The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 640: Appointment and appointment as a general

The founding ceremony lasted for almost a whole day.

From soldiers to officers, from surrendered generals to old nobles, all were rewarded.

The only thing is that Xu Lai is very conservative and cautious about the granting of titles.

Xu Lai himself is not sure how long his kingdom can last.

However, for every year of maintenance, these people need to be supported for one year.

After years of accumulation, it is a very terrible expense, especially after the flood of titles.

It is not easy for Xu Lai to take away the titles of those old nobles who have surrendered to Xu Lai and have contributed their cities and all rights.

Then, the only thing Xu Lai can do is to control the issuance of titles as much as possible.

Therefore, many practices of the ancestors are very reasonable.

In ancient China, there was a saying that no one could be granted a title without military merit, and Xu Lai also planned to continue using it.

The old people who followed him, such as Laqi, the big and small Aboka brothers, and Aaron, had never really been on the battlefield.

Even the newcomers were rewarded, so it was unreasonable and disheartening not to reward these old people.

So, taking advantage of the beginning of the founding of the country, Xu Lai simply adjusted the positions of these old people.

First, Su Ya, who served as the city lord for Xu Lai, was directly promoted from the deputy city lord of Qingfeng City to the national prime minister, in charge of all administrative affairs of the entire Eagle Kingdom.

As the queen of the Eagle Kingdom, Su Ya is truly one person above ten thousand people.

But the queen is not a position. Some people may listen to what she says, but it is not so legitimate after all.

The prime minister is different. Although the prime minister's status is not as high as the queen, he is the real second in command. In fact, the power of a prime minister can even exceed that of the king.

After Su Ya became the prime minister, the position of the city lord of Qingfeng City no longer needed to be retained.

After Su Ya, it was Lacy Graham, but Lacy himself was unwilling to leave Qingfeng City or change to other important positions.

Therefore, Razi was only promoted from the previous position of speaker to speaker of the parliament, which was still a sinecure.

The parliament may play a big role in other countries, but it is basically a decoration when all countries are first established.

Any first-generation king or emperor will not hand over his power to the parliament to add constraints.

Of course, some things that are not too important and involve a wide range of things that Xu Lai is too lazy to take care of can also be thrown to the parliament.

Like holidays, the salary and benefits of civil servants at all levels, and the etiquette standards for various occasions.

It is important and annoying to say that it is important to hand it over to the parliament.

Moreover, the speaker of the parliament and members of parliament are extremely high-level positions even if their positions are not important.

This extremely high-level and unimportant position is just used to arrange those with higher qualifications and Xu Lai does not want to reuse.

After the prime minister and the speaker of the parliament, there are ministers of various departments.

The most important military and defense ministers were appointed by Xu Lai to Lena Memphis.

The second is the finance minister, who was appointed by Xu Lai to Yu Lan.

The third place was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who was appointed by Xu Lai to Wei Yihong.

The fourth place was the Minister of the Interior, or the Prime Minister's Deputy, Jimmy Martell.

After being promoted to Prime Minister and Minister, their original positions were more or less retained.

Reina still served as the head of the Qingfeng Legion, and Wei Yihong's position as Minister of Commerce was handed over to Da Aboka.

Jimmy's previous position, the position of the Lord of Conaston City, was still retained, but the position of the head of the Knight's Wind Legion was handed over to Tahan.

After establishing the Eagle Kingdom and becoming the king of the Eagle Kingdom, Xu Lai also obtained a privilege.

That is, he can appoint generals and commanders, that is, heroes, in the name of the king.

It is unreasonable for a king of a country to not appoint generals and commanders.

However, the appointment of generals and commanders is also conditional.

This condition comes from national strength. The stronger the national strength, the more generals and commanders are appointed.

The evaluation criteria of national strength basically come from population.

For every one million to two million people, one general is allowed to be promoted, and for every ten million people, one hero is allowed to be promoted.

After the Eagle Kingdom added the more than one million believers, the total population should be around 5 million, more or less, and there is no detailed statistics.

Anyway, Xu Lai got a total of 3 generals, and no hero.

Just like the Supreme King promoted Archangel Gilad, Xu Lai's 3 generals can also be given to any citizen of the Eagle Kingdom.

