The Eastern Empire mass-produced griffons, and Duke Yuwen Shaogong also had the talent of griffons.

When the group of griffins led by Yuwen Shaogong personally engages in swooping combat, the group of griffins that covers the sky and the sun can cause extremely terrifying damage.

It can be said that Yuwen Shaogong's group of griffons is the nemesis of any ground unit.

Most of the griffons accumulated by the empire in recent decades are in the hands of Yuwen Shaogong, which is the most precious legacy.

The other party's arrogant attitude completely offended Xu Lai.

Xu Lai said nothing, and said to the knight commander Roland who was guarding him:

"Go, break his legs for me. I don't like someone standing in front of me and talking to me like that."

Roland didn't care if the other party was a messenger, he was just a loyal knight who would never disobey Xu Lai's orders.

"Are you crazy? If you do this, Grand Duke Yuwen will not let you go."

As he spoke, the rest of the mission and the guards all rushed forward.

There were not many people in the Eastern Empire's mission, only about ten people in total, so like the elves and others, Xu Lai let all the people in.

This is his castle after all. From the entrance of the castle, there are always a large number of paladins patrolling and guarding.

When he went to the imperial capital to recruit angels, Xu Lai also deliberately took the more than 40 knights he had recruited from the Hall of Champions in the past two months to the mountain fortress on the way.

Moreover, in the castle, in addition to his paladin guards, there are also troops who are usually responsible for defending the castle.

There are more than a thousand of our own guards nearby, and there are even four Holy Light Knights standing guard outside the gate. There are only a dozen people, but they are still guards whose weapons have been confiscated, so don't worry about it at all.

Roland didn't even draw his sword. He just waved his hand and the four Holy Light Knights outside the door rushed in.

They were also using bare hands, but the Knights of Holy Light were heavily armored. The opponent's guards banged their hands on the armor, smashing their hands, but they couldn't do any damage.

In less than two minutes, the messenger who had spoken before had his leg bones broken by the Holy Light Knights, and he knelt down in front of Xu Lai.

Xu Laishi stood up and didn't bother to talk to the envoy anymore. He walked straight to him and said:

“I don’t know where you got the confidence to come from thousands of miles away to come to me and give me a chance to make an offering.

If you have the ability, let your Grand Duke come to me personally and see if I can give him face. "

The messenger was quite brave. His legs were broken by the Holy Light Knight, but he still held his head high and said:

“Our Grand Duke appreciates you and is willing to give you this opportunity.

In the Eastern Empire, there are countless heroes who want to worship our Grand Duke, but the Grand Duke turns a blind eye to them all.

He specially sent me here this time. In addition to conferring the title of earl on you, he even wanted to adopt you as his adopted son.

Do you know how many fights and struggles the three adopted sons under the Grand Duke took before they were chosen by the Grand Duke as their adopted sons? "

Xu Lai's frown deepened and he said to Roland:

"Cut out this guy's tongue, and then throw all these people out.

In addition, in my name, decrees will be issued in all prairie cities to prohibit transactions between any prairie people and the Eastern Empire. "

After saying that, Xu Lai stepped on the envoy and said, "You have really insulted the name Dongfang.

Go back and tell Duke Yuwen Shao to remove the name of the Eastern Empire as soon as possible. In this case, when I defeat the Eastern Empire, I can still leave him a complete corpse.

Otherwise, leave the chickens and dogs alone, get out! "

Xu Lai didn't dare to use force with his kick, for fear of kicking the messenger to death.

Roland touched his head and said to Xu Lai: "Lord, can the tongue be cut?"

Xu Lai rolled his eyes and said: "Cut it, of course it must be cut. If you can't cut it cleanly, let him say even a few words in the future, and I will give you to Yuwen Shaogong as my son."

Roland quickly shook his head and said, "I don't want to recognize my father. I'm afraid that if I cut his tongue, I won't be able to send you a message."

Xu Lai said angrily: "Aren't there more than ten of them? I didn't ask you to cut them all off. Just leave a few to carry messages.

Also, remember not to break their legs, at least let them leave on their own. "

For no reason, someone came to Xu Lai's door and wanted to find a godfather for Xu. Xu Lai even laughed angrily.

Su Ya on the side quickly comforted her: "Okay, okay, my lord, what is your status now? Why is it worth getting angry about such a trivial matter?"

