Xiao Han went on to say: "In the first three months, everyone tried to kill as many Tier 1 demon spiders as possible to obtain their inner crystals. There are still three months left. After three months, I suggest that everyone follow me and work together. I set off to the human gathering point. It was the day when all the disciples of the sect in the world of eight directions converged. No matter what, we are all gas refiners from the same world. At that time, I hope you can let go of your view and come to me Together, let’s go to the human gathering point to join in the fun, so that gas refiners from other worlds can also see our style."

Tian Daren and Zhang Qi laughed twice. Tian Daren smiled and said, "Let's see the situation at that time. If it is too dangerous, we will not go. I will go around the nearby area."

The right to choose lies in their own body. Xiao Han has already said everything that can be said. Since they still chose to stay in the world of Penglai Wonderland in such an extremely conservative way of almost waiting to die, Xiao Han could not force it. After all, this kind of thing is purely voluntary. Xiao Han is neither their sect brother nor their superior, and he has no right to demand and order them.

The result is the same as Xiao Han imagined. Even, there are fewer people willing to follow Xiao Han than imagined. Before Xiao Han had predicted that there would be more than half of those who are willing to follow him. ?

But what Xiao Han didn’t expect was that among the 93 people present, only 34 were willing to follow him. Moreover, Xiao Han only figured out later that these people who were willing to follow him were basically not here. Of the same cultivating sect, among the 30-odd people, except for a few sects who have sent two or three disciples, the rest are from different sects, and their sect only sent one person to Penglai. Among the wonderland.

Later, Xiao Han asked them why they chose to follow him. The reply he got made Xiao Han very speechless: There is no why, you Xiao Han can kill nearly a hundred first-order magic spiders in one day. We follow you, even if we can’t kill them. How many Tier 1 Devil Spiders are safer to follow by your side, that's for sure!

Although the people present have been divided into three groups, each group will go according to their own arrangements, but tonight everyone decided to stay overnight on this hillside.

The hillside is big enough, and the flat land above is enough for these people to put down all the tents, but it’s still early, so everyone did not spread apart, but sat together alone, but where they are now It is also distinct from Weijing.

The five famous sects represented by Ye Longxuan sat together, Tian Daren and other sect disciples represented by Zhang Qi sat together, and those who were willing to be with Xiao Han sat separately.

Now, many sect disciples who have not eaten before have taken out food and drinking water from the Qiankun bag to fill their stomachs.

Xiao Han then remembered the Qiankun bag that he had found on the Wuyi Palace disciple before. It contained a variety of delicacies. He had already eaten, and he no longer needs to be hungry anymore. There was a piece of mutton fat jade pendant from Wuyi Palace. After thinking about it, I took advantage of this opportunity to return that piece of jade pendant to the clerk of Wuyi Palace. After all, Xiao Han had inherited the favor of that Wuyi Palace disciple.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han asked loudly: "Excuse me, who is the disciple of Wuyi Palace in this?"

A black-clothed man sitting not far behind Zhang Qi stood up and asked, "I am a disciple of Wuyi Palace, what can you do?"

This person was sitting behind Zhang Qi, and beside him there were several men who were also wearing black clothes. It seemed that these people were all disciples of Wuyi Palace.

Judging from the position they did, the disciples of Wuyi Palace seem to plan to arrange their own itinerary. I don’t know if they plan to stay in this area forever, or if they plan to move closer to Zhendevil Mountain. If the Magic Mountain moved closer, Xiao Han wouldn't mind sending an invitation to them, so that Xiao Han could take care of it when he was traveling along the way, and it would be considered a slight contribution to Wuyi Palace.

Xiao Han went on to say: "I met a disciple from your Wuyi Palace on the way. He should have been besieged to death by a Tier 1 Demon Spider. I just passed by. When I rushed to his side, he was almost dead. After he died, I found a jade pendant with the word'Wuyi' on his body. Since you are a disciple of Wuyi Palace, this jade pendant is returned to the original owner!"

With that said, Xiao Han threw the piece of mutton fat white jade pendant over.

The disciple of the Wuyi Palace changed his face when he heard Xiao Han's words. When he reached out to catch the jade pendant that Xiao Han had run over, his expression became even more ugly.

The man quickly arched his hand and said, "Thank you so much!"

Xiao Han smiled faintly, and replied: "No thanks, it's just a trivial matter!"

