The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 621 Doomsday Judgment and Refresh

Hercules Shield: Set up a temporary wall at a designated location on the battlefield. The defensive durability is determined by the caster's mental power.

This is not a magic shield or shield in the usual sense, but a wall made of magic. Behemoths that do not have the ability to attack the city will not know how long it will take to scratch with their claws.

Moreover, Reina, who has countless resources, uses the Ultimate Hercules Shield scroll. Even without earth magic, it still has the ultimate effect.

The Ultimate Hercules Shield has a very wide coverage range. It can not only block all the gaps, but also have more.

The only disadvantage of this spell is that it does not exist for a long time. Even the ultimate one can only last for 40 minutes.

But even if it can only last for 40 minutes, Sachs and his Behemoths can't stand it, because these Behemoths have been staying in the moat.

The deadly toxins in the moat are always eroding the lives of these Behemoths.

The key is that the moat is also very wide, even a Behemoth of this size can accommodate two side by side.

This means that there are dozens of Behemoths in the moat at this time.

There is no way, Sachs can only order them to scratch the wall. After all, in order to break through the moat as soon as possible, the shore is full of Behemoths, and the behemoths in the river can't go back.

With the ultimate offensive technique and the special skills of the Behemoths, dozens of claws are scratching quickly at the more than 20-meter wall.

The magic wall cannot be repaired, and its durability and defense are worse than the real wall, and it is easier to break through than other places.

However, it can only cause half of the damage after all. After deducting the defense, even the Behemoth can only scratch off more than ten points of durability at a time.

This section of the wall formed by the Hercules Shield has not been deployed to the extreme, and the corresponding durability and defense have also been improved.

Five minutes later, this section of the wall still has more than half of its durability, but the Behemoths scratching the city can no longer hold on.

Rumbling, the Behemoths that entered the water first all died, and the huge corpses made the river water rise a lot.

The second wave of behemoths that entered the water had not had time to push away the corpses blocking the way in front of them, and their remaining life points also reached the end.

Nearly 50 behemoths died, but in exchange for half the durability of the wall made of magic.

The good news is that these behemoths are too large. In addition to the equally large behemoths, the rest of the orcs can use the corpses of these behemoths to pass through without touching the poisonous river water.

Sachs was reluctant to continue to let the behemoths charge, but chose the ogres with thick skin and big sticks.

These ogres, who are generally more than 3 meters tall, are also small behemoths.

Their huge weight always makes them accidentally contaminated with the poisonous river water.

The moat is still working, and there are always orcs falling from ladders into the river in other places.

Orcs who can't swim and are not tall enough to stand in the river basically have no chance of survival if they fall in.

Even if a few orcs survived, they would lose more than half of their health after enduring the bone-biting poison of the river water. Their vitality was not as strong as that of the giant beast Behemoth.

The declining morale made Sachs unbearable. He roared and summoned the surrounding orc heavy infantry to protect him.

After stabbing the ground with the big stick in his hand, Sachs' body suddenly became taller.

If Xu Lai was present, he would definitely recognize the weapon in the hands of the beast king Sachs, and he would also know the skills attached to this weapon, the gods descending to the earth.

After the gods descended to the earth, Sachs was immune to all spell damage, including control spells.

In addition to physical attacks, there was no spell that could interrupt his spellcasting.

After making all these preparations, Sachs released the spell again.

This time, Sachs did not release a strategic spell. Such a huge battlefield made each round of spellcasting opportunities even longer.

Sachs used his ultimate move as a 9th-level beast king, the Galloping of Ten Thousand Beasts, which had once withstood the charge of Paladin Xu Lai.

A vast number of green-skinned lizards rushed from behind the orcs.

Although these lizards can only rush forward without turning, they will not cause harm when they touch the orcs.

Most group spells have the function of identifying the enemy, except for a few spells such as the Doomsday Judgment.

And these spells have to be lowered because of this drawback.

The beast king is considered to be a dual practitioner of magic and martial arts, so his ultimate move is far less terrifying than the Pope's God's Descent, but the cost is much smaller.

The Pope has only used the God's Descent once in his life, and he is still lying in bed, and I don't know if he can move.

The green-skinned lizards penetrated the body of the orc warrior without any obstacles, and then slammed into the city wall crazily.

