The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2415: The true power of yellow spring palm

Fortunately, Xiao Han's body was strong enough. At a critical time, Xiao Han mobilized his whole body's spiritual energy to block that palm, and did not allow those harsh and gloomy auras to penetrate Xiao Han's body.

Seeing the highs and lows on the field all at once, many people around were surprised.

Those sect disciples of Huangquan Sect naturally applauded loudly.

And Li Chen looked at the situation on the court equally happily.

I am afraid that only the faces of Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Gate, and Li Longji, the elder, have a subtle look on their faces.

A few tens of meters away, Sun Miao, who had just succeeded in a hit, just revealed his figure.

Holding the palm lightly, the second elder Sun Miao looked at Xiao Han, grinned, and said softly: "How, this is the real power of our Huangquan Sect's Huangquan Palm. I guess you have been in contact with Huangquan Palm before. Otherwise, you would not be so interested in our Huangquan Palm at Huangquan Sect."

"It deserves to be the second-ranked elder in Huangquan Sect. It is so terrifying with a random stroke of Huangquan palm. It is amazing, it is really amazing."

Xiao Han laughed, lifted his sleeves and gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Han urged the spiritual energy in his body to churn quickly, and forced the gloomy aura that had invaded his body out of his body.

Xiao Han stared at Sun Miao, laughed, and said loudly: "Second elder, there are already two tricks, let's try again."

In fact, with a full palm of his hand, he didn't leave much injury in Xiao Han's body, and the second elder Sun Miao was also surprised.

If it is replaced by another young master at the peak of the Tribulation Period, just the palm of the hand, I am afraid that it will at least seriously hurt the opponent.

But now, there was only a trace of blood on the corner of Xiao Han's mouth, and it seemed that even the spiritual energy in his body did not fluctuate much, which made Sun Miao very surprised.

Sun Miao was also slightly startled when he heard Xiao Han's energetic shout.

Then, the second elder Sun Miao raised his brows, and suddenly she couldn't figure it out.

You know that Sun Miao didn't keep the slightest hand in that punch Huangquan palm.

However, Xiao Han actually took it down directly.

Speaking of this, could it be said that Xiao Han's physical strength is terrifying?

If this is the case, isn't this guy named Xiao Han who is very good in every aspect?

Moreover, the palm of Sun Miao just now, combined with his superb body skills, can not only have unexpected effects when fighting against the opponent, but also the palm of Huangquan can mobilize all the gloomy aura around him.

These gloomy breaths will invade the opponent's body with the fist strength of Huangquan palm.

After that, those gloomy auras can disrupt the aura in the opponent's body, even if the opponent's reaction is too fast to deal with it.

This will only make the opponent's injury worse.

And even if the other party is prepared for a long time, it is not easy to get rid of the gloomy aura that has invaded the body.

When the opponent was distracted, Sun Miao could take the opportunity to attack again.

But now it seems that Xiao Han in front of him hit him with a palm, and there is nothing wrong with him?

how can that be?

It was the first time that the second elder Sun Miao had encountered such a strange opponent, so his expression was unavoidably surprised.

"This guy named Xiao Han was able to rise to fame near Demon Imperial City in a short period of time. As expected, he has two times. It seems that the old man can't be taken lightly when he competes with this kind of opponent."

After this thought flashed in his mind, the second elder Sun Miao's expression gradually became serious.

Regarding Xiao Han's strength, the second elder Sun Miao was a little surprised.

It seems that Xiao Han is indeed a bit level, otherwise, he would not accept his assessment with such confidence.

"That Starfall Sect’s changeable body, the old man wanted to see and know for a long time. I heard that this is a set of body techniques. After practicing to a certain level, not only can he transform into a clone, but the speed is amazing. .

Although the Biluohuangquan body of our Huangquan Gate cannot be transformed into a clone, the body technique is also very powerful.

I would like to see if it is the changeable body of their Star Meteor Sect, or the Biluohuangquan body of our Huangquan Sect is better! "

Xiao Han's eyes condensed, and then he remembered that the blue and yellow body of Huangquan Gate was also a very powerful body technique.

Before on Xingyufeng, Li Chen had already performed it in front of Xiao Han.

Although the Biluohuangquan body displayed by Li Chen did not pose much of a threat to Xiao Han, Xiao Han still felt that the Biluohuangquan body had merits.

Moreover, the blue yellow spring body displayed by the second elder Sun Miao was several times faster than the blue yellow spring body displayed by Li Chen.

Obviously, the second elder, Sun Miao, has already cultivated the body of Biluohuangquan to the realm of great achievement.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han suddenly discovered that Sun Miao had shot again.

I saw Sun Miao in front of Xiao Han, and the gloomy aura all over his body began to grow stronger and stronger.

At the same time, vigorous auras slowly radiated from Sun Miao's body.