Of course, if you can give, you can take it back, and when the generals are citizens of the Eagle Kingdom again, whether Xu Lai takes it back or not, they will lose the qualification to become generals.

Xu Lai gave these three generals to Tahan, Yan Feng and Jian Yuan.

Before deciding Jimmy's position, Xu Lai took the initiative to communicate with Jimmy.

The mayor of Conaston City cannot be running around outside all the time, and the Knight Wind Legion is not the exclusive legion of Conaston City.

Obviously, these two positions are not so harmonious and are not positions that can be held concurrently.

The communication between Xu Lai and Jimmy was to let him choose which position he was willing to give up.

After learning that he would be promoted to one of the ministers, and the Minister of the Interior, Jimmy gave up the position of the leader of the Knight's Wind Corps.

Although this position means losing military power, Jimmy doesn't plan to rebel anyway, so what's the point of holding military power in his hands.

Moreover, in terms of actual power, the mayor of Conaston City is much more powerful than the commander of the Knight's Wind Legion.

As for whether the mayor and the Minister of the Interior conflict, this has little impact. The two offices can be reached instantly by just taking the teleportation array.

In other words, his son Jilong's qualifications are not enough. Jilong was appointed as the mayor of Martell City by Xu Lai, which is a disguised way of leaving Martell City to the Martell family.

If he does well in the future, Jilong will directly inherit his father's position and become the mayor of Conaston City.

After the nobles changed to the fiefdom system, a city was completely ruled by the mayor.

But the position of mayor is not like the noble title, which can be inherited.

Xu Lai not only retained his father's position as mayor, but also arranged a mayor for his son, which was considered to be a great kindness to them.

Jimi and Jilong had nothing to say about this and chose to accept it happily.

As for the Knight's Wind, as the name suggests, Xu Lai intended to build this legion into a pure cavalry legion.

But at that time, there were not enough cavalry and not so many generals to be appointed at the same time.

As for the Qingfeng Legion, Xu Lai wanted to build it into an all-round legion that could attack and defend.

On the contrary, the cavalry of the Qingfeng Legion is too strong now, and the Knight's Wind has no chance to play.

Of course, Jimi cannot be blamed. Jimi's own combat effectiveness is not bad, and he has command ability. The only difference between him and the high-end cavalry legion is that he is not a hero.

After adjusting the commanders of both sides, Xu Lai also wants to make a big move for these two legions.

He wants to transfer the infantry, archers and other troops in the Knight's Wind to the Qingfeng Legion.

The Qingfeng Legion does not completely abandon cavalry. It will still retain reconnaissance knights, some heavy knights and archers led by Yan Feng.

Yan Feng succeeded Tahan as the head of the Knights of the Qingfeng Legion.

At the same time, the heroic knights of the headquarters led by Tahan, the great knights led by Naru, the knights and the conscripted knights led by Joseph will all be transferred to the Wind of Knights.

After the expansion and large-scale trading, the number of these knights has exceeded 15,000. Together with the 5,000 knights retained by the Wind of Knights, there are almost 20,000 knights at full strength.

Of course, Xu Lai is still not satisfied with this number.

However, he has now unified the entire grassland, and the knight quotas of major cities in the grassland will be continuously transported to Qingfeng City.

In addition, Xu Lai also traded a large number of knights with those large caravans in the Stone City.

Although the level of these knights is not high, after trading back, they can be directly upgraded to knights in the knight training camp, and then upgraded to great knights in the hall.

Adding up the number of these knights, the organization of the Wind of Knights should be able to break through to about 25,000 knights.

At this rate, after accumulating for half a year, this pure knight group can be expanded to about 50,000.

Xu Lai expected at least 100,000 cavalrymen for the Knight's Wind.

At the same time, after the troops integrated with the Knight's Wind receive recruits from major cities, the size of the Qingfeng Corps will also expand to more than 150,000.

In addition to the logistics troops, even if there is no more accumulation, there will be more than 200,000 main combat troops.

Of course, some of them are new recruits.

New recruits cannot be quickly upgraded by consuming resources through various hero buildings like recruited soldiers.

However, Xu Lai has already thought of a training ground for the new recruits of the Qingfeng Corps.

