The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2238: Give a big gift first

After Zhao Duoer returned to Zhao's Manor, she could not go out.

It's just that the Guo Family and the Star Meteorite Sect's powerhouses seem to have relaxed a little these days. They surrounded Zhao's family round and round, and there were no other restrictions except that they could only enter and not exit.

This makes Zhao Duo'er a little weird. Didn't Xiao Han say to do it?

But after waiting for several days, there was no news at all.

In the Zhao Family Manor, two figures of Miao Man stood in front of the small courtyard where Xiao Han practiced in retreat for several days.

Zhao Xuan'er looked at her sister with a melancholy expression, and she couldn't help but reveal a bit of bitterness in her eyes.

After returning to Zhao's house, Zhao Duoer often stood in front of this small courtyard and stared blankly.

When Zhao Xuan'er was okay, she would also follow her sister, imagining that there was that figure in the yard.

After watching for a long time, Zhao Xuan'er finally sighed gently.

"Sister, let's go back." Zhao Xuan'er bit her lip, and finally couldn't help but whispered.

Zhao Duoer shook his head with a wry smile, and turned to look at Zhao Xuan'er.

She reached out and grabbed Zhao Xuan'er's palm, and suddenly asked softly, "Xuan'er, do you believe Xiao Han will come?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xuan'er was taken aback for a moment, and shook her head first, but after a while, Zhao Xuan'er nodded again.

"I think Mr. Xiao Han is definitely not an unbelieving person. Since he has come to Tianlun City, he will definitely not sit idly by."

Three days have passed since Xiao Han entered Tianlun City, and Xiao Han has yet to show up.

Not to mention the Zhao family and the other people in Tianlun City, even the Guo family are a little impatient.

The ancestors of the Guo family have been asking several elders of the Star Meteorite Sect to use secret methods to find Xiao Han's whereabouts.

But after asking a few times, the ancestor of the Guo family got the answer that Xiao Han was already in Tianlun City and might show up at any time.

However, so many days have passed, Xiao Han has not moved at all.

This makes Zhao Xuan'er feel a little strange.

Although Zhao Xuan'er didn't have much contact with Xiao Han, from the performance of Xiao Han before, Xiao Han is not the kind of person who doesn't believe in words.

After waiting for so many days, even Zhao Xuan'er had some doubts whether Xiao Han had left Tianlun City secretly, regardless of their Zhao family affairs.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiao Han will definitely take action." After a while, Zhao Duoer finally said decisively.

Zhao Xuan'er smiled bitterly and shook her head and said, "Although I really hope that Mr. Xiao Han will show up, but thinking about it, I think it's better not to come. Let's not talk about the ancestor of the Guo family, but that the Xingyun sect came to Tianlun City. The three elders are very scary. Grandpa, such a master, feels very jealous. Although Mr. Xiao Han is very strong, there are three masters who deal with the mid-career period. I am afraid that Mr. Xiao Han is not their opponent either. ."

"Xuan'er, if... I mean, if Mr. Xiao Han really left Tianlun City, regardless of our Zhao family affairs, would you feel disappointed?" Zhao Duoer raised his head. , Looked at Zhao Xuan'er's eyes and said softly.

Zhao Xuan'er pondered for a moment, thought for a moment, and said honestly: "Disappointment will definitely be a little disappointed, but, to put it sensibly, I still hope that Mr. Xiao Han will not show up. Our Zhao family already owes him a day. Great favor, Mr. Xiao Han does not need to do so much for our Zhao family, our Zhao family owes him, he does not owe us Zhao family."

"Yes, I'm actually the same as you think, but sometimes, I still hope to see him again." Zhao Duoer looked up at the sky with a melancholy expression.

"Sister, don't you admit that you like Mr. Xiao Han? Now you have to explain it yourself?" Zhao Xuan'er pointed at Zhao Duoer and smiled playfully.

"You're here again, why are you silly girl always making fun of me?" Zhao Duoer rolled her eyes and said angrily: "I won't tell you anymore, I will go to rest."


In the middle of the night, there was dead silence in Tianlun City.

A figure shrouded in black robes appeared on the street.

