The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2386: Goodbye Li Guiyuan

"But it's also possible that people are so young, like Brother Li Chen, with excellent talent and roots?"

"I think it's possible. Brother Li Chen is not without such enchanting characters."


These Huangquan Sect sect disciples waited until Xiao Han's figure disappeared, and then began to whisper.

However, Xiao Han did not pay attention to these details.

After Xiao Han followed Li Longji along the mountain road for a while, he finally reached a valley.

At the point of entering the valley, there is a square covering a very wide area, on which there are many disciples of the Huangquan Sect who are really competing with each other.

When Li Longji came with Xiao Hanxian, many disciples of Huangquan Sect were all looking sideways.

In addition to a square in the valley, there are many buildings.

In some aisles, young disciples wearing Huangquanmen sect costumes shuttle back and forth from time to time.

Sometimes there are clear shouts around the square, those from the Huangquan Sect disciples who are discussing with each other.

Finally, Li Longji in front gradually slowed down, and finally stopped in front of a majestic hall.

It seems that this place should be an important place in the Huangquan Sect, because there are many Huangquan Sect disciples who are not low-level around the main hall.

"It seems that the masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period invited by other elders have also arrived." Looking at the heavily guarded hall, Longji elder murmured.

"Elder Longji, I'm actually very surprised. Does your sect master want to set up the formation above? Need so many young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period to help?" Xiao Han raised his head and looked at the hall in front of him, frowning lightly. .

"Little brother Xiao Han, you are misunderstood. In fact, it is not that our sect master needs a lot of people to take action, but that we want to select a few people who meet the requirements best from these young masters at the peak of the tribulation period. Of course, Even if it doesn't meet the requirements in the end, we will still give a big gift at Huangquanmen before leaving, leaving some incense." Longji elder laughed softly.

"Still to be selected? Only those who meet the requirements can be selected? Is it based on strength or based on other abilities?"

This made Xiao Han a little surprised.

This time he didn't come to ease the relationship with Huangquan Sect. Xiao Han came for Huangquan Palm of Huangquan Sect and Biluo Huangquan Body's cultivation techniques.

If Xiao Han hadn't been selected, then Xiao Han estimated that the chance of getting Huangquan Palm and Biluo Huangquan Body to practice exercises would be much smaller.

Xiao Han had thought about it a long time ago, and only when there was really no other way, did he come up with the practice technique of the blue and yellow spring palm and share it.

But if Xiao Han can help Huangquanmen a lot, maybe Xiao Han has the opportunity to get Huangquan Palm without taking out Biluo Huangquan Palm?

However, Xiao Han also felt that Huangquan Sect should not provide himself with the cultivation techniques of the Zong Sect so easily.

"Haha, you will know right away." Li Longji smiled mysteriously.


Xiao Han gave a wry smile and nodded.

By this time, they have already entered Huangquanling, can't you just go back empty-handed?

At least try it first.

Seeing Xiao Han nodding, the elder Longji laughed, and then led Xiao Han to the door of the hall.

"I hope Huangquan's sect master is really not the kind of sly person, otherwise it may be a little troublesome to wait.

Xiao Han looked up at the magnificent hall in front of him and sighed softly.

Since all come, how can you come back empty-handed?

No matter what you say, Xiao Han will also find a way to get the Huangquan Sect cultivation technique, otherwise, Xiao Han will not be able to carry on the practice of Biluo Huangquan Palm.

Soon, under the leadership of Li Longji, Xiao Han successfully passed through the heavy guards outside the hall, and then entered the hall.

Stepping into the main hall, a majestic hall covering an extremely wide area appeared in Xiao Han's eyes.

At this time, Li Longji cast a color at Xiao Han, and then slowly walked into the hall with Xiao Han.

Li Longji led Xiao Han into the depths of the main hall, bowed his hand to a figure sitting cross-legged in the main hall, and said loudly, "Qi, the sect master, the old man has already crossed the robbery recommended by the Yunwucheng Lu family. Brought a young master at the peak of the period."

When Xiao Han walked into the hall, he discovered that dozens of figures were sitting cross-legged in the hall at this time.

These look very young, and the oldest one is about forty years old.

And most of them exude a strong aura, it seems they should be young masters in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period.

This made Xiao Han very surprised. The energy of this Huangquan Sect was not small, and he was able to find so many young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period in such a short time.

And Xiao Han unexpectedly among the dozens of masters in the peak realm of the Tribulation Period, none of the three sects and four sects that had been seen before on Xingyufeng.

It seemed that these young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period were all found near Demon Imperial City.

