The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2282: Huangquanmen Li Chen

Originally, Luo Luo wanted to go to Tianlun City with Empress Yumei to meet Xiao Han.

But think about it, this walk is likely to miss Xiao Han on the way.

In addition, the day when Tianlei Pool in Beiyue Peak opens soon.

Judged Xiao Han, Empress Yumei would not miss this good opportunity.

Waiting for Xiao Han near Bafang City or Beiyue Peak is the safest way.

Therefore, Empress Yumei and Luo Luo finally chose to wait around Beiyue Peak.

With Empress Yumei and Luolui by her side, Xiao Han's whole body is obviously much brighter.

And it was Little Monster Beast Wangcai who was responsible for leading the way.

Both Empress Yumei and Luoluo couldn't help laughing with the name Xiao Han gave to the little monster beast.

However, from Xiao Han's mouth, Empress Yumei and Luo Luo understood Wangcai's glorious deeds, and were even more happy with the little demon beast Wangcai.

However, it seems that Little Monster Beast Wangcai has always liked Empress Yumei and Luoluo, and they have been jumping and jumping excitedly in front of them, giving a good explanation of what a **** ghost is.

After returning to the road, Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others began to talk about the Tianlei Pool on Beiyue Peak this time.

In fact, Empress Yumei and Luoluo still thought very carefully.

With their strength, it is very difficult to find a way to get through the restriction and climb Beiyue Peak, but it is not without hope.

As for the eight places in Lei Chi that day, there is no extravagant hope.

As long as you can climb to the top of Beiyue Peak and try to get as close as possible to Tianlei Pool, it will be pretty good.

Besides, Empress Yumei and Luoluo appeared on this Beiyue Peak, mostly because they were looking for Xiao Han's whereabouts.

Now that Xiao Han has been found, for both Empress Yumei and Luoluo, their requirements have been met by two-thirds.

"Since we have joined, we can naturally go one step further. I will try and take you all to the side of Tianlei Pond."

Xiao Han smiled and said: "At that time, I will be responsible for competing for one of the eight places in Tianlei Pool. You are responsible for absorbing the breath of Tianlei near Tianlei Pool. You should be able to get a lot of benefits.

Empress Yumei and Luo Luo nodded heavily.

They didn't expect to be able to climb Beiyue Peak at all.

But it's different now.

With Xiao Han by their side, their confidence is even stronger.

Many things don't need to worry about Empress Yumei and Luoluo, Xiao Han will naturally take care of them all.

In this way, after starting again, Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang walked forward talking and laughing.

After walking for about half an hour, the surrounding violent aura became stronger and stronger. It seemed that it was not far from the top of Beiyue Peak.

And the natural restriction around the top of Beiyue Peak is naturally closer.

As he walked, the little demon beast Wangcai who was leading the way suddenly stopped and looked forward with alert.

"Wangcai, come back."

Xiao Han waved gently at the little demon beast Wangcai.

Xiao Han vaguely noticed that someone was blocking the way.

It seems that I am really waiting for him here.

"Friends in front, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Xiao Han exclaimed: "I have arrived, come out."

Empress Yumei and Luo Luo subconsciously stood behind Xiao Han, staring at the front with alert.

Xiao Han handed the little monster Wangcai in his hand to Empress Yumei, turning his head to look at the thick fog in front of him.

"How do you know I'm waiting for you?"

At this time, from the thick fog in front, a young man with strong black clothes came out.

This person has sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his face is handsome, but he is very handsome.

When he saw Empress Yumei and Luoluo behind Xiao Han clearly, the person laughed, "So this is the person you've been looking for? Interesting."

Empress Yumei reminded him with a solemn expression: "Xiao Han, this guy is Li Chen from Huangquanmen. I was in Bafang City before. I had a deal with Luo Luo and it was very difficult to deal with."

The man smiled slightly: "Yes, I met your two friends. I wanted to invite the two girls to come to Beiyue Peak with me, but the two girls didn't appreciate it. I regretted it for a long time."

"You want my friend to help you pass through that layer of natural restriction, right?" Xiao Han knew that Li Chen in front of him was not weak, not even worse than him.

The combat effectiveness is naturally very strong, and the opponent is waiting for him here in advance, obviously it is for him, not the Yumei Empress behind him.

