The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2031: Good luck makes people jealous

When Xiao Han really put the eighteen Xuantian bronze men into the Universe Bag, Xiao Han himself felt a little weird.

The entire process of subduing the Xuantian Bronze Man, even if Feng Wuchen from the wind chasing unicorn stepped forward to destroy it, but the whole process went smoothly.

Even Xiao Han himself didn't expect that the entire process of subduing the Xuantian bronzes would be so smooth, as if these Xuantian bronzes were waiting for him to subdue.

This also completely exceeded Xiao Han's prediction, because Xiao Han had already sensed that the imprints of the divine consciousness he had sensed in the bodies of these Xuantian bronzes were not as powerful as Xiao Han had imagined.

Xiao Han was also very surprised by the situation of Xuantian Bronze.

Of course, it may also be because after thousands of years have passed, the imprints of the gods in the Xuantian bronze man's body have gradually disappeared.

It is also possible that the super master at the pinnacle level of the Tribulation Period, he himself just made such eighteen Taoist Profound Sky Bronze men here to guard the gate, and did not spend too much thought.

The imprint of the divine consciousness left in the body of the Xuantian bronze man was there, but not very powerful.

However, at the beginning, Xiao Han still had some difficulty in sending the divine consciousness into the bodies of those Xuantian bronzes.

Even after the passage of time, the imprint of God's consciousness in the Xuantian Bronze Man's body has been very light, but after all, it was left by a super master at the peak of the Tribulation Period, and his strength should not be underestimated.

When Xiao Han's divine consciousness power wanted to gradually invade the bodies of these Xuantian bronzes, Xiao Han discovered that the divine consciousness imprints in the Xuantian bronzes were not very powerful.

But then Feng Wuchen also diffused his divine consciousness and competed with Xiao Han for the control of these Xuantian bronzes.

In fact, it was a disguised form that helped Xiao Han to imprint the spirit of Xuantian Bronze.

When Xiao Han’s Cangqiang sword hit Feng Wuchen’s semi-spirit weapon heavily, Xiao Han noticed that Feng Wuchen, who was fighting with him for the control of the Xuantian Bronze Man, showed a trace of spiritual damage. .

And Xiao Han took this opportunity, and then the spirit of Feng Wuchen joined together, and quickly established a spiritual connection with those Xuantian bronzes.

Just this, Feng Wuchen's **** assists made Xiao Han's entire process of subduing all the Xuantian bronzes without the slightest difficulty.

Moreover, Xiao Han feels that at the last moment, even if a humanoid refiner or a monster beast expert is drawn from the field, and the gods are sent into the body of the Xuantian bronze man, these Xuantian bronzes can be smoothly transferred. People are in control.

Therefore, after Xiao Han put all the eighteen Xuantian bronze men on the field into the Universe Bag, Xiao Han was also fortunate.

This can be unstoppable when real luck comes.

Xiao Han looked at the Feng Wuchen of the Qilin Qilin clan who had returned to the crowd with a smile on his face. If this guy hadn't been injured by the Cangqiang Sword at the last moment, in fact, the Xuantian bronze man was the last one. Who is it?

At this time, not only did Xuantian Bronze Man not get it, he also paid the price of thirty seventh-order demon pills.

And even the magic weapon of his own semi-spirit weapon was injured by the Sky Sword. Although it seems calm on the surface, who knows if a spit of old blood has been spurted out of the back?

"Damn, this guy now has eighteen Xuantian Bronze thugs, so be careful next."

"Keep away from this guy, it's better not to conflict with this kind of person, it's dangerous."

"The core area of ​​the ancient ruins hasn't arrived yet, so I picked up such a good treasure for this guy. I stepped on shit."

When Xiao Han collected all the Xuantian bronze men, many humanoid gas refiners and monster beast masters on the field murmured secretly in their hearts.

Only a few minutes passed. The eighteen individual strengths reached the peak realm of the Tongyou Period. When they joined forces to fight, their combat power was enough to compete with a Xuantian Bronze who had a mid-Tribulation Period cultivation realm. It fell into the hands of this guy named Xiao Han so easily. For a while, many people on the court changed their expressions, and they didn't get over it for a long time.

The look on his face is annoyed, why didn't he think of a way to rush to fight before he was upset.

Of course, there is more envy, jealousy and hatred.

The combat power is equivalent to the eighteen Xuantian bronzes of the cultivation level in the middle of the Tribulation Period, and they can control the situation on the field by fighting any opponent.


Xiao Han's good luck made everyone jealous.

Among all the Qi refiners and monsters masters on the field, those who had previously had grudges with Xiao Han, such as Guo Da and Li Hu from the City Lord’s Mansion of Xuanfeng City, and two of the Flying Tiger Demon Race and the Giant Wolf Demon Race The elders and others.

