The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2252: Restore peak state

Don't say it was these seventh-order monsters around, even Xiao Han was not sure to defeat it.

With Wangcai guarding by the side, Xiao Han didn't have to worry at all after cultivating all night.

Collected all the 7th-order monsters around, there are forty-eight in total.

As for the sixth-order demon pill, Xiao Han didn't even look at it.

Now Xiao Han's Qiankun bag was filled with the seventh-order demon pill, and Xiao Han didn't bother to look at it.


Xiao Han suddenly remembered the Universe Bag given to him by Zhao Jin, the head of the Zhao family.

What's the good stuff in it.

It is estimated that the Patriarch of the Zhao family will send a lot of demon pills, right?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han took out the Universe Bag.

After a while, Xiao Han was stunned.

Five hundred seventh-order demon pills were neatly placed in the universe bag.

There are also hundreds of magic weapons of high rank in the Qiankun bag.

Previously, Xiao Han had found five hundred seventh-order demon pills in the Qiankun bag of Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family. Now Zhao Jin has sent another five hundred, plus Xiao Han's previous seventh-level demon pills and Chen Huohuo Qiankun bag. Xiao Han now has more than a thousand seventh-order demon pills in his body.

This is a huge fortune.

It seems that Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, should have been scoured from the Guo Family's inventory. These five hundred seventh-order Demon Pills can be regarded as a gift from the Zhao Family to Xiao Han.

As for the magic weapons, it seems that most of them were found in the hands of the powerful Guo family who had been killed by Xiao Han or the Zhao family, and in the Qiankun bag.

Xiao Han took a brief look and found that the ranks of these magic weapons were not low, and it seemed that they were carefully selected by the Zhao family.

This should be what Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, meant.

In the entire Zhao family, only Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, saw Xiao Han's magic weapon feeding Wangcai.

It seems that Zhao Yuan specially ordered other people to collect all the magic weapons that the Guo family took and give them to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han remembered this friendship from the Zhao family.

Xiao Han now not only needs a large number of seventh-order demon pills, but also more magic weapons.

If the high-grade spiritual tool can be upgraded again, the combat effectiveness will naturally increase by leaps and bounds. When Xiao Han walks in the area near the Demon Imperial City, he does not need to worry about safety.

All the magic weapons and weapons were separately stored in one universe bag, and all the demon pills were stored in another universe bag. Xiao Han sorted out the items and felt that he was rich now.

The seventh-order demon pill alone is about to break through 1,500, and there are dozens of eighth-order demon pill.

With so many demon pills on him, Xiao Han felt a sense of fulfillment that he had food at home without panic.

Finally, Xiao Han focused his attention on the universe bags of the fourth and fifth elders of Xingyizong.

Although Xiao Han's current strength is not weak, it is similar to the strength of the two elders of the Starfall Sect, but it is still a bit troublesome to simultaneously erase all the imprints of the gods in the Qiankun bag of the two mid-career powers. .

However, Xiao Han also knew that if he wanted to obtain the other half of Fengyun Transforming Body's cultivation techniques, he naturally had to look for clues in the universe bag left by the two elders.

Now Xiao Han couldn't directly put on Xingyufeng to find the cultivation technique of Fengyun Transformation Body. He could only find a way to open the universe of the two elders.

Next, Xiao Han began to erase the imprint of the divine consciousness in the Qiankun bag.

Xiao Han's first goal was the universe bag of the four elders of the Starfall Sect.

If it is said that several elders of the Star Meteorite Sect really have the cultivation technique of Fengyun Transformation. The greatest possibility of family is in the four elders.

However, Xiao Han also knows that the strength of the Fourth Elder is the strongest among the elders of the Star Meteorite Sect. If it weren’t for Xiao Han who had already entered the middle of the Tribulation Period, I’m afraid Xiao Han would not even want to open the Fourth Elder’s power. Universe bag.

Although Xiao Han was able to open Chen Huohuo's universe bag when he was still in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, it was already very reluctant.

Therefore, Xiao Han knew that it might be tricky to erase the imprint of the gods in the Four Elder Qiankun Bag, but it was not impossible.

It is estimated that Xiao Han will take longer.

Next, letting the little monster beast guard the entrance of the cave, Xiao Han began to use all his energy to deal with the Universe Bag in his hand.

When Xiao Han began to send his divine sense into that universe bag, the universe bag in his hand began to tremble slightly.

Xiao Han's divine power began to continuously pour into the universe bag.

Xiao Han's mighty power of divine consciousness began to continuously collide with the divine consciousness marks left by the four elders in the universe bag.

Xiao Han was able to erase the divine sense imprints left by the elder Chen Huohuo in the mid-period of the Tribulation Period. Xiao Han was still very confident in his power of divine consciousness.

