"Old ancestor, what's the matter? You are talking about it." Zhao Duoer looked at her ancestor's expression a little abnormal, and her heart became more nervous.

The ancestors of the Zhao family turned to look at Zhao Duo'er with an anxious look. He had a long mouth and sighed softly: "Dao'er girl, let me tell you that, even if we don’t do anything, Guo Hua and Chen Huohuo are old guys. , It’s hard to take advantage of that little guy’s hands."

"Huh?" Zhao Duoer was stunned, as if she didn't understand what the ancestors of the Zhao family meant.

"That's okay, then let's get closer and watch the excitement. Anyway, it's already here. If you don't see how exciting this stop is, aren't we at a loss?"

The ancestor of the Zhao family laughed, and then put his palms on Zhao Duoer's body, and the two figures flashed away, swiping in the direction where Chen Huohuo and Xiao Han were fighting.

Although Zhao Duoer said that he didn't listen too clearly, but looking at the way the ancestor looked, he seemed in a good mood.

Moreover, the ancestor, who had always been more cautious, actually agreed to get closer to watch the battle, which made Zhao Duo'er happy.

Zhao Duoer begged the ancestors to come because he was worried about Xiao Han's safety.

Now it seems that the ancestors said the situation on the court seemed to be favorable to Xiao Han.

Zhao Duoer couldn't help being happy.

The surging breath that came out of Xiao Han began to spread all over his body.

Vaguely aware of the powerful aura in Xiao Han, the large and small monsters hidden in the jungle, faintly felt a powerful pressure coming from him.

Regardless of whether it is a Tier 4 monster or Tier 5 or Tier 6 monster, they can only tremble under this powerful pressure.

The unlucky fourth-order black bear demon stood far away.

Looking at the figure in the air, I still have lingering fears.

Fortunately, it escaped from its own home, so saving its life is the most important thing.

It doesn't matter if its cave is destroyed, it's a big deal to find it again.

However, it is a Tier 4 monster, and it has the opportunity to see a strong player of this level fight, but it is a rare opportunity.

At this time, Xiao Han's aura began to climb to its apex.

As the aura in Xiao Han's body became stronger and stronger, Xiao Han looked full of aura.

When the aura in Xiao Han's body reached its peak, Xiao Han looked up at Chen Huohuo not far away, and smiled slightly.

"Chen Huohuo, don't you really want to kill me? You can try it now."

Xiao Han's voice was not so loud, but when he heard Chen Huohuo's ears, he couldn't help but trembled.

From Xiao Han's voice, it seemed that a mighty pressure from the depths of his soul was crushing over him, causing Chen Huohuo to suddenly feel a little guilty.

Chen Huohuo, who was full of confidence, didn't know what was going on, suddenly felt that Xiao Han in front of him looked a little scary.

A dangerous aura exuded from Xiao Han's body, which made Chen Huohuo very puzzled.

"Does this little **** use some kind of secret method, otherwise, why does this little **** suddenly become so strong? Judging from this momentum, although the realm is still in the early stage of the transition period, the aura that exudes It's comparable to the middle of the tribulation period, what is going on?"

Chen Huohuo's expression was a little uncertain, and he didn't know whether the aura radiating from Xiao Han's body was due to Xiao Han's own strength or Xiao Han's use of some secret method.

However, the sharp aura that came out still made Chen Huohuo feel a little unbelievable.

Chen Huohuo is very clear about Xiao Han's true strength, and he doesn't think much about Guo Yi, it should be shortly after he entered the early stage of the tribulation period.

But now, Xiao Han's breath is getting more and more fierce, it seems that it can't be displayed in the early stage of the general Tribulation Period.

Did Xiao Han hide his strength when he was in Tianlun City before?


Chen Huohuo's first reaction was that it was impossible.

When Xiao Han fought Guo Yi before, he had already tried his best. How could he still hide his strength?

Regardless, Chen Huohuo didn't believe that when Xiao Han was fighting Guo Yi, he would still think about how to hide his strength.

After thinking about it, Chen Huohuo felt that Xiao Han looked a little bluffing.

"Could it be that this guy is really bluffing?"

Chen Huohuo thought about it, but still felt that this possibility was very high.

After all, if Xiao Han were really so powerful, before in Tianlun City, Chen Huohuo might not only be snatched from a Universe Bag, he might be dead.

"Old Du doesn't believe it anymore, you, a hairy boy, can show your strength to help me, the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect, be even stronger."

A smirk flashed across Chen Huohuo's face.

At this time, bluffing is useless.

Chen Huohuo stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a sharp breath began to condense in his palm.

In midair, Xiao Han looked calmly at Chen Huohuo not far away, and slowly raised the Sky Sword in his hand.

Suddenly, Xiao Han struck a sharp sword towards Chen Huohuo not far away.

