The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2268: Successfully transformed into a clone

Xiao Han, who was on the road again, did not take long before he encountered another Tier 8 monster.

Moreover, the strength of this Tier 8 monster made Xiao Han very satisfied.

The opponent is at least the eighth rank peak, and it is estimated that after a few more years of cultivation, he might have the opportunity to step into the nineth rank.

This is the highest rank and strongest monster that Xiao Han has encountered in the mountains and forests since he entered the Ten Fang Refining Domain.

This is a black bear demon.

Hiding in a deep mountain and old forest, I don't know how many years I have cultivated.

Monster beasts that can cultivate to the eighth level are already rare, but this big guy can hide in the deep mountains and old forests and cultivate to the eighth peak, then it is even rarer.

Therefore, this black bear demon was spotted by Xiao Han.

The strength of the monster beast of the eighth peak state is comparable to the mid-term of the catastrophe period.

Especially the black bear demon's body is already extremely powerful. Xiao Han wants to kill him. If he doesn't use the Sky Sword, he will also spend a lot of hands and feet.

Xiao Han would naturally not let go of this opportunity to cultivate Fengyun Transformation.

Only after Xiao Han ran a little farther, the black bear demon vaguely sensed something wrong.

The black bear demon who had lived for so many years seemed to be more cautious than the average demon beast.

So it actually stopped chasing.

This made Xiao Han turn around again and again to harass the other party.

Gradually, after the black bear demon was punched by Xiao Han a few times, he began to go crazy.

Xiao Han deliberately took the black bear demon back to his lair, so that the black bear demon could take a bold move with confidence.


Seeing the eighth-order black bear demon rushing over frantically, Xiao Han smiled slightly, with a smirk of treacherous tricks.

Xiao Han's figure flashed, and then flashed aside again, but Xiao Han stopped immediately when he moved.

Just now, when Xiao Han's figure flashed, a figure appeared behind him.

Different from the series of afterimages left by Xiao Han after he urged Fengyun to change his body, this time, the only afterimage left by Xiao Han is this afterimage. The more solidified it became.

Xiao Han quickly urged the spiritual energy in his body to pour into the figure, and a figure exactly like Xiao Han appeared beside him.

"The clone? My clone? Haha, this is my clone?" Xiao Han exclaimed in an instant.

After cultivating for so long and trying so many times, he has successfully transformed into a clone inexplicably?

Although Xiao Han didn't feel any fierce aura from this clone, it seemed to be the same as Fengyun Transformation's cultivation technique. The clone just condensed had no combat effectiveness.

However, now that Xiao Han can transform into a figure exactly like himself, isn't this equivalent to Xiao Han having successfully cultivated Fengyun Transformation Body to the entry stage?

"Haha, it's really a avatar that was turned out with difficulty, so happy, so happy, really so happy." Xiao Han couldn't help but exclaimed in excitement.

The figure in front of him was exactly the same as himself, the nose, the eyes, and the look were exactly the same, no different from twins.

It's just that now he is standing quietly beside Xiao Han with a calm expression on his face.

Xiao Han knew that this clone was like a puppet he refined, but it was much more advanced than the puppet.

The clone has the same intelligence as its own, but it acts according to the will of the body, and is very clever.

At this moment, the eighth-order black bear demon roared, and was about to rush up to fight the human race refiner for three hundred rounds.

But when he saw two identical figures, his whole body was just astonished on the spot.

The black bear demon stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, as if seeing a ghost in broad daylight, staring at the figure behind Xiao Han.

"This this......"

The black bear demon couldn't believe his eyes.

"Stop fighting, let me tell you the truth, I am the strength of the middle of the catastrophe period, and you are not my opponent." After that, Xiao Han no longer suppressed his breath, and even released the little monster beast. , And grabbed the Sky Sword in his hand.

At this time, Xiao Han successfully transformed into a clone, where could he still have the mind to fight with this **** bear?

When the **** bear felt the breath in Xiao Han's body, he immediately took a few steps back subconsciously.

The opponent is indeed the strength of the mid-Tribulation Period, not only that, the little monster beast beside him even gave it a hint of danger.

"Let's see, because you accidentally transformed me into a clone, I won't kill you today, let you continue to be happy in the mountains and forests, go quickly, before I change my mind."

Xiao Han waved his hand, then turned to look at the clone in front of him.

The black bear demon's face changed several times, and finally he turned and walked back to his lair.

Xiao Han looked at the clone in front of him, and he liked it the more he looked at it.

