At this time, there was a happy appearance on the court, and only a few people were very anxious.

The Xuanfeng City team liaison guild has decided to join the Sky Alliance Alliance under the leadership of Zhao Tianhou.

However, there is also the Vast Sky City team contacting the guild on the field that hasn't perverted to join the Heavenly Dao Alliance.

Originally, the Vast Sky City Team’s contact guild was waiting for Xiao Han to take the initiative to ask, and then they followed the opportunity of Xiao Han’s personal invitation and nodded and agreed to join the Heavenly Dao Alliance.

But at this time, Xiao Han didn't even ask them whether the Vast Sky City Team Contact Guild should join the Heavenly Dao Alliance. Ouyang Qing, the president of the Vast Sky City Team Contact Guild, was a little panicked.

Seeing that Xiao Han had agreed to other forces to help them cultivate the powerhouses at the peak of the Passage Period, Ouyang Qing, the president of the Vast Sky City team contact guild, and the other two vice presidents were vaguely envied.

Their guild is in the Vast Sky City, although the overall strength is stronger than the Vast Sky City Lord's Mansion, but after all, their guild is just a loose organization, stronger than the unsuccessful City Lord Mansion's cohesion.

And the number of strong people in the peak realm of the Tongyou Period under their guild is not many.

In addition to the president Ouyang Qing and the two vice-presidents, there are only three powerhouses in the peak realm of the Vast Sky City team.

And these three are the captains of the three teams. It's okay to nod their heads to say hello on weekdays, but it's difficult to twist them into a rope.

The number of powerhouses in the peak realm of the Tongyou Period is too small, and this is also the most anxious question for Ouyang Qing, the president of the Vast Sky City team to contact the guild.

Like Zhao Tianhou, the president of the Xuanfengcheng team contacting the guild, he is also getting older, I am afraid that time is running out.

Once he closed his eyes and kicked his legs in the future, the strength of their guild would be even weaker.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Qing, the president of the Vast Sky City Team Contact Guild, sighed softly in his heart.

Ouyang Qing and the two guild vice presidents next to each other glanced at each other, and all three of them frowned.

I don't know if it was because of Yang Silang, the leader of Vast Sky City, Xiao Han, the leader, did not take the initiative to invite their Vast Sky City team to contact the guild to join the Heavenly Dao Alliance, which made Ouyang Qing and the others even more uneasy.

It is always Yang Shilang who has not succeeded in recruiting their guilds before, and still bears a grudge against them, right?

Could it be that Yang Shilang wanted to deal with their Vast Sky City team contact guild?

After much deliberation, Ouyang Qing felt that under the current situation, he only spoke actively.

After pondering for a moment, Ouyang Qingmeng stood up, and said to Xiao Han, "Leader Xiao, our Vast Sky City Team Liaison Association also wants to join the Heavenly Dao Alliance, and I don’t know if Leader Xiao can do it. Let our Vast Sky City Team Contact Guild create more than a dozen more powerhouses in the peak realm of the Passage Phase within five years?"

Ouyang Qing, the president of the Vast Sky City team contacting the guild, suddenly stood up and took the initiative to ask, causing everyone in the hall to see all their eyes.

It's strange that even Xuanfengcheng's team contact guild was invited by Xiao Han, so why didn't the Vast Sky City team contact the guild invite him?

Is it because Leader Xiao doesn't want their Vast Sky City Team Liaison Guild to join this Heavenly Dao Alliance?

Upon hearing this, Zhao Tianhou, the chairman of the Xuanfengcheng team contacting the guild, showed an imperceptible smile.

Zhao Tianhou naturally knew that Yang Silang of the current Vast Sky City Lord's Mansion became the deputy leader of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, and at the same time controlled the two cities of Xuanfeng City and Vast Sky City.

In the future, Heaven Dao will be able to quickly make a name in these ten refining domains.

And Zhao Tianhou knew exactly how the Haotian City team contacted the guild.

The situation in their guild was more critical than that of Zhao Tianhou's guild.

The entire Vast Sky City team liaison guild is almost supported by the president of Ouyang Qing, and its status in Vast Sky City has been greatly reduced.

The Clear Sky City Team Contact Guild has been able to persist until now, and most of it was managed by Ouyang Qing, the president of the Clear Sky City Team Contact Guild.

