The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2305: Retreat for two months

The peak of the tribulation period and the middle of the tribulation period are two completely different realms.

If Xiao Han can successfully step into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, then the distance between him and the Great Elder Wan Jianyi of Xingyizong would not be that great.

Although Xiao Han has just stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, there is still a gap compared with the old powerhouse like Wan Jianyi, but this gap is not irreparable.

Xiao Han's own combat effectiveness is very strong. With the help of Cangqiang Sword and Little Monster Beast Wangcai, Xiao Han may not be defeated if he fights against Wan Jian.

Although the clone that Wan Jianyi was able to condense could display the strength in the middle of the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han also had prosperous wealth by his side.

With a sky sword, a high-grade spirit weapon, and the strength of the peak realm during the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han can already compete with Wan Jian.

And when Xiao Han reached the peak of the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han would be able to truly blue the yellow spring palm.

At that time Xiao Han's combat effectiveness will definitely increase a lot.

After reaching the peak of the Tribulation Period, even if Xiao Han was walking near the Demon Imperial City, he didn't have to be cautious anymore, for fear that he might provoke someone who shouldn't be provoke.

Thinking of the various benefits that he brought after he stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han's heart became more and more hot.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han looked at the avatar who was cultivating not far in front of him with excitement, constantly absorbing the pure spiritual energy around him.

If he waited until his clone was able to display its strength in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, then Xiao Han would fight against others, and even if he encountered a master, he could transform into a clone to protect Empress Yumei and Luoluo.

But think about it, maybe this time Empress Yumei and Luoluo have already entered the early stage of the Tribulation Period by taking the opportunity of entering the Heavenly Thunder Pool?

Next, Xiao Han gathered his mind and prepared to enter the state of cultivation again.

This time Xiao Han had already thought about it, and then began to practice continuously.

Until Po Boundary stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period, otherwise, if one day did not successfully break the Boundary, then Xiao Han would never leave from the bottom of this Heavenly Thunder Pool.

Then, as Xiao Han began to practice his whole body again, the bottom of the entire Tianlei Pool became silent again.

Xiao Han and the avatar he turned out to sit opposite each other, facing each other very close.

The speed of absorption of spiritual energy during the cultivation process of that clone is naturally incomparable with Xiao Han's body.

However, the cultivation of clones is better than steady progress.

And Xiao Han's body did let go of his hands and feet, and wanted to absorb the pure aura around him.

Xiao Han, who had completely started to practice again, did not pay attention to the concept of time at all this time.

He stopped estimating how long he had stayed at the bottom of the thunder pond on this day, and began to enter a state of selflessness.

Only when Xiao Han successfully broke through and stepped into the peak state of the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han would truly wake up.

In order to smoothly step into the pinnacle state of the Tribulation Period, Xiao Han said this time.

From the time Xiao Han entered the Ten Fang Refining Domain to now, Xiao Han still felt that his strength was pretty good.

However, after arriving in the area near the Demon Imperial City, Xiao Han could clearly feel that his strength in the early and middle stages of the Tribulation Period could no longer guarantee his safety.

What's more, Xiao Han had to protect Luo Luo and Yumei Empress around him.

As for saving his father and going to the golden dragon clan, it is even more powerless.

In the area near the Demon Imperial City, there are many strong sects gathered.

Xiao Han can only provide sufficient security for himself and the partners around him if he constantly improves his own strength.

In this way, in Xiao Han's selfless cultivation state, time passed, leaving no traces at the bottom of this Heavenly Thunder Pool.

At first, Xiao Han entered Tianlei Pool for more than ten days. Later, time gradually passed, unconsciously, almost two months have passed.

Above Tianlei Pool, on a flat ground not far from Tianlei Pool, two old figures and two Miaoman figures stood side by side.

"Elder Tai, my brother Xiao Han has been at the bottom of Tianlei Pool for two months, why haven't he come out yet." When Luo Luo spoke, there was unconcealable anxiety and worry on his face.

"Luo Luo, you've asked this sentence many times." Empress Yu Mei also had a bitter expression on the side.

Although Empress Yumei did not ask, she was also worried.

"Yes, two months have passed, Xiao Han should be coming out soon."

The elder Tai Shang looked at Tian Lei with a solemn expression.

The water in the entire Tianlei Pool has dropped a lot compared to two months ago.

Moreover, whether it is the entire Tianlei Pool or the area in the middle of the Tianlei Pool, the light blue and dark blue pool water has faded a lot.

The current Tianlei Pool, except for the aura of heavenly thunder and a lot of abundant aura from it, seemed to be no different from ordinary pool water.

It's just that the various energies in the Heavenly Thunder Pond are still enough to make all the Qi refiners and monster beast masters heartbeat.

