The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2043: New discovery

"It should be the power of the interlinked blood that brought you here. It seems that the one who fell here should be a senior of your golden dragon clan."

"It should be." The nine princess nodded.

Xiao Han also noticed that the nine princesses felt a little depressed, and patted the nine princesses gently on the shoulder.

The nine princesses rarely escaped.

At this time, Xiao Han also noticed that the nine princesses were depressed.

This depression is mainly from the kind of consciousness deep in the blood.

The nine princesses reached out and touched the light curtain of the space barrier gently.

At this time, the nine princesses seemed to sense the above, and her face was suddenly taken aback.

"It's strange." The Ninth Princess' face changed slightly, and she whispered: "It seems something is wrong. In this divine consciousness space, it seems that there is not only the aura of our golden dragon family, but also the aura of other monsters."

"The breath of other monsters? What do you mean?"

The Ninth Princess shook her head and said softly: "I don't know too well, maybe there were other monsters that fell together with the predecessors of our golden dragon clan."

Speaking of this, the nine princesses said with a puzzled look: "This breath is like the breath of a wind chasing unicorn?"

"The breath of the Qilin Clan?" Xiao Han really didn't expect that the place where the golden dragon fell, there was the aura of the Qilin Clan.

The nine princesses suddenly said with certainty: "It should be the breath of the Qilin Qilin clan, but this kind of aura seems to be more pure than the blood and aura of the Qilin Qilin clan now."

Hearing this, Xiao Han and Yang Silang glanced at each other, both were a little surprised.

In this divine consciousness space, a golden dragon should have fallen, but now listening to the introduction of the nine princesses, can it be said that the place where this golden dragon fell, and the strong men of the wind chasing unicorn clan also died together?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han said softly: "Is it possible that thousands of years ago, this was a battlefield where the golden dragon and the wind-churning unicorn were fighting? The masters of the two clans fought to death here, and they all fell to the same one. local?"

Yang Shilang looked at the light curtain in front of him with a curious look, and said, "I don't know about this. Should we find a way to go in and take a look?"

After thinking about it, Princess Nine nodded.

Come here, there is no reason not to go in, since I have been summoned here, then it means that the old senior of the golden dragon clan thousands of years ago definitely hoped that she would come here.

Thinking of this, the nine princesses once again placed their palms on the light curtain.

The nine princesses' thoughts moved, and then opened her mouth, spit out a drop of golden dragon's blood from her body.

The golden gleam of true dragon essence flew out of the nine princesses' mouths, and finally gradually merged into the light curtain of the divine consciousness space, and then completely disappeared.

After the Ninth Princess had done all this, she took two steps back and stood beside Xiao Han.

"This kind of divine consciousness space can only be opened with the same blood aura. If this divine consciousness space is really left by the predecessors of our golden dragon clan, then my blood should be able to open this divine space. The entrance to the space of consciousness."

After the drop of true dragon essence blood in the nine princesses merged into the light curtain, a violent wave began to appear on the originally calm light curtain.

"His hiss...,"

The wave of the light curtain was like a ripple caused by a stone dropped on the water. Soon, the ripple became more and more obvious, until finally, a gap began to appear on the light curtain, which just happened to pass.

"Go, let's go in and take a look."

With that said, the nine princesses immediately boasted directly into that divine consciousness space.

After the nine princesses stepped in, Xiao Han, Yang Silang and others went straight in without thinking.

After Zhou Min, who was at the back of the team, also entered the light curtain, the ripples on the light curtain gradually subsided, and the gap gradually disappeared.

And as Xiao Han and others all entered that level of spiritual consciousness space, the light curtain barrier that originally appeared in the mountain forest once again disappeared out of thin air, and the surrounding situation once again became an ordinary mountain forest that could no longer be ordinary.

The moment everyone stepped into that divine consciousness space, Xiao Han and others only felt that there was a whiteness in front of them.

Soon, when everyone's sight gradually recovered, what appeared in front of Xiao Han and the others was no longer the lush forest, but a barren desert.

This desert looked very wide, with blood-red sand at the feet, as if it was stained with blood-red color by a layer of blood.

The sky here is all blood red.

The space here should be isolated and self-contained.

