The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 638: The Fiefdom System

Lina and Pierce led the Knights through the Pingfeng Mountains on May 10.

It was too late to bring both Knights with them, so Lina handed them over to Pierce and rode to the Stone City with Elvy and other angels.

On the morning of the 11th, Lina, Elvy and others took the teleportation array and arrived at Qingfeng City.

This was Lina's first time in Qingfeng City. She had only been to the grassland a few times before, not to mention this city that was built less than a year ago.

The huge and prosperous Qingfeng City made Lina's eyes light up.

"Elvy, is this the Qingfeng City that the Knight Commander built?"

Speaking of which, Elvy lived and lived in the imperial capital, and she was not a country woman who had never seen the world.

Lionheart City was several times larger than Qingfeng City, with ancient magic towers, towering secret arrow towers, magnificent palaces, and wide avenues.

Qingfeng City was far inferior to any of them.

However, the King's Avenue in Lionheart City, which is wide enough for eight carriages to drive side by side, can only be passed by the king's carriage and guards.

The Avenue in Qingfeng City, however, can be used by all vehicles, and is divided into lanes, horse paths and footpaths.

The three paths are clearly divided, and there is an endless stream of people, and the shops are greeted by a lively atmosphere.

This kind of atmosphere has also existed in Lionheart City, but only on the prosperous streets everywhere.

And now, even those once prosperous streets are less and less visited.

As a female knight, Lina actually doesn't like to show up in public, nor does she like crowded occasions.

But she longs for this kind of bustle and loves this kind of prosperity, especially when she has contributed to the bustle.

"In fact, we haven't stayed in this city for too long."

Elvy doesn't have the same feelings as Lina, because she was born to belong to this city, and this city also belongs to her.

Lina was different. Elvy witnessed the prosperity of the city, while Lina witnessed the decline of her country and her city.

Many people were happy when Xu Lai founded the country, especially the herders of the grassland.

However, Lina was not necessarily very happy, because this meant that the temple had completely abandoned the old empire, the country where they were born.

After calming down, Lina smiled and said,

"Let's report to the Knight Commander as soon as possible, and bring this good news as a gift, just right."

After that, Lina looked at the small group of orcs surrounded by a group of seraphim.

After looking at the orcs, Elvy also chuckled and said, "Yes, fortunately, I caught up."

Elvy did not let these angels fly to the sky, but lined up in two neat rows, protecting the group of orcs and walking towards the former castle, now the palace.

The people of the grassland hated the orcs, but the ones Elvy brought back could not be considered captives, but only messengers.

If they appeared in the downtown area, it would be bad if they caused any misunderstanding.

One by one, the Seraphim spread their wide wings and covered all the orcs in their wings.

At this time, in the palace, in an unusually wide conference room, the mayors of major cities and the surrendered nobles all sat on both sides of a long table.

The founding ceremony and the award ceremony were about to begin, and these mayors from far away places finally arrived in Qingfeng City before Xu Lai's deadline.

However, it was unbelievable that Xu Lai was not familiar with most of the people here even though the founding of the country was about to begin.

The nobles present, excluding Jimmy, were relatively familiar to those who had seen them two or three times.

Those who had seen them more than two or three times were basically people who had been captured before, so Xu Lai could see them more often.

On the contrary, those nobles that Xu Lai was not familiar with, or even had never seen them once, were the nobles who were neutral from beginning to end.

"The Lord of Kana City, Rio Canar, salutes you, His Majesty the King."

The first thing to do at the last meeting before the founding of the country was for everyone to introduce themselves.

The founding ceremony of Xu Lai has not yet been held. In theory, Xu Lai is not qualified to be called His Majesty the King at this time.

But after looking at the man who stood up, the memory brought by super intelligence instantly made Xu Lai remember all the information of the person in front of him.

The Canar family is also a traditional noble on the grassland.

But this family is a branch of the former imperial royal family, that is, the Supreme King Aled family.

