Li Jian thought about it for a while and felt that it was the same reason. The previous thing was a bit wishful thinking about Boss Xiao being too tall and mighty. Now, after thinking about it carefully, I feel that if Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren are really the three gold medals All the new players in the peak realm of Dan Qi were arranged into their team, which seemed really unreasonable to Xiao Han.

After all, no matter how good Xiao Han is, there is only one person with two hands. If they count Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren, all three new players at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, their group will only be in the Golden Core Stage. There are five players in the pinnacle realm, not counting the other three mid-Jindan period team members and two early-Jindan period team members.

Thinking of this, Li Jian then asked: "Boss Xiao, we are going to set off tomorrow morning. You think we should allocate the groups in advance from time to time tonight, so that we can start the group game directly after we set off tomorrow morning?"

Xiao Han nodded and said sternly: "I know, I think the same way. By the way, Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Lao Tian, ​​do I need to explain to you separately about why we need to compete in groups?"

There is a reason why Xiao Han asked this. After all, Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren only joined the Jade Devil team today. It is not very clear why a team still has to compete in groups. If the three of them are not very good If he understood, Xiao Han felt that it was necessary to explain to the three of them separately.

Zhan Peng smiled and said, "Boss Xiao, I can't use it anymore. Lao Zhong and the others have already explained it to us before you came back!"

Tian Daren also said: "Boss Xiao, don't worry about this. We fully understand the purpose of your arrangement. Although we are in the same team, this group competition can mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, so that everyone can With enough effort to kill the Tier 1 Demon Spider, the record of our Slaying Demon Squad in one day is really hard to imagine!"

After listening to what Tian Daren said, Zhang Qi, who was sitting next to Tian Daren, originally wanted to speak, but after thinking about it, he realized that Tian Daren had already said it. At this time, if Zhang Qi stood up and said it again , It's a bit superfluous, so Zhang Qi just grinned and nodded at Xiao Han.

Zhang Qi was not very fond of talking and expressing, so by this time Tian Daren had clearly expressed what he wanted to express, so Zhang Qi didn't bother to say anything, he smiled at Xiao Han After smiling and nodding, what he didn't expect was that Xiao Han, who was sitting opposite him, grinned at him, revealing a friendly smile.

In any case, Zhang Qi’s overall impression of Xiao Han is not bad, and now he feels the hint of friendship in Xiao Han’s smile, which makes Zhang Qi feel more comfortable in his heart. Seeing that Xiao Han is not alone. The leader who likes to listen to compliments.

Hearing this, Xiao Han went on to say: "Actually, I didn’t think about the problem of group competition on the way back. I thought about it. Now we have added three new players in the Golden Elixir peak realm. , So I think this group game is not as important as before!"

The group game is not as important as before?

What does it mean?

After hearing what Xiao Han said, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others looked at each other, saying that they didn’t quite understand what Xiao Han meant. Could it be that Xiao Han meant whether to compete in groups in the coming days? Isn’t it important anymore?

Li Jian asked with a dazed expression: "Boss Xiao, what do you mean by this? Don't you say we don't have to compete in groups next?"

"Yeah, isn't it a good match for today's group competition? I think it's good, everyone's enthusiasm has been mobilized!"


Xiao Han waved his hand, signaled everyone to be quiet first, and then said: "Don’t worry, you guys listen to me first, this afternoon we tried to kill the Tier 1 Demon Spider by trapping and hunting. Everyone should have a bottom in their hearts. Using this method to trap and hunt Tier 1 Demon Spiders is much more efficient than our previous methods. There are also more Tier 1 Demon Spiders killed. Otherwise, let's It is impossible for the eight members of the Slayer Demon Squad to kill 780 first-order demon spiders in one day.

So I thought about it carefully. We now have three new members in the Jade Devil Squad, Zhang Qi, Tian Daren and Zhan Peng. The cultivation level of these three people is not low, and they are three good players. I think We can strengthen the method of trapping and hunting Tier 1 Demon Spiders today. Maybe we can kill more Tier 1 Demon Spiders. Since the eight of us can kill seven hundred and eighty within one day today. First-order demon spiders, now our slaying demon team has added three great helpers in the peak realm of the Golden Core period. Will it be possible to kill more than one thousand first-order demon spiders tomorrow? "


As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, there was a sound of inhaling cold breath on the court. This was not only from Zhan Peng, Tian Daren and Zhang Qi, but even Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others were all told by Xiao Han. Shocked.

