The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1183: Advance and retreat together

Xiao Han was thinking about this. At this time, Hua Feng and Ouyang Bing walked to Xiao Han's side at the same time.

For Huafeng and Ouyang Bing, the current situation must be very detrimental to all the sect disciples. Among all the sect disciples present, only Xiao Han has the experience of fighting evil spirits, and is Only Xiao Han understands Ling, so now Hua Feng and Ouyang Bing naturally place their hopes on Xiao Han.

Hua Feng and Ouyang Bing stood next to Xiao Han one by one. At this time, Xiao Han just recovered, so he just turned around and looked at Huafeng and Ouyang Bing on both sides.

Xiao Han smiled and asked softly: "Are you two looking for me for something?"

Hua Feng nodded and said, "Xiao Han, what do you say we do now? We have never encountered evil spirits before, and we don't know how strong these evil spirits are!"

Xiao Han nodded and said softly: "I understand what you mean, so I'm now thinking about countermeasures, but I think these evil spirits seem to be just surrounding us, and there is no intention to attack for the time being. We still have some time to study it!"

Hearing this, the expressions of Hua Feng and Ouyang Bing eased a lot. It is indeed just like what Xiao Han said. The evil spirits around now seem to have no intention of attacking. These sect disciples just need to watch the changes.

In fact, Xiao Han is very clear in his heart that these evil spirits around are likely to attack at any time. Maybe in the next moment, all the evil spirits will rush up with the eerie and eerie devilish energy, and will all the sect disciples one by one. Become an evil spirit.

But at this time, Xiao Han didn’t want Huafeng, Ouyang Bing and others to be more worried, so he didn’t say the current situation is very bad, but Xiao Han is still very worried, after all, the number of evil spirits around is really high. Too many.

If he had not thought of any countermeasures, Xiao Han would not have the confidence to be able to stop the attacks of these evil spirits.

It would be much better if it was Xiao Han alone. Even if he was besieged by more evil spirits, Xiao Han could wait for an opportunity to escape even if he couldn't beat them, and these evil spirits wouldn't necessarily catch up.

However, among the more than 90 sect disciples present at the scene, not only were Xiao Han and his nine members of the "Devil Slayer Squad", it was impossible for Xiao Han to watch them fall under the siege of evil spirits. In addition, there are two people Xiao Han cannot give up easily, and Xiao Han pays more attention to the safety of sisters Ye Yu and Nightingale.

The more than 90 sect disciples present are all the power sent by the secular world to the Penglai Wonderland this time. In the end, even if Xiao Han escaped by himself, everyone else was killed under the siege of evil spirits. , Xiao Han was left alone for so long, how could it be possible to get the neon clothes feathers in Penglai Wonderland?

So Xiao Han couldn't escape alone, the only way was to advance and retreat with all the sect disciples present.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han turned back, looked at everyone present, and said in a not high or low voice: "Everyone, now in the entire Penglai Wonderland around us, the master of the night-the evil spirit, seems to be There are so many evil spirits around us, and I know everyone present is quite pessimistic about the situation tonight!"

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to Xiao Han. Since Xiao Han stood up and spoke at this time, it meant that Xiao Han might have thought of the other evil spirits' methods. When Xiao Han just spoke, the atmosphere on the court Obviously, a lot of people aroused their fighting spirit for no reason.

"These evil spirits were originally human spirit refiners who lost their lives in the last battle between immortals and demons. After their dead souls were contaminated by the demon energy of the demon spiders outside the territories, they became this kind of eerie and terrifying evil spirits, but To make it harder to say, these guys are not as good as ghosts. They are already dead creatures without any vitality. All of you present are the best young disciples among the big sect disciples. At least they are also the cultivation base of the Jindan stage, if they are in the world. In the world, ordinary ghosts and ghosts are so frightened to see us gas refiners. When have we gas refiners been afraid of ghosts? Everyone said, right?"

"That is, how can our dignified Jin Dan stage cultivation level refiners be intimidated by these ghosts that are not like ghosts and souls?"

"That's right, there are more than ninety people here. Just pull out one person. It's not a matter of catching ghosts and removing demons. What are the evil spirits? Are you intimidated by these evil spirits?"


With Xiao Han's encouragement, the atmosphere on the court finally became active, and the morale that had been sluggish under the siege of thousands of evil spirits became high again.