After driving away the Eastern Empire’s envoy, Xu Lai shook his head and said:

"This is not a trivial matter. From the attitudes of these people, we can completely see the attitude of Yuwen Shaogong.

It's not like the envoy didn't see the prosperity and power of our Qingfeng City, but he still dared to say those words without any scruples, which is enough to prove that the strength of the Eastern Empire's army is far beyond our imagination.

In addition, Yuwen Shaogong is different from other nobles.

The other nobles basically rejected the hero, but Duke Yuwen Shaogong actively tried to win over the hero and even wanted to adopt him as his adopted son.

Only we ourselves can know how powerful a hero is.

The nobles are in disarray, each with their own problems, and there is no strong leader to control them.

This is doomed that they cannot truly unite with each other, because they each have to take care of their own interests first.

But we heroes who descended from the sky have no foundation and no territory at all.

As long as Duke Yuwen Shao is fair and just, and rewards and punishments are measured, it will not be difficult for him to adopt the heroes who have fallen from the sky for his own use.

At that time, they were a complete interest group.

I told the elves before that one hero alone can only determine one aspect of the battlefield.

If Yuwen Shaogong has enough heroes, he can completely avoid the frontal battlefield and rely on the soldiers led by the heroes to defeat the many with fewer, the weak to defeat the strong, and constantly cannibalize his opponents.

If it weren't for the undead holding him back, and if the entire empire was just divided normally, then I think Duke Yuwen Shaogong is the one who has the best chance of unifying the entire empire.

When the Western Empire and the Northern Empire were both defeated, they took the opportunity to devour the two empires.

The dignitaries in the Southern Empire are not enterprising and only think about where they can get more money every day.

As long as he saw the Northern Empire and the Western Empire being destroyed, he would most likely surrender directly without the need for Yu Wenshaogong to take action. "

Su Ya smiled and said: "What you said makes sense, but now, isn't Yuwen Shaogong being held back by the undead?

What's more, even if he can defeat the undead, if he wants to attack us, he still needs to go through Kerrigan in the middle first.

If Yuwen Shaogong is really as powerful as you say, I don't think Kerrigan will attack us first, but will first defeat the Eastern Empire. "

Xu Lai smiled bitterly and said: "I hope so. In any case, Yuwen Shaogong is also a human being. If he is strong, it will be beneficial to all mankind.

Moreover, the Eastern Empire is thousands of miles away from us, so it can’t cause us any trouble for the time being.

Compared to the Eastern Empire, I am more worried about the stronghold. "

Su Ya frowned and said, "Is there any latest news?"

Xu Lai nodded and said: "When we were at the auction house before, Elena gave me the latest news from the temple.

It is said that the stronghold camp and the swamp camp have signed a non-aggression treaty, and the stronghold camp has voluntarily given up all the land bordering the swamp area. "

Su Ya was stunned and said: "Give up all the land bordering the swamp? How much does that cost? I heard that the land near the swamp is of relatively high value."

Xu Lai said: "Yes, the swamp area is rich in nutrients. Even if it is just a little bit, it is considered to be very good land if it is placed in the stronghold camp.

Moreover, the boundary line between the stronghold and the swamp is also extremely long. The retreat of the stronghold will give up an unknown amount of land. "

"Then the Beast King is willing to give up?" Su Ya frowned.

Xu Lai also sighed and said: "Normal people would not be willing to give up, and if the Beast King can be so willing, it can only mean that his intentions are bigger.

Although the land in the border areas is relatively fertile, it is also harassed by swamps every day and cannot actually produce much food.

Coupled with the natural living environment of the swamp, even if the land is given up, the creatures in the swamp will not be willing to live in the Gobi Desert.

What do you think of this deal in exchange for a piece of land that does not bring much benefit but will cause countless troubles in exchange for a prairie full of hope? "

Su Ya sneered and said: "Then they have to be able to take it down. The orcs are all on this land. They have suffered so many losses. Don't they have a long memory?"

Xu Lai said: "You can't say that. Previously, I wanted to occupy both sides of the stronghold, so I lost sight of one and failed to gain either.

This time, the Beast King made up his mind, and he would definitely invade the grassland on a large scale, maybe with all the strength of the country.

