Xu Lai can't stay in Stone City forever. One is that he has too many things to do in other places. Until now, there are many cities on the grassland, but he has never even glanced at them.

Secondly, this city was given to Reina and the elves by Xu Laiban.

Xu Lai owns the ownership and governance rights of this city, but the management rights and management rights are equivalent to being given to Reina.

If Xu Lai stays here for too long, it will seem like he is neglecting Reina, and it will be inconvenient for Reina to manage.

Of course, Xu Lai did not actually interfere with Leina's city construction, but when he was here, Leina had to report and ask for instructions every time she did something.

In the next few days, Xu Lai no longer stayed in Stone City, and took Tahan and others to find a construction site for the new city.

Although he has roughly determined the location, to build a city, in addition to timber resources, it is best to include other resources as well.

For example, on the grassland to the west, there is an open-pit iron mine and a gold mine. There must be at least a small town around these two mines.

Herdsmen who migrate back may not necessarily be able to stay in their original pastures.

The large animal communities on the grassland had all been driven away by Xu Lai before.

Therefore, in addition to the construction sites in the two cities, the addresses of other villages and towns have also been selected. At least the general scope must be determined.

Otherwise, the grassland, which is not rich in resources, will be trapped in the dilemma of two villages and towns competing for a piece of resources.

Even so, Xu Lai just took a rough look and found that he couldn't do this kind of specific work well even if he wanted to.

Two days later, Xu Lai, who was wandering around every day, finally saw a huge group of believers.

Xu Lai has stayed here just to wait for them.

In the two cities, Xu Lai just found a place to bury in the heart of the castle, and then immediately built a farm. After recruiting farmers, he asked them to keep building houses.

Of course, no amount of housing will be enough.

These two cities have to house at least 100,000 people, and there will only be more, not less.

Fortunately, the weather is getting warmer now, and it is not difficult to light a bonfire even at night.

And there are priests to protect and escort them all the way, so as long as not everyone gets sick at the same time, they can be controlled.

The person leading the team this time was still Crimson Bishop Duer.

Another crimson bishop, Wright, is in Qingfeng City, presiding over the work of the believers settling down.

Xu Lai couldn't wait to rush back, partly for this reason.

Logically speaking, it is a very happy thing that the temple has brought him so many young adults.

But these more than one million believers, whose number is estimated to be one-third of the population of the grassland, who knows what they will do to their territory.

There has been a period of war recently. Whether it is the Northern Empire or the Western Empire, there are always people fleeing to the grassland.

Coupled with the two wars with the orcs, a large number of people were lost in the process of continuous migration.

The official data is already wrong, and Xu Lai has just ended the war.

Counting the population and measuring the land were two crucial matters that he planned to solve together.

"Bishop Duer, you have had a hard time traveling."

After waiting for a long time, Xu Lai finally met the followers of the God of War in the Stone City.

As expected of a believer in the God of War, he also traveled thousands of miles and slept in the open for several months before arriving at the grassland.

As Xu Lai saw, almost all of them were young and middle-aged people. Although they looked thin, there was a light in their eyes.

Whether a person is strong or not depends on many factors.

But whether a person's will to fight is firm or not is determined by his spirit.

The essence of energy is actually very easy to see from the outside.

The eyes of a lazy person and a determined person are absolutely different.

Without absolute faith in the God of War, these people would never have been able to persist in walking these tens of thousands of miles.

In that era without magic, an army once traveled thousands of miles away.

It was a powerful force with absolute faith, invincible, and terrifying all enemies.

Xu Lai narrowed his eyes. The temple sent him not only the population, but also soldiers.

"It's all your hard work. So many people need to be accommodated, which has caused you too much trouble."

Xu Lai shook his head and said: "It's not troublesome, but Bishop Duer should have heard about the situation in the grassland.

We had just finished fighting the orcs, and luckily we were able to drive them back. Lina and the others even chased them into the wilderness.

In order to prepare for the war against the orcs, I moved all the villages and towns west of Stone City to the rear.

