The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2314: On the road

Soon, after these majestic auras entered the body, Xiao Han urged the cultivation technique to control these auras to run along the meridians in his body, and quickly transformed into energy in his body.

After all the refining, Xiao Han felt very satisfied when he sensed the aura in the meridians once again strengthened.

Next, Xiao Han began to strike while the iron was hot and turned his head into practice.

One night of continuous practice did not make Xiao Han feel tired. On the contrary, because of the replenishment of so much spiritual energy, coupled with Xiao Han's dedicated meditation and breathing for one night, Xiao Han was finally in a great state. At the peak of perfection.

When Xiao Han opened his eyes again, two lights flashed faintly in Xiao Han's eyes.

After refining all the aura in the ten pure aura beads, Xiao Han could also feel that the aura in his body had vaguely increased by one point.

Although this feeling was not obvious, Xiao Han was already very satisfied.

After all, after reaching the peak state of the Tribulation Period, the aura needed for each upgrade is quite large.

If Xiao Han were to follow the normal progress of cultivation, he wanted to increase the aura in his body once he had just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period, I am afraid that there would be no way to do it within a month or two.

Now that ten black beads have been refined, they have improved in one night, and Xiao Han already feels that this result makes him quite satisfied.

When hosting a banquet last night, the elder Taishang shared with Xiao Han some things he knew about the peak of the tragedy period.

After stepping into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, no matter whether it is a human refiner or a master of monsters and beasts, there will be a final outcome, that is, Tribulation.

Only by successfully crossing the Tribulation can one break through the realm step by step and step into the fairyland.

The so-called tribulation is to use the body to bear the tribulation, only after the tribulation has not fallen, it is possible to step into the fairyland.

And it is also the peak state of the Tribulation Period, in fact, there is still a big gap between different Human Race Refiners.

Ordinary Human Race Refiners will subdivide the grading of the peak powers during the Tribulation Period more carefully.

The peak realm of the entire tribulation period can be roughly divided into four levels: three-fold heavenly tribulation, five-fold tribulation, seven-fold tribulation, and nine-fold tribulation.

For example, Xiao Han has just stepped into the peak realm of the Tribulation Period, and has not even experienced the Threefold Tribulation. Intelligence can be regarded as the entrance to the peak realm of the Tribulation Period.

Only after having survived the triple calamity can it be regarded as the middle stage of the peak state of the tribulation period.

Only after having survived the five heavenly calamities can it be regarded as a great achievement in the peak realm of the tribulation period.

Only after the seventh heavenly calamity can it be regarded as the consummation of the peak realm of the crossing period.

And only after surviving the Nine Heavens Tribulation, can he truly step into the fairyland.

It is precisely because this division of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period is too detailed, so the difference between the powers of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period is also very big.

And using these differences to distinguish their respective strengths is very accurate.

According to Xiao Han's own estimation, after he absorbed the pure aura of the ten black beads, he should be closer to the middle of the peak of the Tribulation Period.

As for when Xiao Han needs to face the Triple Heaven Tribulation, Xiao Han estimated that he would refine all the eighth-order demon pills in the Universe Bag, and it might be fast.

However, Xiao Han would be a little reluctant to refining so many demon pills at once, and whoever changed it would feel a little bit reluctant.

In addition, Xiao Han had just broken the boundary, although the realm had stabilized, but doing so was a bit of a stimulus.

The best state is, of course, after experiencing a battle, repeatedly tempering the aura in the body, and then slowly refining the demon pill to improve the realm.

Otherwise, the walking is too fast, and if the realm and spiritual energy are a little vain, when the triple heavenly tribulation comes, it is easy to be wiped out by the ashes of the heavenly tribulation.

All the elders have said that there are many human qi refiners and monster beast masters who dare not cultivate to the point of enduring the catastrophe for a lifetime.


Because of lack of confidence, I feel guilty.

It's okay if you don't bear the catastrophe, at least you can live happily.

However, if they were to bear the calamity of the sky without any means, most of the human race gas refiners and monster beast masters would have a 80% chance of falling under the sky.

The Supreme Elder also said that at the peak of the Tribulation Period, whether it is a human refiner or a monster master, the strength is measured according to the division of this realm.

Just like the elder Taishang himself, because of the lightning poison in his body for so many years, he has stepped into the peak state of the Tribulation Period for hundreds of years, and he has not yet reached the point of experiencing the Triple Tribulation.

As for the five heavenly tribulations and the following heavenly tribulations, the elder Taishang could not even think about it before yesterday.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han sighed softly: "I didn't expect to finally reach the peak of the Tribulation Period, but found that the level of this one is even more insurmountable.

It's no wonder that the elders of the giant wolf spider clan have cultivated for so many years, and have not even experienced the triple catastrophe. "

Xiao Han slowly jumped off the stone bed, and after cleaning up, he was ready to go out.

