The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 626 Continuous Trial

Saxe didn't know that the wolf cavalry had been wiped out.

He couldn't say he didn't know. He had guesses about the fate of these wolf cavalrymen who had lost contact one after another.

In addition, after three days, except for some scattered wolf cavalrymen, only a group of less than 2,000 wolf cavalrymen returned to the camp in an organized manner.

Some of those scattered wolf cavalrymen had been separated long ago, some got lost in the rear, and some escaped because of various battles.

According to the descriptions of these wolf cavalrymen, Saxe was also very clear that Xu Lai had been leading his cavalry troops to constantly strangle his wolf cavalrymen.

And his wolf cavalrymen couldn't run away, and they were unfamiliar with the place. Even though they had already started to retreat, they were still stopped by Xu Lai in time.

Those who had not returned for three days, nearly four days, should never come back.

While the enemy's cavalry troops had not yet arrived to join, Saxe finally made up his mind and ordered the entire army to retreat in an orderly manner.

The first to leave were the Cyclops, who had caused the most trouble and suffered the most losses.

These big guys, although not many in number, only had more than 6,000 or 7,000 people, including some giants who had not advanced and the wounded.

However, the appetite of these big guys was equivalent to that of 4 or 5 orcs, and they moved very slowly, so letting them go first would not drag down the large army.

But in fact, Sachs was quite dissatisfied, because as a long-range force, the Cyclops would be more likely to deter Xu Lai.

But in the current situation, for the sake of the overall situation, no matter how dissatisfied he was, he could only suppress it in his heart.

The Cyclops did not move fast. After they had been gone for about a day, Sachs arranged for the major ogre tribes to evacuate in order.

The actions in the orc camp did not escape Elvy's surveillance, and were reported to Reina early.

But it was indeed as Xu Lai guessed, Reina chose to keep her troops in place and respond to changes with constancy.

Reina's talent is defense, and it is not passed down from the previous generation, but awakened through her own long-term fighting.

Just from this talent, it can be seen that Reina is not a person who likes to take the initiative to attack, she prefers to defend and counterattack.

Although this may miss some opportunities, the elves don't have much ambition, they just want to protect their own piece of land.

Fortunately, at this time, Xu Lai has gathered all the knights and returned to the Stone City.

The orcs learned a lesson, and this time the camp is farther away from the Stone City, a full 30 or 40 kilometers.

Xu Lai's eagle eye technique has been forgotten through props. Without this ability, even if he stands on the highest-level arrow tower, he can't see the camp in the distance clearly.

It doesn't matter if you can't see it clearly. Xu Lai took Roland, Tahan, Yan Feng, Lina, Jian Yuan and others, and under the cover of Elvy, he personally rode to the orc camp.

Of course, even if there are angels, they dare not get too close, just use telescopes to watch from a distance.

Jian Yuan, who was a professional scout, found the traps set by the orcs at the first time.

In addition, the orcs had set up a large number of chevaux de frise and spikes. It would not be as easy for the cavalry to rush into the orcs' camp as it was that night.

The orcs should have completely given up the idea of ​​​​the stubborn stone city. Not only did they lay the chevaux de frise for dozens of meters, but the bottom was also buried in the soil.

Such a structure is similar to permanent fortifications. The orcs themselves cannot move these chevaux de frise.

With the strength of Xu Lai's cavalry, although there are many chevaux de frise, they can still break through.

However, to break through these chevaux de frise, Tahan must lead the brave knights to charge, and only they have the ability to charge continuously.

However, if they lead the charge, they will lose the charge bonus after breaking through the chevaux de frise, and will fall into a stalemate when facing the enemy.

Once they fall into a stalemate, at best they will not be able to quickly make room for the rear cavalry, and at worst they will be caught in a pincer attack and bear the damage for the enemy.

Another point is that after breaking through the chevaux de frise, the enemy's spikes and traps are not easy to remove.

This problem is not too serious. It can be solved by inserting some Holy Light Knights. Xu Lai did this during the previous night attack.

In addition to the Holy Light Knights, only infantry and archers were dispatched. Under the cover of the archers, the infantry dismantled these barricades and spikes.

However, will the orcs let them dismantle these facilities calmly? Obviously, it is unlikely.

