The auction has been going on in full swing, and the main auction items are all provided by Xu Lai.

The entire auction will last for three days. During these three days, a dragon material combination will be launched in the morning and afternoon each day.

In addition to the first day, an artifact was also arranged for the second and last days.

Coupled with the decorations and armors from the count, viscount, and baron's homes, the entire auction was very successful.

Almost everyone who participated in the auction or sent goods for auction had a smile on their face.

The person who sent it for auction never thought that his things could fetch a price far higher than the market price.

For this reason, only 3% of the total price is paid to the auction house as commission, which is really a huge profit.

The only bad thing is that the person in charge of the auction told them that Qingfeng City Auction House will only hold four auctions a year from now on.

These four auctions are scheduled on the 10th day of each season, and it takes a full three months to prepare enough and rare items.

Qingfeng City Auction House, through this auction, completely made its name.

For this reason, Xu Lai does not plan to do it every once in a while like other small auction houses.

Once it happens too often, everyone loses interest.

Secondly, there is not enough time, and there is no time to collect too many good things, so it is impossible to build a reputation.

The person who sent the auction made a profit, and the person who took the auction did not lose.

First of all, at the auction, there were indeed many rare and even artifact-level items. These were things that no matter how rich you were, there was no place to buy them in previous years.

Secondly, there are some special products, such as Count Ani's golden toilet, which has won the hearts of many southern businessmen because it has value and gimmicks.

The southern businessmen were wealthy, but relatively speaking, they had little status.

Otherwise, these big businessmen would not be placed on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors, and the items taken by the dignitaries would not even be one-tenth of those of the southern businessmen.

But they didn't dare to make a noise, otherwise the big men on the 3rd and 4th floors would kill them directly according to imperial law, and Xu Lai wouldn't even be able to intervene.

If they provoke Xu Lai, Xu Lai will not tolerate them. His title is only a baron, but now he has received the allegiance of at least 3 viscounts and 3 barons.

Empires are falling apart, and law can only give way to strength.

But a group of people can only hire mercenaries and cannot even control the recruitment of soldiers. How can they compete with powerful people who can easily carry dozens of high-level guards.

This group of rich people usually hang out with nobles.

Now that I have this opportunity to take home the collection of aristocratic people that I usually hold high, the psychological pleasure alone far exceeds the premium price.

That is why Xu Lai did not bring Aini's family members up for sale. Otherwise, selling them for hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold coins would not be a big problem.

In addition to the collection that originally belonged to the noble lord, they also enjoyed dragon meat from the sky, bought a large amount of dragon materials, which can be used to make life-saving dragon skin armor, and recruited mages and mercenaries who were interested in dragons.

It was difficult for them to buy things of this level with money, but now they can not only buy them, but also in large quantities.

Xu Lai himself and the auction house also made a lot of money. Most of the money was provided by Xu Lai. Although they spent a lot, they basically still made money, and they made a lot of money.

He hasn't had time to calculate it carefully, but he roughly estimates that he has earned at least tens of millions of gold coins.

Of course, to Xu Lai, gold coins are just a number, and if possible, he would rather not earn any.

Unfortunately, although there are many things at the auction, with his current status, there are really not many that he can appreciate.

In addition to the Kirin Stone, I also bought two other artifacts and a total of 500 dead bulls from an unknown seller.

The Death Bull is another ultimate form of the Level 5 Buffalo, which enhances the Bull's mobility.

Compared with the 7th-level Barbarian Bull King, the 7th-level Death Barbarian Bull has an additional death charge skill.

Compared with the knight's charge, death charge requires a minimum movement distance, which is basically 100 meters. It cannot be launched below this distance.

However, once the death charge is launched, it is difficult to stop it. Not only can it bring huge damage like the knight, but it can also be knocked away a corresponding distance based on the strength comparison between the two sides.

Creatures like the Death Bull were originally known for their strength. After being upgraded to a high level, their power became even more powerful.

Even knights of the same level may not have as much strength as the Death Bull. In addition, the Death Bull's power will be doubled when charging.

Unless you are a level 7 Bull-headed King, who is also good at strength, you must have corresponding specializations and the blessing of a power-type artifact treasure set.

