The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 606: Stone City

The sword master's prediction was correct. After taking the magic immunity potion, although the spell no longer worked on him, Giselle's phantom arrows were not really just phantoms.

Phantom arrows also have real physical damage.

Equivalent to this phantom, it is also physical, so it will not be restrained by the magic immunity potion at all.

The sword master was extremely experienced, and he noticed something was wrong the moment the blade collided with the phantom arrow.

Such a strong air-breaking sound would not have such a little power.

But by the time he reacted, it was already too late.

And there is nothing wrong with him focusing on protecting his legs. Once his mobility is restricted, it is even less likely that he will have a chance to escape.

He just didn't expect that the arrows shot out would be so many and so fierce.

Union was shot straight away and was pierced by countless arrows.

Of course, it is impossible for a sword master who is good at agility to wear those heavy armors.

And ordinary shooters are unable to hit the sword master who is as fast as the wind, except for the ninth-level title ranger Giselle who has a sure-hit attribute.

Pierced by the dense arrows, a faint yellow light flashed across the sword master's body, but he did not die.

In the dying struggle, the sword master in the air suddenly split into four, and three more identical clones emerged.

The Juggernaut's clone is different from other illusions. His clone, like Giselle's phantom arrow, is tangible.

These clones are all capable of fighting and resisting, and can even inherit Union's fatal blow. It is impossible for ordinary people to distinguish them in a short time.

As soon as the Sword Master releases his clones, they all run away in different directions and are almost never caught.

But unfortunately, the Juggernaut who released his clone this time is still in mid-air.

Even though it didn't even take a second to land, this crucial time of less than a second was enough for Giselle to fire several additional arrows.

So what if he had a clone, so what if he could become invisible. The whistling rain of arrows fell, and the main body and the clone were pierced into hedgehogs.

After landing, the sword master was not even qualified to fight to the death, and even the yellow light with strong healing power dimmed.

No matter how powerful the healing ability is, it cannot bring the dead back to life. That is the ability that belongs only to resurrection.

Elvi landed next to the sword, touched his breath and said, "He must be dead. Do you want those two to continue chasing?"

At this time, Xu Lai almost rushed in front of him. He reined in his horse and said:

"Forget it, these guys aren't that easy to deal with. I don't feel at ease if you chase them alone."

The paladins kept rushing and fighting, and their physical strength was almost exhausted. Moreover, the speed of the Beast King and the Ax King was not slow at all, and they had disappeared on the vast grassland in the blink of an eye.

If he sets an ambush for Xu Lai and the others from behind, he will be the one who suffers.

"Gather the corpses and help me resurrect them."

Even if a knight died in battle, Xu Lai was not in a hurry. The root cause was his angel army.

The orcs have no ability to resurrect, and they will be gone if they die. But with this angel army on our side, we are not afraid of sacrifice at all.

Xu Lai immediately rushed over with his men, mainly because he was afraid that the three orc heroes would destroy the bodies of his own knights.

If the body is severely damaged, it is really dead.

Fortunately, they didn't have this time. Xu Lai was watching eagerly from the side, and the Beast King and Ax King also used a lot of special moves.

The rest of the methods are all used to save life or desperately. Once Xu Lai gets stuck on him, he will really have to explain it here.

After all, the Beast King underestimated Xu Lai too much and rushed to support him with only his left and right hands.

And he habitually left Union behind, and in the end, he also left a superhero from the stronghold behind in the grassland forever.

Of course, this cannot be the King of Monsters.

Sword Master Union has the magic-proof Blade Storm, the invincible Invincible Slash, the healing totem, the invisibility, the clone, and various potions, and he also runs the fastest.

Union has gone through almost all kinds of dangerous places and escaped unscathed.

But this time, Union was greedy for power and took the initiative. Whether it was the Blade Storm that could avoid magic or the Invincible Slash that could make him temporarily invincible, they had already been used.

Although his healing skills are powerful, they cannot be restored immediately. His invisibility is restrained by the True Sight Gem. Neither his clones nor potions can help him avoid this bad luck.

Not long after, the resurrection ceremony held by Elvi and dozens of Seraphs ended, and Roland and a dozen other Holy Light Knights were pulled up again.

