The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2292: Let me jump in

Someone has tried this before. After receiving it, the giant wolf spider that almost flew over was torn to pieces. In the end, he could only be knocked out and rolled a lot on the ground to stabilize his figure.

Now that Cao Ci does this, doesn't he not hit the south wall and not look back?

At this time, Empress Yumei and Luoluo were also confused.

However, Xiao Han stared at Cao Ci and the **** giant sword under his feet.

With Xiao Han's eyesight, it was naturally possible to see that when Cao Ci stood on the blood-colored giant sword, the whole person was already fused with the giant sword.

This is the real oneness of man and sword, even Xiao Han was a little surprised.

It seems that Cao Ci is also a master of swords.

This Cao Ci is not only very strong, but the most important thing is that his **** long sword, even Xiao Han thinks it is definitely a treasure of no low rank.

Although it is not as good as the Cangqiang Sword and the high-grade spiritual weapon in Xiao Han's hands, but looking at it, all the magic weapons in the audience are probably the scariest **** giant sword of Cao Ci.

It seems that Cao Ci should have his own ideas, be able to perfectly blend with the giant sword under his feet, and maybe really be able to exert a different combat effectiveness.

At this moment, Cao Ci stepped on the blood-colored giant sword and began to move.

After slowly rising, the surrounding giant wolf spiders began to flash towards Cao Ci.

At this time, what Cao Ci was staring at was not the giant wolf spiders, but the stone steps at the end of the Universe Platform.

When the surrounding giant wolf spiders flew over, Cao Ci's figure flashed, and the whole person was driven by the giant sword, shooting out like a meteor in the sky.

Cao Ci perfectly blended with the giant sword under his feet, and directly turned into a red sword light, flashing away.

When Cao Ci's magical sword light just rushed into the heavy encirclement of those giant wolf spiders, dozens of giant wolf spiders flew toward the sword light like this.

Then what was unexpected is that all the giant wolf spiders that touched the red sword light were hit by the huge force from above and flew out.

The faster the giant wolf spiders flew, the more terrifying the speed they would fly out.

Cao Ci’s figure was no longer visible at the scene. The only thing that could be seen was the scarlet giant sword under Cao Ci’s sword. It had turned into a sword of light, passing through the densely packed giant wolf spiders on the Universe Stage. .

From the sword light, sharp sword energy burst out from the sword light, like a substantial sword energy, madly cutting on the surrounding giant wolf spiders.

Although those giant wolf spiders have the shelter of the Universe Platform and will not be injured, they are still cut and flew out by the sharp sword energy.

All the giant wolf spiders hit the sword light, and none of them could stop the sword light from advancing.

Many people who stood outside the Universe Terrace watching the battle were surprised.

It seems that Cao Ci's strength is still one-of-a-kind. With the same method, others can only fail and return, but Cao Ci is able to move forward.

This is the gap, the gap in strength.

The sword light on the stage of the universe, it only took less than a minute to shuttle directly to the end of the stage of the universe.

After bounced away the giant wolf spiders around, the sword light flashed directly onto the steps at the end of the Universe Platform.

After reappearing, Cao Ci put away the blood-colored giant sword under his feet, and then fell lightly on the steps.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked envious.

Perhaps Cao Ci spent a bit longer than Ruan Qingqing of Xingyizong.

However, Cao Ci directly used this almost arrogant posture to pass through the Universe Terrace, which is also wonderful.

When Cao Ci's figure slowly fell on the steps, the whole person took a long breath.

Although Cao Ci's aura consumption is a bit large, Cao Ci's complexion is indeed red.

The short period of more than one minute, although very short, was equivalent to Cao Ci competing with a master of the same level.

Fortunately, the final outcome was satisfactory.

"Pass the test, the next one can enter."

Seeing Cao Ci's figure appear on the steps, the great elder of the giant wolf spider clan also nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, Xiao Han was preparing to step into the Universe Stage with Empress Yumei and Luoluo, but at this time, a figure passed by the crowd behind him.

The man rushed out of the crowd, rushed into the Universe Stage directly in front of Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang.

The man smiled at the Supreme Elder of the giant wolf spider clan: "Meet the Supreme Elder Li Chen at Xiahuangquanmen."

Regarding Li Chen's lead, the Supreme Elder turned a blind eye, just nodded and smiled: "You can start anytime."

Li Chen grinned, then he suddenly turned his head and glanced at Xiao Han just behind him.

"I'll come first, you'll be waiting behind me." Li Chen's mouth showed a sneer.

"Handy." Xiao Han spread his hands, not caring about Li Chen's lead, still smiling.