But if you are a high-level soldier, you are easily threatened by the Eye of Death, especially if you have a talent for defensive skills. It is extremely difficult for high-level soldiers to die.

There is nothing much to say about low-level soldiers. The charge damage is already terrible. Even heavy shield infantry who are good at defense may not be able to bear it.

Even if they could withstand the barbarian's death charge, judging from the huge strength gap between the two sides, the heavy shield infantry would inevitably be knocked away, causing huge damage to the formation.

This thing is basically a team-fight killer.

It would be fine if Xu Lai didn't meet him. If he did, he wouldn't let him go.

And the only way to advance to an ordinary bison is the Barbarian Bull, the Barbarian Bull King.

The only way to upgrade the Death Bull is for a hero to bring a Level 6 Bull to gain experience, and then choose the Death Bull when upgrading.

Similar to human archers, they can only be upgraded by manual selection, otherwise, whether through the Knight Training Camp or the Hall of Champions, they can only obtain Level 6 Knights.

Therefore, these Death Bulls are extremely rare, especially since they live in swamps and are not common on the land of the Empire.

Xu Lai estimated that these Death Bulls were obtained in large quantities by people using high-level diplomacy during the Bison Moon, and then trained to the top level.

It can be said that if you miss such an opportunity, there will be almost no next time.

The key is that although these Death Bulls have good attributes and skills, they are from the neutral camp.

It’s not that you can’t bring soldiers from the neutral camp, but bringing them will lose a lot of morale. First, the morale rewards of the same camp will disappear, and there will be morale penalties from the neutral camp.

This back and forth will cause a huge loss of morale.

Of course, this does not mean that the nobles in the north and the heroes present are not interested in these barbaric bulls.

Although there are several heroes present who are famous and seem to be strong, the consignor requires them to be sold out.

The consignor came late and was unwilling to disclose any personal information. He only gave a code name and did not provide any information.

In this case, Wei Yihong really inserted him temporarily for the sake of this group of barbaric bulls.

Since he was temporarily inserted, it was obviously impossible to give him many games. Even the more popular dragon materials sold by Xu Lai himself had to be packaged.

It is conceivable that this group of barbaric bulls can only be sold together.

In the case that the other party is unwilling to sell only part of them, the cost of recruiting 500 death barbaric bulls alone is more than one million gold coins.

No hero except Xu Lai can covet the price of just shouting at the auction.

These death barbaric bulls have several shortcomings. One is that they usually move slowly and their charging ability is not so easy to use.

The reason why the word "death" is included in the "death charge" is not only because of the Death Bull's Eye of Death, but also because of another important reason.

Once the Death Charge is launched, it is difficult to stop. It is a type of soldier with a very long braking distance, and it is impossible to change direction in the middle of the journey.

The northern nobles, who were not very interested in the Death Bull, followed it for a few rounds after considering that the Death Bull was a high-level creature after all, and the Eye of Death was also very effective for high-level demons.

But soon, under the oppression of Xu Lai, the northern nobles were quickly defeated.

As for the wealthy people in the south, they had no intention of taking action at all.

They were not qualified to lead the recruitment of soldiers, which meant that even if these people bought the Death Bull, they could only control it by hiring the heroes who fell from the sky.

However, they were not qualified and did not even have the right to recruit soldiers.

In other words, once these bulls were handed over to the heroes who fell from the sky, it was hard to say who they would belong to in the future.

Especially after mastering 500 Death Bulls, a large mercenary group of more than a thousand people might not be able to suppress them.

Therefore, even with the convenience of sea transportation, the wealthy people in the south have no interest in reselling.

After all, the lords in the south, except for having more money than the lords in the north, are not at the same level in terms of their desire for soldiers.

The lack of interest of the wealthy businessmen in the south undoubtedly made it cheaper for Xu Lai, who finally spent only 2.4 million to get such a big bargain.

Of course, Xu Lai, who only has the Angel Alliance, thinks he has made a bargain.

Other heroes without morale protection just think that Xu Lai is stupid and pays such a high price to buy soldiers from the neutral camp.

In addition to 500 death bulls, Xu Lai also got two artifacts.

