When Xiao Han spoke, the Fourth Elder's face was horrified, and he couldn't help but sigh: "I lost, I am convinced that I lost."

Xiao Han smiled and said: "The four elders are humble. I'm just lucky to have some ability. If I really want to fight, I may not be the opponent of the four elders."

"Don't be humble, your strength is indeed outrageous." The Fourth Elder sighed softly, "If you didn't take the shot yourself, I really doubt your strength, you have entered the middle of the catastrophe period."

After hearing the words of the four elders, everyone in the hall, even Patriarch Zhao Jin and Zhao Duo'er, was stunned at this time.



How could Xiao Han in front of him be in the middle of the catastrophe period?

How could there be such a young mid-career master?

Even Guo Yi can't do it, right?

The Four Elders didn't actually say that deliberately.

At least the Four Elders could vaguely feel when they were fighting against Xiao Han that Xiao Han's control of space far exceeded the strength of the ordinary early stage of the Tribulation Period.

In the last few fights, Xiao Han and the Fourth Elder had directly tore through the space, penetrated into the gap of the space, directly boasted the barrier of space, ignored the distance between the two, and began to fight.

However, the four elders unexpectedly discovered that he, an old elder who had entered the early stage of the Tribulation Period for more than ten years, could not find Xiao Han's place.

Even if Xiao Han's location cannot be sensed, how can I fight this?

Nobody can be found, even if your offensive is strong, what can you do?

So the last two tricks, the four elders were convinced that they lost.

"The four elders have passed the award. My cultivation level is similar to that of the four elders. How could it be possible that I have entered the middle of the tribulation period. It is only the ability to control the space. After I have been guided by an expert, I can control it more handily. And these methods, when you really fight, you can only escape for your life, which is not very useful." Xiao Han arched his hands at the Fourth Elder and said with a smile.

Hearing this, the horror on everyone's faces became more and more intense.

In the early part of the tribulation period in his early twenties, there is no one in a million.

Even in the entire Tianlun City, there is only one Guo Yi.

Moreover, Guo Yi was able to cultivate to the early stage of the Tribulation Period only after joining the big sect of Xingyizong.

But if the current strength is really in the middle of the catastrophe period, it is really shocking.

Don’t say it’s the other people present, even in the Star Meteorite Sect, it’s hard to find the second and the third, right?

A twenty-something-year-old super powerhouse in the middle of the robbery period, no matter who encountered it, I am afraid that he would secretly scream in his heart, the monster is coming.

"The strength of the little brother is amazing, and he is very humble. The power to control the space can be done in the early stage of the catastrophe, but if you want to use it skillfully, you must at least step into the strength of the middle of the catastrophe to be able to do it. of.

Moreover, the ability to freely shuttle through space is almost a sign of a strong man in the middle of the catastrophe period. As for the use of the furnace fire is pure and free, I am afraid that it will have to cross the peak state of the catastrophe period.

What's rare is that you can have this ability with the strength of the early stage of the Tribulation Period, which has shocked my old man. This time, my old man was convinced that he lost. "

Having said this, the Four Elders turned to look at the Patriarch Zhao Jin and several elders, and laughed softly: "Patriarch, several elders, our Zhao family is saved this time."

Zhao Jin stood up with a smile on his face: "Little brother, it's really the wave behind and pushing the wave forward. I didn't expect your strength to be ashamed of the Four Elders. It seems that your strength is in this Tianlun City. You can definitely make a name for yourself. To put it bluntly, you are so young, but if you want to form your own power, you are more than enough, much stronger than many powers in Tianlun City."

Hearing this, many people around were surprised.

This Xiao Han is so young that he has the qualifications to start a school?

This is a bit surprising, right?

For Zhao Jin's comment, Xiao Han just smiled, nothing more.

The Fourth Elder sighed slightly, and suddenly looked at Zhao Duoer who was not far away, and joked softly: "Our Duoer's vision is getting better and better."

"Four grandfather, you really can talk more and more." Zhao Duoer's pretty face instantly turned red when she heard the words of the Fourth Elder with a pun.

I don't know if it was Zhao Duoer's illusion. Zhao Duoer always felt that the whispers he had previously told Xiao Han had already been heard clearly by his father and several elders.

Zhao Jin also looked relieved.

Xiao Han took action against Guo Yi this time, and it seemed that the Zhao family at least didn't have to worry about being so embarrassed in the end.

Moreover, their Zhao family was able to meet such a young master in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, this is a big thing that can strengthen the Zhao family's momentum.

It seems that Zhao Duoer has really gained a lot from going out this time, and he actually got acquainted with such a young man.

