Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu and others who were talking and laughing originally closed their mouths silently after seeing Xiao Han coming out.

Although Xiao Han had thought of this situation before.

But now seeing this scene, Xiao Han couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

In the eyes of Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu, the members of the Zhao family team, Xiao Han's strength during the catastrophe period was too scary. It is normal to stay with this level of existence and restraint.

But Xiao Han didn't think so.

People have already treated each other as equals, and it's not that the master of cultivation level is superior to others.

Except for his mortal enemies, Xiao Han is kind to everyone.

That's also because Xiao Han started at the end of the day and bumped up along the way, so Xiao Han never felt that his cultivation level was higher, and he was more noble than others.

So now the attitude of Zhao Yun and others towards him has changed, which makes Xiao Han a little bit disappointed.

"Is there any riding beast? I want to get some air outside?" Xiao Han grinned at Zhao Yun and said.


Soon, a member of the Zhao family team came over with a riding beast.

Xiao Han rode up and kept pace with Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu.

However, Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu and others look at me and I look at you, their expressions are a little unnatural.

Xiao Han grinned and said to Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu and others: "I said, can you relax a little bit, aren't we good brothers?"

Everyone looked at each other, and they didn't dare to say yes, let alone say no.

The scene where Xiao Han easily beat the two elders of the Guo family just now was really terrifying.

Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu and others still have lingering fears.

When they think of that scene, they feel frustrated.

It was not the Xiao Han brother before them now, but a real master of the tribulation period.

Seeing that he had only awe in the eyes of the members of the Zhao family team, but not close, Xiao Han was also very helpless.

"Brother Zhao Yun, ride slowly, let's take a step back and talk."

Zhao Yun was taken aback for a moment, then nodded heavily.

Falling to the back of the team with Xiao Han, Zhao Yun just wanted to hold his fist in a salute, and felt that he couldn't lift his arm with a strong pressure.

"Brother Zhao Yun, speak normally, don't be so polite, can you? Really speaking, did you save my life? Should I call you big brother?"

"Mr. Xiao Han, you can really make a joke, where we need to be rescued with your strength." Zhao Yun laughed dryly and said softly.

It can be seen that Zhao Yunzao is still a little cautious in front of Xiao Han, and the awe in his words is still obvious.

Xiao Han smiled bitterly and shook his head. With a thought, he took out a universe bag and stuffed it into Zhao Yun's hand.

"There are dozens of seventh-order demon pill, you take the points to the brothers, all have been refined, and you can still improve some strength."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun was stunned.


Seventh-order demon pill?

Zhao Yun, who had reacted, couldn't help showing an incredible look on his face.

Even if he is the leader of the team, he can survive desperately, he can't earn a few seventh-order demon pills, right?

The seventh-order monsters, but Zhao Duoer's kind of masters in the peak realm of the secluded period can only kill them.

So on weekdays, Zhao Yun and the others contacted the sixth-order demon pills the most. They had seen a lot of these seventh-order demon pills, but where did they own the seventh-order demon pills?

A single seventh-order demon pill is equivalent to at least ten sixth-order demon pill, so now the dozens of seventh-order demon pill that Xiao Han has taken out are equivalent to hundreds of sixth-order demon pill?

At his level, he can't earn so many Tier 6 Demon Pills in a year, right?

Zhao Yun, with a horrified expression, trembled: "This, this, this...Mr. Xiao Han, I can't collect so many demon pills."

"If you ask you to accept it, you will accept it. If you don't accept it, I will be angry." Xiao Han smiled: "Moreover, these seventh-order demon pills are not for you alone, they are for your brothers. , You can just get two more."

"That, that... that's okay." Hearing what Xiao Han said, Zhao Yun had to put away the universe bag: "Mr. Xiao Han, are you... are you ready? left?"

"Brother, don't call him Mr." Xiao Han gave Zhao Yun an angry look, and then sighed softly: "Brother Zhao Yun, you said I will leave now, isn't it a bit unkind?"

Zhao Yun naturally understood Xiao Han's meaning.

Now the Guo family is obviously ready to do something against their Zhao family.