After observing for a while, Xu Lai suddenly drew out the Doomsday Blade and released a Doomsday Judgment on the orcs' camp.

However, the orcs reacted very quickly. As soon as the black clouds in the sky condensed, Sachs released the magic of controlling fire.

This time, Xu Lai was well prepared. He was not only equipped with Fire Spirit Orb, Hand of the God of Fire, and other fire equipment.

He also found two flame rings on purpose, one increased 8% of the fire damage, and the other two increased 16%.

In addition, he also took the God of Fire potion exchanged from the temple, plus the talent of burning anger.

The damage of this Doomsday Judgment will reach an unprecedented level of shocking.

Unfortunately, although the damage and range of Doomsday Judgment were amazing, it was not an instantaneous spell.

In addition, Sachs's investigation was also very good, and he discovered Xu Lai and his group early, so he was always on high alert.

Otherwise, if the orcs are not careful, Xu Lai will release two Doomsday Judgments in succession, and at least one-third of the orc camp will be destroyed today.

Countless fire meteors fell, and more than half of them were directly offset by a burst of blue light.

The remaining half, although they hit people, still reduced the damage by half, and then the fire control magic was used to reduce the damage.

The fire protection array of the orc camp has been opened for many days, but it has never taken effect.

Now that the troops have evacuated for a day, the orcs, who are not rich to begin with, are reluctant to open it again. Who knows that they will be hit after just one day.

But even without the fire protection array, even if Xu Lai's Doomsday Judgment has amazing damage, after the resistance and anti-magic effects, it is only more than half of the damage.

The remaining 45% will be absorbed by the fire control magic by another 50%.

Even if each fire meteor damages 1,000 points, it will only cause 450 points of damage after being resisted by magic, and 50% will be absorbed, leaving only 225 points of damage.

It still looks like a lot, but Xu Lai's Doomsday Judgment damage did not reach 1000 after all, barely reaching more than 500.

Even so, the damage still had to be resisted by the tents, sheds and other buildings in the orc camp.

However, even so, the damage is still good. At least the low-level units such as the hard laborers and big-eared monsters, as long as they can't resist, basically have only one way to die.

Fortunately, Sachs didn't bring any low-level troops this time, the lowest was the half-orcs.

Of course, the hard laborers, big-eared monsters and so on, the level is low enough.

But these things are just tools and food in the eyes of the orcs, and they don't care how many die, and they won't feel sorry.

As for the half-orcs, with the blessing of the half-orc generals and heroes, the health value can basically exceed 100.

Deducting the physical injury reduction, as long as it is not bad luck, the health value is not full, basically it is a serious injury and dying.

Seeing this, Xu Lai thought about it, and decisively used the refresh ball to refresh, and opened the Doomsday Judgment again.

Resistance plus anti-magic suit, plus the ultimate fire control magic, although the effect is outstanding, it can still make the Doomsday Judgment cause about 20% damage.

This 20% damage is basically equivalent to the Doomsday Judgment of Rena that day.

After all, although there was no ultimate fire control magic at the beginning, Rena's fire bonus was twice as bad as Xu Lai.

Another Doomsday Judgment is about to gather, and Sachs, who has suffered a loss once, is also prepared in advance.

After he went back, he had already discussed with the remaining heroes in the base, and in the name of the Beast King, he bought several scrolls from several advent heroes at a low price.

Although it is for the entire camp, that is, for the entire base camp.

But if he expects those advent heroes to have such a spirit of self-sacrifice, he might as well expect a group of meteorites to fall from the sky and directly smash those humans to death.

Sachs was very reluctant. These scrolls were sold to him at cost price, but the grade of the scrolls was high.

Unfortunately, he had no chance to cast spells, so he could only tear open the scroll to have a chance to fight Xu Lai's spells.

"Ultimate Healing" can heal all troops on the side, that is, dispel the status and increase life.

Sachs, who was wearing an anti-magic suit, did not have high mental strength. Fortunately, he used the scroll to cast spells, and all the scroll effects were effective.

After this ultimate healing, all orcs, except for the dead units, gained a recovery effect of more than 50 health points.

More than 50 health points, not too much, but not too little.

The physique of the orcs is generally high. Even if the ogres and orc warriors are only mid-level, their health points are all above 150 points.

