As long as this knight is not Aini's son, Xu Lai can't help but say a few more words.

It just so happens that this knight is Aini's eldest son and the heir to the grassland. Xu Lai may soon be forced to become the enemy who killed his father.

It can be said that there is a deadlock between Xu Lai and Jerry.

Not to mention that he was unwilling to surrender, even if he was willing, Xu Lai would still have to find a way to kill him.

Therefore, since someone wants someone to be benevolent, Xu Lai can only let the other person be benevolent and be benevolent.

"Elvie, fly fast and help me deliver this gift to Count Aini."

Elvi bent down and said: "I am willing to serve, my knight."

After that, he picked up his newly severed head and fluttered his wings away.

Compared to his own knight master who was kind and benevolent, the knight's servants who managed to survive were already frightened out of their wits.

Thomas was selected as a child and became Jerry's servant. He grew up together, eating and sleeping together until now.

Jerry became an apprentice knight, Thomas became a groom, Jerry became a knight, and Thomas became a squire.

Thomas never thought that the master he had served since childhood would be killed with a sword in front of him.

Therefore, when Roland's sword was placed on his neck, a fishy smell immediately came from his magic trousers which were not gorgeous but were of extremely high quality.

"Don't, don't kill me, I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender!"

Xu Lai frowned. He had to kill Jerry just now.

But with such a weakling appearing in front of him, he would inevitably have to compare himself with the previous knights.

With a gem like Jerry in front of him and a rag like Thomas, he really doesn't like it.

Xu Lai waved his hand and signaled Roland to get this guy down before killing him, so as not to dirty his eyes by staying here.

Thomas couldn't understand Xu Lai's gestures, but he no longer needed to fully understand this stance.

As soon as Roland grabbed the back of his neck, Thomas immediately screamed:

"Spare your life, sir, I am still useful, sir. I know that Aini is in contact with the grassland people and I know his troop formations. I am still useful, sir."

Xu Lai frowned, but did not call out to Roland.

The information revealed by Thomas only verified Xu Lai's guess, and there was no need to stay at all.

At this point, Aini really can only wait to die without relying on external forces.

And this person obviously didn't like to wait for death. Coupled with the recent changes in the stronghold shown by intelligence, Xu Lai had already guessed that they were colluding with each other.

Otherwise, there is no need for him to be in such a hurry and come to deal with this guy himself.

Xu Lai was afraid that if the delay was too long, this guy would betray more of the grassland interests, especially the food and grass supplies that were most scarce in the stronghold.

When the orcs went on a large-scale expedition, the biggest limitation was food and grass, otherwise they wouldn't have dispatched only one forward legion before.

Aini still has some power on the grassland now, and many nobles are still willing to listen to him.

If this guy arranges some hidden food and grass supply points on the grassland, it will bring huge help to the orc army.

Xu Lai would never tolerate using the food produced by the prairie people to feed the orcs who slaughtered the prairie people.

After killing Thomas, Xu Lai looked at the city wall which was not far away, and ordered the pots to be buried to make rice so that everyone could have a full meal.

It's only around 10 a.m., which is more than an hour earlier than usual.

As soon as this order was issued, the mercenaries accompanying the army knew very well that they would be ready to fight next.

But they were not panicked. As mercenaries, they had participated in countless battles. Even though they had never fought against the regular army, they had never been as powerful as they are today.

The terrifying bonus brought by Xu Lai made them understand the power of heroes, and they were more eager to show their abilities, hoping to be appreciated by Xu Lai.

Seeing the mercenary who was already very enthusiastic without saying anything, Xu Lai seemed a little confused.

But this was obviously a good thing. He had heard before that many mercenaries needed to spend a lot of money before the battle started.

This is why he does not hire mercenaries in other cities, but only hires mercenaries from Qingfeng City.

Because he only has friendship with the mercenaries here, he doesn't have to worry about causing trouble for him along the way.

Not long after, Elvi flew back.

"How about it, is Ani in this castle? Is he satisfied with my gift?"

Elvi recalled the stunned and disbelieving expression on Aini's face on the city wall, and smiled slightly:

"I think he should be very satisfied with your gift."

This also told Xu Lai from the side that the other party was indeed in this castle.