This sword, as if it could travel through space, instantly appeared in front of Chen Huohuo.

Chen Huohuo's previous weapon had already been eaten by the little monster beast, and now Chen Huohuo also held a meteorite iron rod in his hand.

However, the grade of this meteorite iron rod is much worse than the previous one.

However, after Xiao Han cut down that sword, Chen Huohuo's figure flew out in embarrassment.

The meteorite iron rod in his hand broke directly into two pieces.

A crack and a wound appeared on Chen Huohuo's clothes on his chest, with bones visible.

If this sword was only deeper, Chen Huohuo might have become two halves directly.

"how is this possible."

Chen Huohuo looked at the iron rod whose hand was broken into two pieces, and then at the wound on his chest, the astonishment on his face could not be concealed.

Just now Xiao Han's sword, Chen Huohuo had already reacted, the momentum of this sword absolutely surpassed the strength of the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

In other words, Xiao Han's current strength is simply not comparable to that of Guo Yi in Tianlun City.

"What the **** is going on with this little bastard? Why does it suddenly become so powerful? How could this be the early stage of the Tribulation Period?"

Chen Huohuo set off a stormy sea in his heart.

He didn't understand Xiao Han more and more.

Although he only seemed to be in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, his strength was different every time, as if it were an unfathomable bottomless pit.

Not only is the combat power terrifyingly amazing, even the cards in his hand have been played endlessly.

A high-grade spirit weapon, a long sword of not low grade, and weird moves, including abnormal combat power.

This kind of young powerhouse, how can his future achievements be imaginable by Chen Huohuo?

At this time, Chen Huohuo began to face Xiao Han's existence squarely.

The young man in front of him had the strength not inferior to him, and he could definitely be called a rival.

But Xiao Han's sword power just now made Chen Huohuo a little scared.

At this time, Xiao Han's strength was facing up to the peak state, and it was estimated that after repeated and exhausted, Xiao Han could not always maintain his state at the peak.

Therefore, Chen Huohuo felt that at this time, it is better not to be an enemy.

Besides, Chen Huohuo has already sent a letter back to Xingyi Sect, I am afraid that it will not take long before Xingyi Sect will send strong men back to support.

At that time, one reinforcement was the time to kill Xiao Han.

In this way, Chen Huohuo found a good excuse for his shrinking.

Chen Huohuo didn't even admit it, he was persuaded.

He is not persuaded, this is called temporarily avoiding his front.

After the strongest sects rush over to support him, it will not be too late to fight against Xiao Han.

Chen Huohuo found himself a perfect excuse and reason, then grabbed the shredded clothes on his chest and turned directly to escape in the direction of Tianlun City.

I have to say that Chen Huohuo's ability to escape for life is still very good.

He directly used Fengyun's Transformation Body, his entire body shape turned into an afterimage, and he flew away in the direction of Tianlun City.

"What's the matter? Why did Elder Chen run away?"

At this moment, the fiery Guo Hua who was fighting the little monster beast, and the powerful Guo family who was responsible for surrounding Xiao Han, were all dumbfounded after seeing this scene.

Why did Chen Huohuo escape alone?

Isn’t the battle just beginning?

Why did Chen Huohuo turn around and run away?

What exactly happened?

Guo Hua had just been fighting the little monster beast, so he didn't notice what was wrong with Chen Huohuo and Xiao Han's fight. Now he saw Chen Huohuo turn around and ran away, even more bewildered.

However, those strong men in the Guo family were vaguely aware that Chen Huohuo was at a disadvantage in the first fight with Xiao Han, but they didn't expect Chen Huohuo to stop fighting and turned and ran away.

"What's the situation? How did the guy Chen Huohuo lose so fast? Impossible, isn't this bastard's strength in the early stage of the Tribulation Period? How could it be possible that even Chen Huohuo is not his opponent."

Thinking of this, Guo Hua couldn't help cursing: "Chen Huohuo, what are you running? What's the matter? Why didn't you fight anymore?"

Guo Hua cursed angrily, and gradually noticed the fierce aura emanating from Xiao Han in mid-air, even he was a little secretly surprised.

The Tigers of the Great Sword Dance in the Guo Family General's hands were full of wind, and finally forced the little monster beast back.

However, the little monster beast attacked again in a blink of an eye, and Guo Hua couldn't get out of it.

"Want to go?"

Xiao Han was the first to discover that Chen Huohuo wanted to escape.

At this time, Chen Huohuo's every move was controlled by Xiao Han. How could Xiao Han let Chen Huohuo escape so easily?

Before Chen Huo was sure to win, if he had the upper hand, Xiao Han would definitely become very embarrassed.

Now that Xiao Han has the upper hand, Xiao Han will naturally take this opportunity to give Chen Huohuo a lesson.

Moreover, Xiao Han is now at his peak. At this time, it is a good time to deal with Chen Huohuo.

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