The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2221: Invincible little monster

The little demon beast seemed to know Xiao Han's mind very well, but at this critical moment, if the little demon beast felt a dangerous aura, it should retreat immediately.

But that little monster beast did not.

Even if it was vaguely aware that a powerful aura was coming in the sky, the little monster still attacked fiercely.

Feeling the little demon beast whose offensive started to become more and more violent, the dignified look on Chen Huohuo, the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect, became more and more obvious.

After just having a fight with the little demon, Chen Huohuo really had lingering fears about this high-grade spiritual weapon.

Knowing that this time had reached the most critical moment, Chen Huohuo did not dare to take it lightly.

He urged the aura in his body to the extreme, but even so, every time Chen Huohuo collided with that little monster beast, he would be shocked.

The little monster beast seemed to be tireless, attacking constantly, swiftly and violently, and horribly powerful.

Chen Huohuo could only keep resisting, his arms were numb long ago, and he was about to lose his feeling.

If this continues, Chen Huohuo knows that he will undoubtedly lose.

"How can the **** high-grade spirit weapon be so powerful? Its power can be so terrifying, and I can't resist the strength of this mid-career period?"

Feeling the more and more serious numbness on both arms, even Chen Huohuo couldn't help but panic.

If it continues for a while, I am afraid that Chen Huohuo will be dead.

At this time, Xiao Han had already rushed over, and the Sky Sword slashed straight at Chen Huohuo.

Now, Chen Huohuo became even more frantic.

"Xiao Han, don't delay, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave."

Just when Xiao Han and the little monster beast were about to defeat Chen Huohuo, Zhao Jin anxiously reminded him.

"Damn, I almost killed this old guy."

Xiao Han smashed Chen Huohuo's body back and flew back with a sword. The little monster beast slammed into Chen Huohuo's waist. Chen Huohuo flew back and slammed into the pit again. All of a sudden, stone chips flew up and smoke filled.

With two more moves, Chen Huohuo will undoubtedly die.

But now, Xiao Han knew that he didn't have so much time.

He could clearly perceive that in the distant sky, a murderous aura locked his figure far away.

Go now, maybe there is hope to escape, if it is later, you really can't go.

At this time, Xiao Han could only give up beheading Chen Huohuo, who was already seriously injured.

With a thought to Xiao Han, the little demon beast rushed into the pit and found Chen Huohuo's figure.

But the little monster beast also seemed to know that Chen Huohuo couldn't kill Chen Huohuo at this time, and rushed to Chen Huohuo's waist again, very fast, but its attack power was not strong.

In the end, the little monster beast retreated as soon as it touched Chen Huohuo, as if he didn't want to kill Chen Huohuo.

However, Chen Huohuo was taken aback for a moment, and he subconsciously touched his waist, and his complexion suddenly became more ugly.

The Qiankun bag on his waist was gone.

The little demon beast ran to Xiao Han with a universe bag in his mouth.

"Chen Huohuo, it's really out of **** luck. If someone comes to save you, then keep your dog's life."

Chen Huohuo's face was pale, even if Xiao Han had decided to let him go, but Chen Huohuo had been beaten by the little monster beast that Xiao Han had joined forces with.

The rhetoric that was originally big mouth was swallowed abruptly.

Forget it, today this somersault is a big deal.

If he wants to find his place, he has to wait for him to fully recover.

When Xiao Han grabbed Chen Huohuo's Universe Bag in his hand, there was already a sharp breaking wind in the sky.

"Little bastard, did you kill my Guo family?"

A furious voice suddenly exploded like thunder.

A vague afterimage shot directly from the sky.

Although he hadn't rushed to the high platform, the overwhelming killing intent emanating from that figure could be clearly felt by the hundreds of thousands of people in the entire square.

"Little bastard, that protective armor is our Guo family's treasure. You killed someone and want to take it away?"

The figure hadn't even arrived at the scene, and he saw the treasure armor that Xiao Han was holding from a distance, and couldn't help roaring again and again.

With this voice getting closer, Chen Huohuo knew that the old guy Guo Hua had arrived.

Chen Huohuo escaped a catastrophe, and what he wanted most now was to watch Xiao Han die in front of him with his own eyes.

Chen Huohuo quickly yelled: "Guo Hua, all of the best players in the Guo family died in the hands of this little bastard. Your grandson and son were all scrapped by Xiao Han. Kill him soon to avenge your Guo family. avenge."


Chen Huohuo just got excited, he got up from the pit and yelled into the sky.

But he didn't even notice that the little demon beast that had returned to Xiao Han's side unexpectedly turned back and hit Chen Huohuo's chest again.

The speed of that little monster beast was already terrifying, and Chen Huohuo couldn't prevent it, and it immediately suffered a big loss.

Under the terrifying impact of that little monster beast, Chen Huohuo's chest collapsed, and it seemed that a lot of bones were broken.