Now that Xiao Han's physical state is at its peak state, it is not very useful to continue practicing, but he should go for a walk, and find some experts with comparable strength to hone it. This is the fastest and best way to improve.

"Starting, and counting the time, the three-door four-sect gathering should begin within ten days."

Xiao Han pondered for a moment, then put the little demon beast Wangcai into the Qiankun bag, retreated from Shimen and walked out.

"Meet Mr. Xiao Han."

As soon as Xiao Han got out of the stone room, he ran into two guards from the giant wolf spider clan standing at the door.

Xiao Han recognized it at a glance. The two were the two young masters of the giant wolf spider clan who jumped into the Heavenly Thunder Pool with him.

Seeing Xiao Han coming out, the two hurriedly bowed to salute.

In front of Xiao Han, even the young masters of their giant wolf spider clan were nothing.

Xiao Han knew that the Supreme Elder must have asked them to guard the gate for himself.

Xiao Han smiled and took out eight seventh-order demon pills, one person stuffed four, and then he waved his hand, the space around him was rippled, Xiao Han stepped and disappeared directly into the sight of the two.

Space shuttle.

For Xiao Han now, it's completely easy.

Xiao Han stepped out and appeared directly above the cave entrance of the giant wolf spider clan.

Standing in the air, Xiao Han passed through the thick clouds and overlooked the entire Beiyue Peak.

With one step, you can travel through time and space as you like, which was something Xiao Han had dreamed of before.

Unexpectedly, he can really do it now.

In the past, Xiao Han's realm and strength were not impossible if he wanted to travel through space, but he could never do it so freely and easily.

When Xiao Han appeared above the giant wolf spider clan's nest, the four figures rushed up from the ground.

Empress Yumei and Luoluo had already been waiting on the ground. Now that Xiao Han appeared, they followed the Elder Taishang and Lu Ren.

"Mr. Xiao Han is ready to set off now?" The Supreme Elder stopped in front of Xiao Han, arched his hands at Xiao Han, and said with a smile.

Xiao Han nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, I still have important things to do, and it is inconvenient to stay for a long time. Thanks to the advice of the two seniors on this trip to Beiyue Peak, I will visit again if Xiao Han passes through the Beiyue Mountain Range in the future. "

Xiao Han said it was for this reason, and the two elders and Lu Ren wouldn't be able to stay.

The two looked at each other, and the elder Tai Shang said solemnly: "Mr. Xiao Han, you are kind to my giant wolf spider clan. What difficulties will you encounter in the future, don't forget that the gate of Beiyue Peak will always be for you. Open up."

Xiao Han nodded. This giant wolf spider clan dominates the entire Beiyue Mountain Range, and its strength is pretty good. Besides, the super elders and patriarchs of others are so affectionate, Xiao Han likes to make friends with such people.

No matter what Xiao Han will do in the future, he will naturally not forget this old friend of Beiyue Peak.

The patriarch Lu Ren smiled and said to Xiao Han, "I know that Mr. Xiao Han has important matters, so we will not keep you. On behalf of the giant wolf spider, I will once again wish Mr. Xiao Han great vibes. , Famous all over the world."

"Thank you Ji Yan, Taishang Elder, Luren Patriarch, don't let it go, there will be a period later."

Xiao Han also smiled and arched his hands at the two.

After that, Xiao Han stopped staying, and Xiao Han waved at the two empresses Yumei and Luoluo.

After the two of them walked around, Xiao Han waved his hand, and a vigorous spiritual energy wrapped the two of Yumei Empress and Luoluo.

Anxiously, there were waves of ripples in the space around Xiao Han. When Xiao Han stepped forward, he took Yumei Empress and Luo Luo into the void space with one foot.

The three people of Xiao Han disappeared directly into the sight of the elder Taishang and Lu Ren by moving through the space easily.

With Xiao Han's current ability to travel through space, just a single moment is equivalent to a half-day flying with the sword.

When the figures of Xiao Han and the three others appeared again, their family went straight to the outskirts of the Beiyue Mountains.

With Xiao Han's current strength, if he used his full strength, the distance of a space shuttle would be longer and the speed would be even faster.

However, Xiao Han is still carrying Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo by his side. It is not suitable for striding too much. When on the way, it is better to be safer.

After all, Xiao Han has just stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, and some things still require practice to make perfect.

The reason why Xiao Han stopped outside the Beiyue Mountains was to determine his route.

From the Qiankun Bag, he found out the map of the area around the Demon Imperial City that he bought from the shop in Bafang City that day, and then Xiao Han looked for the location of the Xingyi Mountain Range on it.

This time, Xiao Han was going directly to the Xingyi Mountain Range.

There is the core sphere of influence of the Star Meteorite Sect.

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