Xiao Han smiled slightly, but the Sky Sword had already appeared in his hand. Obviously, Xiao Han paid more attention to this Li Chen of Huangquanmen than his counterpart Liu Qingfeng.

No matter what the intention of Li Chen from Huangquan Gate was, Xiao Han knew that there might be a battle between the two in the next moment.

Moreover, it was normal for Xiao Han to behave cautiously in front of such opponents of equal strength.

Xiao Han smiled slightly: "You shouldn't come to my friend, but to me. Is it tickle, or have other purposes?"

Hearing Xiao Han's words, the smile on Li Chen's face at Huangquanmen's face became brighter.

This surprised Empress Yu Mei who had been in contact with him.

Anyone who has been in contact with this guy knows that the brighter Li Chen's smile is, the more murderous this guy is.

Empress Yumei couldn't help but reminded softly: "Xiao Han, be careful, this guy is a smiling tiger, don't look at him with a smile, in fact, it is possible to take action at any time, and their Huangquan Sect is also good and evil among the three schools. , Acting is all based on preference, few people dare to provoke."

Xiao Han nodded, expressing that he knew everything in his heart.

The smile on Li Chen's face was deeper, he slowly raised his right hand, and a strong breath began to condense in his palm.

"Why am I waiting for you here? Actually, I met Cao Ci from the Guiyuan School halfway ago. I felt itchy for a while and couldn't help but fight with Cao Ci. It was not enough.

But the guy Cao Ci said that behind him, there is a character who is not weak with him, not a three-sect person, and that immediately aroused my interest. No, I am here. "

He Li Chen looked at Xiao Han with a playful look, and immediately shot two bright lights in his eyes: "I want to see if a guy who can upset the Star Meteor Sect is really difficult to entangle."

At this time, Li Chen's voice just fell, and his figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

In the next moment, a figure directly appeared in front of Xiao Han.

The fist surrounded by spiritual energy brought a fierce aura, a punch without fancy, and it rushed straight into Xiao Han's chest.

"Xiao Han, be careful."

When Li Chen's figure suddenly disappeared, Empress Yumei couldn't help but remind her.

But when Empress Yumei's words fell, Li Chen's fist had reached Xiao Han's chest, and the speed was incredible.


The sky sword appeared on Xiao Han's chest out of thin air, blocking Li Chen's fist impartially.

When the fist hit the Sky Sword fiercely, a thunder exploded on the field.

"Biluohuangquan hands."

Li Chen grinned.

The fist that was bounced back on the sky sword was directly opened by him, and a sharp aura condensed between Li Chen's palms.

As if the gloomy aura emanating from the Yin Cao Jifu enveloped the palm of his hand, when Li Chen slapped his palm on the Cangqiang Sword, the strange aura bypassed the sword of the Cangqiang Sword and took Xiao Han's throat.

Li Chen's palm seemed very slow, but in Xiao Han's eyes, there was a feeling that it was difficult to avoid.

What surprised Xiao Han even more was Li Chen's move, called Biluo Huangquan Hand, which was only one word from Biluo Huangquan Palm.

Although the green and yellow spring hand is quite different from the blue and yellow spring palm displayed by the predecessor at the peak of the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han still vaguely perceives the similarities between the two before.

Unable to bear the surprise in his heart, now Li Chen's aura is like a rainbow, Xiao Han can only restrain his mind and concentrate on dealing with this master of the same realm.

In Xiao Han's eyes, the gloomy aura on Li Chen's palm instantly touched Xiao Han's throat.

But at this time, Xiao Han's figure flickered, and the Yumei Empress and Luo Luo behind him retreated.

What was left in place was just an afterimage that had not disappeared for a long time.

After a short while, Xiao Han, who sent Empress Yumei and Luoluo not far away, condensed his eyes, and he didn't hesitate at all. He actually bullied himself again and rushed towards Li Chen.

With this retreat, the speed was actually much happier than Li Chen.

Xiao Han was the same, punching Li Chen without any fancy.

Xiao Han's punch hit Li Chen's dark palm just right.


Between a punch and a palm, the strong collision between the two caused a blast of shock wave.

The shock wave spread to the surroundings at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and with a swift vigor, the nearby mountains and forests were destroyed, and the field was in a mess.