"Be careful, the third trick."

Sun Miao grinned at Xiao Han. The next moment, Sun Miao lifted his foot to the ground and stomped lightly.


A muffled noise suddenly sounded on the court. At the location where Sun Miao was, the stone slabs on the ground were turned into powder.

And the second elder Sun Miao's figure also disappeared in the same place strangely.

Just after Sun Miao's figure completely disappeared, the solemn expression on Xiao Han's face began to become more and more intense.

Xiao Han directly used Feng Yun's transformation to the extreme, leaving only a series of afterimages on the court.

"Shoo, hoo..."

Sun Miao, who emerged again, straddled a distance of several tens of meters, and a vague figure with a deep sonic boom slammed into the series of afterimages of Xiao Han.

However, before the series of sonic booms began to come out, the second elder Sun Miao's vague path seemed to be able to overcome the limitation of space, and appeared in front of Xiao Han in a short moment.

"A terrifying speed."

Looking at the blurry figure that disappeared in a flash, Xiao Han couldn't help his face slightly change.

The second elder Sun Miao used the yellow spring gate's blue yellow spring body, although it was not as weird and changeable as the Star Meteorite Sect's Fengyun Transformation Body, but the speed was beyond that.

Moreover, the blue and yellow spring body of the Huangquanmen that Sun Miao used was not at the same speed as Li Chen's blue and yellow spring body.

At this moment, Xiao Han began to show his weapons.

Stretching out his hand, the sky sword in his hand suddenly appeared in Xiao Han's hand.

At this time, Xiao Han faced the fierce offensive of the second elder Sun Miao, and it was difficult to dodge it by relying solely on Fengyun's transformation.

Moreover, Xiao Han knew that the avatar that he had availed of Fengyun Transformation, could display the strength, was simply not enough to shake Sun Miao.

"A sword breaks the sky."

Therefore, as soon as Xiao Han made his move, he began to use the strongest attacking move among the Sky Sword and Sword moves, without any reservations.

Xiao Han knew very well that Xiao Han did not dare to relax in the slightest when he was competing against a powerhouse at the peak of the Tribulation Period who was about to experience the Fivefold Tribulation.

The Cangqiang sword in Xiao Han's hand furiously slashed towards the vague figure with fierce sword aura.

The sky sword in Xiao Han's hand just started to swing, and that vague figure appeared out of thin air.

Sun Miao's fierce palm slammed the sky sword in Xiao Han's hand with a gloomy aura that soared.

"Kang Dang..."

There was a crisp sound of gold and iron crashing on the court, and many of Huangquan Sect's disciples frowned.

Soon, there was a very strong wave of vigor on the court.

Then, among everyone's astonished eyes, the two blurred figures collided fiercely.

Just as everyone was watching nervously, two vague figures flew out at the same time.


Xiao Han slipped directly on the square for hundreds of meters.

Under Xiao Han's feet, the hard bluestone floor appeared directly on two deep marks.

Even Xiao Han's legs sank deeply into the ground.

Two traces were exposed on the ground of the square paved with thick bluestone slabs.

Cracks also appeared on the surrounding bluestone slabs.

These cracks spread around like a spider web.

As for the second elder Sun Miao, he actually stepped back several tens of meters to stabilize his figure.

It's just that compared to before, the judgment is high.

Xiao Han's strength is indeed very strong, but the second elder Sun Miao in front of him is even stronger.

To be honest, Sun Miao's strength even surpassed that of the Great Elder Wan Jian of the Star Meteorite Sect.

It's just that after Xiao Han stepped into the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, he had not really fought against Wan Jianyi.

As for the second elder Sun Miao, the reason why he was able to suppress Xiao Han was because Sun Miao was indeed stronger than Xiao Han, but the most important thing was the situation in the valley at Huangquanmen.

In this valley is the mountain gate of Huangquan Gate.

The difference between Huangquanmen's cultivation technique and other schools is the gloomy aura.

Fighting here, Sun Miao, who practiced Huangquanmen's exercises, mobilized those gloomy auras as he pleased.

And Xiao Han, even though he said that the aura of the two layers of ice and fire in his body could suppress the gloomy aura around him, after all, he still had to separate his mind to resist the gloomy aura around him.

In this way, Xiao Han would be more or less suppressed, and he needed to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body to resist.

And the second elder Sun Miao, in the gloomy aura around him, seemed like a fish in water.

The gloomy aura permeating the valley can make Sun Miao constantly replenish the consumption in his body.

In this way, the advantages of the second elder Sun Miao will only continue to expand.

If this continues, it is still unknown whether Xiao Han can survive ten moves under the fierce attack of the second elder Sun Miao.

Many people on the field, especially those high-level members of Huangquanmen, can actually vaguely see the direction of the situation on the field.

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