In this brief confrontation, both sides made several moves, but they also retained many methods.

Judging from the results, of course Xu Lai made a lot of money.

Even if two archangels and a group of Holy Light Knights died, they could all be resurrected, which meant that there was no loss at all.

As for the stronghold, not only did they lose a high-level heroic swordsman, but the most important flying legion also suffered heavy losses.

One-third of the golden eagles were lost, all the rocs were wiped out, half of the thunderbirds were lost, and more than half of the entire flying legion was lost. If the beast king hadn't personally come to take charge, morale would have collapsed long ago.

"I'm sorry Xu Lai, we rushed here as fast as we could, but we still couldn't catch up."

Seeing Giselle appear alone, Xu Lai already understood what happened.

"Where are the other shooters?"

Giselle said quickly: "Don't worry, I'll let Yin Yi continue to lead them over here. I'm fast on my feet, so I'll come over first to check on the situation."

Giselle has equipment bonuses after all, and her agility is so high that even Xu Lai can't catch up with her on horseback. Only a short charge can make him faster than her.

The key is that Giselle still has physical potions on her body, and Xu Lai can only take the medicine himself, and can't give it to his mount.

With Silver Wing, the Pegasus Knight, following him, Xu Lai can be a little relieved. If these precious archers are lost, it may not be a good day today.

After the death of the sword master, the body will inevitably be stripped clean.

The most conspicuous thing on this guy is the nearly 3-meter-long broadsword.

This thing is actually called a sword in the orcs, which is the most incredible thing for Xu Lai.

Swords usually have blades on both sides, but this broadsword has only one blade and the other side is thick, which is convenient for chopping.

Even the sword master, who is famous for his agility, is actually not low in strength. The orc race has a natural strength bonus.

[Fang Mad Knife]: Two-handed weapon, long-handled weapon, magic weapon, artifact, attack 92-162

Special effect: Fang Blade, attack with 15% blood sucking, 15% of the damage caused to living things will be used to restore itself.

Artifact effect, Violent Blade, each successful hit will increase the attack speed by 10%, with a maximum of 100%.

Xu Lai weighed the knife, it was not light, put it on the body on the earth before, it should be very difficult to lift it up with two hands.

Of course, for Xu Lai now, except that the blade is a little too long, the weight will not cause any trouble.

If Xu Lai wants to use this thing, he can only put it on the horseback and use it as a cavalry weapon.

Otherwise, it will be very inconvenient to use it at this length.

However, Xu Lai's long-handled weapon skills are basically brushed out by the lance, and he has never tried the machete.

However, this machete has a very high attack power, and it also comes with 15% blood sucking, and has an artifact special effect of becoming more violent the more you fight.

If he appeared in the enemy group with this thing, relying on the violent special effects and blood-sucking special effects, plus Xu Lai's god-level offensive skills, as long as his physical strength was not exhausted, he would not be killed at all.

It was a pity that Xu Lai already had a lot of weapons, and there was no way to arrange a place for this fang-like crazy knife.

But now Xu Lai has more and more senior generals under his command, and this kind of artifact-level equipment can be used after all.

Even if no one can use it, it can be put in the auction house as a finale.

Although Xu Lai has made a lot of money in the past few months, he has also spent a lot of money to prepare food and soldiers to fight against the stronghold.

In addition, he has to settle the herdsmen who have withdrawn, distribute rations and crops to them, and give them land and houses.

These herdsmen on the grassland have encountered several wars in the past two years. If Xu Lai ignores them like Aini, at least half of them will die on the road.

Even if the grassland is defended, there are not many people. I don’t know how many years it will take to recover.

In addition to this conspicuous sword, the most valuable thing on Union is undoubtedly the space ring in his hand.

However, this space ring is locked, and Xu Lai has to find someone to crack it before he can use it.

Apart from this, Sword Saint Union does not have any good equipment, which is incomparable to Moriel who is wearing a set of artifacts.

However, his leather armor, beast boots, etc., although not artifacts, are also high-level magic equipment with very practical attributes.

But Xu Lai also discovered one thing, that is, even if those few miscellaneous items are magic equipment that increase attributes or skills, there is not a single treasure on this guy.