However, this four elder was one of the strongest elders, and the four elders were not far from the peak of the Tribulation Period.

So Xiao Han is actually not absolutely sure that he can open this universe bag.

You must know that the imprint of the divine consciousness left by a strong cultivation realm in the middle of the catastrophe period is very powerful. Xiao Han had already felt it when Xiao Han dealt with Chen Huohuo's Qiankun bag.

However, although Chen Huohuo's imprint of divine consciousness was powerful, it did not have much advantage over Xiao Han's divine consciousness.

And now the Fourth Elder’s Universe Bag is the same. Although the fourth elder’s strength is placed here, but now the Fourth Elder is far away in the Star Meteorite Sect, there is no way to span such a long distance to use the power of God to support it.

However, Xiao Han can continuously send the power of the divine consciousness into the universe bag. Under such continuous impact, no matter how powerful the imprint of divine consciousness is, it will inevitably appear a little loose.

Now the Fourth Elder's Qiankun Bag has been in Xiao Han's hands. If the Fourth Elder, the owner of the Qiankun Bag, is nearby, it might be more difficult for Xiao Han to succeed.

But now that the Four Elders have returned to the Star Meteorite Sect, there is no way to increase the power of the Imprint of Divine Consciousness in the Universe Bag.

Under the circumstances, Xiao Han's powerful spiritual power began to gradually control the situation.

But even so, it took Xiao Han to remove the imprints of God's consciousness for an unexpectedly long time.

About an hour passed,


The Qiankun bag that had been trembling in Xiao Han's hands all the time suddenly made a slight noise.


Feeling that the imprint of the divine consciousness in the Qiankun bag was gradually cleared, Xiao Han's face finally showed a smile of joy.

The imprint of God's consciousness left by the four elders of the Star and Meteorite Sect in the Qiankun Bag has been erased by Xiao Han [Guchengdushu].

Xiao Han couldn't wait to send his divine consciousness into the universe bag, wanting to see if there was any cultivation method in the universe bag of the four elders.

"Demon pill? I have enough. Although the two hundred seven-tier demon pill is already a huge sum, there is no big surprise."

"Magic weapons? Yes, there are so many magic weapons in the universe bag of the four elders, but they are not what I want most."


I have to say that among the four elders' universe bags, many good things are still waiting.

The number of demon pills is also very impressive, more than two hundred seventh-order demon pills and a dozen eighth-order demon pills are already very good.

As for the magic weapon, I don't know how there are so many magic weapons in the universe bag of the four elders.

More than a dozen magic weapons of high rank were lying quietly in the Qiankun bag, and the key to these magic weapons was quite high.

Xiao Han searched for a while among the four elders' universe bags, and finally Xiao Han opened his eyes fiercely.

Xiao Han looked down at a simple scroll with a surprised face.

This quaint scroll is similar to the one Xiao Han found on Chen Huohuo before but is different

Xiao Han grasped the quaint scroll, and he also let out a long sigh of relief.

It looks like it should be Fengyun's transforming body cultivation technique, but I don't know whether it is scrolling up or down.

Xiao Han put away all the remaining demon pills and magic weapons, and then began to study the scroll in his hand.

With a thought, Xiao Han took out the other scroll from the Qiankun bag.

In such a comparison, Xiao Han found that the two were indeed very similar.

But there are some differences.

It should not be the same scroll.

The scroll with a more majestic aura was found by Xiao Han from the universe bag of the four elders of the Star Meteorite Sect.

"This volume may be the other half of Fengyun's transformation body."

But Xiao Han didn't dare to open it rashly.

When I found the front part of Fengyun Transformation from Chen Huohuo’s Universe Bag, if Xiao Han hadn’t been a little clever, and let the little monster beast Wangcai be responsible for opening it, I’m afraid Xiao Han would be manipulated by the prohibition above. Dejected.

So Xiao Han thought for a while, and in the end Love handed over that little monster beast Wangcai.

"Wangcai, you can open it for me, but be careful. This volume seems a little weirder than the previous one."

As he said, Xiao Han threw the scroll in his hand, and the little monster beast bit in his mouth, then slowly placed it on the ground.

The little monster beast slowly opened the scroll on the ground.


In the next moment, the whole figure of Little Monster Beast Wangcai flew out.

A violent aura shot out from the scroll, and finally hit the little monster beast fiercely.

The huge force directly smashed the little monster beast out of the hole, and it flew out of sight in an instant.

"Sure enough, as I expected, there is an astonishing prohibition hidden in the scrolls of these Star Meteorite Sects."

Xiao Leng laughed.

The violent aura just now, although said that it could not hurt Xiao Han, it would inevitably be disgraced.

The safest way, of course, is to let the little monster beast go.

Anyway, the little monster beast's body is very strong, and the violent aura of this kind of restraint can't hurt him.

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