If the physique is high, the damage reduction is also high. Once the more than 50 health points are restored, Xu Lai's Doomsday Judgment will basically make it difficult to kill these orcs.

Of course, the relatively fragile orcs, orc axe throwers, and the golden eagles who dare not fly out of the camp will not be able to escape death this time.

Generally speaking, these units with health points below 150 points will not die unless they fail to trigger resistance twice, and the probability is extremely low.

But the orcs have a large base, especially those golden eagles. Reina let them run away a few days ago.

There are tens of thousands of golden eagles and half-orcs alone, plus the hard laborers and big-eared monsters who resisted by chance in the last round.

This round of Doomsday Judgment also killed many orcs.

Sachs and other orc high-level people don't care much about the life and death of hard laborers and big-eared monsters.

But these low-level units are also very important. Without them, can those orc warriors be left to work and serve as food?

But fortunately, it's over, and most of the orc infantry in the core of the stronghold have been retained.

Although the refresh ball is easy to use, as its original owner, Sachs knows that the cooling time of this equipment is as high as 24 hours.

As equipment, the refresh ball can change owners.

But once this equipment has been used, even if the owner is changed, it needs to wait for the cooldown to end before it can be used.

Therefore, he does not have to worry about another dark cloud over his head for at least the next hour or so.

Of course, if he fails to drive Xu Lai and others away in more than half an hour, the orc camp will still be under the threat of the opponent's doomsday judgment.

Thinking of this, Sachs immediately began to mobilize troops and summon all the warriors, heroes, and high-level soldiers such as sword masters and axe kings in the stronghold.

These guys are very strong in single combat, especially the sword master, who is well-equipped and invincible.

Even if Xu Lai is accompanied by an invincible holy knight, at least these people can drive Xu Lai away.

After driving Xu Lai away, he has to hurry up and arrange more measures to prevent damage from fire spells.

If it is just a flame protection array, Sachs feels that it is not enough. Xu Lai's doomsday damage is a bit too terrifying.

But just when Sachs was rejoicing, dark clouds covered his head again.

"This TMD, is it over?"

Not only Sachs, at this moment, all the orcs were cursing in their hearts.

Three doomsday judgments in a row, it is impossible.

The refresh ball is an artifact. Not to mention that the artifact is extremely rare and can't be sold everywhere.

Even if Xu Lai gets more artifacts, it is impossible for a second refresh ball to appear. Artifacts are always unique.

Xu Lai really can't refresh again, but in addition to the refresh ball, Xu Lai can also tear the scroll.

Sachs was heartbroken after tearing a level 1 healing scroll, but Xu Lai tore a level 4 Doomsday Judgment scroll without hesitation.

There was no other way, because magic was not popular in the stronghold, so it was extremely difficult to obtain spell scrolls.

Of course, Xu Lai did not copy this scroll himself, he did not have the ability, and he did not even master the Doomsday Judgment spell.

But he did not master it, but there was someone who was particularly good at the Doomsday Judgment spell, and he also formed a terrifying tactic based on it.

That's right, Xu Lai used the Doomsday Judgment scroll drawn by Moriel herself.

When drawing a spell scroll, you cannot enjoy the bonus brought by the equipment, but the increase in spirit value brought by the equipment and the increase in spell power brought by the increase in spirit value will be drawn into the scroll.

Generally speaking, Moriel does not use scrolls very often because she has several pieces of equipment that increase the damage of fire spells.

But in order to make it easy to get it done at one time, she also prepared some Doomsday Judgment scrolls in her warehouse.

Although her scroll could no longer be blessed by equipment such as the Fire Spirit Ball, due to Moriel's terrifying spiritual attributes, the initial damage was extremely high.

Thanks to Sachs's camp being far away from the Stone City, this Doomsday Judgment, which did not distinguish between friend and foe, would not cause damage to the friendly forces of the Stone City.

The third Doomsday Judgment caused considerable damage, although not as much as the previous two.

But including the ogres and orc warriors, a large number of casualties began to occur.

The most important thing is that after three consecutive Doomsday Judgments, the orcs did not even see the shadow of the enemy, which was a fatal blow to morale.

Originally, with the blessing of leadership, the morale was finally trained to more than 60 points, but under the attack of three Doomsday Judgments, it was on the verge of collapse again. (End of this chapter)

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