The heroes and generals in the stronghold are generally of a relatively high level. In addition, there are no important cities on the grassland. The most important thing is that we are too short of manpower. "

“Prairie orcs are good at field battles, and we happen to be good at field battles too.

You let Lena station troops in Stonefortress, then you fight guerrillas and burn them to death with Doomsday Judgment. "

Su Ya came up with an idea.

Xu Lai laughed and said: "Your thoughts are similar to mine, but the enemy may not be as we imagined.

Moreover, the Stone Castle is still in the hands of the old guy Aini, so we have no way to set up defenses now.

In addition, even if the Stone Fort is taken down, the most dangerous thing is the enemy's flying troops.

The flying troops can completely bypass the Stone Fortress and directly attack the city behind us.

They don't even need a supply line. At the speed of flying creatures, they can go back and forth to supply on their own.

Originally, I wanted to sell face to the people in the Eastern Empire and find a way to buy more griffins through them.

I also sent a message to the market, asking them to acquire flying units at all costs, not only from the empire, but also from the barriers, towers and even the neutral ones.

I just don't know how many flying troops can be gathered before the orcs gather to attack.

I don't even expect our flying troops to fight against the orcs.

As long as we can contain them and prevent them from crossing too deep into the Stone Castle, we will be satisfied if we can rush to Qingfeng City or Kaunaston Castle to carry out destruction. "

Su Ya thought for a while and said to Xu Lai: "Don't worry too much, there will be a way to the mountain.

Aren't you still wondering where to build a barrier city?

In my opinion, it would be better to dismantle the Stone Fortress and use readily available materials to build a larger fortress on the spot.

Orcs are best at fighting in vast places like the Gobi and grasslands.

Let's turn the entire area along the Stone Fort into a forest to see if the orcs still dare to divide their forces.

Although the forest cannot stop the enemy's air force, it can at least make the orcs more cautious and dare not send out the wolf cavalry easily. "

Xu Lai nodded and said: "No matter how strong the air force is, it can't directly capture the city, and it doesn't even dare to get too close to large cities with complete city defenses.

The only trouble is that the logistics supply routes and trade routes will be harassed and destroyed by the air force.

But if all the people in the Stone Fort and the surrounding areas are moved to the Stone Fort, there is no need to worry too much about the supply problem.

The remaining problem is whether I can unify and mobilize the entire grassland before the orcs attack.

If I can take over the entire grassland and unify all resources by then, I have the confidence to drive those orcs away. ”

After all, there was a big battle with the orcs before, and at least an entire thunderbird army of the orcs was destroyed, as well as a large number of air forces such as self-defense bats.

More importantly, the ogres and supplies on the orc border were severely destroyed by Xu Lai.

One of the two most important wolf cavalry units in the stronghold was directly destroyed by Xu Lai.

In addition, during this period, the orcs and the swamps were constantly instigated by the Empire, the Tower and other camps, and fought one after another.

During this year, the orcs hardly got any respite, and there were actually big problems with both manpower and supplies.

If he was the Beast King, he might have accumulated strength for a period of time before slowly planning.

But it is not known whether the Beast King stayed in the barren Gobi Desert for too long, or thought that the Empire had no ability to resist, so he couldn't wait to invade the grassland.

Elena did remind Xu Lai that the Beast King might have obtained a reliable insider, such as Eniber who had lost his base camp Duke.

But Xu Lai had no intention of keeping Aini until the orcs invaded.

As the saying goes, you must first stabilize the country before you can resist foreign aggression.

If the orcs come quickly, even if he suffers a little loss in the front, he must first pull out Aini. He will never allow himself to have problems in his hometown while fighting in the front.

It is for this reason that Xu Lai is unwilling to wait for the Qingfeng Corps to rest, but to regroup his troops and immediately join the battle again.

Hancock has already recruited a large number of mercenaries through the Mercenary Guild.

The troops in other places have also been assembled. As long as Xu Lai is free, he can lead the Paladins and the Angels to set off.

Before setting off, Xu Lai had already told Lena to lead part of the Qingfeng Corps to occupy the Hard Stone Castle first.

Later, Wang Chao will rush to the Hard Stone Castle with a large amount of construction resources, and then move all the herdsmen, villages and towns in the Hard Stone Castle and the surrounding areas back to the rear. (End of this chapter)

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