The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 58 Waterwheel, Windmill

[Water Wheel]: Provides irrigation function for farmland and accelerates the growth of farmland crops. (The cropping time of different seeds is different, and the acceleration effect is also different)

In addition, the waterwheel can condense natural magic and provide the occupier with 1,000 gold coins every natural month (cannot be accumulated). Only 500 gold coins can be obtained for the first visit.

The waterwheel gave Xu Lai a surprise. Although he only got 500 gold coins during this visit, he would get an additional 1,000 gold coins every month in the future, which is equivalent to 33 gold per day, which is almost another small treasure like a gold box.

Moreover, the main purpose of the waterwheel is to provide irrigation function for farmland. The scope of effect is very large, as long as it is connected to the farmland near the waterwheel.

Xu took a look at the specific effects. After occupying the waterwheel, the farmland where he grew ordinary food was accelerated by 30%. The acceleration effect of another farmhouse where Elena seeds were planted was only about 25%.

Recently, Xu Lai ate white rice and fish until he vomited. He only bought a few sheep in the town and after slaughtering them, he got 100 units of mutton.

The food was really too simple. Fortunately, it didn't last long, so he could tolerate it, but he couldn't wait to plant various vegetables.

Different vegetables have different maturation times. Generally speaking, they are much shorter than staple foods. The longest time is only 10 hours. After Su Ya's manager and collection master double acceleration, it can basically be harvested in more than 8 hours.

Now, if we shorten the time by another quarter, the fastest green vegetables will definitely be ready to eat in the evening.

The waterwheel had such a good effect, Xu Lai became more and more looking forward to the windmill on the other side of the lake.

Originally, he wanted to calm down the area around the village first, but now he led his troops towards the windmill first.

The water of the small lake is extremely clear, so clear that you can see the pebbles on the bottom of the lake clearly at a glance, and you can also see many small fish swimming happily.

Xu Lai was not interested in eating fish for the time being, but he was very interested in the lake.

It just so happened that they were already far away from the river, and in order to save the reserved water resources, they did not dare to use it. Everyone, including him, was thirsty for water, and their morale was temporarily reduced by 1 point.

So after occupying the water tanker, Xu Lai ordered the 18 newly recruited farmers to go to the lake to draw water.

The 10 farmers and 2 militia obtained through diplomacy plus the 5 farmers in the wild manor and the occupation of the wild manor gave an extra recruitment quota to the own manor.

Xu Lai couldn't wait for the water to boil and took a sip first. Instantly, an extremely soothing coolness penetrated his body.

"It is said that red swans can bring good luck. If you find a pair of red swans here, you will get good luck after staying here for a day."

Only then did Xu Lai realize that the ordinary small lake Xu Lai thought was not a real ordinary small lake, but a swan lake.

So, the seemingly inconspicuous buildings on and around the Swan Lake are not very ordinary.

In the spirit of seeking truth from facts, Xu Lai led the troops closer to the windmill while looking and touching all the nearby places that were not turf.

Of course, most of them are just ordinary piles of rocks, messy flowers, dirty puddles and the like.

But before coming to the windmill, Xu Lai was lucky enough to touch a magic building.

[Fairy Ring]: You walk into the fairy ring, and before the end of the next battle, the luck value of your army increases.

+1 Luck for one battle.

Current luck: 1. When all soldiers under his command attack, there is a 10% probability of triggering a double attack.

A little luck, not high stats, but the combat gains it brings are terrible.

Xu Lai happens to have 10 shooters under his command, and a 10% probability is equivalent to having one shooter who can stably double the output.

Melee soldiers will suffer a bit, because while the attack is doubled, the defense and health remain unchanged.

But no matter what, this 1 point of luck is equivalent to increasing combat effectiveness by nearly 10%. The key is that there is no additional consumption, and even Swan Lake still needs to stay for a whole day.

With this lucky attribute, Xu Lai launched an attack on the pirates guarding the windmill.

Pirates are also human beings, but they belong to the underground camp along with mobs, thieves, bandits, bandits, horse thieves, etc., and have a natural hostile relationship with the regular army and ordinary people.

Xu Lai estimated that the group of farmers he was diplomatic with would still be charged because they were led by a mob.

Pirates are basically a level 2 bandit force, and then there are powerful warriors such as high-level pirates, pirate leaders, pirate generals and even pirate kings.

Even the most low-level pirates have the ability to increase their attributes when fighting at sea.

It's a pity that they are on land now and have no ships. Their combat effectiveness is weaker than the second-level land troops, and they are even less likely to be opponents of the third-level spearmen.

Of course, they don't even have the ability to get close to the spearmen. Xu Lai now has a group of level 4 long archers under his command, plus himself, he can kill at least 10 pirates in one volley.

More than 30 pirates can only shoot three to forty meters in three rounds.

This was already a very impressive speed. After all, Xu Lai was leading level 4 long archers. From taking the arrow to shooting, it was all done in one go. Three rounds only took three or four seconds at most.

If these pirates could take off all their equipment and change their characteristics to those on land, they would probably be able to run 5 to 60 meters. After all, the agility of second-level warriors would not be too low.

After shooting these pirates to death, there was no obstacle in front of the windmill, and Xu Lai successfully occupied the windmill again.

[Windmill]: Provides power for mills and can accelerate the change of crops. (Different crops require different times and have different acceleration effects)

In addition, windmills can condense natural magic power and provide the occupiers with several units of random supplies every natural month (cannot be accumulated).

Note: Rare resources cannot exceed 10 units, and common resources cannot exceed 20 units.

Compared to the waterwheel, the windmill has no first-time access restrictions, but it does not provide gold coins, but supplies.

After occupying the windmill, like the waterwheel, the windmill also automatically generates a manager.

"Sir, I worked hard to earn 16 units of stone for you. Please come back next month!"

16 units of stone, plus the 15 units in Xu Lai's inventory, make a total of 31 units, which is enough to build a sentry tower.

There happened to be many farmers in the family. After Xu Lai randomly transferred 9 farmers to continue building farmhouses, the remaining 9 farmers continued to fetch water and fish, and 4 of them were transferred to build sentry towers.

In addition to wild monsters, there are also many wild animals in this area.

This place is deserted, with plenty of herbivores and carnivores. In addition, there are some weak wild monsters that can also be used as food.

The scouts have reported to Xu Lai three groups of wild animals. The largest group is the wolf pack, with a total of 50 animals. The strongest group is the lion group, with a total of about a dozen male and female lions.

Thank you: little duck, I gave you a reward for eating prawn noodles.

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