Seeing Xiao Han's strength soaring, he was really jealous.

And they now feel a strong threat.

The more powerful the fighting power that Xiao Han controls now, the greater the threat to them.

At this time, there is no need for anyone to remind. Profound Phoenix City Lord Guo Da and Li Hu, the two elders of the Flying Tiger Demon Race and the Giant Wolf Demon Race, gradually gathered together, and even faintly followed the wind of the clan. Qingling all came together.

In this situation, only by uniting can it be possible to defeat Xiao Han.

Xiao Han didn't care about the veiled hostility and strong guard that these guys released.

Even before Xiao Han got those Xuantian bronzes, Xiao Han didn't worry about it. Now that his cultivation level and strength have increased a lot, Xiao Han is even more worthy of them.

So Xiao Han just took a faint look and then withdrew his gaze.

Xiao Han had already thought thoroughly before, and even if these hostile strengths wanted to take action against him, he would not dare to do anything here before the treasures of the ancient ruins were released.

Whether it is Guo Da or Li Hu of Xuanfeng City, their goal is not to deal with Xiao Han, but to grab the immortal cultivation technique in this ancient relic.

Before the Xianpin practice exercises were interviewed, Guo Da and others would never act rashly.

"Everyone, now the Eighteen Profound Sky Bronze Man is in my hands. Here I can declare one thing to everyone. As long as we are not attacking our people in Vast Sky City, Xiao Han will naturally not bully others."

"Brother Xiao Han's words are magnificent."

"That is, whoever does something with the people of Vast Sky City is to make everyone an enemy."

"Don't worry, whoever snatches the baby is the one. No one dares to slap the people in Vast Sky City."

As soon as Xiao Han's voice fell, there was a sparse echoing sound on the court.

But Xiao Han didn't care, just talk about it, how could Xiao Han take it seriously.

Xiao Han knew very well that his own strength was the most important life-saving method.


Not long after Xiao Han's words were spoken, the breath in the hall suddenly radiated from the depths of the hall.

As for the archway behind Xiao Han, the three stone gates suddenly made a shaking noise.

Three stone gates, while slowly ascending upward.

"The door is open, look quickly, you can go in."

"I'll go, and finally I can enter the core area of ​​the ancient ruins."

"Ready to shoot, the door opened."

As the three stone gates out of the archway opened at the same time, a dazzling light burst out of the stone gates.

This dazzling light appeared exceptionally dazzling in the darkened hall.

Even Xiao Han couldn't help but squinted and looked over.

At this time, when the Shimen was half open, the vast and simple atmosphere from the Shimen became more and more dense.

As this vast and simple aura slowly radiated, the faces of many people on the court were full of excitement, and this ancient relic was finally truly opened.

After the three stone gates slowly opened, Xiao Han, who was originally standing in the forefront and closest to the stone gate, did not rush into the stone gate first.

Seeing Xiao Han's figure flashed, the whole person turned into an afterimage and swept back to the people of Haotian City, returning to the place where he stood before.

Xiao Han's move almost made many humanoid refiners and monster beast masters on the court scold their mothers.

"Fuck, this guy is really treacherous."

"Unfortunately, the doors were all opened, and he didn't step forward, but he returned? It's shameless."

The actions of Xiao Han just now became clear. He didn't want to be the first to enter these stone gates.

Xiao Han is not stupid, and others are not stupid either.

At this moment, who among the three stone gates knows what is going on?

Rush up now, isn't that looking for death?

Even if the three stone gates have been fully opened, the dazzling light gradually weakened a little, and the rumbling figure gradually subsided, but all the Qi refiners and monsters standing in front of the archway are you looking at me , I look at you with all expressions, but no one dares to get in first.

If you don't go, I won't go, if you don't send you to death, should you let me send you to death?

Everyone on the field thinks this way, just like when they faced the Eighteen Profound Sky bronze men before.

If no one wants to take the lead, then everyone will stare.

As for the surrounding movement, Xiao Han was indeed calm.

Anyway, Xiao Han would not be the first person to eat crabs.

Now Xiao Han is in a good mood. He has just entered the ruins and he has obtained the eighteenth Xuantian bronze man with very strong combat effectiveness. This is a very rare treasure.

There was no movement from everyone on the field, but, as time went on, from the rear, humanoid gas refiners and monster beast powerhouses continued to come.

Obviously, there are some of the human gas refiners and monster beast masters who have finally gotten out of that fire road.

There are also major forces that rushed over from other places in Dangmo Mountain.

Gloomy, the number of human gas refiners and monster beast masters on the field began to increase.

There are at least three or four hundred people on the field, and they are still increasing.

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