Xu Lai laughed and said: "As long as you are satisfied, that's good.

What about city defense? Will it have any impact on Archangel’s visit to the city? "

Elvi thought for a while and said: "The city defense is quite complete, it should even be said to be very good.

But the morale of the soldiers guarding the city was generally not high, especially after they saw the knight's head. "

Although this castle is not a base camp like Kaunaston Castle, it is also a city that has been run by the Aini family for hundreds of years.

Complete city defense is the most basic need. After so many years of operation, there are countless high-end catapults and crossbows, and Xu Lai will not be surprised at all.

The morale of the soldiers was not high, but it was not what Xu Lai had expected.

Although this month has the punishment of the Moon of Sorrow, there is also the reward of the God of War Statue.

Although Aini has colluded with the stronghold camp, he has not left the empire after all. Even if he is an enemy of Xu Lai, the statue of the God of War erected by Xu Lai will still illuminate Aini and his troops.

Besides, Aini has leadership skills, and it has been several months since he was defeated by Reina in the wild.

In the past few months, even with a little serious training, morale cannot be low.

However, the morale of Aini's troops is low, which can only be a good thing for Xu Lai, and he is too lazy to care about the reason.

"Aini has a lot of troops, and he also hired a lot of mercenaries. When I arrived, I saw him encouraging the militiamen to climb the city walls and control catapults and ballistae.

However, those militiamen have a very poor hit rate. I only need to dodge a little to avoid being shot, so they should have no impact on the Angel troops. "

Xu Lai had fought under Aini. Although he was separated at that time to provide blessings to the temple troops alone, he still had some points in Aini's attributes and skills.

Especially after that war, Aini, as the commander-in-chief and legion commander, must have gained the most experience. I don’t know how many levels and specializations he can upgrade.

Our own angels are blessed with god-level offensive skills, so there is not much of an offensive problem.

But this time is different from before. This time there is a high-level hero like Aini, and the opponent also has offensive and defensive skills.

In addition, those mercenaries have all kinds of strange skills and weapons. They are generally magic-level mercenaries. They only rely on the angel army to deal with tens of thousands of enemies, and they are also responsible for opening the city gate. The difficulty is much greater than that of Conaston.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, Xu Lai, I'm sure."

Sure enough, if you ask, you are sure that Elvi will never shirk any combat mission.

Xu Lai ignored her and said to her:

"You can lead the Angel Legion later and stay on standby in the sky. If necessary, I will give you orders."

Angels are Xu Lai's most valuable asset. After the battle with Moriel, Xu Lai lost several angels who could not be resurrected. Xu Lai was heartbroken enough.

Fortunately, the dungeon brought three more little angels back to him, allowing him to take them with him to be promoted to Archangels, bringing the number of Archangels in the Angel Legion to 60.

With the addition of more than a hundred Seraphs, taking this castle should not be a big problem. What Xu Lai fears most is casualties.

This time, he didn't bring the Forbidden Magic Ball, so he couldn't limit the skills of the mercenaries, and he couldn't stop Aini from casting spells.

More than an hour later, after a brief rest and a hearty meal, the army continued its march.

This time, Xu Lai didn't urge him, let alone a hasty march, he didn't even run or march. He only asked the troops to walk to save their physical strength to the greatest extent.

If they had to march quickly to reach the castle, they would simply call the cavalry out to charge and kill them, which would be too much for them.

Of course, Aini may not dare, but Xu Lai is pursuing minimal casualties. Every life on his side is extremely precious, and there is no need to sacrifice it in vain.

Although it was just a walking march, it had logistical skills and divine speed bonuses. In addition, the level was not low, and the speed was actually not slow, at least equivalent to the level of ordinary people running forward.

Therefore, more than half an hour later, everyone could clearly see the tall city wall in the distance.

Outside the city, there is a shining moat that reflects the sun's rays.

Xu Lai and the others could already see the scene on the city wall from a distance. On the city wall, Aini and the others, who had a field of vision bonus, could see Xu Lai's team more clearly.

Aini gritted his teeth and asked an old scout:

"Maybe tell how many there are of them?"

The veteran looked at the sky first, and Aini immediately said impatiently: "Needless to say, I can see those hundreds of angels."