Boom, boom, boom.

There were continuous bombardments, and the green-skinned lizards used their big heads to hit the city wall and dissipated into the air.

After all, it was not a real lizard, and there was no blood all over the wall. It was just that the durability was rapidly decreasing as the lizard continued to hit it.

The power of the Beast King's Ten Thousand Beasts Galloping lies in that this skill can not only cause full damage to creatures, but also to buildings such as city walls.

This skill is neither pure physical damage nor spell damage, but a kind of chaos damage.

Chaos damage, except for invincible defense, can cause 100% damage to all defense types. After all, it is the ultimate move, so it is normal to have some special points.

Fortunately, although it is a chaotic attack, defense still needs to be deducted. The ultimate Hercules shield has extremely high defense, and each lizard that hits it can only deduct more than ten points of durability.

Moreover, although these lizards can ignore the terrain and run on both grass and water, they cannot climb slopes after all, and cannot climb up the city wall to attack the units on the city wall.

It’s just that the number of these lizards is really amazing. Beast King Sachs has been released all the time.

If he is ignored all the time, it will not only be ten thousand beasts, but as long as Sachs’s mana is enough to support it, there will be 100,000 beasts and 1 million beasts.

Lena had noticed the beast king who had opened the big move a long time ago, but when Yu Lan tried to control it, she was immune to the magic attack by the gods.

However, the magic attack on the beast king does not work on the beast king, but it is still very effective on other targets around the beast king.

"Yu Lan, I leave it to you. I will clear the protection around him immediately."

Whether sending Elvy to raid or letting Giselle snipe, the protectors around the Beast King must be cleared first.

The Qingfeng Corps had no mages before, and Lena had not made any arrangements for spell attacks.

However, for the defense of the Stone City, Xu Lai not only left his secretary, but also mobilized the mage corps from Qingfeng City.

At this time, Yu Lan was surrounded by nearly two hundred mages, including 7th-level magicians and mage mercenaries.

It was time to take action, and Yu Lan did not delay at all. She was the first to release her random spell.

Except for Sachs, who was temporarily immune to magic, all the orcs on the battlefield were hit by Yu Lan's random spells.

This time, the random spells were not the control spells such as confusion and hypnosis that Yu Lan wanted, but it was not bad. It was a deepening of damage.

The deepening of damage will bring 20% ​​additional damage to each orc on the battlefield, not just the ones in front of us.

As Yu Lan's spell fell, the slower mages also took action, releasing all enhanced freezing rays.

Generally speaking, among all spells, fire spells have the highest damage value.

But the orcs present, although they did not have the magic of fire control, still kept the flame protection array open in order to prevent Xu Lai from leaving the Doomsday Judgment to others.

The Great Prophet, who was far away in the base camp, specially sent two 8th-level shamans to come in advance to maintain the flame protection array with Mok.

Of course, because the base was under attack, this array was not as balanced as in the camp. Some places had less protection, only about 5%.

Some places had stronger protection. As the key protected object, the beast king had the strongest effect around him, which could reduce 15% of the fire damage.

After subtracting 15%, the damage of fire spells no longer had an absolute advantage, at least the lightning of the air system was not inferior.

But Lena still had the Sea King Flag, and with the blessing of the Sea King Flag, the water spell damage would be increased by an additional 25%.

After Lena's ultimate archery and Yu Lan's general characteristics, these 200 powerful freezing rays instantly cleared a small area around the Beast King.

As a single-target spell, the powerful freezing ray has high damage. If the Beast King had not retained the magic resistance set, these 200 rays would have killed at least 150 orcs.

But now, this result is less than half, only about 70 orcs were torn apart by the instant freezing ray.

Next, the dozen or so mercenary mages took action, and they all threw down group spells such as ice storm and ice spear.

And taking advantage of the gap created by this wave of spell attacks, Giselle and others on the arrow tower were able to aim at the Beast King.

Suddenly, thousands of arrows were fired from the arrow tower, and the overwhelming arrows and phantoms rained down on the Beast King.

Although the orcs filled in the positions in time, Gissar's arrows were too fast.

In an instant, the Beast King was almost empty, except for the Beast King Sachs and a few guards, who were still standing.

The Behemoths used their huge bodies and lives to shield Sachs from all the arrows.