After the black bear demon was removed, the little demon beast Wangcai also looked at the two identical masters with curiosity.

After a while, it seemed that the mystery was vaguely seen, and the little demon beast Wangcai's figure flashed and appeared directly on the shoulder of Xiao Han's clone.

Xiao Han was even happier seeing that Little Monster Beast Wangcai didn't reject this clone.

Xiao Han's heart moved, then the clone came over and punched Xiao Han hard in the chest.

However, that clone had no combat power at all now, and Xiao Han's figure remained motionless.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han knew that this clone was acting completely according to his own ideas.

"Interesting, this is really interesting."

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han's eyes were hot.

Successfully transformed into a clone, Xiao Han decided to stay here for the time being, rest for one night, and then go on the road tomorrow.

Now that a clone has just been transformed, Xiao Han needs a little time to digest and consolidate.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han began to take the little monster beast and the clone on the road again, looking around for a cave suitable for the night.

After nightfall, a fire ignited in a dark cave, and the whole cave was illuminated.

Three figures were sitting around the fire.

Xiao Han and the avatar were sitting cross-legged at the same time, and Little Demon Beast Wangcai was lying between them.

Xiao Han closed his eyes, sitting still and adjusting his breath, while replenishing the spiritual energy in his body, while strengthening Fengyun Transformation's cultivation technique.

After a while, after Xiao Han urged Feng Yun to change his body, the clone beside him disappeared out of thin air.

When Xiao Han opened his eyes again, Xiao Han's heart moved, and once again urged Fengyun to transform his body into practice. A surging spiritual energy rushed out of Xiao Han's body, and finally there was a figure beside Xiao Han. For a flash, the clone appeared again next to Xiao Han.

The appearance of the clone that appeared again was exactly the same as Xiao Han now.

"It's really successful. Now I can control the clone freely." Xiao Han looked happy.

Being able to retract and release the transformed clone freely means that Xiao Han has formally cultivated Fengyun Transformation Body to the introductory stage.

Xiao Han turned his head and looked at this avatar sitting cross-legged beside him, feeling like he had an extra twin brother.

It's just that in Xiao Han's eyes, this clone is an entity, but in Xiao Han's sense of consciousness, this clone is just a group of spiritual energy and spiritual power.

It seems that the avatar transformed by this Fengyun Transformation Body is not a real person, but a puppet that is condensed by the use of spiritual energy and the power of divine consciousness after the main body activates the practice.

The only difference is that this clone can share intelligence with the ontology.

After Xiao Han's cultivation reaches Dacheng, Consummation, or even Great Perfection, the strength of the body can also be shared with the clone.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that now I can only look at the clone that I have turned out to be. It has no combat power. It is estimated to be equivalent to a gas refiner who has just stepped into the path of cultivation. Without combat power, I can only look at it. It is useless. ."

Moreover, Xiao Han couldn't turn into a clone during the battle. At that time, Xiao Han still needed to protect this clone, so as not to be defeated by the opponent, and he might even harm Xiao Han's body.

At least it will cause Xiao Han's body to lose a lot of aura.

Therefore, before Xiao Han cultivated Fengyun Transformation Body to the stage of great achievement or even Consummation, the transformed body did not have any practicality.

If it is in the secular world, it may be useful. The body can accompany Li Xiaoya and others, and the clone can be used to accompany the mother, killing two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han began to feel a little eager to continue practicing Fengyun to change his body.

The successful transfiguration clone is just lower than Fengyun's transformation.

He has successfully transformed into a clone, so the next thing Xiao Han needs to do is to continue to give up and love you.

Only by cultivating Fengyun Transformation Body to the stage of great achievement, this clone can possess one-third of the strength of the body. It is estimated that Xiao Han's combat power at that time is equivalent to a Profound Sky bronze figure.

Only at the Dzogchen stage, the clone that Xiao Han transformed into possesses the same combat power as the deity.

At that time, Xiao Han's confrontation with others is equivalent to two selves fighting.

Even if he encountered a master at the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han could easily defeat it.

However, it is very simple for Xiao Han to think about it now, but it is not easy to really want to cultivate Fengyun's transformation body to the stage of Dzogchen.

You should know that in the Starfall Sect, there are not many people who can transform the clone, let alone make the clone possess strong combat effectiveness.

The four elders of Xingyizong and others must have not cultivated to the level of Wan Jianyi, otherwise Xiao Han had already seen the mystery of the clone before in Tianlun City.

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