Xu Lai shuddered violently. He was wearing shoes, but those shoes had no attributes, so he couldn't feel it.

However, those claws grabbed his ankles, and he seemed to be able to feel the coldness and bitingness of those claws through his pants and shoes.

A clanging sound.

Su Ya, who had been guarding Xu Lai's side, slashed down with a decisive sword. With the light that had been dimmed to the extreme, Xu Lai finally saw what was holding his foot.

The thing was pale and pale, and it was clearly a piece of bone that had been separated, but it seemed to be held together by glue, and it could still move as a whole.

Fortunately, the skeletal arm had been severed by Su Ya, otherwise Xu Lai felt like he was going to have a heart attack.

If this was something else, he wouldn't necessarily be afraid of it in his current state. However, he had been afraid of things like bones, especially human bones, since he was a child.

Unlike his terrifying intimidation, the skeleton that caught Xu Lai was too weak.

With the help of the broken coffin, the bone hand was able to successfully penetrate, but its body was so huge that only one head could be drilled out, and the broadest shoulder was stuck on the rotten wood.

Even the wood that had rotted to this extent couldn't break free. This skeleton was really incompetent. Only the dark will-o'-the-wisps in the two big eye holes of the skeleton made Xu Kan shudder.

Su Ya's second blow hit the will-o'-the-wisp. At this point, the skeleton that scared Xu Lai was easily killed.

Apart from being able to scare people, this thing has no real ability at all.

After scratching Xu Lai's feet for a long time, not to mention the shoes, he couldn't even break the thin layer of pants.

The frightened Xu Lai kicked the skeleton away, but this became the last straw that destroyed the coffin.

After Xu Lai's kick, the wooden coffin completely lost its support and collapsed with a bang.

Even though there was almost no sunshine here, Xu Lai still saw a few golden things with sharp eyes.

After some collection, Xu Lai successfully harvested 50 gold coins and a treasure called the Amulet of Courage from the coffin.

The so-called treasure is something that can have an impact on the entire army, which is much more powerful than personal equipment.

Xu Lai originally carried a treasure, which was a flag, but the pattern had not been generated yet. Xu Lai was not interested in designing a pattern for his flag now, as it would not affect its use anyway.

The effect of this amulet of courage is the same as that of his heroic flag, which is to increase the morale of the entire army by 1 point.

This amulet of courage only needs to be hung around the neck to be effective.

Although Xu Lai was a little embarrassed, after all, this amulet of courage had no other smell, so he still hung it around his neck.

As a result, the morale of his archer units will be 68 points.

However, Xu Lai took a look and found that the morale of the shooters was as high as 71 points, in addition to 60 basic morale points, 1 human morale point, 3 imperial morale points, 2 leadership points, and 1 morale point brought by the heroic flag.

The shooters also have an additional state called "Win a Victory", which has the effect of increasing morale by 3 points. With this 1 point of Courage Talisman, the morale has exceeded 70 points. Unfortunately, it has not yet reached the high morale state.

The morale of the farmers is even higher, but it is a pity that the victory status cannot be given to all farmers. On average, the morale is only 80 points.

After putting on the Talisman of Courage, Xu Lai left with the shooters. On the way, he asked Su Ya:

"This should be considered a funerary object. You were born in the grassland. Isn't it bad for me to hold it?"

Although they had only been in contact for half a day, Su Ya had already fully won Xu Lai's trust. If there was a gap between him and his most important subordinate because of a little morale, then he would rather not do it.

Su Ya shook her head and said: "Master, don't worry.

In fact, the ancient way for us prairie people to bury our ancestors is to bury them in a random pasture.

Later, after the integration with Chinese culture, some people would deliberately look for a marked place to bury their ancestors in order to have a place to commemorate their ancestors. This should be the origin of the coffin in the woods.

But our world is full of magic and miracles. The mysteries of nature are endless. Natural magic will be affected by various factors to form its essence.

I don't know what happened in that coffin to turn a corpse into an undead, but I know that the things inside must not be burial objects, but the result of the birth of magic. "

Having said this, Su Ya smiled and said to Xu Lai: "And my dear master, if it is really a burial object, can you still wear it around your neck so indifferently.

If you don’t go back and wash it a hundred and eighty times, I’m afraid you won’t even want to touch it! "

Xu Lai laughed and did not deny it. If it was covered in the stench of corpses, it would be impossible for him to encounter it.

There were no other undead nearby, and it was almost noon. Xu Lai helped put the dozen units of wood cut down by several farmers into his backpack, and then led the people back to the camp.

Those trees are tall and thick, which makes felling a lot more difficult, but each time a tree is cut down, more wood is obtained per unit.

There are other surprises waiting for him in the camp, not to mention the two farmers who are farming. It takes a full 24 hours to plant. If the rest time is included, the harvest will not be harvested until at least tomorrow afternoon.

The surprise was that the farmer who turned into a fisherman caught more than a dozen big and fat live fish for him, even though he only used a fine net.

The bigger surprise was brought by the farmer who fetched water. In addition to filling the two large wooden barrels produced from the campfire with fresh water, he also salvaged a treasure chest from the river.

Yes, a small treasure chest more than 20 centimeters wide, more than 30 centimeters long, and more than ten centimeters high.

There is also a small lock on this thing. Xu Lai, who has greatly increased his strength, can easily break the lock with just one twist.

"Master, you are really lucky. This is a wooden treasure chest. Although it is of the lowest quality, it can float on the water.

If it were a higher-grade black iron or bronze treasure chest, I might have to go to the bottom of the river to find it. "Su Ya congratulated from the side.

Su Ya had just explained the natural magic to Xu Lai before, and now the wooden treasure box that Xu Lai was lucky enough to obtain proved this even more.

After opening the treasure chest, Xu Lai once again got a chance to choose.

[Wooden treasure chest: You can get 500 gold coins or 1,000 experience points from it. 】

The choice this time was not difficult to make. Although Xu Lai didn't know how much 1,000 experience points were worth, whether it would allow him to continue upgrading.

But even if it allows him to upgrade or even upgrade two levels, he still feels that 500 gold coins are more important.

Xu Lai chose 500 gold coins without hesitation, so after he built a campfire and two tents, and upgraded a shooter, his savings increased instead of decreasing, and now reached 1,305 gold coins.

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