"Guo Hua, come and save me."

Chen Huohuo let out a muffled snort, and the whole body was knocked upside down again and flew out.

"Are you Chen Huohuo of the Star Meteorite Sect?"

Hearing Chen Huohuo's cry for help, the figure that happened to appear above the high platform was also slightly taken aback.

This person's figure just appeared, he was a thin old man in a purple robe.

He glanced at the little monster beast that came back to Xiao Han after hitting Chen Huohuo, a look of excitement and solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Naturally, he couldn't recognize it with his eyesight. The body of that little monster beast was actually a high-grade spiritual weapon.

Even if he is well-informed, it is the first time he has seen this kind of baby.

Seeing Guo Hua's surprised look, Chen Huohuo clutched his chest, forcibly calmed down, and yelled at the sky: "Guo Hua, what are you doing in a daze? This high-grade spiritual weapon is that bastard's thing. , If you kill that bastard, this high-grade spirit weapon will naturally become a masterless thing.

If you want to take it for yourself, hurry up and let the **** run away. Not only will you not be able to get this high-grade spiritual weapon, but the Guo family members will sacrifice for nothing. "

After hearing Chen Huohuo's reminder, the ancestor of the Guo family turned his head with a gloomy expression to look at Xiao Han who had jumped into the sky.

"Little bastard, hand over that high-grade spiritual tool obediently, and the old man can leave you a whole body."

Xiao Han hugged the little monster beast in his arms and turned his head and glanced at Chen Huohuo, who was badly injured by the little monster beast.

Chen Huohuo's aura is a bit sluggish now, and I am afraid that even one-third of his combat power has not remained.

Xiao Han felt that even if he had to give him another thirty seconds, maybe he would be able to smoothly kill this old guy.

But even if it was thirty seconds, Xiao Han is gone now.

The ancestor of the Guo family would definitely not give him this opportunity to do it.

And even if Xiao Han really killed Chen Huohuo, I'm afraid he won't want to escape here today.

Naturally, he could clearly feel that Chen Huohuo, the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect, had been seriously injured under the attack of the little monster beast, and it was already the end of the force.

It is a pity that Xiao Han has no chance to make a move now.

Looking down at the tragic situation on the high platform, Guo Hua's dry face was full of regret.

Fortunately, Guo Yi still lives.

Guo Hua stared at Xiao Han with a grim face, and roared: "Little bastard, no matter what your background or background, you killed so many people in my Guo family today. The old man will never let you leave Tianlun City alive. of."

Xiao Han showed a solemn expression for the first time.

The Guo Hua in front of him was much stronger than Chen Huohuo, the elder of the Starfall Sect.

Xiao Han vaguely felt a dangerous breath from his body.

Xiao Han knew that it was really going to fight, even if there was a high-grade spiritual weapon by his side, it would not be Guo Hua's opponent.

The shape of Guo Huan in midair flashed, and his whole person disappeared out of thin air, facing Xiao Han below.

The moment that Guo's figure disappeared, a fierce murderous aura began to permeate the field.

Everyone was stunned to watch the fierce ancestor of the Guo family in Tianlun City, just to deal with a younger generation.

Staring closely at the place where Guo Hua's figure disappeared, Xiao Han knew that Guo Hua had already attacked.

It happened that Guo Yi, who was unconscious, was shouting at Xiao Han. Taking advantage of this exercise, Xiao Han reached out and grabbed Guo Yi's body in his hands.

Before Guo Hua appeared, Xiao Han grabbed Guo Yi's back and threw Guo Yi's entire figure into the air.

Xiao Han poured a breath into Guo Yi's body, and then threw the unconscious Guo Yi away fiercely.

"Old thing, your grandson Guo Yi is not dead yet, but I have injected a breath into Guo Yi's body. If you catch up with me now, it is still too late. If you come to chase me, then wait to help Guo Yi. Collect the corpse."

After throwing Guo Yi away, Xiao Han laughed and rushed directly outside Tianlun City.

Xiao Han believed that Guo Hua would definitely give up chasing him in order to save Guo Yi.

Therefore, Xiao Han may have a chance to escape Guo Hua's control and leave Tianlun City.

Guo Yi is the only seedling of the Guo family. Now that Guo Meng is dead, and Guo Yi dies again, then their Guo family will be broken.

Therefore, Xiao Han decided to take a gamble to see if Guo Hua killed or saved.

When Xiao Han threw Guo Yi away, Guo Hua's figure just appeared where Xiao Han stood before.

After hearing Xiao Han's words, Guo Hua looked at the thrown figure with a struggling expression on his face.

"Little bastard, you bastard, after chasing you, the old man will smash you into pieces."

Guo Hua yelled angrily, thought about it, gave up chasing Xiao Han, turned and chased Guo Yi's position.

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