"This... I feel so depressed when I get here." Zhou Min, who was standing at the back of the team, suddenly said softly: "I don't know what's going on, it just feels very uncomfortable."

Not to mention Zhou Min, even Xiao Han and Yang Silang who walked into this level of spiritual consciousness also felt the overwhelming rush of the surrounding sky.

A rush of majesty filled the front mountain bag, causing the aura in Xiao Han and others' bodies to move much slower after entering this space.

"The coercion in this space is very strong." Even Xiao Han, who has always been calm and calm, looked a little dignified at this time.

It seemed that the strength of the fallen monster beasts in this divine consciousness space was not as powerful as usual.

At least the old predecessor of the golden dragon clan, at least the strength of the eighth rank.

Xiao Han and Yang Shilang glanced at each other, and both saw the surprise in their eyes.

Even though time has passed for thousands of years, even if all the monsters here have turned into a pile of deserts, but the coercion of the divine consciousness remaining in this space can still make masters like Xiao Han and Yang Shilang The spiritual energy in the body is stagnant.

This is still under the circumstances that thousands of years have passed. The divine consciousness space here already has such a terrible pressure. If the masters of these divine consciousness coercion are now standing in front of Xiao Han and others, it will be terrifying again. What point?

Among all the people present, apart from the look of the nine princesses that was still natural, Yang Silang's expression was also a bit solemn, and Zhou Min was even more unbearable.

As for Empress Yumei, because she is also a monster, her face is also very ugly.

Fortunately, with the passage of time, Yang Silang, Yumei Niangniang and others gradually began to adapt to the environment here, and their complexions also recovered a lot.

On the small hill not far away, there is the strongest place of divine consciousness, which should be the core area of ​​this space.


Maybe it was the place where the senior of the golden dragon clan fell.

But at this time, there was a problem that made Xiao Han really puzzled.

Since he was the senior of the Golden Dragon Clan, he was probably a Tier 8 super big demon, how could he fall here so easily.

Judging from Xiao Han's understanding of the golden dragon clan, an eighth-tier golden dragon is almost the top existence in the entire world.

Don't say it was thousands of years ago, just say that at this time, among the entire golden dragon family, there should be no more than three tier eight golden dragons.


How could such a powerful real dragon fall here?

What a powerful opponent it is to be able to kill an eighth-tier golden dragon here.

And judging from the situation in this space, in addition to the aura of the golden dragon, there are also a lot of the aura of the wind chasing unicorn.

Could it be that it was the master of the Qilin family who killed the golden dragon thousands of years ago?

If this is the case, then the news is very important.

If the nine princesses bring the discovery here back to the dragon clan, I am afraid that soon, the golden dragon clan will desperately go to war with the wind chasing unicorn clan, in order to avenge the grievances that existed thousands of years ago.

Now that Xiao Han can think of this, the Ninth Princess can naturally also think of it.

Therefore, the face of the nine princesses is also a bit ugly.

"Be careful, everyone. No one has appeared here for thousands of years. I don't know what's going on inside, so don't spread out."

With that, the eyes of the nine princesses directly locked on the small mountain bag not far away.

Looking at that mountain bag, there seemed to be something on it, but because the nine princesses and others occupied a relatively low position, they couldn't see the top of the mountain.

"I'll go take a look first."

With that, the figure of the nine princesses flashed, and the whole person flashed away towards the small hill.

Originally, Xiao Han wanted to prevent the nine princesses from climbing alone, but now, it seems that the body of the nine princesses has not been affected by the pressure in the entire divine consciousness space, and Xiao Han gradually relieved.

Seeing that the nine princesses had already rushed forward, although Xiao Han knew the strength of the nine princesses, he was not assured that she would go up alone.

Xiao Han waved his hand and took Yumei Niangniang and Yang Silang and the others to catch up.

After a while, Xiao Han took Yumei Niangniang and Yang Silang to the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the sand on the ground is even scarier.

In addition, there is a white mark on the top of the mountain that is not found elsewhere.

If Xiao Han's guess is correct, these white marks on the ground should be the thick bones left by those monsters thousands of years ago.

I just don't know why, the bones here are not even scum left, there are only white marks left.

On the top of the mountain, there are white marks everywhere.

It's okay if you don't know that these white marks are marks of bones. After knowing that, looking at the white marks on the ground, it feels a little sad.

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