It doesn't matter who comes first.

There are now eight places. Only two places have been confirmed.

Xiao Han was not in a hurry.

Li Chen did not deliberately delay time. After saying hello to Xiao Han, Li Chen quickly turned around.

"You two are waiting for me."

Li Chen laughed at Ruan Qingqing and Cao Ci who were standing on the stone steps.

From Li Chen's body, a gloomy aura burst out, and then Li Chen rushed out directly.

As Li Chen rushed to the Universe Platform, the giant wolf spiders around all flew towards Li Chen.

"Biluohuangquan hands."

It seemed that the gloomy atmosphere emanating from the Yin Cao Jifu directly enveloped Li Chen's whole body.

At this time, everyone present unexpectedly discovered that those giant wolf spiders that had been fearless began to shrink back when they approached Li Chen.

It seems that these giant wolf spiders seem to be very afraid of the gloomy Kongbo breath on Li Chen?

This surprised everyone present.

From the beginning to the end, I have never encountered it before, but someone can exude the aura that even the giant wolf spider is afraid of?

So it seems. Isn't the breath of Li Chen capable of suppressing the giant wolf spiders around him?

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

In the eyes [biquge] besides envy is envy.

Especially Xiao Han almost regretted it.

If you knew this a long time ago, you should find a way to practice Biluo Huangquan Palm in advance.

Although the set of Biluohuangquan palms on Xiao Han's body was a bit different from Biluohuangquan's hands, the breath released seemed to be similar.

If Xiao Han had already practiced Biluo Huangquan Palm at this time, would he be able to exude a similar gloomy breath like Li Chen, and then pass the test directly?

Soon, Li Chen struck the iron while it was hot, and while the giant wolf spiders hadn't reacted yet, his whole figure flashed, directly over the giant wolf spiders, and instantly appeared on the stone steps.

"Isn't it? That's okay?"

"Fuck, how does it feel like cheating?"

"Hehe, you didn't see that other people's breath can suppress the giant wolf spiders around you. What cheating, can you not just sell grape sour?"

"It's so popular."


Many people around were sighed.

Especially those losers who have not passed the test before are even more envy and hate.

If you can't pass the test with all your hard work, people can easily succeed. You say you are not angry?

"Haha, how about it, Li Chen, I am not slower than anyone else."

Li Chen laughed and looked at Ruan Qingqing and Cao Ci in front of him.

"Hmph..." Seeing Li Chen arrived here easily, Ruan Qingqing gave a cold snort and didn't speak.

"Yes, yes, you are the best." Cao Ci of the Guiyuan faction smiled slightly, and didn't care about Li Chen.

"Passed the test. The next player can play."

Turning his head and looking at where Li Chen was, the great elder of the giant wolf spider clan also rolled his eyes anger.

Seeing Li Chen passed the Universe Stage so easily, the elder Taishang looked a little ugly.

However, it is too obvious that the too elders are not easy to realize, so they can only curl their lips.

Huangquanmen is like this every time, which is very annoying.

The Supreme Elder murmured in his heart with a helpless expression.

This Huangquanmen cultivation technique did not know where it came from, and it could actually suppress their giant wolf spider clan.

Especially those giant wolf spiders whose strength is below rank 7.

Although these giant wolf spiders on the Universe Stage said they could display the strength of the seventh-order monsters, they were not real seventh-order monsters, and they would naturally be suppressed by Li Chen's aura.

"Cough cough cough...the next one is up." The elder too lightly coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

Xiao Han winked at Empress Yumei and Luoluo, and was about to step into the Universe Platform.

At this time, a figure rushed to the crowd again.

That Danxiazong’s Wang Qiaoqiao suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Han, giggling and saying: "This little brother, let me join the team again?"

Xiao Han looked at the little girl who was a head short in front of him with a playful look, and shook his head with a wry smile: "Okay. You come first, but I won't let anyone else next time."

"No, no, if someone dared to jump in the line later, I will help you clean them up." As he said, Wang Qiaoqiao looked around.

Perceiving the threatening tinge in Wang Qiaoqiao's eyes, everyone around couldn't help but shrink their necks, and no one dared to speak.

Who dares to offend Wang Qiaoqiao?


Everyone knows that Wang Qiaoqiao seems to be a playful little girl. In fact, anyone who knows her knows how cruel and cruel this little girl who looks like an innocent, harmless human and animal is.

Now Wang Qiaoqiao has put his words here, who else would dare to jump in?

Seeing that Wang Qiaoqiao was talking about it, Xiao Han nodded his head and signaled Wang Qiaoqiao to come first.

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