The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 76 A mix of humans and monsters

The horse thief may have been too stimulated, and his words were a little confused, and he couldn't ask questions clearly. He was so anxious that he couldn't even speak clearly.

Xu Lai had no choice but to follow these horse thieves and find their lair.

When moving, Xu Lai also inquired specifically, knowing that in addition to wild monsters and hostile forces, there were other threats in this world.

It was also at that time that he got information about the mob, bandits, and robbers.

On the grassland, there are legendary horse thieves. It is said that there are countless gold and silver treasures hidden in the lairs of these horse thieves.

After the horse thief surrendered, the battle also ended. The light of settlement came as promised. After a brilliant victory, Xu Lai and others were unable to upgrade.

The horses wandering around on the grassland and the nearly ten corpses lying on the ground almost disappeared under the decomposition of the golden light, leaving only two horses and one corpse.

Xu Lai had encountered the same thing once before, when the orc heroes attacked him.

The giant frost wolf disappeared, but the corpses of the big-eared monsters remained.

Paladin Walker told Xu Lai the reason. Only creatures that were not born naturally would not even be able to leave their bodies behind.

The corpses of humans and animals are originally important components in maintaining the cycle of the world. Only those wild monsters that were not born naturally need to be recycled by the Creator.

The good news is that although heroes are not born in this world, they are indeed naturally born creatures, so even if Xu Lai does not collect the body, the orc hero will not disappear.

However, as time goes by, it is inevitable to become rotten and smelly.

So when the corpses and horses in front of him disappeared unnaturally, Xu Lai realized that those who disappeared were probably just wild monsters.

For this reason, he deliberately dismounted and went to the corpse left behind, suppressing his nausea and carefully inspecting the corpse.

Xu Lai no longer cares about killing wild monsters. Playing with the corpse of a real person, Xu Lai has been here for a long time and has been fighting. Before, he would never be able to bear it and would not dare to do so.

Real people and wild monsters are actually easy to distinguish.

Take the corpse in front of you as an example. Peeling off the deceased's coat, you can see that there are large and small scars all over the body.

If a real person wants to grow up in this society without any modern industry, it is basically impossible to grow up without some scars, let alone this guy is still a horse thief.

Secondly, the hands of the corpse holding the knife are full of calluses, but the wild monsters have none.

If you want evidence, you can peel off this man's pants and you should still be able to find traces of years of riding horses.

It's just that Xu Lai doesn't have any hobby for men, just pants and shoes.

For a moment, Xu Lai was confused. He remembered that Village Chief Laqi once said that in addition to heroes, only nobles could control the so-called wild monsters.

So, these horse thieves are actually the subordinates of other heroes?

With such doubts, Xu Lai buried the body hastily.

The other party was a horse thief and wanted to kill him, so he had a clear conscience and no sense of guilt.

But being born as a human being and growing up in China where the dead are the most important thing, Xu Lai is still a bit reluctant to see other people's corpses exposed in the wilderness.

After burying the body, Xu Lai naturally took away the prairie horse that belonged to the body, and also found a saber and a bag of gold coins from the body.

The prisoner who didn't know whether he was pretending to be crazy or acting stupid had his hands and feet tied up by Xu Lai and carried on his own horse.

In this way, Xu Lai led two horses on the left and one on the right, and rushed to his village with three of his men.

If there were two more horses, it would be difficult for Xu Lai to take them away. After all, these knights under his command were really great men, and they would not do any chores.

When you come, hang behind the cavalry and follow slowly. When you return, you don't need to worry about it. You can completely let go of the horse and gallop.

Xu Lai also didn't expect that he, a modern young man who couldn't even ride a horse more than ten days ago, would be able to ride three horses per person like a prairie veteran in just ten days.

Although this world is mysterious and cruel, it has to be said that it has very magical power.

It took more than half an hour to get here, and just over a quarter of an hour to get back. I saw Su Ya in about 20 minutes.

After Su Ya exterminated the evil ghost, she still stayed where she was. Even though most of her spearmen were seriously injured, only two promoted spearmen were in better condition.

The first time she saw Xu Lai, Su Ya rushed over. She stared at Xu Lai with her red face. She opened her mouth for a long time, but finally spit out a few words:

"Master, please bring more people with you next time."

Xu came to talk, but did not dare to correct Su Ya's title, and said flatteringly: "I have gained a lot this time."

After all, Su Ya was a subordinate, so she couldn't and was reluctant to say any words of blame, so she could only insinuate:

"In my case, no matter how big the harvest is, it is not as important as your safety, Master."

The brimstone guarded by the Boar Rider and the bronze treasure chest guarded by the Evil Ghost have already been packed away.

Xu Lai and the others did not even dare to approach the camp guarded by a group of tauren.

Minotaurs are also well-known creatures in the dungeon. Xu Lai is not sure about other characteristics of this kind of creatures. He only knows that they have one well-known characteristic.

Their morale is extremely high. The higher the level of the Tauren, the higher the morale. The morale of the high-level Tauren is always high and does not decrease due to any factors.

Of course, if the morale is just high, at most it can exert more than 120% of the combat effectiveness of other monsters of the same level. But combined with the strength and physique of the same level, which is almost the strongest, ordinary troops of the same level are no match at all.

The minotaurs guarding that group of camps were all minotaurs of the lowest level 5, and they were also led by level 6 minotaurs.

Xu Lai doesn't have as many enemies at the same level as his opponent, let alone the existence of level 6 creatures. Even if he can defeat this group of minotaurs, it will probably be a miserable victory.

Although the Minotaur and the Minotaur are humanoid, their legs are standard cow legs. They are extremely supportive and explosive, and their speed far exceeds the Empire's 5th and 6th level infantry.

Even with the blessing of logistics, Xu Lai's sharpshooters couldn't defeat them. They could only shoot a few more arrows with the advantage of distance.

Besides, the camps guarded by these tauren are neither small nor large. Xu Lai is only interested in the enemy's lair of horse thieves. The tauren camp should be left alone.

Xu Lai was extremely excited when he thought that there might be a fellow villager hiding behind this horse thief.

Before coming to this world, Xu Lai spent countless lonely years.

This not only tempered his resilience, but it also really made him yearn for the feeling of meeting old friends in a foreign country, hoping to relieve his longing and loneliness.

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