His figure disappeared in a flash, and he moved towards the location of the Zhao Family Manor.

It took Xiao Han for a while to find out all the open posts and secret posts near the Zhao Family Manor.

This time, in addition to the strong guys of the Guo family, Xingyizong had a total of ten good players.

In addition to the three elders of the Starfall Sect, the lineup of 13 people is already a very strong team.

This power is more than enough to eat the entire Tianlun City.

The three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect in the middle of the Tribulation Period would definitely not guard the Zhao Family Manor.

The open and secret guards around the Zhao Family Manor are basically all of the Guo Family's good hands.

As a gas refiner, ordinary assassination methods are no longer effective. After all, even if the exposed and secret guards outside can't detect a little movement, the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect inside will definitely be able to detect it.

However, Xiao Han still decided before starting a battle with the elders of Xingyizong. Let's warm up first.

The theme of the warm-up this time is that before the war, first remove all the open and dark whistles in the Zhao Family Manor.

Originally, even Xiao Han was not sure that he would be able to silently kill those Guo family masters by the side of the three elders of Xingyizong.

However, now Xiao Han's cultivation realm has entered the middle of the Tribulation Period.

This gave Xiao Han's idea of ​​success.

Although there is only one word difference between the early stage of the tribulation period and the middle stage of the tribulation period, the difference between them is simply the difference between the heavens.

What surprised Xiao Han was that soon after he went out, it started to rain in the entire Tianlun City.

The rain is not heavy, but the ticking down can not only cover up some unnecessary sounds, but also affect the spiritual perception of the Qi refiners.

Therefore, this is great news for Xiao Han.

If Xiao Han had better luck, he might not only be able to pull out the Guo Family Ming stubs outside the Zhao Family Manor, and even have the opportunity to sneak into the Zhao Family Manor and kill a few strong stars in the Starfall Sect?

The heavy rain began to fall as soon as it said, which caused many people who were secretly watching Zhao Family Manor to retreat.

In recent days, the idle gas refiners often gather near the Zhao Family Manor, hoping to wait for a wonderful battle.

This kind of thing is wonderful not to be missed.

Regardless of day and night, these days, the relationship between Xiao Han and Xingyizong is just a chat in Tianlun City.

However, the rain began to make appointments heavier, and many people had little interest.

Although most people can make sure that the rain does not come close, but this tick tick not only affects the sound, but also affects the line of sight. In this way, the chance of Xiao Han's appearance is originally small. Even more not coming back.

But a mortal gas refiner, who would pick a rainy night to do something with others?

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, as if pouring down from mid-air.

The raindrops fell on the roof, making a clear sound, and there were ticking raindrops throughout Tianlun City.

After a while, near Zhao's Manor, a vague black shadow flashed around.

Every time he did it, one of the Guo family's hands slowly collapsed in the rain.

Said to be a good player, in fact, it is only the realm of cultivation in the middle of the Tongyou period.

The highest is also through the peak realm of the secluded period. With such strength, in front of Xiao Han, it is not difficult to achieve a quiet and fatal blow.

What's more, even God helped Xiao Han, and when it rained, he could help Xiao Han cover up a lot of things.

When Xiao Han gradually approached the gate of Zhao's Manor, Xiao Han had already circled the Zhao's Manor.

There were already more than fifteen Guo family powerhouses killed by Xiao Han.

This is the first big gift Xiao Han gave to Guo Hua. If you want to come to Guo Hua, you will love it.

If Guo Hua knew that his few elite men would fall one by one, he might jump up angrily.

Previously on the high platform of Tianlun City, more than half of the top powerhouses of the Guo family had died or wasted by Xiao Han.

Now that Xiao Han is sweeping away like this, I'm afraid that now Guo Jianeng's strong shots are left at most one-third, right?

Xiao Han killed the last strong man of the Guo family, and then slowly walked to the door of the Zhao family manor.

This time, Xiao Han didn't hide his whereabouts, so he walked out swaggeringly.

In the sky, all the raindrops that fall down will be bounced away by the invisible breath when they are within a foot of Xiao Han.

Even the standing water on the ground couldn't get close to Xiao Han's feet.