Several other Wuyi Palace disciples who were sitting next to him also stood up and gathered together to look at the mutton jade pendant in his hand, the look on their faces was also very ugly.

When Xiao Han took out this jade pendant, it proved that the owner of this jade pendant really suffered an accident and is no longer alive. Originally, these Wuyi Palace disciples still had illusions. The Wuyi Palace disciple was just because of the journey. It's far away, so I haven't rushed here to meet everyone, or something was delayed midway, so I haven't appeared here.

It stands to reason that if he really had an accident on the road and so many people rushed over, he would have discovered something on the road, but he has never received any news about him, but from another perspective, there is no news. It can be said to be good news.

Then, Xiao Han took out the Wuyi Palace disciple’s Qiankun bag from his pocket. Except for food and drinking water, Xiao Han hadn’t moved anything else, even if Xiao Han kept it. There is no other use, so it is better to return it to Wuyi Palace. After all, a universe bag with such a large space is considered a treasure in the sect.

Anyway, Xiao Han already had a Qiankun bag, which was "tentatively loaned" by Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, for him to use. However, Xiao Han felt that he was very upset because of some actions on Penglai Island, so this Qiankun It is impossible for Xiao Han to return it back.

Seeing that these people's faces were very ugly, Xiao Han went on to explain: "When I met him on the road, he was about to die, so he didn't say a word to him. I found this in him. Yupei, I guessed that he should be your disciple of Wuyi Palace, so I brought this jade pendant and Qiankun bag, and it is considered the original owner!"

After speaking, I saw the disciples from Wuyi Palace still stunned on the spot. I thought that these people hadn't come out of the sad news yet, so Xiao Han didn't care. He turned around and was about to walk back. At this moment, suddenly behind him There was a clear drink.


Xiao Han lightly frowned and turned around, seeming to notice that this person's tone was somewhat rude.

Xiao Han asked faintly: "What? What else?"

The person asked blankly, "Is there a lot of things missing in this Qiankun bag?"

Xiao Han nodded. He left the food and drinking water inside. After thinking about it, these things belonged to Wuyi Palace after all. Xiao Han took out all of them. Now that they know about it, just give it a call. Hello, even if Xiao Han borrowed it temporarily.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han arched his hands and said: "Yes, I have left the food and drinking water in the Qiankun bag. I can say that Xiao Han temporarily borrowed it from your Wuyi Palace, or I Xiao Han owes you one. Favor, you can contact me if you have any questions in the future, as long as Xiao Han can do it, I will definitely not postpone it!"

The disciple of the Wuyi Palace changed his face several times, and then he asked: "The brother and disciple of our Wuyi Palace that you met on the road is a bit special. He is the precious son of the master of the Wuyi Palace, so the details of the matter I want to ask clearly so that our palace lord can ask questions in the future, and we can give him an explanation!"

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment. The hapless man he met before was actually the precious son of the palace lord of Wuyi?

But after thinking about it, I found it normal. Xiao Han thought of this when he found out the white jade pendant of mutton fat from him. He could carry such a precious jade pendant on his body, and there was a "Wu Yi" on the jade pendant. "Two words, it means that the identity of the hapless guy is very unusual in Wuyi Palace.

But Xiao Han did not expect that the identity of the hapless man was actually the precious son of the palace lord of Wuyi Palace.

The disciple of Wuyi Palace said that he should ask the details of the matter clearly, so that the palace owner would ask them in the future to give an explanation. Xiao Han thought about it, this is also human nature!

Therefore, Xiao Han explained the details of the matter in the original, starting from the scene where Xiao Han found out halfway through the four giant spiders and fighting with the four giant spiders, to the piece being crushed by the Wuyi Palace disciple falling from the sky. The crushed boulder, followed by Xiao Han walking along the blood dripping from the ground to the Wuyi Palace disciple who fell on the ground, Xiao Han explained the whole process.

After the disciples from Wuyi Palace listened, the expressions on their faces became more solemn, and they murmured a few words together.

Seeing that they had no other reaction, Xiao Han felt that the matter was over. Xiao Han didn't need their thanks either. Seeing their ugly expressions, Xiao Han didn't want to say anything else.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han turned and walked back to the position he had just sat in.

However, before Xiao Han sat down in the position where he was sitting just now, another extremely rude word came from behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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