The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1031: Group action

Among the more than 90 sect disciples present here, although the cultivation level is generally between the Golden Core Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage, most of them still have the strength of the Golden Core Stage. Let them stand alone with the Tier 1 Demon Spider every day. Fighting is still unrealistic. Compared to this Penglai Wonderland, the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders is not fixed. There are two, but four are not too many, there are six, but eight are also very common, there are twelve. Only, but 14 of them are often encountered. There are 16 of them, but 18 and 20 are normal.

Even if Xiao Han encounters more than a dozen Tier 1 demon spiders, it’s not impossible to kill them all, but the battle process will definitely take a long time, and it’s normal to get a slight injury, just like during the day today, Xiao Han The dozens of Tier 1 Demon Spiders I encountered took a lot of effort to kill, and Xiao Han still left a few minor injuries on his body.

If these ordinary sect disciples face more than a dozen Tier 1 Demon Spiders at once, it is estimated that among the 90-odd people sitting there, at least half of them will be killed on the spot under the siege of a dozen Demon Spiders.

However, Xiao Han can still understand the worries of these ordinary sect disciples, because Xiao Han himself has already killed more than a hundred first-order demon spiders himself, and has a good understanding of the monsters brought by such extraterritorial demon races. Once the number of such first-order demon spiders reached a certain level, their combat effectiveness was no less than that of a Jin Dan stage peak refiner.

Take Xiao Han as an example. Now his ability to deal with more than a dozen demon spiders at the same time is barely enough, but if the number of Tier 1 demon spiders exceeds a dozen, there will be more than 20 and 30 or even more. Under the circumstances, Xiao Han could only run away watching the wind.

However, Xiao Han’s ability to understand the worries of these ordinary sect disciples does not mean that Xiao Han agrees with their negativity and cowardice. If Xiao Han does not stand up on this trip to the Penglai Wonderland, these major sect disciples present, How many people can or walk out of Penglai Wonderland?

If Xiao Han wants to achieve his goal, he must tie these people tightly together, otherwise, this trip to Penglai Wonderland would be a complete failure.

"I can understand everyone's worries, but in this Penglai Wonderland, we have no retreat. With them waiting to die, it is better to fight hard. In this way, we have a chance to live."

Xiao Han looked at everyone present, and then said: "So, my suggestion is that we better go together, if we can, we divide into several teams, led by a team leader, responsible for leading and organizing. The members of the squad killed the first-order demon spiders and slowly approached in the direction of Zhendevil Mountain. The reason for approaching Zhendevil Mountain was because the number of first-order demon spiders in the area we were in was limited, which was not enough for us. People assigned."

"Isn't it? Let's team up to hunt the Tier 1 Demon Spider?"

"Also let us slowly approach towards Zhendevil Mountain? Doesn't it mean that the closer we get to Zhendevil Mountain, the greater the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders? This is more dangerous?"

"That's right, the closer you are to the town of Demon Mountain, the greater the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, and you will encounter Tier 2 Demon Spiders or even Tier 3 Demon Spiders. Then there is still a way for us to survive?"

"I'm not going, I'm not going anywhere, I just stay around here, kill a few Tier 1 demon spiders every day, and slowly accumulate and slowly cultivate. Anyway, there is still a year, maybe it is enough for me to cultivate. It's the stage of transformation!"

"That is, I think Xiao Han's proposal is not reliable at all. The only reliable thing is that we are better off acting in groups!"

"I agree with this too!"

Many people started to talk about it. It seems that Xiao Han's proposal is not so easy to be accepted by everyone.

Xiao Han has also been paying attention to the movement on the court. He also heard many people's comments very clearly. However, he still noticed that most of these objections were disciples from ordinary sects, like standing in Yelong. The Wudang schoolmen around Xuan, the Kunlun schoolmen standing around Wang Mang, and so on, the disciples of these big sects did not say anything, but looked at the seniors who led the team.

Ye Longxuan thought for a while and said, "Xiao Han, I still agree with your proposal. As for how to divide the team, do you have any ideas?"

Since Ye Longxuan said this, it means that he no longer regards challenging Xiao Han as the most important thing in front of him, but has begun to face up to the situation in Penglai Wonderland. He has already understood that the most important thing now is how to better He survived in Penglai Wonderland, and let the juniors who followed him out of Penglai Wonderland alive.

