The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 623: Punishing the Evildoers

"Quick, give an order to Commander Kenlo Hag immediately.

Tell him that his mission has ended, and ask him to lead the wolf cavalry to join them as soon as possible."

While retreating, Sachs immediately ordered to notify Kenlo Hag.

Today's siege battle not only caused too much morale loss, but also unexpectedly large losses.

While retreating, Sachs was constantly reviewing the situation.

The reason for the large losses was that the human spells were too powerful and the range was too terrifying.

It was also his own fault. He was too eager for quick success. He knew that humans had the killer move of the Doomsday Judgment, but he still used up the opportunity to cast the spell regardless of anything.

Now it seems that the other party did not directly use the double Doomsday Judgment at the beginning, probably to lure him deeper.

Otherwise, he would not have released a Hercules Shield after he had released the Earthshake for the first time.

The Hercules Shield cannot be repaired by peasants, and its total durability and defense are not as good as the reinforced castle-level walls.

At this time, releasing a Hercules shield was obviously to give him hope.

He couldn't help but send all the Behemoths and Ogre warriors into the moat to die.

But it was impossible to break through the defense of Rena, who was good at defense, with only a collapsed wall.

If they retreated at that time, the troops that had been deployed before would be lost in vain, especially the Ogres and Behemoths that were poisoned to death in the moat.

Moreover, the other troops responsible for the feint attack had to climb the wall with wooden ladders under the rain of arrows from humans and elves.

It was easy to climb the wall, but it was not easy to get down from the wall.

If he ordered a retreat at that time, even if he was willing, the tribal chiefs would not be willing, which was equivalent to giving up their own people on the wall.

But if he didn't retreat, he would keep his chance to cast spells, or simply cast the fire control magic on the orcs first?

Sachs analyzed it and the ending might not be that good.

If you use the magic of fire control, you can't use the earth-shaking spell. If you want to destroy the walls in other places, you need to wait at least another hour.

During this period, I don't know how many orcs the humans can kill by using the moat through that gap.

In addition, if you use the magic of fire control, the opponent can also use the magic of dispersing.

The other party has torn up the scroll of the ultimate spell of level 3, so it will be even less painful to use the magic of dispersing, which is a level 1 spell.

When the time comes, two Doomsday Judgments will have the same outcome, and there will be two more intact walls.

Afterwards, no matter how Sachs deduced, he felt that there was no better way at that time.

Unless our flying troops can take advantage, cross the opponent's wall, fly directly into the city, and cause damage to the enemy from behind.

In this way, with the cooperation between inside and outside, maybe our troops can rush into the city through the gap in the wall.

However, our flying legion suffered heavy losses as soon as it appeared, and it also suffered a lot of losses in the attack camp some time ago.

Although some more troops were added from the wilderness, the human flying troops still did not have an overwhelming advantage.

Not only did they not have an advantage, but in the situation of outnumbering, they once again lost nearly 10,000 flying troops to destroy hundreds of the opponent's griffins.

Of course, the royal griffins have the characteristics of unlimited counterattacks and special defense, which are particularly suitable for group attacks.

But even if they barely get rid of the opponent's griffins, they have no way to deal with the angel troops.

Just now he wanted Ruda to trick these angels and then eliminate them at all costs.

However, the angel leader on the opposite side was not a fool and did not fall for it at all.

Now after the loss of a large number of golden eagles, the air force of the own side, let alone cooperating with the ground forces to launch an offensive, can maintain their air supremacy is a luxury.

The spells are not good, the air force is not good, and the catapults and crossbows used for sieges are destroyed.

Only the hastily transferred cyclops are left, and more than half of them have been lost, and it will be more difficult to mobilize in the future.

The more he took stock, the more frightened Sachs became.

He hadn't even considered the biggest problem facing the stronghold now. The shortage of food was the root cause that forced him to take risks.

Now he had withdrawn the wolf riders, which meant that he could no longer harass the human logistics.