In fact, there are still some things that Xiao Han hasn’t had time to say. Among the more than 90 sect disciples present, even if there is really no way to escape in front of the thousands of evil spirits around, they can’t just die in such a wasteful manner. Here, otherwise, even the fellows in the secular world have no way to learn about their situation, but in the entire Penglai Wonderland, not only the secular world's gas refiners have entered, but other six-party worlds are also now. Other areas of Penglai Wonderland are fighting.

If the gas refiners in other worlds knew that the more than 90 gas refiners in their secular world were so scared by thousands of evil spirits that they could not fight back, wouldn't they be laughed out of their teeth?

In addition to those ordinary sect disciples who are now high in fighting spirit, even Huafeng of Huashan Gate and Ouyang Bing of Kongtong School are full of excitement. Now Xiao Han's three sentences and two sentences give the atmosphere on the court. They were mobilized, so that even if the evil spirits launched an attack on them in the next moment, there was nothing to be afraid of. The more than 90 sect disciples who were present were still able to fight together.

And now that Xiao Han has spoken out, it means that Xiao Han is not only here to cheer everyone up, Xiao Han must have thought of the countermeasures of the thousands of evil spirits in front of him.

Not only Huafeng from the Huashan Gate and Ouyang Bing from the Kongtong School have pinned all their hopes on Xiao Han, even the Ye Yu from the Emei School and Wang Mang from the Kunlun School have great hopes for Xiao Han. Yes, and the Wudang Sect's Ye Longxuan's face is still very long at this time, but at this time, Ye Longxuan can't do anything, if Xiao Han stands up and can relieve the immediate danger, Ye Longxuan Also happy to see it happen.

This time, Xiao Han really thought of some methods for the other party’s immediate crisis, but in this situation, Xiao Han can only try to try it. If it really works, maybe he will really lift the immediate crisis. If it didn't work, there was no way. Xiao Han had to take all the more than 90 sect disciples and fight against the evil spirits around him.

Next, Xiao Han said some of his thoughts and arrangements.

The Wudang Sect’s Ye Longxuan led the Wudang Sect’s disciples and other team members to guard the south of this camp.

Huafeng of Huashan Gate led the disciples of the sect under Huashan Gate and other team members to guard the north of the camp.

Wang Mang of the Kunlun faction led the sect disciples and other members of the Kunlun faction to guard the west of this camp.

Ouyang Bing of the Kongtong faction led the sect disciples of the Kongtong faction and other team members to guard the east side of the camp.

Xiao Han and his "Devil Slayer Squad" and Ye Yu led the Zongmenzi of the Emei faction and other members as mobile troops to guard in the middle. No matter which direction the team has an unfavorable situation, the mobile troops can Immediately allocate manpower for support.

In addition, Xiao Han also arranged for several sect disciples to collect the tents and ropes that were cut down on the ground and divide them into four parts. The teams responsible for guarding each direction collected a copy and piled it in front of the team. .

In addition, Xiao Han also asked everyone to clean out some flammable and explosive items in the Qiankun bag and pile them together on top of the tents and ropes.

These are the methods Xiao Han tried to deal with the evil spirits. During the battle with the evil spirits the night before, Xiao Han found that the evil spirits were very afraid of the glow of the sky sword, as if a mouse had seen a cat.

However, Xiao Han's desire to use this method to deal with evil spirits seems a bit unrealistic. After all, among the more than 90 sect disciples present, except for the Wudang Sect's Ye Longxuan, the Kongtong Sect's Ouyang Bing, the Huashan Gate's Huafeng and Emei. In addition to the masters of the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation realm of Ye Yu sent, only his own strength of the Nascent Soul Stage peak realm can do it, and other Jin Dan stage cultivation stage sect disciples can even do it. , But it is definitely not sustainable. It is still possible to play a little role in the battle, but it will definitely not be able to persist after a long time.

All Xiao Han was wondering whether these evil spirits would also be jealous of the fire. If this is the case, then maybe the evil spirits surrounding them are probably not just because they feel the nine on the field. The overall strength of more than a dozen sect disciples is very strong, and it may be that the few bonfires still burning on the field make these evil spirits a little afraid to approach.

There are more than 90 sect disciples present. Almost everyone has a lot of fuel and combustibles in their Qiankun bags. After all, they need to stay in Penglai Wonderland for a year and eat cold food prepared in advance. It is not a long-term solution. Many foods can be reheated and eaten occasionally. Besides, there are no more lighting methods except flashlights in Penglai Wonderland. A fire at night can still solve many problems.

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