The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2321: Long-lost old acquaintance

From the outside, it seemed that the Sect Master of Danxia Sect was the youngest.

But Xiao Han knew that this must also be an old guy.

However, Xiao Han could also vaguely see that the Danxia Sect's Sect Master in front of him seemed to have a very peaceful aura, but in fact it gave people an unpredictable feeling.

This feeling is not weaker than that of the Sect Master Xingyuzong, the Sect Master of Huangquan Sect and others on the field.

"This is Danxiazong's suzerain?"

Xiao Han slowly looked at the woman in a long skirt.

At this time, Sect Master Xingyi, Sect Master of Guiyuan Sect, and Sect Master of Huangquan Gate, who were already sitting in their positions, smiled and arched their hands after seeing the Sect Master of Danxia jumping off the clouds.

Falling women will be more popular wherever they go.

What's more, the Danxia Sect's suzerain not only looks young and beautiful, but is also very sleek when it matters.

Several big figures were polite to each other, and it seemed that among one faction, two tribes, three sects and four sects, the other sect forces did not send top figures such as suzerain or great elder to the scene.

The representatives of some other sects are mostly elders in the sect.

After showing up, they all respectfully greeted Sect Master Xingyuzong, Sect Master Huangquan Sect and others, and took a seat on the side.

The highest status on the court are these four sect masters.

Xiao Han glanced around, and there were more than a dozen big figures sitting on the court. Xiao Han really didn't see that the representative was sent by the Demon Sovereign.

As for the young masters sent by the Demon Sovereign, Xiao Han couldn't tell.

Want to wait until the process of the competition, Xiao Han has the opportunity to identify.

Soon, after the big figures at the head greeted each other for a while, the Sect Master of Xingyizong slowly stood up.

His gaze swept across the square, and the square where he was whispering suddenly became silent.

"Today is the day when we have a gathering of two tribes, three sects, and four sects. On behalf of the Star Meteorite Sect, I welcome everyone to watch the battle. However, our Star Meteorite Sect welcomes friends from afar, but we don't want anyone to disrupt the process on the court at will. I hope some of the younger generations can take care of themselves."

The Sect Master Xingyi's voice was low and peaceful.

However, the faint sense of oppression in his voice made everyone on the court feel a little suffocated.

Some of the weaker human qi refiners or monster beast masters turned pale after the words of the Sect Master of the Starfall fell.

There was a trace of absolute confidence in the words of the Sect Master Xingyi.

Although his words sound a bit rude, but where is his status and status, coupled with the suppression of his terrifying strength, the audience is dead silent, no one dares to show the slightest impatience.

This is the deterrence that the real top power can bring.

Seeing that there was no objection in the entire square, the Sect Master Xingyi nodded slightly.

With a wave of his palm, the Great Elder Wan Jian of the Star Meteorite Sect stood up and began to explain the rules of competition.

It turned out that the opening program of every gathering started with a big melee.

The highlight of every party is a contest between the younger generation and the strong.

In the first round of the competition, all the young masters who were eligible to participate in the competition played at the same time. After a big melee, there were ten people left on the field.

These ten people will only start the real peak duel later.

And for each party, the top three are only to be selected.

This year's gathering, including a faction of top masters from two races, three disciplines and four schools, totaled 61 people.

The opening ceremony was the same, beginning with a big dogfight.

Until the last ten people stood on the court, the competition ended here.

In the melee, when it was more cruel, no rules were set, no matter of life or death.

As long as you have the ability to stand till the end, you are the winner.

For other things, it's up to their own abilities.

After the great elder of the Star Meteorite Sect finished the explanation, many of the human gas refiners and monster beast masters who watched for the first time on the field were shocked.

Such a cruel competition was eliminated to the end, and the real top powerhouses remained.

It's no wonder that every contest of the party will go through strict screening.

If a guy with a lower level of cultivation is playing, maybe he will be beheaded soon.

After the great elder of Xingyizong explained the rules of the field, he finally said softly: "Okay, next. All players participating in the competition can enter the field."

Then, a crisp bell rang across the square.

"Shoo, hoo..."