Now the entire western grassland is in a state of desolation and ruins.

When I came here, I had no way to settle things in advance, so I could only work hard to build a home for everyone.

But I also ask the bishop and everyone to rest assured. "

Speaking of this, Xu Lai, under the influence of Yu Lan's magic, said loudly:

“I can help provide all the expenses and materials you need to build your home.

I have also chosen a city site for you to build the city on, and there are enough wood resources around it.

I will also organize a team to transport the ore and steel resources to my new home.

In addition, I also promise you that in the new homes you build, the houses and land will belong to you forever.

All the fertile fields you cultivated belong to me, but you have the permanent right to cultivate these fields, and they can be inherited by your descendants.

At the same time, until your farmland is harvested, I will continue to provide you with the necessary food for survival and food seeds for production.

Moreover, and most importantly, the food you grow in these fields, like everyone else, only needs to pay 30% tax.

Please remember this. If any official comes to ask you to collect more than 30% of the tax, you have the right to refuse and resist. "

Duer frowned and said: "Your Excellency Xu Lai, refusing to pay taxes is enough, let's forget about resisting!"

Xu Lai shook his head and said: "No, you must have the courage to resist when you suffer injustice, you must have the courage to fight.

Of course, you must also learn to protect yourself during the struggle.

In short, the overcoming believer will not be overwhelmed by any difficulty.

This is the right granted to you by me and His Majesty the God of War, and also the request of His Majesty the God of War to his followers. "

As soon as Xu Lai finished speaking, the golden statue of the God of War far away in Qingfeng City actually shone with dazzling light.

The golden light projected Xu Lai's figure in Qingfeng City, and played back everything he had just said, word for word.

At the same time, the golden light penetrated the clouds and fell directly on the top of the stubborn stone city, shining on Xu Lai.

Behind Xu Lai, there was a faint silhouette of a figure holding a sword.

Although Xu Lai couldn't see it himself, he could feel that he was being wrapped in a warm golden light.

The believers of the God of War who witnessed this scene, including Duer, who was the eighth-level crimson archbishop, all knelt down and shouted long live victory.

In the past thousand years, this is the first time that the glory of victory has landed in the mortal world, and it is also the first time that it has fallen on a person who cannot even be considered a follower of his.

Shrouded in the glory of victory, Xu Lai's identity as the God's Favorite was completely confirmed, and there was no longer any doubt.

At this moment, no matter where they came from, the believers who came to the grassland were all in high spirits and devoted themselves to the construction of their new home.

After Xu Lai finished speaking, he waved his hand and summoned a group of people, probably more than a hundred people.

These people, including officers selected from the army, will serve as peace officers, city defense officers and the like in the new city.

There are also secretaries that Jilong, Yu Lan and others found for Xu before, as well as some pastors recommended by Elena.

These people are considered civil servants and will serve as chief administrators, tax collectors, etc. in the new city.

Of course, Duer brought hundreds of thousands of people, but these few hundred people alone would not be enough.

Fortunately, these people were not unorganized after tens of thousands of miles along the way.

It’s just that the organizers before were all pastors who led the team. Now that they have arrived, these pastors must return to the pastoral team.

At Xu Lai's request, Duer also agreed to send some priests to serve in the new city.

These cities, including Stone City, also need to build churches, so some priests will be left to take charge of church affairs.

As a result, it is basically impossible for the priest group that came from the imperial capital to reorganize.

Even Duer himself said that he would stay in the grassland, and Wright led the priests back to the imperial capital of Angel City.

Siblings Lina and Pierce, as well as the knights they led, continued to stay and obey orders under Xu Lai's account.

After all, Xu Lai is the only one favored by gods in the entire human empire.

His status within the temple is above everyone else except that of the Pope.

What's more, the temple also moved more than a million young believers who represented hope to the grassland in one go.

Even if it's not for Xu Lai, just for the believers who represent hope, at least some knights must be left to protect him.