Zhao Jin's eyes naturally stayed on Xiao Han.

Although Xiao Han in front of him was dressed in ordinary Zhao family team costumes, it might be because he had just fought with the Four Elders.

In Zhao Jin's feelings, the young man who seemed to be calm before, now stands still so peacefully, but the whole person seems to be a sharp sword.

From Xiao Han's body, there was a sense of oppression that was hard to look at.

At this time, the contest between the Four Elders and Xiao Han had ended, and it was time for Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, to stand up and express his stance.

He slowly stood up and sternly clasped his fists at Xiao Han below.

Zhao Jin said with a serious face: "Little brother Xiao Han, this time playing for our Zhao family is a matter of vital importance to the lives of hundreds of people in our Zhao family. If this time our Zhao family can get through the difficulties, little brother The kindness of my Zhao family must be in my heart."

After Zhao Jin got up, many of the strong Zhao family members around also stood up together and bowed to Xiao Han in the hall with a solemn fist.

This time, in the Zhao family, no one of the younger generation could stand up and compete with Guo Yi.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Han's appearance, if this matter was spread out, there would be no need to wait three days later. I am afraid that the two-day competition has not started yet, and the entire Zhao family will become a joke in everyone's mouth.

At this time, Zhao Duoer, Zhao Yun and others also looked at each other.

Then the two people standing next to Xiao Han also stepped back at the same time and bowed to Xiao Han in front of him.

"Don't be so polite. You really don't need to be so polite."

The entire Zhao family saluted at the same time, which made Xiao Han a little speechless.

The competition after three days is of course very important to the entire Zhao family, otherwise, Zhao Duoer would not be pleading in a low voice over and over again.

Xiao Han lightly sighed, clasped his fists and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I don't dare to say that I will win Guo Yi, but Xiao Han will give my all."

Hearing what Xiao Han said, Zhao Jin nodded with a smile on his face. Xiao Han said that he would go all out, and naturally he would really go all out.

Zhao Jin was relieved, and he once again pointed at Xiao Han and said, "If this is the case, then I, Zhao, will take the place of the entire Zhao family and thank Xiao Han's little brother for righteousness.

Three days later, it’s time for the competition. Do you have anything that needs our Zhao family to do? Just ask, don’t be polite. "

Zhao Jin is really not a polite remark.

You have to know that after three days is the day of competition.

Now the future of the entire Zhao family is maintained by Xiao Han.

As long as you can defeat Guo Yi, you can say anything.

But if Xiao Han loses, then the entire Zhao family will be in jeopardy.

Now as long as Xiao Han asks, the Zhao family will naturally try their best to satisfy.

In fact, I really want to talk about it. With the Zhao family's background and strength in Tianlun City, it is not impossible to find a few people who can defeat Guo Yi, but those who have the ability to defeat Guo Yi are all of the Zhao family. Some of the elders.

Guo Yi wanted the younger generation to take a shot. If the Zhao family couldn't find the best of the younger generation and sent an old guy to take the shot after three days, then Guo Yi would naturally not agree to this competition.

And even if the Zhao family sent an old guy to take action, the old guys from the Guo family would naturally not stand idly by.

So this time, the trouble is here.

Guo Yi calculated it ahead of time and restricted the subjects of the competition to the younger generation.

To put it bluntly, don't say it's the Zhao family's own people, even Xiao Han's heart is clear.

To be honest, among all the younger generations of the Zhao family, it is true that there is really no younger generation master who can defeat the elder Guo Yi of the Guo family.

Now Zhao Duoer has finally met Xiao Han, an outsider, and the entire Zhao family seems to have seen a savior.

Xiao Han's strength and cultivation level gave these old guys in the Zhao family a glimmer of hope.

At least the appearance of Xiao Han made the Zhao family feel that Xiao Han might still defeat Guo Yi.

So Xiao Han was indeed able to count, and helped the Zhao family a lot.

Xiao Han also knew that the competition after three days was very important. In these few days, Xiao Han probably didn't have time to go out and look for Luo Luo and Yu Mei.

The battle is coming, Xiao Han needs some time to practice and completely stabilize the aura in his body.

Moreover, the injury suffered in the space channel last time is almost better, but it has not been completely healed. Xiao Han needs some time to recuperate.

So after thinking about it, Xiao Han said softly: "Uncle Zhao, boy, I have something to trouble you Zhao family."

"Little brother, you say."

Having said this, Zhao Jin suddenly felt a little weird, and quickly changed his words: "Xiannephew, please tell me, there is something for our Zhao family to do."

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