"Xiao Han...brother, what's unkind in this, you are already very kind." Zhao Yun smiled and said: "You and our Zhao family are just friendships when you meet in Pingshui, and you are on the way. One sentence saved us twice, even if you had to pay back the favor, it would have already been paid off.

The Guo family in Luncheng was indeed very strong that day. You don't have a deep relationship with the Zhao family, so there is really no need to get involved. "

Hearing this, Xiao Han nodded silently.

Zhao Yun naturally guessed that their eldest lady Zhao Duoer had talked to Xiao Han about this. Zhao Yun was just the team leader and couldn't manage so many things.

He only knew that Xiao Han should decide whether to stay or not.

Zhao Yun persuaded Xiao Han again, Xiao Han smiled, and chatted with Zhao Yun on a different topic.

Soon, the road became more and more flat and widened.

From afar, the outline of a city can be seen.

When the outline of the city appeared in everyone's eyes, it was obvious that the surrounding Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu, the members of the Zhao family team, let out a long sigh of relief.

When they arrived around the walls of Tianlun City, their safety was guaranteed.

Xiao Han also understood that the huge city in the distance should be Tianlun City.

At this moment, far away from the city wall, a brilliant light flashed at their location.

That Haoguang was extremely fast, and it seemed that it was directed at the team of the Zhao family.

The members of the Zhao family team were a little nervous because they were worried that the Guo family left behind.

Everyone slowed down at the same time and began to arrange a defensive formation.

After a while, the sharp-eyed Zhao Yun pointed to the dignified light in the sky with a look of surprise and shouted: "I am my own person."

Hearing this sound, Miss Zhao's family also hurriedly jumped out of the carriage.

Soon, the dazzling light reached the sky above the convoy, and then a figure jumped down from mid-air.

The person who came here was slender and handsome, and looked about the same age as Xiao Han.

It's just that this person is dressed in a costume, and it seems that he is not low in the Zhao family.

Moreover, this person's cultivation level seems to be very good, and his face also has a trace of arrogance from beginning to end.

Originally, when Zhao Duoer just jumped out of the carriage, he immediately looked for Xiao Han among the crowd.

When Zhao Duoer saw Xiao Han and Zhao Yun sitting side by side on the riding beast, she let out a sigh of relief.

However, Zhao Duoer's eyes were on Xiao Han, but Xiao Han didn't seem to notice it, just looking at the man in front.

Only then did Zhao Duoer realize that someone from the Zhao family came out of the city to respond.

However, when Zhao Duoer saw that this young man appeared here, his brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly.

When the man saw Zhao Duo'er jumping out of the carriage, there was a look of surprise on his face.

His figure flickered, and he appeared directly in front of Zhao Duo'er, and asked with concern: "Sister Duo'er, are you okay?"

At this time, Xiao Han, who was at the back of the team with Zhao Yun, saw that the Zhao family had sent someone to pick him up. Knowing that the team’s safety was no longer a problem, he whispered hello to Zhao Yun and prepared to leave the team first and enter alone. city.

Zhao Duoer was about to answer the young man's concern, but when Xiao Han was about to leave, Zhao Duoer looked back with feeling, just in time to see Xiao Han who jumped off the riding beast and was about to flash into the forest.

In a hurry, Zhao Duoer couldn't take care of the young man in front of him. She quickly turned around and shouted: "Don't you go, OK?"


Xiao Han, who was about to drive away, was yelled at by Zhao Duoer, so he stopped.

He laughed at Zhao Duoer twice, suddenly wondering how to explain it.

"Actually, if you are determined to leave, I can't stop you." Zhao Duoer looked at Xiao Han's bitter face and darkened her eyes, and said softly: "Well, thank you for helping me twice. If you have the opportunity, please come to Zhao's house as a guest."

Zhao Duoer was talking about it, and Xiao Han is leaving now, or not.

Besides, the members of the Zhao family team around are still staring at him.

"That..." Xiao Han had to change his words: "Actually, I'm not leaving, I'm just having a urgency. Go to the woods to solve it."

This excuse seems a bit awkward.

A master who has passed the catastrophe can't hold back urine?

That's really funny.