As soon as the words of the Great Elder Wan Jianyi of Xingyizong fell, there was a sharp wind breaking around the square.

Soon, the figures disappeared in a flash, and finally appeared directly on the high platform.

These people are young masters sent by sect forces including the Three Sects and Four Sects.

After playing, everyone stood apart, keeping a certain distance from each other, and everyone looked around with a vigilant face.

In this kind of melee, everyone is an adversary, and enemies are everywhere. If you are not careful, it is easy to overturn the boat in the gutter.

After everyone appeared on the stage, the atmosphere of the audience was immediately aroused.

Thousands of Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast masters cheered constantly, looking forward to a wonderful contest.

As most of the contestants have entered the arena, some important players standing behind the Zongmen representatives on the high platform have also begun to play.

Wang Qiaoqiao of Danxia Sect, Cao Ci of Guiyuan School, Li Chen of Huangquanmen and others looked at each other, their bodies flashed, and they appeared in the field at the same time.

As for the other young players of one faction, two tribes, three schools and four schools, they also began to flash out from the seats.

As soon as these people of one faction, two tribes, three schools, and four schools, including Cao Ci and others, entered the arena, the court immediately gave more enthusiastic cheers.

These people are the heavyweight players in this competition.

In particular, Cao Ci and Wang Qiaoqiao are the top players with the highest popularity and popularity.

When Cao Ci and others came on the field, some contestants around quickly withdrew.

Everyone is not a fool, everyone present knows that Cao Ci and others are the strongest on the field, and no one wants to be the first target of Cao Ci and others.

As one of the focus figures of this contest, the entry of Wang Qiaoqiao, Cao Ci, Li Chen and others immediately brought the warm atmosphere of the entire square to its climax.


After Wang Qiaoqiao and others entered the field, a low roar of monsters suddenly sounded over the square.

A giant flying beast fluttered from the back mountain of Xingfengfeng.

The figure of Miao Man standing on the flying monster beast flashed and fell from midair.

When Ruan Qingqing appeared, the warm atmosphere was suffocating.

Everyone's eyes were on Ruan Qingqing who suddenly appeared on the court.

Ruan Qingqing is not only the first person in the younger generation of Xingyizong, the key is her elegant temperament and beautiful face, which is absolutely unmatched on the court.

In terms of appearance alone, even Wang Qiaoqiao sighed.

After Ruan Qingqing stood firm on the court, the cheers that had stopped already rose again.

Many people know that Ruan Qingqing has the highest probability of winning the competition in this three-door four-sect gathering.

Secondly, it is Cao Ci, Wang Qiaoqiao, Li Chen and others.

As soon as Ruan Qingqing appeared, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the Danxia Sect Master, the head of the Guiyuan Sect and the head of the Huangquan Sect.

The head of the Guiyuan faction suddenly laughed and said: "It seems that your sister, Meteorite Sect really poured a lot of resources into Ruan Qingqing. Your suzerain actually helped Ruan Qingqing hide his strength. Is it possible that you are worried about Ruan Qingqing. As soon as the strength was revealed, even the old guys like us were dumbfounded?"

"Hahaha..." Sect Master Xingyi laughed: "The head of Mu is really jokes, this is not my attention, it is the girl Qingqing who asked me to take action, what can I do as a master You can only mess around with this girl."

In the words of the Sect Master of the Starfall Sect, he was very proud of his female disciple.

The petting look in the expression is also unabashed.

No wonder everyone said that Ruan Qingqing is the youngest person most hopeful to take over as the next Sect Master of the Starfall Sect.

Looking at the reaction of Sect Master Xingyi now, this statement is true.

The Danxia Sect Master turned his eyes and laughed softly: "It seems that your Star Meteorite Sect really wants Ruan Qingqing to win the competition again. It is estimated that the few little guys we brought can only be given to Ruan. Qingqing served as a foil."

Sect Master Xingyi waved his hand gently, and said modestly, “Sect Master, don’t be kidding, Qiaoqiao is the best disciple of your Danxia Sect in history. The contest at the last gathering was the one with Qiaoqiao. When the girl first showed her head, now that several years have passed, will her strength not improve by leaps and bounds? I don't believe it."

