Before the village was officially established, Xu Lai had observed the surroundings. Except for the larger forest where the harpies from the underground city were guarding it, there were no monsters outside the other two small woods.

But this does not mean safety, because no one knows if there are monsters in the woods. If it is like the woods at the foot of Pingfeng, it will be dangerous.

So Xu Lai threw the scouts to Su Ya. As a general who could go on an independent expedition, Su Ya could not only lead farmers. What soldiers she could lead depended entirely on what soldiers Xu Lai gave her.

This involves an issue of change of subordinate rights. After Xu Lai throws the scout to Su Ya, the scout needs to obey Su Ya's orders first, and then it is Xu Lai's turn.

Fortunately, Su Ya didn't encounter any danger here, and the scouts also scouted the entire forest.

The size of the grove is far less than that of the one at the foot of Pingfeng. This grove is only about ten acres at most, and there are no towering trees, so it appears to be more transparent.

Su Ya was not in danger because they did not go deep into the woods. In fact, there were still some wild monsters in the woods.

After the scout completed the investigation, he helped Xu Lai improve the map again. Two groups of wild monsters were displayed in a small forest.

The two wild monsters were not large in size. One was the caveman that Xu Lai had just killed, guarding outside a cave at the exit of the woods opposite Xu Lai and the others.

At the same time, the scout also reported that the number of people in this cave was only peripheral, and it was not clear how many people were inside. His invisibility technique had been used up, and he could no longer enter the cave to investigate.

Another wild monster is in the woods. They are a group of flower elves with butterfly wings. They are the first-level troops of the barrier. Their combat effectiveness is not very good, but they are flying troops and are even faster than scouts.

For his current main force of longbowmen and spearmen, these flower elves are just food delivery, but for the militia-based troops, these flower elves are still too strong, and it is difficult for the troops not to suffer losses.

"Master, please give me that elf too, it's so cute.

And did you know that this elf doesn't get wood by chopping down like farmers do, but directly absorbs the wood elements of trees and recombines them into unit wood, which is much faster than farmers. "

Su Ya seemed very excited, and Xu Lai was also happy.

When he was holding the witch just now, Xu Lai had some thoughts in his mind, but these monsters had no other abilities at all except instinct.

Not to mention doing some embarrassing things with them, it is difficult to take off their clothes without using brute force to destroy them, but that would be a shame.

Moreover, they have no thoughts of their own. Even if they can really do something, they are no different from dolls, which is really not what Xu Lai wants.

Su Ya is completely different. She is a living person with her own emotions, although it was not until recently that Xu Lai could detect some of her personality.

But precisely because this was a living person, and someone who was completely centered on Xu Lai, Xu Lai became sympathetic again.

"Okay, but don't call me master again. I don't like this title at all."

"Ah, but what is the master's name if he doesn't call him master?"

Xu Lai touched his chin and said: "Our village has been built and we haven't given it a name yet. Why don't you give the village a name first?"

Su Ya blushed slightly and said a little embarrassedly: "I'll forget it, I don't understand this."

Xu Lai pondered for a while and said: "This village will always follow us and will be built into small towns and cities in the future. Let's call it Qingfeng Village. You can call me village chief from now on."

"Village chief? You are a hero. Being a village chief feels like your level has dropped a lot."

Xu Lai smiled slightly and said: "What's wrong with him? He's just a bullshit hero."

Su Ya pouted. She was very dissatisfied with Xu Lai's statement, but she never opposed Xu Lai's opinions, so she could only pouted and sulked.

After giving the elf to Su Ya, the elf's work efficiency increased again, almost to the point where one could equal two.

In addition to this elf, Xu Lai also allocated 10 spearmen to Su Ya and handed her a bag of gold coins.

It was temporarily filled with food bags. Each bag only had about 500 gold coins. It was used when Su Ya advanced to become a soldier.

In addition, Xu Lai is also planning to build a warehouse in the village, and will also deposit some gold coins in it for Su Ya to use.

But now there are quite a lot of gaps in the wood, so the priority has to be pushed back.

The purpose of transferring 10 spearmen to Su Ya is to let her advance as a long-range shooter. Of course, those who have become militiamen can only advance to level 1 trainee infantry first.

It just so happened that Su Ya had four peasant women who had already accumulated enough experience. Now the peasants were almost enough. Xu Lai asked Su Ya to promote them to militia shooters as soon as possible.

Su Ya's attributes and skills may be more focused on logistics management, but Xu Lai wants to train Su Ya to become his all-round adjutant.

In Xu Lai's vision, Su Ya not only needs to help him manage the territory, but also needs to lead the team to clean up the surrounding wild monsters and constantly cultivate transitional warriors for the main force.

In the future, the scale of the battle will become larger and larger, and Xu Lai dare not say that relying on these few shooters can continue without damage.

Once losses were suffered, Xu Lai couldn't think of any other effect besides adding some farmers and low-level warriors to the army, besides slowing down the troops and seriously affecting the troops' marching speed.

As his warriors continued to upgrade, Xu Lai gradually understood the difference between low-level warriors and mid-level or even high-level warriors.

Apart from anything else, a mid-level warrior might be able to instantly kill a low-level warrior if he casually touches one. However, mid-level warriors basically have relatively sophisticated armor, and coupled with their high physical fitness, low-level warriors with average attack power may not even be able to defend themselves. Can't be broken.

Xu Lai believed that such mid- to high-level warriors could not be produced casually. Even if they could be recruited through certain buildings like farmers, they could not be built by villages or small towns.

Therefore, when the wild monsters cannot be refreshed at any time like in the game, it is necessary to have a reasonable plan as soon as possible so that one's own troops can be continuously trained and promoted.

Of course, if the situation of wild monsters is really not ideal, then buildings such as training grounds are still necessary.

Xu Lai could afford the 1,000 gold coins at the training ground, but the instructions at the training ground clearly told him that the 1,000 gold coins were just a ticket, and the subsequent training and advancement was the real bottomless pit.

When Xu Lai came to find Su Ya, he was firstly patrolling for safety, and secondly, he was redistributing according to the existing map so that Su Ya could truly enter the role of a general.

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