However, at this time, where Zhao Duoer would pay attention to such details, she heard Xiao Han's implication.

Zhao Duoer stunned: "So, sir, is he going to stay?"

Xiao Han nodded and said, "That's what I think. I'll stay and see the situation first. If there is a real need, I won't stand by. What do you think?"

"Yes, you can, of course, it's really great that you are willing to stay." Zhao Duoer almost jumped three feet high with a surprised expression on her face.

Seeing Zhao Duoer, who had always been calm, was so excited that he was so excited, Xiao Han smiled bitterly and shook his head, and muttered to himself: "Is there such an exaggeration? I just agreed to stay and see the situation."

At this time, the young man standing next to Zhao Duoer was very happy.

Who is this person in front of you?

Why did his sister Doer care so much?

It seemed that the opponent was wearing the costumes of the Zhao family, so he should be an ordinary guard.

The young man's expression became completely gloomy when he thought that Zhao Duoer only talked to each other, and completely ignored his existence.

He saw that Zhao Duoer, who was usually calm and indifferent, was so concerned about an ordinary team member, and he naturally felt very uncomfortable.

"Yo? Who is this person?"

The young man seemed casual, but with a sharp look in his eyes, he asked softly, "Sister Duoer, is he a member of our Zhao family team? How come you look so face-to-face, are you new?"

Although the young man was asking about Zhao Duoer, the contempt and disdain in his words could be heard by everyone present.

Zhao Duoer frowned and said in a deep voice: "Zhao Mu, don't talk nonsense, he is a distinguished guest of our Zhao family."

The young man named Zhao Mu smiled and said, "Hehe, distinguished guest? What kind of distinguished guest is worth your stay with such kind words?"

"Zhao Mu, just shut up if you don't speak." Zhao Duoer suddenly turned around and waited for Zhao Mu, her pretty face covered with frost.

She glared at Zhao Mu fiercely, and sternly reprimanded: "This Mr. Xiao Han, is the distinguished guest I invited to our Zhao family. If you talk so yin and yang weirdly, don't blame me for turning your face."

Zhao Duoer originally didn't like to deal with Zhao Mu in front of him, so he came to pester herself if there was nothing to do. Zhao Duoer was annoying him.

It's just that everyone is a child of the Zhao family. Usually, you don't see when you look up. Zhao Duoer always stays away.

But just now when Zhao Duo'er heard Zhao Mu's yin and yang run against Xiao Han, Zhao Duo'er became angry.

She reminded Zhao Mu that this Mr. Xiao Han is a distinguished guest of the Zhao family, and it is a bit too much for Zhao Mu to speak like this.

Xiao Han stayed with great difficulty and couldn't be offended by Zhao Mu.

Zhao Mu's face became very unsightly when Zhao Duoer's angry reprimanded him.

"what did you say?"

Zhao Mu sneered and said: "Prince? Sister Duoer, are you confused? Our Zhao family is not a small household, but he can also be the distinguished guest of our Zhao family? Then tell me, what qualifications does he have? , To become the distinguished guest of our Zhao family?"

Zhao Duoer didn't bother to talk nonsense with such people, she said in a deep voice: "The guests I invited by Zhao Duoer do not need you to ask."

Zhao Mu stared at Xiao Han for a second time, and laughed with disdain: "Hehe, when will Amao and Agou be our guests of the Zhao family?"

"Since you want to know what qualifications this Mr. Xiao Han has, then I will let you know."

As he said, Zhao Duoer waved at Zhao Hu beside him.

Zhao Hu understood, took the two team members directly, took the seriously injured Guo Bei and Guo Nan two old guys from the carriage, and then directly threw the two old Guo parents who were not working in front of Zhao Mu. .

"These two people on the ground, don't you know if you know each other?" Zhao Duoer reached out and looked at Zhao Mu.

"How do I know..."

Seeing two old men lying on the ground who didn't know their life or death, Zhao Mu said casually.

However, when Zhao Mu saw the pale faces of the two old guys, he was stunned.

"Huh?" Zhao Mu exclaimed with a look of horror: "This... isn't this the two elders of Guo Bei Guo Nan in the Guo family? How could they be beaten like this?"

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