Although he said that, the look on Sect Master Xingyi's face was indeed very contented.

Ruan Qingqing was originally the champion of the last gathering. This time he tried again, and Ruan Qingqing had the highest voice.

Others may be able to threaten Ruan Qingqing, but they may not be able to change the final outcome.

Sect Master Danxia smiled slightly at the words of Sect Master Xingyi's self-humility, and did not continue.

Hearing this, the sect master of Huangquanmen frowned slightly, his expression a little unhappy.

Ruan Qingqing is very good, and Wang Qiaoqiao is also very good, but so what?

His grandson Li Chen was also personally trained over the years.

On the surface, it seems that Ruan Qingqing and Wang Qiaoqiao have the highest voices, but Li Chen may not have no chance of winning.

Although many big bosses are very harmonious on the face, in fact, there are two clans, three sects, and four sects who are not convinced by anyone.

Of course, everyone on the court listened to the big guys on the stage talking and laughing, but they were actually very excited.

The secret contest between the two clans, the three sects and the four sects behind the scenes is almost something everyone in the vicinity of Demon Imperial City knows.

There is not much difference in strength between the major sects, and no one is convinced on weekdays.

These gatherings held once in a few years sounded good to be gatherings, but they were actually designed to bring out their top juniors to compete.

The more so, the more exciting and enjoyable the competition on the court.

No matter who ultimately won, what happened on Xingyufeng would soon spread throughout the entire Demon Imperial City.

Xiao Han, who was sitting on the tree, had been paying attention to Ruan Qingqing and others at this time.

Especially Ruan Qingqing, he can always vaguely detect a trace of abnormality in Ruan Qingqing's body.

Xiao Han hadn't noticed this feeling when he was at Beiyue Peak before.

As for other people such as Wang Qiaoqiao and Cao Ci, Xiao Han can also clearly feel that after coming out of Tianlei Pool, everyone has improved a lot.

Obviously, following the magical effect of Tianlei Pond, everyone's strength is a bit diligent.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han slowly swept over the other players on the stage.

Of course Xiao Han wanted to find out if he could tell which player was sent by the Demon Sovereign.

It's just not expensive. There are players with guard faces everywhere on the high platform.

Xiao Han didn't seem to be able to tell who had the aura of the demon in his body.

It is estimated that only when you really do it, can you find some clues.

The players on the field are very young, but they are very strong.

There are few players in the early stage of the robbery period, and most of them are masters in the middle of the robbery period.

Those who are qualified and confident to stand up and compete are definitely the geniuses in their respective sects.

Those from the sect should account for the vast majority.

I'm afraid there are only a handful of people who are born in casual cultivation like Xiao Han.

The area near the Demon Imperial City is indeed the center of the Shifang Refining Domain.

So many young powerhouses in the middle of the catastrophe can stand up all at once. If it is elsewhere, the masters of the middle of the catastrophe are probably all powerful?

But at this three-door four-sect gathering, fifty or sixty people appeared at once.

The area near this Demon Imperial City deserves to be a place where strong people gather in the entire Ten Fang Refining Domain.

Here, the most important thing is the so-called genius.

And even the older generation of powerhouses at the peak of the Tribulation Period would not dare to say that they would be invincible by standing on the court.

In addition to Ruan Qingqing, there is probably more than one young genius at the peak of the Tribulation Period. Who knows if he will suddenly expose more evildoers from the peak of the Tribulation Period when the competition reaches the fiercest?

Xiao Han looked for a representative sent by the Demon Emperor while examining the contestants on the field. At this moment, Xiao Han's eyes suddenly stopped.


Even with Xiao Han's calmness, he couldn't help but scream at this moment.

The position Xiao Han looked at was exactly in a corner of the field.

In that corner, a figure stood alone.

Although everyone was facing Xiao Han sideways, and he was far away from Xiao Han.

But for some reason, when Xiao Han saw that part of the person's face was sideways, Xiao Han's heart couldn't help but pounded.

Seeing that side of his face, a name suddenly appeared in Xiao Han's mind.

This name, since Xiao Han stepped into the Ten Fang Refinement Realm, he hadn't thought of it for a long time.

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