But their guild is not a place to train people after all. Even Ouyang Qing has been soliciting, but there are only a few strong people in the peak realm of the Tongyou Period in Vast Sky City. There are no newcomers, where can you recruit Tongyou Period? A master at the pinnacle level?

Therefore, even Zhao Tianhou knew what Ouyang Qing was worried about.

Once the guild leader Ouyang Qing dies, the position of the Vast Sky City Team Contact Guild in Vast Sky City will suffer a huge impact.

Among the ten refining domains, only the top powerhouses are the Dinghai Shenzhen needles of one force.

The cultivation level is not enough, and the number is not very useful.

Although there are a lot of people in the peak realm of the Tongyou Period, there are not many.

In the entire ten-party refining domain, there may be many powerhouses in the peak realm of the Tongyou period, but a human city is very limited.

Among some large cities with a population of hundreds of thousands of millions, it is not uncommon for dozens of powerhouses in the peak state of the Tongyou Period.

But in some small cities with a population of more than 100,000, there may be only one or two strong people in the peak realm of the Tongyou Period.

Therefore, every powerhouse in the peak realm of the Tongyou period is very important to a force.

Xiao Han looked at Ouyang Qing anxiously, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

Ouyang Qing's impatient move was also beyond Xiao Han's expectation.

However, he was a little embarrassed that he didn't intentionally not invite this Clear Sky City Team Liaison Guild to join the Heavenly Dao Alliance. He actually forgot it because his Clear Sky City Liaison Guild had forgotten.

Wanting this, Ouyang Qing should have heard Xiao Han's promise to other forces and families, so she was very moved, but did not receive the invitation, so she was a little impatient.

Xiao Han nodded with a smile on his face, and said, "Haha, President Ouyang is willing to join our Heavenly Dao Alliance. I, Xiao Han, are naturally welcome. Just like the Xuanfengcheng team contacting the guild, as long as your guild is willing to send those talents and roots. If the members of Gushangjia come out, whether or not the younger generation is sent to the alliance, the alliance will naturally cultivate them. In the future, everyone will be their own. I will not say if you are polite."

"Hahaha...Thank you, Leader Xiao."

Then Ouyang Qing laughed, and the hanging stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

As long as they have joined the Heavenly Dao League, let alone whether they will cultivate how many powerhouses in the peak realm of the Passage Period, anyway, joining the Heavenly Dao League, their position in the Vast Sky City liaison guild will be stabilized.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Qing couldn't help laughing: "Haha, Leader Xiao, everyone, our heavenly path alliance has already been established, and my old man is also a member of the alliance, so I want to raise a small question for everyone to discuss. "

Yang Silang grinned first, then looked back at Xiao Han, and then smiled: "Chairman Ouyang has any questions that can be said. It just so happens that everyone is there. Let's see them together."

"My old man thinks that the name of the Heavenly Dao League is good, but it's not loud enough." Ouyang Qing said, "Why don't you just delete a word and call it Heavenly Dao League?"

"The Heavenly Alliance? Yes, the Heavenly Alliance is better than the Alliance."

After repeating it several times, Xiao Han said with a smile: "Good name, then we are called the Heavenly Dao League. As long as everyone is united, I believe that our Heavenly Dao League will grow stronger in the near future. Expanding to the surrounding area shouldn’t be a problem. At that time, I hope that our Heavenly Dao League will have a reputation in the entire Ten-Party Refining Domain and be able to hold a certain position in the Ten-Part Refining Domain.”

"Follow the Heavenly Alliance to the death, and follow the Leader Xiao to the death."

Everyone in the hall shouted in unison.

Xiao Han also smiled, but he didn't feel hypocritical at this time.

It’s just that he smiled and said: "I, the leader of the alliance, will do my best, but the daily affairs in the Tiandao League still need to be handled by the deputy leader Yang Silang. I hope everyone will support him a lot, and this Tiandao League is not me, Xiao Han. Yes, in the future, if you want to make a big show, you still have to rely on all of you present to create veterans. Here, oh Xiao Han, please."

"We must do our best to strengthen the Heavenly Dao League."

Seeing this scene, Yang Shilang couldn't help laughing loudly, and then shouted: "Come on, serve wine."

A group of disciples from the Haotian City City Lord’s Mansion walked in from outside the hall. They were holding a tray with a pot of good wine on it.