Physical attacks do not have a penetrating effect. It does not mean that after the life forms in front die, their bodies will no longer exist.

For example, these Behemoths, after becoming corpses, the defense ability of the flesh is still there.

In order for the arrows to penetrate these Behemoths, the two defenses before and after these Behemoths must be deducted.

Of course, after becoming corpses, Sachs's ultimate defense skills and other abilities will also not take effect.

But even so, penetrating the corpse of the Behemoth and cutting off the two defenses of the Behemoth's skin, the remaining damage is still not much.

Suffering from the double blow of spells and arrows, there were few guards left around Sachs.

Others were shocked. In addition, his time as a god had ended, and the Hercules Shield had been broken, so they did not dare to stay there any longer.

Elvy saw the opportunity and was about to go out with the Seraphim.

At this time, Ruda had already led the reserve troops from the stronghold and flew towards the interior of the Stone City.

In the Stone City, in addition to the thousands of knights behind the city gate, there were only tens of thousands of civilians, militia and logistics troops who were carrying ammunition and controlling catapults.

Seeing this, Reina did not care about dealing with the collapsed Hercules Shield, but mobilized the griffin troops to fight.

The largest number of flying troops in the stronghold is the golden eagle. Although the roc and thunderbird have been supplemented, the total number is less than a thousand.

The griffin troops on our side have defensive skills to protect their bodies, but they are still unable to face the enemy that far exceeds the number of griffin troops.

If these flying troops invade, the city behind will inevitably be in chaos.

And the only troops that Lena can mobilize, the thousands of dismounted knights, have also rushed to the gap created by the galloping beasts.

Elvy sighed and led the angels to meet the thunderbirds. After these flying troops enter the city, they will cause great damage to their own city.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sachs, who hid back in the orc army, quickly commanded more ogres to rush to the gap.

However, at the huge gap, rows of knights with shields, with the blessing of the priests who came, used their flesh and blood to firmly block the ogres in the moat.

The water in the moat is constantly corroding the corpse of the Behemoth, and many ogre warriors are already suffering from the toxins of the river water.

Although the attacks of the ogres are powerful, they do not ignore the effect of defense. To cause damage to these knights and followers, at least a level 6 ogre warrior is needed.

Ogre warriors and ogre warriors below level 6 have no chance to break through the defensive specialties.

The knight followers themselves do not even need to fight back, they just need to hold the steel shield and carefully defend themselves.

With the protection of the steel shield, even the level 6 ogre cannot break through the defense. Even if they can hit the place outside the shield, there are priests to treat them in time.

This line of defense formed by human flesh is even stronger than the city wall.

Sachs, who escaped back, continued to wait until the next opportunity to cast a spell came, and hurriedly continued to make up for a ground shaking.

There are many city walls next to the gap in the city wall, which have also been smashed by the beasts. It’s a pity that the ground shaking randomly destroys the city wall.

But fortunately, two gaps were smashed this time. Although both gaps were relatively small, they were enough for the Behemoth to pass through.

Reina, who also got the opportunity to cast a spell, frowned.

She did not continue to use the Hercules Shield because the Hercules Shield was not enough to block the two gaps.

Reina chose to draw out the super artifact Doomsday Blade left for her by Xu Lai from her waist.

After listening to the report from the wolf riders, Sachs guessed that Xu Lai did not carry the Doomsday Blade with him, so it was not surprising that he drew it from Reina's waist.

It was a pity that he had just cast a spell. If he wanted to make up for a fire control magic, he would have to wait at least half an hour based on the current scale of the battle.

But fortunately, for the sake of caution, he was not wearing an offensive and defensive suit, but an anti-magic suit.

In addition to the average 10% fire protection, a Doomsday Judgment should be able to withstand it.

However, after releasing the Doomsday Judgment, Reina took out another piece of equipment before the flame meteor landed.

Sachs was very familiar with this equipment, as he personally gave it to Axe King Monroka.

Thinking of the function of this equipment, Sachs, whose face was as black as coal, was confused for a moment, not knowing whether to retreat or continue attacking.

Xu Lai left a piece of the refresh ball seized from Monroka to Lena.

The function of this equipment is to refresh spells and skills immediately, and get the opportunity to cast again. (End of this chapter)

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