The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 81 Preparing for War (First update, please order first)

In the evening, Xu Lai received two paintings.

One is a summary of the maps that the scouts gave to Xu Lai. On it, everything from Pingfeng Mountain to the farthest location Xu Lai ran during the day was recorded.

All the wild buildings and monster groups in the middle are also marked.

Looking back, Xu Lai only needs to add the marks he originally recorded to this big map.

In addition to the summary map compiled by the scouts, there is also a part drawn by Watanabe on the far right.

This was originally a map collected from Watanabe. After the scouts completed the drawing, Xu Lai asked Watanabe to add his own village, and also added the horse thief's lair to the original map.

The other painting was done entirely by Watanabe alone, and was an analytical diagram of the horse thief's lair.

Not to mention, this guy Watanabe has pretty good drawing skills. Whether it's a map or an analytical diagram, the drawings look pretty similar.

In fact, Watanabe was originally their village's guide responsible for finding ranches.

Otherwise, with Watanabe not even having the fighting power of an ordinary horse thief, and only being a fellow villager, how could he possibly be able to talk to Love, who had become the leader.

It was also because of this ability that Watanabe was actually reused by Andy Yin. The team of horse thieves protected Watanabe when he came out to plot.

If it is robbery, horse thieves will often gather two or three teams to act together.

If he was being reused, how dare Watanabe say it in front of Xu Lai.

A small part of the map I drew was confiscated by Xu Lai, so I couldn't even scribble an explanation in order to avoid misalignment.

Xu Lai was very satisfied with Watanabe's paintings, especially the analysis of the thieves' lair, which basically showed the gates, walls, arrow towers, secret passages in the woods, traps, etc.

That's why Xu Lai didn't think too much now, otherwise how could Watanabe, who could even draw the secret passage on the drawing, be just a small figure in the horse thief camp.

In the past, Xu Lai would think more, but today he suddenly received too much news and had no time to think too much.

Satisfied, Xu Lai was still worried about this guy, so he signaled to Su Ya.

Su Ya, who was well prepared, took two militiamen with her, picked up Watanabe's arm and walked towards the small pool where Xu came last night.

Watanabe, who seemed to have expected something, struggled in panic. Unfortunately, his strength was not high to begin with, and he had been beaten severely. At this time, he really didn't have much strength left.

In the end, Watanabe was thrown into the pool. He just wanted to come forward, but was pressed down hard by Su Ya.

After letting this guy drink a lot of water, Xu Lai asked Su Ya to let go of his head.

"Watanabe, do you think I'm kidding you? Are you trying to fool me with this thing?"

"Forgive me, Mr. Hero, I really didn't lie in the picture."

After several times in a row, Xu Lai estimated that this guy really didn't lie, but he couldn't tell him that I lied to you.

Although Xu Lai's reputation was worthless, his face was worth something, so he found an excuse to pull him up and said:

"The map you drew didn't even mark the minimum distance. Don't tell me that you, a professional cartographer, don't even understand this common sense."

Xu Lai didn't know if the other party was a professional. Anyway, the map was well drawn. At best, he had misunderstood it.

Sure enough, Watanabe didn't dare to refute at all, and said honestly: "Master Hero, the villain will not dare to do it anymore.

The horse thief camp is half a day's journey away from where we met. "

Watanabe still felt guilty. He revealed so much important information about Andy Yin, and he was worried that he would be retaliated against in the future.

Even if revenge wasn't on him, he still had friends and family, so during Xu Lai's interrogation, he kept hesitating and left a little leeway when drawing pictures.

Anyway, there was no distance marked on the map Xu Lai gave him, so he simply didn't mark it. He didn't expect that Xu Lai would discover this.

Seeing this, Xu Lai also smiled and asked Su Ya to take Watanabe and Wanderer into the dark crystal cave.

After they left, Xu Lai fell into deep thought.

He must get rid of this camp of horse thieves. They say that there is no room for others to snore next to the bed. Those horse thieves are still a bandit force that does all kinds of evil.

But Xu Lai has no idea how to deal with this force.

The disappearance of Watanabe and the others will definitely attract Andy Yin's attention. Even if he doesn't know where Watanabe and the others disappeared, he must know the direction in which they went.

By then, it may not take more than a few days to find the village of Xu Lai if we search along the way.

Therefore, Xu Lai can only use these few days, and he must strengthen himself as soon as possible within these few days.

In the current village, Xu Lai's only building that can recruit soldiers is a manor, and he recruits farmers with almost no fighting ability.

Therefore, the only thing Xu Lai can rely on to strengthen himself in a short period of time is diplomacy.

Soon, Xu Lai made up his mind that he could no longer let go of the friendly units on the map. He must lead his most powerful troops as soon as possible to visit all neutral and friendly wild monsters.

Of course, before the visit, you need to prepare enough gold coins to avoid the situation where the group of farmers are being used for diplomacy and Xu Lai needs to provide gold coins.

After all, the treasure chest that he had kept could no longer be kept.

He now needs to go all out to prepare for the war and prepare enough gold coins and treasures.

Thinking of this, he couldn't hold it any longer and rode towards the wild dock.

The small arrow boat was completed around noon today after less than 24 working hours. The farmers here were also taken back to rest by Su Ya.

Xu Lai didn't know how to steer a ship, but it didn't matter. Small arrow ships were considered warships and could be controlled by soldiers.

The small arrow boat can accommodate 3-5 people in total. The three cavalrymen accompanying Xu Lai add up to 4 people and can be fully accommodated.

This small arrow ship has a rather large powerful crossbow placed at the bow, and there are about 25 1.23 meter crossbow arrows in the hull.

[Small arrow boat]: Can accommodate 3-5 people (at least 3 people, one person to operate the boat, two people to operate the crossbow, requires a level 1 or above combat profession to operate)

Attack 75, Defense: 15, Durability 600

Ammo 25, range 300

This is a small warship that can fight directly on the lake. Its shape is similar to the awning boat Xu Lai saw in the ancient town, but it is much wider. Xu Lai and the other four people did not feel crowded on the boat.

After entering the arrow ship, the two mercenaries consciously controlled the crossbows, while the knight's retinue honestly slid the two oars at the stern.

On the surface of Swan Lake, apart from pairs of swans, there were only some wild ducks swimming around. There were no enemies or any threats.

Xu Lai's eyes were not on the wild ducks and swans, but along the lake surface and scanning the bottom of the lake bit by bit.

Thanks to: charles982; book friend 20200630185026067 for the reward

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