One is that he can finally replace his pants, which are just intermediate treasures.

[Triumphal Skirt], magic equipment, artifact, provides 65 points of leg defense.

Magic effect: Reduce magic damage by 33.3%.

Artifact Effect: Triumph, for each enemy killed, you will randomly gain 1 temporary attack power, 1 temporary defense power or increase 1 temporary health point, and reduce magic damage by 0.1%.

Each effect can be obtained up to 100 times. After each time, the triumph effect will be increased by 3 seconds, and the duration is unlimited.

Another thing that Xu Lai can't use is a longbow called "Sun Shooting Bow".

Although Xu Lai's ranged weapon level is already good, it is too wasteful for him to use it. There are more worthy people.

The terrifying attack power of the Sun Shooting Bow, coupled with Giselle's ranged ability, how beautiful the picture is Xu Lai can't imagine.

Everyone got what they wanted at this auction, and even the commission earned by the auction house was an astronomical figure.

Xu Lai is only a major shareholder of the auction house. He only provided the venue staff and some decorations sent later.

He almost didn't pay a penny for the funds. From construction to decoration, it was all provided by several partners.

He still had to take the lion's share of the commission in the end, but even so, after the partners shared the profits, they should be able to make back their initial investment.

The auction house employees received bonuses, and even other shops in Qingfeng City also made considerable gains due to the presence of a large number of merchants.

The tax revenue of the entire Qingfeng City has increased several times. It was only on the 13th, and the first half of January had not passed, but the tax revenue had already been earned by the previous four or five months.

After the auction, all parties were very satisfied, and the reputation of Xu Lai and Qingfeng City was completely spread.

Perhaps the second auction in three months will be more grand, provided that the world situation in three months does not continue to escalate.

During the auction, Xu Lai has been in charge of Qingfeng City.

Now that the auction is over, the Qingfeng Corps has also rushed back, breaking through several underground cities along the way and killing hundreds of thousands of underground city troops.

The losses of the Qingfeng Corps itself are almost negligible, and with the subsequent supplements from the commanders of the troops and logistics officers, the number of troops has increased instead of decreased.

The specific number has not yet been counted, but Xu Lai knows a rough number.

Counting the new recruits trained and recruited in the past few months, not counting the logistics troops, the regular soldiers of the Qingfeng Corps alone have exceeded 30,000.

After so many victories, a large number of soldiers need to be promoted, the army also needs to rest, and the new recruits and recruits need to be reorganized.

Even the legion leader Lena has no time to do other things for the time being, because she has to find a place to build a fortress city for Xu Lai.

After considering all the factors, although Xu Lai seems to be a little impatient to kill Aini, he still did not use the Qingfeng Legion after all.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Lai decided to take his own people and personally solve the problem of Aini.

But if there are not many available manpower, then recruit some mercenaries in the city. After Hancock came to Qingfeng City, he always wanted to show something, but he never encountered any good opportunities.

And he used these mercenaries not to let them go to war, but to let them be responsible for the post-war order.

The real combatants are still the Archangel Legion, but this time they will be joined by the Mage Legion led by Yu Lan and the Phantom Shooter Legion led by Giselle.

Finally, there are the priests led by Elena who had rushed over from the temple before, and the Paladin Corps responsible for protecting them.

If it is not enough, Xu Lai can also count the 500 death bulls, anyway, only he is suitable to lead this thing.

Mages, phantom shooters, priests and angels, there are almost more than a thousand people.

Knights plus bulls, if not enough, some griffins can be counted, there are also more than a thousand people.

Many of the mercenaries in Qingfeng City are the ones that Xu Lai personally rescued, at least the leadership is, so they are more trustworthy and can be brought more.

Add some logistics personnel borrowed from Wang Chao, and if they are handed over to Jilonglai to lead, it will be just enough to gather 5,000 people.

With these 5,000 people, and Jimmy to support as soon as possible, Xu Lai should not have to worry about the subsequent governance issues after taking down the two castles.

The matter of organizing the troops was handed over to Su Ya. After Xu Lai sent his friends away, there were still a few representatives of the forces who needed to be met. (End of this chapter)

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