In Xiao Han's whole body, it was as if there was an invisible barrier, isolating the raindrops of the mighty world.

Originally, Xiao Han was still thinking about whether to try to kill the masters of the two Star Meteorite Sects.

I believe that the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect will definitely send someone to test Xiao Han's depth before taking action.

Therefore, Xiao Han felt that he had a chance to kill the opponent and he didn't need to be sneaky.

Since this is the case, what else is hidden?

Xiao Han walked directly to the door of Zhao's Manor.

"Old guys of the Star Meteorite Sect, I heard that you have been looking for me Xiao Han recently? Now I'm here and get out."

At this moment, Xiao Han's voice echoed in the entire Tianlun City.

Xiao Han's figure rose slowly, and slowly appeared in the midair of Zhao's Manor.

As Xiao Han's voice just fell, the entire Tianlun City began to boil.

Countless people rushed out of the house, or stood on the roof, or stayed in mid-air, looking at the figure that appeared above the gate of Zhao's Manor.

A group of figures stared at the pouring rain, and the sun stared at the figure in the sky slightly hot.

When Xiao Han's voice sounded in the air, everyone realized that Xiao Han really came.

"Xiao Han is here, Xiao Han is really here."

"Isn't he? Isn't this guy afraid of death at all? He really came?"

"Yes, knowing that the Xingyu Sect sent three elders, Xiao Han hasn't run away yet, is this guy really not afraid of death?"

"I admire him more and more now."


Most people in Tianlun City never thought that this guy named Xiao Han, knowing that the current Tianlun City is already in danger, would he even dare to come to Tianlun City?

And it seems that Xiao Han still came to fight on his own initiative?

I have to say that no one in Tianlun City does not admire Xiao Han's courage.

Although Xiao Han might die in Tianlun City tonight, it doesn't matter.

At this time, many people had a slight admiration for Xiao Han.

This guy named Xiao Han is not only powerful, but also so courageous. This alone is already impressive.

"Shoo, hoo..."

After a while, from the Zhao Family Manor, there was a sound of breaking wind, which directly penetrated the rain curtain and appeared above the gate of Zhao Family Manor.

Ten figures flashed over, and finally hovered in front of Xiao Han.

These should be the ten elite sects who came to Tianlun City together with the three elders of Xingyizong.

The strength of these people may not be as good as Guo Yi's level.

However, ten masters at the peak realm of the Tongyou Period were taken out at once, and they were still the kind of masters who could cooperate with each other very skillfully in battle, which was not ordinary.

"You are Xiao Han? It seems that you are really courageous. You came here like this. We thought you were going to keep hiding and wait for us to get rid of you."

Xiao Han in mid-air, with his hands under his hands, he looked at the opposite of the star meteor sect disciple.

When Xiao Han's figure slowly rises, all the raindrops will be bounced away within ten meters.

Looking at the invisible barrier from a distance, it became more and more obvious.

"Several elders are dead. If you see Xiao Han, you can kill you." Among the masters of the Star Meteorite Sect, a man with a strong outfit like the captain turned cold and waved at Xiao Han, "Go together."


There was a series of loud shouts in the air.

Then, ten figures rushed over at the same time, shooting directly at Xiao Han's location.

It was when the figure was in the dark night sky, and the spirit energy tumbling up and down all over his body shot Xiao Han directly through the sky with waves of bold light.

"Three old guys from the Starfall Sect, actually sent you a few rotten sweet potato stinky bird eggs, just to test the depth of my Xiao Han? Ha ha ha..."

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han's mouth showed a sneer.

With a flash of Xiao Han's figure, he directly appeared in front of one of these Star Meteorite Sect experts.

Before the person could react, Xiao Han slammed out a punch and hit the person's chest firmly.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, a series of muffled noises sounded on the court.

Before the ten figures had time to shoot, they were rewarded by Xiao Han alone. The whole figure flew backwards and fell straight down from the air.


These ten people smashed to the ground and knocked down countless houses.

This scene was seen by many Tianlun City Qi refiners who were watching the battle. Suddenly, exclamations rang out.

"Fuck, it's only a few days now? Has Xiao Han's cultivation level actually improved again?"

"Isn't it? So powerful?"


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