's hand.

Xu Lai, who had the ability of night, saw clearly with a glance that the opponent was just a dozen masked strangers dressed as mercenaries.

Maybe it was because the Seraphim following Xu Lai were all bulging to cover their wings, so they were targeted.

But no matter what the reason, this was the first time Xu Lai had been attacked.

Obviously, he was not the only one who thought the underground world was a good place to do bad things.

Xu Lai did not use his prophet's sword, and even the blade of doom, in order not to let these two more obvious artifacts expose his identity.

You know, he has provoked a lot of enemies now. If people knew that he only brought a few people outside, the ones who attacked him would not be these ordinary mercenaries.

It can't be said that this group of mercenaries are ordinary. The mercenaries who were well prepared still broke out.

The mercenaries on the left and right sides, one used an axe, and the other used a machete.

Although the attack of the one with the machete was blocked by Roland, he rushed up with skills, so it was so fast.

The charge skill directly hit Roland, and even this Holy Light Knight was stunned for two or three seconds, during which he could not react at all.

The axe on the left was even more exaggerated. Although its movement was not as fast as the machete, it ran up quickly and started to spin without saying a word.

On the left side of Xu Lai was Jian Yuan, who was responsible for exploring the way.

Jian Yuan was only level 6, and Xu Lai was worried that he might get into trouble, so he raised his shield and rushed over quickly, blocking the axe's whirlwind axe for Jian Yuan.

The sound of metal collisions continued. The opponent who used the whirlwind axe was obviously a powerful power-type professional, and his skills also had extra power.

But even so, Xu Lai, who was extremely powerful, still held up his shield and forced the still rotating axe out of the entrance.

The entrances and exits of the underground passages are generally in open areas, and there is a high probability that there is a flat land around them.

But if the entrances and exits are really surrounded, the passage will teleport the subsequent people in and out to the nearby open areas instead of near the entrances and exits.

Xu Lai and his men were not surrounded to death, but not many people could pass through at a time. If Xu Lai did not force them away, it was unknown where his own troops would be teleported to.

He suppressed the axe with his unreasonable power, and the other mercenaries could not cause any harm to Xu Lai even if they used arrows from their skills.

The leading mercenary knew that he had hit a wall this time, so he immediately threw a smoke bomb and immediately called his accomplices to leave.

The archers and crossbowmen in the distance escaped relatively smoothly.

The smoke bomb completely blocked the sight of Xu Lai and others. They were far away from Xu Lai and were fast.

If it was just Xu Lai and others, they would have escaped.

However, there were more than 30 Seraphim behind Xu Lai. Even if the Undead Phoenix was here, it would not dare to compete with the Seraphim blessed by Xu Lai.

There was no need for Xu Lai to call. Elvy, who had just landed, immediately took off with his Seraphim.

"Oh my God, angels, boss!"

"Oh my God, how can there be such a place, my God, everyone run for their lives!"

The mercenary boss didn't believe that there would be such legendary creatures as angels in such a place. But when he turned around, the angels had passed through the smoke and followed the faint light emitted by the mushrooms to chase these people.

The melee mercenaries abandoned by the mercenary boss were stabbed to death by Xu Lai and his men.

With the ultimate defense technique, even a warrior like Jian Yuan who was not wearing heavy armor would not necessarily be injured, not to mention that the others were all heavily armored Holy Light Knights.

Xu Lai no longer cared who was ambushing him. Anyway, judging from the level, this team was quite capable, but it was a bit ridiculous to use them to ambush him.

After dealing with all the enemies in front of him and lighting the torches near the cave entrance himself, Xu Lai asked Roland to notify Jilong and return to the underground with the follow-up troops.

As long as they successfully reached the underground, according to the map, they would be able to reach the burial site of the God of War's Hand in a few days. (End of this chapter)

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