Xiao Han thought for a while and said, "My proposal is like this. Let's divide these people into small teams, and each team entrusts a captain to organize all the team members to kill the surrounding Tier 1 Demon Spiders together, and improve as soon as possible. Everyone's cultivation level, three months later, we will go to the human gathering point together to discuss with other people from the Seven Sides world how to climb the magic mountain!"

Ye Longxuan nodded, looked at Wang Mang next to him, and then at Hua Feng and the others. It was obvious that Ye Longxuan wanted them to express their opinions.

Wang Mang smiled and said: "I think it is possible. We Kunlun sent a total of six people. I can bring my five juniors to form a team. The leader is me!"

With that, Huafeng and others also stepped forward. These sects of them were all entered into the Penglai Wonderland together. Now that Xiao Han said that they would form some teams, the first thing they thought of was the five that they brought. A junior and himself formed a small team.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han shook his head secretly. It seems that the so-called view of the door will not change because of the special circumstances. All the sect disciples, when facing problems, think about their own sect.

But there is no way, Xiao Han is just a suggestion to everyone after all, now he and everyone are equal, there is no such thing as who orders and who instructs who.

After Wang Mang and others spoke, there was a burst of laughter in the crowd, and Xiao Han roughly heard some of it, meaning that Wang Mang and other famous sects then made it clear that they would not take people from other sects. They are here to hunt for treasures. There are too many people and it seems not easy to distribute.

This is not the same as what Xiao Han expected. Originally, Xiao Han wanted to form a team of nine to ten people among the people sitting there, forming a total of nine teams, and these nine teams could interact with each other. There are competitions between each other, some competitions are held regularly, and some prizes and penalties are set. The competition items are more first-order magic spiders than the team, and more first-order magic spiders are obtained.

In this way, all sect disciples can be driven, and because of the existence of competition and punishment measures, everyone can be driven. As soon as everyone’s enthusiasm comes out, the so-called team strength will gradually Appeared.

Xiao Han started from the Hanmen training class and went to Hanmen specialty restaurant chains, including the current Hanmen Group. Although Xiao Han did not do everything by himself, Xiao Han himself controlled the general direction. All talk about how to mobilize students. Or, in terms of employee enthusiasm, Xiao Han is still very knowledgeable.

As long as the people who are present at this old thing are willing to follow Xiao Han and act according to Xiao Han’s arrangements, Xiao Han can pat his chest and say that this time the trip to Penglai Wonderland does not say all, at least half of the people can walk out of Penglai alive wonderland.


The ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny. The current situation is completely different from what Xiao Han had previously imagined. The other ordinary sect disciples have not yet started the team, but the core figures in the team like Wang Mang have already euphemistically He expressed that he would not follow Xiao Han's arrangements, and would only listen to Xiao Han's suggestions.

The gap between following the arrangement and listening to the suggestions is not generally large. Following the arrangement also means that Xiao Han's ideas can be thoroughly implemented, and Xiao Han's ideas can be turned into reality with the best effect, but listening to the suggestions is It's different. Since you are listening to suggestions, you can just listen to your ears but not your heart, or you can just listen to your ears and don't agree with your heart.

Seeing that Wang Mang and others had expressed their opinions, they took the five juniors from their own sect together. At this time, Ye Longxuan also stood up and said, "Since everyone feels that they are bringing their own disciples to form a team, Then, Yelongxuan is no exception. Starting tomorrow, I will take the five junior brothers of our Wudang Sect to kill the Tier 1 Demon Spider."

After Ye Longxuan also expressed his opinion, the discussion among the crowd became louder and louder. Now the five famous schools of Wudang School, Kunlun School, Emei School, Kongtong School, and Huashanmen have made it clear that they have to go all alone. Yes, I won't always be with everyone.

But they can't be blamed, even other little sects thought this way before, and after arriving in Penglai Wonderland, they went their own ways.

If it weren’t for the way to enter the Penglai Wonderland, it’s a bit special. Everyone fell from a high altitude, and most of them were injured more or less, and it didn’t take long for many people to encounter Tier 1 Demon Spiders. The siege of Penglai, so everyone felt that this Penglai Wonderland was too weird.

If it weren’t for the barrenness of the Penglai Wonderland, there was no trace of aura, and there were huge spiders that surpassed the limit of a person’s consciousness, Ye Longxuan would launch the signal flares, and half of the people would come and join together. Up.

In addition, when many people appeared in Penglai Wonderland, the sect master brothers beside them did not appear in the same place, so they wanted to rush over to meet.

If the natural conditions in Penglai Wonderland are the same as those in the secular world, many people will go on their own way after arriving in Penglai Wonderland.

(End of this chapter)

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