"Orcs are like this. Their heroes are divided into commanders and combat heroes.

Except for some heroes, such as the Beast King, who will take both into account, the rest of the heroes will develop in one direction.

Moreover, the stronghold camp attaches great importance to personal bravery, so commander-type heroes are relatively rare."

Xu Lai was very surprised, but Jilong was not surprised.

As a native of the grassland, Jilong had studied the intelligence of the stronghold when he was fighting with the stronghold at this time.

He didn't say that he knew these orcs very well, but he could answer most of the questions.

Xu Lai touched his head, stared at the direction where the orcs were attacking, and said after thinking for a moment:

"Let's go. In addition to this guy, pick up the bodies of the thunderbirds that fell from the sky.

Having lost nearly half of the grassland, it will be difficult for us to supply food for a period of time in the future.

These thunderbirds are advanced creatures, and they are very replenishing. They can't be wasted."

There were not many of them who could move freely, so they simply gave up the golden eagles and the big roc.

In addition, after a while, the recruited thunderbirds disappeared directly on the spot, so the few people didn't work for long.

More than an hour later, Silver Wing came to join with the Phantom Shooter Corps.

Although this unit did not sneak attack the flying corps of the stronghold, it did not expose its own strength.

As for Giselle, who arrived last, the only witness had already become a corpse, so she was not a threat.

Besides, even if the Beast King and the others saw it at that time, one or two high-level archers would not be a big deal.

Even in a stronghold with relatively poor long-range combat capabilities, there are still a few experts who are particularly good at throwing stones and axes.

"Let's go, go home!"

After everything was packed up, Xu Lai and the others marched towards the new stubborn stone fort before night fell.

After all, the place where they were staying was not too far from Pingfeng Mountain. If the orcs' vanguards hurried faster, they could catch up before nightfall.

However, as the saying goes, a skilled person is a bold one. With the help of these hundreds of phantom archers, who were at least level 7, Xu Lai was fully capable of fighting a small battle, except for the lack of support from mages and priests.

Moreover, after more than an hour of rest, the Holy Light Knights' physical strength had recovered a lot. If the stronghold really sent fast troops such as wolf riders to approach, Xu Lai and his team would be able to wait for the opportunity.

For nearly two months, Xu Lai and Elvy had been wandering in the wild almost all the time.

Although they successfully blocked the grassland, they had less control over the rear.

Su Ya told him that the herdsmen who had moved from the rear had basically been settled.

Various materials purchased were also being transported to the Stone Castle in an endless stream.

Lena also told Xu Lai that the construction of the new Stone Castle was going very smoothly. Thanks to the resources provided by major cities, the new Stone Castle was several times larger than before.

In addition to the smooth construction of the city, the construction of various military facilities was also smooth.

The city walls, arrow towers, turrets, catapults, moats, etc. have all been successfully built.

However, Xu Lai had only heard reports about these and had not seen them with his own eyes.

The most critical thing was the production of poisons. Except for the slightly higher cost, there were no unexpected situations.

Because Xu Lai purchased a lot, the price of materials rose a lot. In addition, orc slaves were difficult to buy, so the cost of these poisons was still relatively high.

The cattle and sheep prepared for the orcs were all in place.

As long as Xu Lai gave an order, all these cattle and sheep could be filled with poison and released to the designated location.

The only pity was that Lena did more experiments later.

This poison is only effective for orcs and lives with orc blood, such as orc warriors, wolf riders, ogres and half-orcs.

However, creatures like the big-eared monster, the behemoth, the thunderbird, and the cyclops, which are also stronghold creatures but have no connection with the orc bloodline, are invalid.

But creatures like the behemoth and the cyclops, because of their rank, will have priority to enjoy this fresh flesh and blood.

In other words, part of the poisoned cattle and sheep prepared by Xu Lai may be wasted.

Fortunately, only naturally grown behemoths and cyclops are eligible to enjoy them. The recruited warriors are not picky about food, so they naturally do not need to be specially fed.

On the way back, because they brought the phantom shooters who were seriously exhausted, Xu Lai and his team did not arrive near the Stone Castle until the middle of the moon.

At this time, the Stone Castle was no longer called the Stone Castle. Reina named it the Stone City. (End of this chapter)

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