If there was any crisis in the Stone City, humans could always mobilize troops to station and defend.

As for his side, there was basically no reinforcement available.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Beast King Sachs was still thinking and taking stock, but was suddenly interrupted at this time. He couldn't help but glare at the other party and said:

"What's the matter?"

The messenger trembled in his heart. He knew very well how much anger Sachs had accumulated in his heart at this time.

The stronghold still suffered heavy losses in this siege. It can be said that one wrong step leads to another.

The chiefs have already found a place to hold a meeting on their own, and they seem to want to leave Sachs alone.

Now he has to report other worse news, and he doesn't know if his life can be saved after the news is spread.

Seeing the messenger trembling with fear, Sachs frowned. As the beast king, he was too disdainful to vent his anger on such a small soldier.

"Tell me, where did the bad news come from again?"

The other party looked like he was not only afraid of disturbing him, but also afraid of the news he was going to convey to him.

Even though Sachs had prepared himself mentally in advance, he still felt like the sky had fallen after receiving this news.

"Your Majesty, the military order conveyed to Commander Kenlo Hag has not been received yet.

And Commander Kenlo Hag's deputy general sent the latest news, saying that Commander Kenlo Hag had been defeated by the human army in order to cover their evacuation.

The human side not only dispatched the knight corps on the front line, but also the knights in the rear, as well as the three knight corps such as the Temple Knights, to chase and intercept them.

When they evacuated, the battlefield had been completely closed, and Commander Kenlo Hag's flag had disappeared."

The battlefield was completely closed, and it was surrounded by three knight corps, and even the flag had fallen. The commander's fate can be imagined.

Hearing this news, Sachs was so angry that he wanted to split the messenger in half on the spot.

"The Knights of the Temple? Where did they come from? Didn't they say that the Temple was no longer able to support other battlefields?

Where is that human mage? Go, find him out. I'm going to skin him alive!"

To Eni's surprise, Sachs hadn't executed Parame yet.

First, he felt that Eni and Xu Lai were mortal enemies, so there was no need to betray him.

Second, Parame still provided him with a lot of useful information. Even if they were really traitors, they were in his hands anyway and couldn't escape.

In that case, there was no need to rush to deal with them. Maybe they would be useful someday.

However, at this moment, Sachs, who had suffered a defeat and received bad news, was extremely angry.

He was in urgent need of someone to vent his anger and blame.

There was no doubt that Count Eni, who had bewitched him to conquer the grassland and provided poisonous food and false information, and his representatives, were the most suitable at this time.

The imprisoned Parame completely cut off all sources of intelligence, and even his equipment and underwear were stripped off.

But even so, in order to prevent Parame from casting a spell and escaping, Sachs asked Shaman Mok to impose a special imprisonment on Parame.

The imprisoned Parame could not speak, move, or even move his eyeballs, just like a living dead.

Therefore, just after being taken out of prison by the orcs, this guy fell to his knees in front of Sachs and the orc chiefs.

"Your Majesty the Beast King, I am really wronged.

Think about it, I have been staying in the base for half a year and have never returned to the grassland.

Those cattle and sheep have nothing to do with me."

Before bringing Parame here, Sachs had already informed the chiefs of the intelligence and received the battle report after the battle.

As expected, it was another tragic defeat, and the casualties ratio of both sides was as high as 100 to 1.

Moreover, on Xu Lai's side, the most killed were civilians who were repairing the city walls, and the logistics soldiers who were killed by the one-eyed men while operating the catapults.

In addition to these low-level or even no-level people, the most dead were the less than 500 griffins.

The remaining heavy shield infantry, crossbowmen, and knights' followers, etc., all added up, the death toll was less than 500.

And the high-level cyclops, behemoths, thunderbirds, etc. on our side alone, added up to more than 5,000.

Add to that the orcs burned to death by spells, the charging ogres, the other scattered soldiers who feinted and a large number of golden eagles, and the orc warriors who were shot to death.