There are good horses on the grassland, and the Aled family has many relatives. By the way, it is normal to throw a relative to help watch on the grassland.

So, although he is only a viscount, Earl Aini cannot mobilize him. He has no subordinate relationship with Aini at all.

Not only that, the two main cities of the Canar family, one is on the grassland, that is, Kana City.

However, Kana City is only a base camp-level city, and the other castle-level Nar City is actually located in the territory of the Western Empire.

The fief of the Canar family is located in the grassland, but the poor grassland people are not willing to stay there.

After taking away the largest pasture, the family's focus is gradually shifted to the Western Empire.

Of course, the nobles in the Western Empire do not recognize the Canar family at all, so when the Western Empire was established, there was no place for a small viscount of the Canar family.

The marriage relationship between the Canar family and the Aled family may be useful for the first three generations, but basically no one cares about it after that.

Poor Canal family, the little capital they had in the Western Empire was directly crushed by hell.

On the grassland, their family was also not well connected, and the key was that they had a deep hatred with Earl Aini.

It was only because Xu Lai emerged as a new force, otherwise if the empire continued to be divided, the Canal family would basically be eliminated from the grassland.

Speaking of which, the Canal family, which was rejected by most of the nobles in the grassland, was brought by Jimi, the first noble to turn to Xu Lai.

"Craxton's Maoshan, greetings to you, sir."

The one who stood up this time was an old man about 50 or 60 years old, dressed in chain mail, just a baron.

The status of baron is not high or low, and it is not bad in an earldom.

But he was able to stand up second because he joined Xu Lai at a time second only to Rio Canal.

This Clayston's Maoshan was not unable to integrate into the noble circle of the grassland, but purely because they were relatives of Jimmy Martell's family.

Xu Lai nodded to him, and then looked at the next noble who stood up.

Sure enough, the next one who stood up was still closely related to the Martell family.

The current patriarch of their family was once the closest friend of Martell's father.

Then stood up Martell's own friends, Martell's wife's family, and so on.

After hearing the last, not to mention Luo Mingru, Zhang Zhiqiang and others, even Jimmy Martell himself was a little trembling.

The city lords behind, even if they were not nobles, were all recommended by Jimmy Martell, and they had some relationship with him.

However, Xu Lai was very calm. He had known about this a long time ago.

When he asked Jimmy to recommend, he had expected it, but he really had no network foundation, and the heroes of the advent did not dare to let them know too much.

Anyway, this is a world that speaks by strength. The strongest troops, the highest-level heroes, and the best equipment in the grassland are all on Xu Lai, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

After everyone had introduced themselves, Xu Lai spoke last:

"As everyone knows, a lot of things have happened in the grassland and even the entire empire in the past year.

I don't have much time to meet with you.

Fortunately, everything has been settled now, and it's time for us to enjoy the fruits of this year's war.

However, there are a few things that I must explain to you here before the founding ceremony."

When everyone heard this, they all perked up, knowing that the focus of this meeting was coming.

What Xu Lai was going to say now was likely to be related to the future distribution of benefits in the grassland, and everyone could not help but pay attention to it.

Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, Xu Lai coughed and said:

"The first thing is the founding process on the 15th. I have ordered people to put the documents in front of you. I believe you have all read them just now.

There is a ceremony for awarding honors and titles, and I need to explain it to you in advance.

According to the previous enfeoffment model, all the power of the grassland cannot be used in a concentrated manner.

Although we have repelled the orcs, there is still a huge enemy who is eyeing us covetously.

Therefore, I want to adjust the current enfeoffment model."

Without waiting for others to ask, Jimmy was the first to express his opinion:

"Your Majesty, it is no exaggeration to say that the peace of the entire grassland depends on your power.

If you hadn't stood up, we would have become slaves of the orcs by now, and it would be even more impossible to have our current status.

However you say to enfeoff, we will enfeoff, and we will never have any complaints."