The veteran swallowed and wanted to say that those were not hundreds of angels, but at least the equivalent of several thousand high-ranking soldiers.

However, Aini didn't want the veterans to highlight the power of those angels, thereby damaging their own morale.

The veteran said helplessly: "Looking at the number of flags, the number of people is not large, but the opponent's formation is scattered. Judging from the scale, it seems that the number of people is more than 5,000 and less than 8,000."

Aini glared at the veteran and blamed him for not understanding what he said.

Then, Aini raised his arms and shouted: "Soldiers, don't be afraid.

There are only 5,000 enemies, and we can kill half of them with just a few waves of catapults.

Now I announce that no matter who kills any enemy, he will be rewarded with a hundred golds.

Kill 3 enemies, and your officer will be promoted to one level. Kill 10 enemies, and your officer will be promoted to three levels, and you will be given a title! "

The head of the eldest son whom he valued most had his head thrown directly from the sky. Aini was already furious.

By this time, he had already risked his life and had dozens of large boxes moved out from his castle.

The box was opened, and it was full of shiny gold coins.

No one knows how big these boxes are, but even if the inside and outside of the boxes are consistent, these dozens of large boxes can contain at least 100,000 gold coins.

Whether ordinary soldiers were happy or not, no one knew.

But as soon as the dozens of boxes were opened, the mercenaries on the city wall cheered. They originally worked for money.

I had only heard that Xu Lai was powerful, but Aini was not bad either. Not only was he high level and had strong attributes, he had also ruled the grasslands for hundreds of years.

Besides, no matter how powerful Xu Lai is, there are only 5,000 people.

Just like what Count Aini said, a few waves of catapults can kill half of the people.

Aini said so and did so. Before Xu Lai's ground troops stopped, he couldn't wait to let the catapult start calibrating.

Swoosh, swoosh, with an order, more than a dozen solid ordinary stones were thrown out.

This was just the first calibration shot, not expected to hit the enemy, but used to calibrate the catapult.

However, the whistling boulder still scared Xu Lai.

Xu Lai had experienced a decisive battle with the orcs. The flame catapult with a range of more than ten kilometers that Aini dismantled left a very deep impression on him.

Fortunately, the disassembly and assembly of this catapult was extremely cumbersome, so Aini simply left that one in the Stone Castle forever.

The remaining two were both in Konaston Castle.

This enchanted catapult was extremely precious. Even with the financial resources of the Aini family, they only had 3 at most, all of which were arranged in the most important Konaston Castle.

As a result, it didn't work at all, the city wall was directly occupied by the angels, and the precious flame catapult became Xu Lai's trophy.

The castle in front of him was just an ordinary city of the Aini family. It was not too armed at the beginning, and the walls were only equipped with ordinary catapults.

With the help of the range of the high platform of the city wall, as well as Aini's archery and ballistics, this ordinary catapult can throw ammunition at most 7 or 8 kilometers.

However, this is the maximum range. Not to mention the great reduction in power, the hit rate is also very poor. Apart from being able to scare people, there is no threat at all.

The stones for calibration are more than 300 meters away from Xu Lai, and calibration at such a distance is not very meaningful at all.

If you are not a professional operator, whether you can hit the enemy after releasing the catapult depends entirely on luck, and it has nothing to do with the crosshairs.

Ordinary boulders look terrifying, but after the formation is dispersed, they pose no threat at all.

As for spells, even the phantom archers couldn't use them at this distance. Except for the super-range spells like Doomsday Judgment, most of the spells were ineffective.

However, when Aini replaced the ammunition with precious explosive bombs, Xu Lai had to order Elvi to lead the Seraphim to occupy the catapults on the city wall.

After all, the number of angel troops was too small. Xu Lai was worried about accidents, so he quickly ordered the entire army to move closer to the city wall.

The mercenaries who had been prepared for a long time raised the tall ladder and directly set it on the city wall.

And the phantom archers, led by Giselle, kept shooting at the archers on the city wall to cover the mercenaries under the city wall.

The Holy Light Knights, in batches, held up the invincible shield and sent the first mercenaries to the city wall safely with more than a minute of invincibility. (End of this chapter)

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