Sending the already-prepared jug to everyone, Xiao Han picked up a bottle of wine and laughed loudly into the hall: "Today is a good day. Our Heavenly Dao League is officially established. This is a great event. At this time, There should be wine, come, let us all dry this pot of wine for our heavenly alliance."

"It's done."

"Yes, let's dry this pot of wine."


Among these ten refining domains, a huge force that hopes to dominate the entire ten refining domain in the future has been established.

Everyone present felt that perhaps in the near future, the newly established force of the Heavenly Dao League would spread throughout the entire Ten Fang Refining Domain.

The Heavenly Dao League had just been established, and there was a whole new atmosphere.

At the same time controlling the two cities of Xuanfeng City and Haotian City, the most important thing is that Xiao Han and Yang Silang have incorporated all the forces of the two cities into the Heavenly Dao League.

In this way, a Heavenly Dao League can exert all the energy of the two cities.

Not to mention the invincibility in the entire Ten Fang Refining Domain, at least among some of the surrounding mountain forces, there is no such thing as a force comparable to the Heavenly Dao League, but it is definitely one of the few.

As for how far this Heavenly Dao League can go, it depends on how capable the leader of the Heavenly Dao League, Xiao Han, is.

The Tiandao League was formally established, and after agreeing on the time for the next meeting to discuss major issues, everyone on the court also left one after another.

The original lively discussion hall gradually became quiet.

Before everyone left, Xiao Han and Yang Silang personally sent Zhao Tianhou and others out of the gate of the Haotian City City Lord's Mansion.

"Lao Yang, finally it's all done." Xiao Han lightly breathed a sigh of relief, standing at the gate of the city lord's mansion, and laughing softly: "Now, the entire Haotian City and Xuanfeng City are in our hands. The power we can mobilize will be terrifying."

"Brother Xiao Han, I find it strange." Standing behind Xiao Han, Luo Luo couldn't help but ask softly: "With the current strength of Xiao Han and ours, it is mandatory for all the forces in the two cities to join us. Isn’t the Heavenly Alliance just fine? I forgive them for not daring to refuse. Why is it so troublesome?"

Luoluo is still too young to know the mystery inside.

In fact, Xiao Han also knew that if he really used tough methods, no one would dare to refuse the major forces in the Haotian City City Lord's Mansion today.

But Xiao Han didn't want to be like this, what Xiao Han wanted was to join the Heavenly Alliance willingly.

"Silly girl, our Heavenly Dao League has just been established, and it has directly integrated all the forces in Xuanfeng City and Haotian City.

Xiao Han looked at Yang Silang and Luoluo with a relaxed face, smiled faintly, and then said: In this way, the future potential of our Heavenly Dao League will be very amazing. If we want to develop for a longer time, we cannot rely on force to solve problems blindly. That can easily backfire. "

At this time, Empress Yumei, who had never said a word, frowned slightly and said: "Xiao Han, we established this Heavenly Dao League, will we give those elders too much power? You said that even the leader of the elders will have too much power? Listen, if this is the case, it might cause a lot of trouble in the future."

Xiao Han would over look at Empress Yumei, and smiled: "Don't worry, our Heavenly Dao League has just been established. Although there were a dozen elders at once, it doesn't matter. The first thing we need to do now Hold their hearts and let them follow us.

Believe me, it won't be long before these elders will be able to see that those are with us and which ones are half-hearted. We will clean up again when that happens. Actually, there is no difficulty.

What's more, people are like this. Once our Tiandao League is on the right track, they will gradually see hope, and naturally they will start to rely on our Tiandao League as the main one, and their own one-acre three-point land will be the second. "

Having said this, Xiao Han smiled and said: "Lao Yang, after I leave, I still have to examine how many people in the elders will absolutely support you and me. Some unnecessary scum will be cleaned up. I want When you make sure, even if I leave Vast Sky City in the future, as long as you make any decision, Lao Yang, the guys in the Presbyterian Church will not be able to influence."

"If the Dao Federation has been successfully established today, you can only leave it to Lao Yang for the following operations and adjustments. I am not good at handling these debris, so Lao Yang will have to work hard next."

"You can rest assured, I will do it well."

Of course Yang Shilang knew that Xiao Han would be leaving in a few days, so he had to explain everything clearly.

Thinking of this, Yang Shilang could only smile and shook his head.

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