Will it be possible to kill more than a thousand Tier 1 Demon Spiders tomorrow?

We must know that the Wudang faction, the Kunlun faction, the Huashanmen, the Kongtong faction, and the Emei faction can only surpass 1,000 Tier 1 magic spiders by adding up all their achievements. Can the Killing Demon Squad be able to kill more than 1,000 Tier 1 Demon Spiders, is this too exaggerated?

Although it is said that the 780 Tier 1 Demon Spiders killed by Xiao Han today were created by eight people, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others are not unaware that today there are 780. The record of the Tier 1 Demon Spider is almost the limit of eight of them. If there are even twenty Tier One Demon Spiders in the battle today, it will not only be the result of Ren Xin’s injury for a long time, it is very likely. Li Jian and Zhang Qiang, the players in the mid-Gold Core period, couldn't support Xiao Han to restore combat effectiveness under the hands of Tier 1 Demon Spider.

Although there are now three new players in the peak state of the Golden Core period, based on the record of 780 first-order magic spiders, I want to add hundreds of first-order magic spiders, and the record in one day will exceed How is this possible with the number of a thousand first-order magic spiders?

"Boss Xiao, you said that we might be able to kill more than a thousand Tier 1 Demon Spiders tomorrow?"

"Yes, Boss Xiao, are you saying true or false?"


After Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others listened to Xiao Han’s words, their faces were full of excitement. Today, they killed 780 first-order magic spiders in one day, and Zhong Xuanhai and the others were able to allocate nearly one hundred each. If the inner crystal of the Tier 1 Demon Spider can kill more than one thousand Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day, can a team member like Zhong Xuanhai be able to allocate more than 100 Tier 1 Demon Spiders? Where is the crystal?

Not only Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others were full of excitement after listening to Xiao Han’s words, but even Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren were secretly shocked, even though they had known Xiao before. Han and their "Devil Slayer Squad" have killed 780 first-order demon spiders a day today, but now they heard Xiao Han explain that Tian should be able to kill more than 1,000 first-order demon spiders a day, Zhan Peng He and Zhang Qi and Tian Daren were also taken aback by Xiao Han's words.

Although they already knew Xiao Han's method of trapping and killing hordes of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, thinking about killing more than a thousand Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day, it seemed a bit impossible, right?

Tian Daren thought for a while, and then asked Xiao Han, "Boss Xiao, are you really confident that you can kill more than a thousand Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day tomorrow?"

Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "I already have some ideas in my heart. If nothing happens, I should be able to do it!"

At this moment, several figures came from a distance. One of them seemed to have heard the dialogue between Xiao Han and Tian Daren. At this moment, he suddenly laughed and said, "Xiao Han, are you sure you are not bragging?"

Slowly, those figures who came from a distance showed their true colors. It turned out that the people who came were Yelongxuan of Wudang School, Wang Mang of Kunlun School, Huafeng of Huashanmen, and Ouyang Binghe Emei of Kongtong School. The night rain of the party.

It was no one else who questioned Xiao Han just now, but Ye Longxuan, the leader of the Wudang School.

I saw Ye Longxuan walking in front of Wang Mang of Kunlun School, Hua Feng of Huashan Gate, Ouyang Bing of Kongtong School, and Ye Yu of Emei School, and walked over with your hands behind You Zhai You Zhai.

Not only Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhan Peng and others looked at Ye Longxuan and others who came by inexplicably, but even Xiao Han wanted to be surprised. At this time, Ye Longxuan brought Wang Mang, Ouyang Bing and others to the What are you doing here?

Didn’t you just gather and disband just before? Now Ye Longxuan brought the leaders of Wudang Sect and Kunlun Sect to here again?

Looking at this posture, it is obvious that Xiao Han is here. Could it be that they have anything very important to discuss with Xiao Han?

Xiao Han also heard what Ye Longxuan said just now. Ye Longxuan questioned what he said would be able to kill more than one thousand Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals in one day. Ye Longxuan didn’t believe it, and Xiao Han didn’t bother to explain. After Long Xuan brought Wang Mang, Ouyang Bing, Hua Feng, Ye Yu and others over, Xiao Han asked indifferently: "Originally, it's already gone, now you have brought so many leaders here again. what's the matter?"

Ye Longxuan was taken aback at this moment, but Xiao Han couldn't expect to see through his thoughts at a glance.

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