Moreover, Xu Lai can't accept a main corps of more than 200,000.

There is no way, the Hell Camp has too many troops, and now it controls the entire land of the Western Empire.

After all the cities of the Western Empire are converted into Hell Cities, the replenishment speed of the Hell Camp will become even more exaggerated.

Therefore, Xu Lai is not actually going to wait for others to attack, but has plans to take the initiative to attack.

It's just that the country has just been established, and the war on the grassland has never stopped. It is reasonable to rest and recuperate for a while.

Regardless of other things, it takes time to slowly store food.

In these wars, except for the fact that more people died during the civil war, the grasslands did not suffer serious losses because of the presence of the Angel Legion.

After Aaron, Urdola was appointed as the Minister of Logistics.

Little Aboca was appointed as the Minister of Agriculture.

Luo Mingru was appointed as the Minister of Transportation.

Nofa was appointed as the Minister of Magic, and he still served as Xu Lai's magic consultant, but no longer full-time.

Xu Lai needs more magic consultants, and the Magic Department also needs more senior mages.

In the previous empire, the Magic Department was mainly responsible for building magic towers for major cities, arranging corresponding magic protection arrays, teleportation arrays, etc.

In wartime, the Magic Department may also be assigned a group of combat mages to participate in the battle with the various legions.

But in addition to this, Xu Lai also wants to use the power of magic to see if he can better promote the development of productivity.

It is said that science and technology are the primary productive forces. Not many people in this world study science, and most people study magic.

Xu Lai naturally had to adapt to local conditions and apply magic more to productivity, which required a large number of mages who did not spend their energy on combat magic.

The old people who followed Xu Lai were basically promoted, and many of them had been promoted to the ministerial level.

Of course, in addition to those old men, there were also other people who were promoted.

For example, Lin Qiu of Conaston Castle was promoted by Xu Lai to the Minister of Organization Department because of his outstanding performance.

Other nobles also occupied some high-ranking positions to a greater or lesser extent, such as Kanal as the Minister of Civil Affairs and Maoshan as the Minister of Culture.

After the high-ranking officials such as ministers and ministers, the remaining positions do not need to be announced, and there is no need for Xu Lai to announce them personally.

The last thing Xu Lai announced was his personal affairs.

But he is now the king of the Eagle Kingdom, and he has no so-called private affairs at all, so he took this opportunity to announce them.

Xu Lai announced his marriage news.

After all, the queen has already made an appearance, but the wedding has not even been held.

This is called a name that is not right, and a word that is not right.

According to today's schedule, after the founding ceremony in the daytime is completed, the night will be a national celebration.

Xu Lai had just built the palace, and did not want to waste money, so he took advantage of the evening celebration to hold the wedding together.

The founding of a country and the grand wedding are both legitimate and a double blessing.

Su Ya became Xu Lai's queen, and Xu Lai did not favor one over the other.

In front of the people of the city and the envoys of major forces, he announced his marriage partner.

Queen Su Ya, Princess Yu Lan, Elvy, Giselle and Anna.

In addition to them, Xu Lai also has a special partner, the Archbishop Elena from the Temple.

The reason why Elena is special is that Su Ya and the others are recruited soldiers.

Although they have their own personalities and thoughts, Xu Lai has been in love with them many times and has never taken any measures.

However, they have never shown signs of pregnancy. Not only them, Xu Lai also asked Fang Yang privately and found that he and Xiang Fang were the same.

Obviously, their bodies were not born naturally, and there may be some problems in nurturing life.

Xu Lai and the archbishops of the temple are also helpless and have no solution to this problem.

Xu Lai actually didn't care much about whether he would have children or not.

He was not very old now, and with such a strong physique, he was destined to live for one or two hundred years.

But he could not care, but the kingdom could not be without an heir.

The temple simply proposed the idea of ​​marriage, but the marriage partner they proposed was Knight Captain Lina.

However, Xu Lai rejected this proposal. At that time, Lina was still fighting in the wilderness, but the people in the rear had decided on her marriage.

Xu Lai thought this was a great disrespect to Lina.

What's more, Xu Lai had no interest in Lina, but he and Elena had mutual affection.

The temple did not care about who married Xu Lai, as long as the person came from the temple. (End of this chapter)

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