After that, Jimmy took the lead in looking around at the nobles who were closely related to him, fearing that these people's brains would be squeezed by the door and jump out to object.

Xu Lai waved his hand and said, "It's okay, just listen to me first. This is related to the interests of everyone, and everyone has the right to express their opinions.

What I mean is that we still have many enemies, and they are still very strong.

In the future, we can't just hide on the small grassland. Are you all satisfied with this small country?"

Everyone shook their heads. The resources on the grassland are not rich. Although the land area is large, the cultivated land area is large.

There is abundant meat, but it can't support too many people, so there are not enough soldiers.

Lack of ore and wood, can't build too many cities.

Without cities, there are not enough recruited soldiers.

In the wars experienced on the grassland, Xu Lai was the winner, and he also captured so many generals and soldiers, but he still didn't have much troops.

This led to the grassland's poor sustained combat capability. As long as there was a little loss of soldiers, it would probably take several years to recover.

With such a big innate disadvantage, even if a country was built, it would definitely be annexed by the four empires.

Therefore, they cannot be without ambition, and living in a corner will only lead to death.

"Well, since everyone has more far-reaching ideas, I will talk about my ideas.

The fiefdom of a knight is normally a manor. How much land and population does a manor have?"

As Xu Lai spoke, he glanced at the recorder outside the table, who was also Jimmy's son, Jillon Martell.

"Your Majesty, an ordinary manor is generally one-third the size of a village, with a population of about 20 households."

It was Jillon who spoke, and the people present were either nobles or city lords, so they could more or less know the situation.

"Let me do the math for you. For 20 households, I will assume that there are 100 people, and they are all able to work.

Then according to the production efficiency of the farm, 5 farmers working 24 hours a day can produce 100 units of grain.

100 people working non-stop can produce 2,000 units of grain per day.

Of course, this is impossible. I will calculate that each household works 12 hours a day, and a manor can produce 1,000 units of grain per day.

In a month, it is 30,000 units of grain, and according to the previous 70% tax, it is 21,000 units.

But even if 70% is collected, the knight can only take 30% at most, which is 9,000 units of grain per month.

Even so, there must be good weather and good harvests, and every household must have at least 5 laborers, who cannot get sick or be lazy.

But in fact, we all know that none of these conditions can be met. "

If farmers can leave 9,000 units of food for themselves every month, let alone paying 70%, even paying 80% can barely survive.

After all, even if it is 6,000 units of food, 100 people can still get 2 units of food per day.

But in fact, this is impossible, even recruiting farmers cannot do it, because the recruited farmers will still get sick.

And with birth, aging, sickness and death, everyone's work efficiency is different, and the distribution of physical strength cannot be as accurate as recruiting farmers.

A farm, let alone producing 30,000 units of food per month, even if it is half, the knights will be happy to death.

"But according to my idea, a knight title can get 10% of the tax income from the farm under his name every month, which is 3,000 units of food.

Moreover, these 3,000 units of food, regardless of the weather, whether the land is dry, whether the farmers work hard, and whether the manor is looted.

As long as you have the title of knight, you can get 3,000 units of food every month without doing anything.

At the same time, knights can also directly exchange it for cash according to the grain price at that time.

Of course, it's not just knights, other titles are the same, each title will receive a corresponding range of treatment, and the income will be guaranteed. "

As soon as Xu Lai finished speaking, someone immediately exclaimed: "This, is it such a good thing?"

The natives seemed to be unbelievable, but Luo Mingru and the others looked at each other and knew what Xu Lai was talking about, it was nothing more than the fief system.

The biggest feature of this system is that you only get money but don't work.

No matter how many households you have in your fief, you can only take the income of these households, and you can't manage and influence these people.

Sure enough, Xu Lai continued:

"Of course, but all the nobles who get these incomes can no longer interfere in any specific affairs in the territory.

These affairs will be managed by specific affairs officers, and at the same time, the affairs officers will also take a portion of the city's income as salary. "(End of this chapter)

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