In addition to these pastors, as well as among believers, some people with relatively high prestige are selected to serve as village chiefs, town chiefs, household heads and other grassroots officials.

With a considerable number of mid-level, high-level and grassroots officials, basically, these hundreds of thousands of people can be organized.

As for the efficiency and whether the fit is appropriate, we can only slowly adjust and correct it in the future.

Introduce these people, and then let the army, with a large number of tents and food, escort the believers to new cities and villages to settle down.

This is not a task that can be completed in a short time. Looking at the busy people outside the city, Xu Lai pulled Bishop Duer aside and said:

"Bishop Duer, I see that all of these believers have firm eyes. Have they all been trained as warriors?"

Duer was stunned and smiled: "Of course, don't forget, they are believers under the God of War.

As a believer under the God of War, receiving combat training is the most basic requirement. "

Speaking of this, Duer paused and said with a smile:

"Have you taken a fancy to them?

As a believer in the God of War, whether he becomes an advanced knight or a priest in the future, combat training, horse riding training, reading and writing, spell affinity training, etc. are almost compulsory courses.

Of course, the trainee priests and trainee knights in their priest academy and knight school are still incomparable.

In addition to being believers, they also have their own families and jobs. They can only train and study in their spare time and are not professional warriors. "

Xu Lai smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. Being able to read is already a surprise to me. He has also received military training. With a little training, he will be an officer."

When it comes to soldiers, Xu Lai may not be in short supply. Herders on the grasslands are a natural source of soldiers.

They have been riding horses since they were young. Besides herding animals, they also have to fight with wandering monsters and huge groups of wild animals.

Even though they have not received professional training, they are not lacking in courage and combat experience.

On the contrary, these believers have more visible training, and they are doing well in terms of queues and order.

However, in terms of actual combat, they may be much worse than the grassland herdsmen.

But it doesn’t matter, the army is a place that emphasizes collective combat capabilities.

What makes Xu Lai most excited is that most of these believers are literate and can even write.

For ordinary low-level officers, even if they can’t read or write, as long as they can understand the flags, it’s not a big problem.

But at the level of squadron leader, if you can’t read the text, it’s not suitable, and it’s basically difficult to promote it.

Dur guessed Xu Lai’s intention and actively promoted the believers of the temple.

The official priests and knights of the temple generally do not hold any specific positions in the empire, and the nobles do not welcome them.

But the temple does not mind that the believers of His Majesty the God of War can hold high positions in the court.

This is very helpful for spreading His Majesty the God of War and the influence of the temple.

"If you like them, you can recruit them into your army without any worries.

They come to the grassland and settle down here, and they are already your subjects.

You just need to treat them the same as other subjects, no need to make special arrangements, neither preferential treatment nor harsh treatment."

Xu Lai nodded and smiled: "With your words, I feel much more at ease, otherwise I really wouldn't dare to recruit them casually.

After all, they are the seeds of the temple and the hope of the temple."

Dur said lightly: "Seeds will always sprout. Without experiencing wind and rain, they will never grow into towering trees."

After listening to this, Xu Lai directly gave Dur a thumbs up. His awareness is really not covered.

After chatting for a few words, Xu Lai had already planned to say goodbye to Dur and planned to go around the two cities in person.

However, before Xu Lai could say goodbye, Dur slowly took out a scroll from his arms and said:

"Sir Xu Lai, we know that it is not an easy task to support more than a million people and provide them with land and food.

I just arrived in Hard Stone City and heard that you used the spoils of this battle to order a large amount of food from merchants."

Xu Lai nodded helplessly and said:

"There is nothing we can do about it.

You also know that there is only a section of arable land along the river on the grassland. With so many people suddenly increasing, I can only buy a large amount."

"It is precisely because we know this that His Holiness the Pope ordered me to give this to you."

Xu Lai took the scroll handed over by Dur, unfolded it and looked at it, but his face was full of surprise.

This is a blueprint, and it is an extremely important and rare "Congress" construction blueprint. (End of this chapter)

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