The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 83 Diplomatic Thoughts (Third update, please subscribe)

There were four wooden houses tonight, and Su Ya's spearmen began to rest as soon as they returned to the village. At night, they finally no longer seemed cramped.

After Xu Lai listened to the scholar's lecture conscientiously, he lit a candle in his bedroom, added his own marks and annotations on the map, and planned his route for tomorrow.

In order to maximize the success rate of diplomacy, save time to the maximum extent, and prepare for military training, this route planning is still very necessary.

First of all, there are the flower elves who are close at hand. After all, these are just low-level wild monsters, and they have a basic friendly level. Xu Lai feels that the probability of success in diplomacy with them is relatively high.

After dealing with these flower elves, regardless of whether the strength of his troops has truly improved, at least it seems to have improved.

Xu Lai already knew the wild monsters very well. They had a certain ability to make logical judgments, but this ability did not come from innate wisdom, but seemed to be imposed on them.

If Xu Lai had to explain it, Xu Lai believed that the logical judgments of these wild monsters were more like a perfunctory program by the Creator, with fixed and strict execution standards and countless loopholes that could be tried.

Therefore, Xu Lai believes that wild monsters will not care whether your troops are integrated or whether your morale is high.

They only look at the number and rank of your troops, and use built-in logic to judge the strength gap between you and him.

Beyond the flower elves, it’s time to turn around and go back the way you came, that is, to the northwest.

There, there was also a troop of about 50 stone-throwing dwarves, not far from the town, and at the very edge of security set by Xu Lai.

The basic level of the stone-throwing dwarves is 1, the number is slightly larger, and they are still long-range troops.

However, after Xu Lai's diplomacy with the flower elves, the quantity and quality of his troops exceeded those of the dwarves, so the success rate of his diplomacy was also very high.

Once here, Xu Lai couldn't go back any further, lest he encounter the orcs heading south.

After turning a corner here, Xu Lai is going to touch the group of nomads. This group of nomads belongs to humans and has a naturally friendly relationship with Xu Lai, so the success rate is higher.

However, the lowest level of nomads is level 3, so Xu Lai had to wait until he had dealt with the flower elves and dwarves and maximized the strength of his own troops before he encountered these nomads.

For Xu Lai, he doesn't actually value flower elves and dwarves. They are just to increase the probability of successful diplomacy for the nomads.

Xu Lai was originally a purely human unit, but after adding a tree elf, the morale of the human race and the morale of the empire's camp were all lost, which was equivalent to the loss of a full 4 points of morale blessing.

Fortunately, the barrier camp where the tree elves are located is in an alliance with the empire. There is no morale penalty for Xu Lai's recruitment of elves. If he brings in diplomacy such as a neutral stronghold, there will be a morale penalty.

Recruiting the undead makes the demons even more terrifying. Anyway, with Xu Lai's current morale, he would not dare to touch the enemy camp's troops.

Near the nomads, there is a group of level 4 mages, but Xu Lai will bypass these mages and touch the famous gargoyles in the tower first.

This thing is one of the masterpieces of the tower. It only has high-speed flying ability and pretty good defense at level 2.

After dealing with these gargoyles, Xu Lai was more confident about contacting the mages. At the very least, if these mages wanted to fall out, they would give priority to attacking these gargoyles with strong defense penetration capabilities.

Mages are not like those priests. They do not have the characteristic of not reducing damage in close combat.

After being approached, all spells with great power and long casting time cannot be cast, and the threat is reduced many times.

It is also for this reason that in the logic of the mage, gargoyles with the ability to fly at high speed are the most threatening existence.

With this group of gargoyles, at least his original main force can be preserved, so he must first bypass the mage to contact the gargoyles.

After dealing with these mages, Xu Lai's worried heart could relax a little.

If he had enough time, he could return to the vicinity of the town and clean up all the high-speed mobile wild monsters and long-range wild monsters along the way.

After two days, Xu Lai did not plan to go too far away for activities, lest his hometown would be taken away by Yin Andi again when he was not at home.

After clearing his thoughts, Xu Lai lay down on his big bed.

The 2-meter-wide bed is very comfortable for one person, just right for two people, but a bit cramped for three people.

On both sides of Xu Lai, there were women with excellent figures, but they were also unprepared for Xu Lai.

In such a charming environment, Xu Lai's thoughts were all on Yin Andi, the leader of the horse thieves.

Xu Lai had been busy during the day and didn't think too much about it. At night, he remembered the fate of the two heroes Watanabe said.

And Yin Andy is not the biggest among the horse thieves. Let’s not say whether he can defeat Yin Andy. Even if he wins, what will happen to the prairie king behind Yin Andy?

These questions were all matters of life and death, how could Xu Lai resist thinking about them.

Xu Lai didn't sleep well that night. Fortunately, he had a strong physique. After barely falling asleep in the middle of the night last night, his physical strength and energy had recovered during the day.

In the morning, Xu Lai didn't ask Su Ya to prepare breakfast, but did it himself.

Su Ya couldn't be idle either. She got Xu Lai's order and arranged all the farmers except those who farmed into the woods.

In the past two days, they had to do everything possible to cut down trees. The village didn't even have a fence, and Xu Lai didn't feel confident at all.

With a fence and a group of spearmen and pikemen, Xu Lai had more confidence in guarding the village.

After taking the farmers to the grove, Su Ya still failed to go back for breakfast. According to Xu Lai's instructions, she still needed to go to the Junior Magic Temple.

It's a pity that she can't learn strategic healing spells like Xu Lai here.

The spells Su Ya learned were still healing, but unlike Xu Lai's healing, Su Ya's healing spells could only act on individuals.

[Healing]: Eliminate the influence of negative magic on the casting target, restore (spirit x 5) + 10 life points, cannot be resurrected, consumes 5 mana points.

Su Ya's spirit is now 13 points, which means that one cast can restore 75 points of health.

Even if Xu Lai's health increases by 1 after putting on the magical armor, his health will only be 173 points, which is equivalent to two and a half times of healing to restore Xu Lai's entire health.

This was just a rudimentary spell, but it had such a terrifying effect. Xu Lai could not imagine how terrifying the harmful spell could be in the hands of a real mage.

After Su Ya came back and had breakfast, Xu Lai redistributed the troops. This time he simply assigned all the spearmen to Su Ya, and then took the two advanced spearmen in Su Ya's hands. Come over.

In this way, Xu Lai's troops are all at least level 4, and their movement speed is obviously a level higher than Su Ya's slow troops.

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