"Fengyun changed his body?"

Li Chen's face changed slightly at the moment of the fist confrontation.

At this time, Li Chen retreated with the feedback force of the impact.

Seeing the afterimages flashing around Xiao Han, Li Chen's expression gradually became more exciting.

"Sure enough, Fengyun has transformed itself."

Li Chen laughed and said: "It seems that the rumors are true. They all say that you have stolen the immortal body of the Star Meteorite Sect. Now it seems to be true. It's okay. You can learn secrets secretly, and I can't help but want to admire this alone."

"You are wrong, I didn't learn it secretly, I learned it with integrity."

Xiao Han also knew that this matter had gradually spread, so Xiao Han did not deny it, but admitted it openly.

Seeing Li Chen's murderous aura gradually receded, Xiao Han knew that the other party would no longer do anything.

The shot just now was mostly a temptation.

And at this time, this place is not suitable for life and death.

So Xiao Han smiled slightly, and with a thought, he put away the sword of the sky.

Xiao Han laughed softly: "You are a master of Huangquan Sect. Maybe we will have some intersection in the future, and your strength is qualified to make friends with me, Xiao Han."

The strength of this Li Chen is indeed quite good, but for Xiao Han, in fact, the strength of this Li Chen is not enough to defeat him.

What Xiao Han cares about is the Biluo Huangquan hands practicing on the disciples of the Huangquan Sect.

"I, Li Chen, never make friends with anyone, including characters like Cao Ci."

Li Chen sneered, and then she didn't even look at Empress Yumei and the others. With a flash of her figure, she rushed into the surrounding clouds again:

"No wonder that guy Cao Ci spoke highly of you. Now it seems that you are really good at it. That's it for today. I will be waiting for you at the top of Beiyue Peak, depending on whether you have the ability to show up."

Xiao Han smiled slightly, but he liked this guy's temperament.

Don't make friends with anyone, and do everything to your liking.

This kind of person may be difficult to entangle, but they will never injure people secretly or engage in conspiracies.

If Li Chen's strength were higher, then this kind of enemy would make Xiao Han feel a little headache.

Behind Xiao Han, Empress Yumei and Luo Luo looked at Li Chen, who had come to fight Xiao Han but left quickly, with a look of surprise on their faces.

Luoluo couldn't help cheering and said, "Brother Xiao Han, it turns out that you are already in the middle of the catastrophe period..."


Xiao Han hurriedly laughed and said: "If the ghosts around you know if there are other people hiding, it's better to keep your voice down. I still like to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Of course Xiao Han was joking when he said that.

Not the stock Luoluo and Yumei Niangniang are still a little happy.

It seems that Xiao Han's strength has improved by leaps and bounds in the recent period.

The fame of Li Chen at Huangquan Gate just now was quite resounding in the area near Demon Imperial City.

Ruan Qingqing, Ouyang Feng, Cao Ci of the Guiyuan School, and others are young masters at the same level.

Moreover, this guy Li Chen is also good and evil, likes to fight, coupled with the talent and roots, the improvement speed of strength and cultivation level is also very terrifying.

Moreover, Li Chen was born in Huangquanmen, but usually likes to go out to fight against some powerful older generations of the same level.

The old guys were afraid of the strength of a behemoth like Huangquanmen, and didn't dare to kill Li Chen, so they had to accompany Li Chen as a sandbag to enhance combat effectiveness.

After repeated battles, Li Chen's reputation has grown.

In other words, the strength of this Li Chen is indeed at the same level as the genius of Xingyizong Ruan Qingqing.

And Xiao Han can fight Li Chen undefeated, that is to say, Xiao Han's strength can at least reach the level of Ruan Qingqing.

And the two of Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo vaguely felt that although Li Chen didn't show off the wind just now, and only had a short fight with Xiao Han, Li Chen was vaguely frightened by Xiao Han's strength.

If this were not the case, with Li Chen's temperament, he would not give up the opportunity to fight Xiao Han so easily.

At this time, Luoluo cheered again and said, "Brother Xiao Han, you are so great, I am afraid I can't climb Beiyue Peak by following you? Hahaha..."

Xiao Han sighed unhappily, "You stupid girl, can you keep a low profile?"

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