After the time when the thunder pond was open that day, the aura here has dropped several times compared to when it was at its highest peak. Even if it can be regarded as a blessed land, other humanoid refiners and monster beast masters will not be hard for this place. In the Beiyue Peak, Pin Bai offended the entire giant wolf spider for no reason.

The nine-day profound thunder erupting once every ten years was the real highlight.

At this time, after the patriarch Lu Ren on the side heard what the elder said, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

After pondering for a moment, the patriarch Lu Ren still asked softly: "Elder, how can you say that Xiao Han can stay for such a long time? Will there be any problems with him below? You must know that the thunder poison under the Tianlei Pool is too much. I've been a little overbearing, even I dare not stay long."

"probably not."

The Supreme Elder shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Although the Nine Heavens Profound Lightning Toxin is overbearing, there is a high-grade aura on Xiao Han's body. It should be no better than Xiao Han's, and if Xiao Han really can't hold on, I am afraid it would have been long ago. It’s already out, and I won’t stay here for so long."

Even though he said that, the elder Tai Shang felt a little uncertain.

After all, the elder Taishang knew better than everyone around him, how terrifying the thunder poison at the bottom of Tianlei Pool was.

Xiao Han has been in Tianlei Pool for two months now.

Even the Supreme Elder, the longest time spent in Tianlei Pool is half a month, no matter how long it is, the Supreme Elder will not be able to persist.

But Xiao Han was fine. Two full months had passed, and there was still a little movement.

Such a long time is really uncomfortable.

Elder Tai knew exactly how terrifying the thunder poison at the bottom of Tianlei Pool was.

If the Supreme Elder had been at the bottom of Tianlei Pool for such a long time, I am afraid that the thunder poison would have already exploded and died.

Although Xiao Han had a high-grade spirit weapon on his body, Xiao Han's strength was still only a Qi refiner in the middle of the Tribulation Period.

The elder Taishang said that he should not, but in fact, his face was also worried.

Seeing this, Lu Ren could only helplessly shook his head.

Two months later, the sky thunder aura on the entire Beiyue Peak had already gradually subsided.

Ruan Qingqing of Xingyuzong, Wang Qiaoqiao of Danxiazong, Cao Ci of Guiyuan School and others began to emerge from Tianlei Pool after four or five days.

After thanking the great elder and patriarch of the giant wolf spider clan, these people left one after another.

Although Cao Ci, Ruan Qingqing and others have not broken the boundary, it seems that they have gained considerable benefits after three days of cultivation in the Heavenly Thunder Pool.

The aura of Cao Ci and the others is so strong that they have already touched the opportunity of breaking the boundary. The reason why they left Beiyuefeng in a hurry is probably because they want to return to the sect as soon as possible, retreat for a period of time, and break through the tribulation period in one fell swoop. The pinnacle state.

As for Ruan Qingqing of the Starfall Sect, he spent the longest time in Tianlei Pool, five days in full.

In the end, it was because Ruan Qingqing's aura had reached saturation that he had to come out.

At this time, Ruan Qingqing only needs to retreat for a period of time, and it is estimated that he will break through.

But Ruan Qingqing originally wanted to guard Xiao Han among the North Mountain Peak, and waited until Xiao Han came out to challenge the ground.

But now Ruan Qingqing is about to break the realm, so he can't take care of so much. Ruan Qingqing didn't stay for a moment, and left directly, and hurried back to the Star Meteorite Sect to practice retreat.

Later, in Beiyue Peak, there were only Empress Yumei and Luoluo waiting among the giant wolf spider clan.

In other words, the nine human race refiners and monster beast masters who entered the Tianlei Pool together are the only one who has not heard from Xiao Han.

"Elder Too, or... you'd better go down and take a look." Luo Luo groaned for a moment, but couldn't help but said, "In case Brother Xiao Han encounters any problems, you can help one or two. "

At this moment, Empress Yumei and Lu Ren both turned to look at the elder Taishang with an expression of expectation.


After indulging for a moment, the elder Supreme sullen his heart, gritted his teeth and said: "If today, Xiao Han still hasn't come out, I will go down to the bottom of Tianlei Lake tomorrow to see what happened to Xiao Han."

The Supreme Elder was actually more anxious than Lu Ren and Luo Luo and others.

The thunder poison in his body has been getting worse and worse recently.

If it drags on any longer, I am afraid that the elder too will be unable to hold on.

Now the elder Taishang urgently needs Xiao Han to get rid of thunder poison for him.

Although he knew that his current situation was really not suitable for entering the Heavenly Thunder Pond again, but at this time, the elder Taishang could only take the risk to check it out.

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