The number of orcs killed alone was close to 100,000, and the number of injured was countless. There were several thousand seriously injured and unable to fight.

The orc priests were not professional doctors. They could not even compare with ordinary doctors, let alone compare with priests in treatment.

If a normal person went to them for treatment, they might cut off an arm for you.

If the seriously injured seek treatment from them, at most they can use spells or items such as healing guards to restore their health.

Such battle reports have made all the orc chiefs realize that in the short term, they will not be able to organize another offensive like today.

The most important thing is that even if they risk their hometown and gather all their forces, they may not be able to break through the Stone City like today.

The defense of the Stone City is really not that strong among the cities of the empire.

After all, the time is too short, and only this side of the city wall has been reinforced. There are only a few catapults and a dozen arrow towers on the several thousand-meter-long city wall.

If the orcs give the Stone City a little more time, the moat can be dug deeper and wider.

The city wall can continue to be reinforced and raised, more arrow towers can be built, and more catapult gun positions can be built on the city wall.

The orc chiefs who thought of this have already retreated in their hearts.

Just now, Sachs reported the bad news about the wolf rider commander Kenro Hag. Everyone had reasons and excuses to express their intention to retreat.

Sachs was of course unwilling to accept this, especially after sacrificing countless orc warriors and high-level heroes, without any decent results.

Leaving in such a disgraceful way would have a great impact on his rule.

In order to conquer the grassland, he promised the tamers in the swamp a large piece of land for nothing.

But if he didn't leave, he didn't know what reason he could find to convince these chiefs.

The most important thing is that even if he can convince these chiefs, he can't find a way to win.

After thinking for a while, Sachs ignored Parame who was crying below and said in a deep voice:

"Even if we want to retreat, those damn humans will not let us go.

The Pingfeng Mountains are difficult to cross. If everyone wants to cross safely, they need to arrange the evacuation of each department reasonably.

In addition, during the evacuation process, the soldiers of each department should strengthen training and restore morale as soon as possible.

Those humans will definitely take the initiative to attack once they find that we are retreating.

By then, if the morale of each department is still so low, we will collapse first without others fighting.

I think you must know where the Pingfeng Mountains are.

When our ancestors were driven to the wilderness by humans, they were slaughtered by humans at the foot of the Pingfeng Mountains by millions of people."

Sachs said this, and everyone really dared not ignore it.

After all, what Sachs said was right. Once the enemy chased them and they couldn't beat them, they could only be slaughtered at the foot of the Pingfeng Mountains.

The few gaps in the Pingfeng Mountains are extremely narrow, and there are only a few narrow roads to climb on this mountain.

As long as the human army forces the orcs up the mountain, they don't need to chase them. This mountain alone can kill half of the orcs.

And if they want to fight against humans, with the current morale of the army, unless the number is increased tenfold, there is no chance of winning.

Just when everyone wanted to get up and leave, Sachs stopped them and said:

"Now that things have come to this, there is no need to rush. Let's deal with this spy first, and then hang his head in each camp. Maybe it will help restore morale a little."

Whether it helps or not, these chiefs have lost their troops and have accumulated a lot of anger.

They dare not vent their anger on the beast king Sachs, but what else do they have to worry about when facing a human.

Sachs didn't get the chance to do it himself after all. These leaders who were beaten by the human army and fled with their heads in their arms wanted to do it themselves.

But what Sachs said before did come true.

Parame, the human traitor, was skinned alive by the experienced ogre chief.

In the other world, even mages have stronger physiques and lives.

Ordinary people could not survive such punishment, but Parame survived.

The orcs were skinning in the middle of the night, while Lena was organizing the second resurrection ceremony in the middle of the night.

Xu Lai, who was far away near Conaston City, did not have time to reminisce with Lena.

After giving her the task of chasing the 3,000 wolf knights who escaped, he took Tahan and others to Qingfeng City overnight. (End of this chapter)

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