In other words, in the area near the Demon Imperial City, there are really many young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period.

Although these people on the field are actually not very old, it is estimated that most of them are in their thirties and forties.

However, this kind of age was still considered a very young age among Human Race refiners, especially those of the Tribulation Period level.

When Xiao Han walked into the hall, the dozen figures also turned their heads and looked over with a curious look.

These people are very face-to-face. Xiao Han is sure that he has not seen them in the Xingyufeng's three schools and four schools. These people should not be young masters of one school, two races, three schools and four schools.

Think about it, the young masters of Three Sects and Four Sects, even if they have a good relationship with Huangquan Sect, they are unlikely to appear in Huangquan Sect at this time.

The major forces in the Three Sects and Four Sects maintain friendly relations on the surface, but in fact they are competing and competing over and under.

Huangquan Sect needs to recruit young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period. Those in the Three Sects and Four Sects should be reluctant to come.

And on the upper stage of the hall, an old man sat cross-legged, and that man was Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquanmen.

Xiao Han also met Li Guiyuan at Xingyufeng before, and some unpleasant things happened.

However, Xiao Han knew very well in his heart that Li Guiyuan was the master of the sect at Huangquan Gate, and his status in the area near the Demon Imperial City was also very high. It can be said that he is a very important figure.

A handsome young man stood beside the master of Huangquan.

Xiao Han looked up and saw that it was Li Chen, the love sun of the master of Huangquan Sect.

When Li Longji brought Xiao Han in, everyone in the hall turned their heads and looked over.

Many people have a curious look.

Just now Li Longji said that he had reached a young master at the peak of the Tribulation Period, so many people looked at Xiao Han with a curious expression.

"Hehe, Longji, every time it's you guy the latest..."

Huangquan Sect Master Li Guiyuan smiled slightly at Elder Li Longji, but when he turned his gaze to Xiao Han, he was immediately stunned.

"You... are you... Xiao Han?"

Li Guiyuan suddenly cried out in shock.

Li Guiyuan was surprised in his words.

"Xiao Han?"

Hearing that Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Sect, suddenly handed over this name, the dozens of young masters in the Great Hall who had a notorious reputation near the Demon Imperial City frowned at the same time.

Xiao Han's name has been spread around the Demon Imperial City recently.

They all heard that a young master named Xiao Han turned out to be near Demon Imperial City recently.

Not only did he kill one of the elders of Xingyizong, he even defeated the joint encirclement and suppression of the three elders of Xingyizong, and finally escaped smoothly in the pursuit of the great elder of Xingyizong.

And not long ago, he personally boarded the Xingyifeng Peak and defeated Li Chen of Huangquan Sect in the three sects and four sects. Later, he dignifiedly defeated the heavenly daughter Ruan Qingqing of Xingyizong.

In this way, everything can be considered earth-shattering in the eyes of ordinary people.

Because of this, many of the people present were very familiar with the name Xiao Han.

When they heard the head of Huangquan Gate Li Guiyuan call out Xiao Han's name, everyone looked at the thin figure that slowly entered the hall with a look of sorrow.

When everyone saw Xiao Hanzhang's unusually young face, the look of surprise on their faces became more obvious.

When Xiao Han's face looked in the eyes of everyone in the hall, there was no accident in the whole hall.

"Xiao Han, you dare to come to our Huangquan Gate." Li Chen, who was standing next to Li Guiyuan's face, sank, and suddenly pointed at Xiao Han and shouted.

Everyone present immediately reacted.

This Xiao Han was the one who made genius disciples like Li Chen disgraced on Xingyufeng.

At this time, appearing at Huangquanmen, aren't you afraid that Huangquanmen will ask him to settle accounts?

And Li Chen is the grandson of Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan.

How can a grandfather help outsiders instead of helping his grandson?

So Xiao Han suddenly appeared at Huangquanmen now, looking like an act of death.

Xiao Han looked at Li Chen with an ugly face and Li Guiyuan with a gloomy face, but there was no abnormal look on his face.

He smiled slightly: "Master Li, I heard that you Huangquanmen need to recruit some young masters at the peak of the Tribulation Period. I am not a talented person. If I can help, I will definitely help. If the Lord wants to blame me about the file on the reporter Xingyufeng, then Xiao Han has nothing to say."

Hearing this, everyone on the court, including Li Guiyuan and Li Chen, was stunned.

As soon as Xiao Han came, he took out a high hat and put it on Li Guiyuan and Huang Quanmen's heads. In front of so many people, if Li Guiyuan really did something to Xiao Han, it would be a bit unreasonable.

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