The move just now, although Xiao Han used the Sky Sword to block it, the gloomy aura still invaded Xiao Han's body. Although the injury was not serious, it caused Xiao Han a lot of trouble.

Under this situation, Xiao Han's expression became increasingly gloomy.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Han suddenly said in a deep voice: "Second elder, if I guess it is correct, you definitely have not only experienced the strength of the triple heavenly tribulation, you should have survived the fifth heavenly tribulation."

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, there was dead silence on the court.

Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquan Gate, shook his head with a wry smile. Xiao Han only noticed now that it seemed a bit late.

If it were not for the second elder, Sun Miao, who had just experienced the five heavenly calamities not long ago, how could Li Guiyuan be so worried that Xiao Han would not be able to pass the test?

It was the first time that many people on the court heard that the second elder Sun Miao had already experienced the five-fold tribulation, and their faces showed shocked expressions.

There is a big gap between these three heavenly tribulations and five heavenly tribulations.

The second elder, Sun Miao, had already experienced the Five Heavens Tribulation, which was great news for them at Huangquan Sect.

This shows that they have another pinnacle powerhouse in Huangquanmen.

But now, for Xiao Han on the court, it's bad news.

No matter how powerful Xiao Han is, he is just a young generation who has just stepped into the peak of the Tribulation Period.

Even if Xiao Han's combat effectiveness is very good, but in a Sun Miao who is equivalent to surpassing his two small realms, his combat effectiveness is not even a star and a half.

Under such circumstances, how could Xiao Han have a chance to win?

Although Xiao Han is now accepting the ten tricks, as long as Xiao Han can stick to the ten tricks in the hands of the second elder Sun Miao, he will be considered a winner.

However, the biggest question is whether Xiao Han can stick to the ten tricks in the hands of the second elder Sun Miao.

Although Xiao Han said that he could break through the boundary and kill the enemy, he could only surpass a small realm.

If it was the power gap between the two small realms, Xiao Han would never be sure that he could defeat such an opponent.

Therefore, let alone other people present, even Xiao Han did not have much confidence in this battle.

Fortunately, what Xiao Han had to do was not to defeat the second elder Sun Miao, but to survive ten moves in the hands of the second elder.

" about it, Xiao Han, are you still confident that you can stop me with ten moves?" At this moment, the second elder Sun Miao laughed wildly.

Now, he has mastered the initiative on the court.

At this time, Sun Miao had roughly grasped Xiao Han's background and strength.

Even in the next move, what if Xiao Han can barely resist a few moves.

With Sun Miao's strength, it was not difficult at all to clean up Xiao Han within ten moves.

You know, the same powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Tribulation Period, there is a big difference between having experienced the Triple Heaven Tribulation and not experiencing the Triple Heaven Tribulation.

What's more, Xiao Han hasn't survived the triple calamity at all, he has just stepped into the peak realm of the robbery period not long ago.

Compared with Sun Miao, Xiao Han's strength gap is still very large.

If it weren't for Xiao Han's transformation with the help of Xingyunzong's wind and cloud, and relying solely on Xiao Han's own speed, there would be no way to avoid Sun Miao's Bi Luo Huangquan body.

Had it not been for Xiao Han's speed to outperform everyone of his generation, I am afraid Xiao Han would have long been unable to hold on to Sun Miao's hands.

However, although Xiao Han is still struggling to deal with Sun Miao now, this is much better than when Xiao Han just met the great elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect, when he was just running away in embarrassment. Up.

At least now Xiao Han is still a little embarrassed facing opponents surpassing Wan Jianyi, but at least Xiao Han can barely maintain the situation on the court.

Now Xiao Han is struggling to deal with it, but at least Xiao Han still blocked Sun Miao's many moves.

If it were someone else in the same generation, he would have already lost to Sun Miao.

For example, before Xiao Han’s Li Chen, let’s not talk about four strokes and five strokes. I am afraid that within three strokes, the second elder Sun Miao can make Li Chen get down.

Xiao Han's figure retreated violently, while thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

But Sun Miao, the second elder, didn't let go of such an opportunity and rushed forward.

Even if Xiao Han had the Sky Sword in his hand, Sun Miao rarely confronted Xiao Han's Sky Sword.

Relying on his flexible posture, Sun Miao was able to attack Xiao Han before Xiao Han could use the Sky Sword. Xiao Han was caught off guard.

Moreover, Sun Miao is not only not inferior to Xiao Han in speed, but even the overall strength can completely crush Xiao Han.

So Xiao Han can only support it hard now, whether he can survive the ten tricks, I really don't know.

"It won't work anymore. It seems that if the Little Monster Beast Wangcai is not displayed, I am afraid it will be really difficult to stick to the tenth trick."

Xiao Han sighed in his heart, thinking that he would still use that high-grade spiritual weapon to resist one or two.

"Do you think you can keep dodge to the end? Then you are too naive."

"I don't have so much thought to play with you here. If that's the case, let's decide the outcome with one move."

Sun Miao smiled and looked at Xiao Han, who could only dodge constantly under his onslaught.

With a thought, Sun Miao's figure once again disappeared from the spot, and he shot directly at Xiao Han.

At the moment when Sun Miao's figure disappeared, Xiao Han, who was retreating violently, also forcibly stopped.

Xiao Han's feet stomped fiercely on the ground, and all the hard bluestone slabs on the ground were smashed into powder with the swift and fierce energy.

Then Xiao Han stretched out his hand and waved, the stone dust on the ground soon turned into a cloud of smoke and began to spread on the court.

As a result, the entire square was enveloped by waves of dust. Sun Miao wanted to travel through space and had to lock Xiao Han's specific location first.

Xiao Han is doing this now, so that when he avoids, he can interfere with part of Sun Miao's perception in advance and create opportunities for himself.

The dust that spread on the court made many Huangquanmen sect disciples unable to see the situation on the court, but it did not stop Sun Miao's offensive.

"Small bugs have no effect in front of me."

The second elder Sun Miao sneered.

After that, Sun Miao's figure suddenly rushed out in front of Xiao Han.

Just as Sun Miao's figure swept out of the smoke and dust, Xiao Han's figure had already begun to burst into the surrounding dust like lightning, and afterimages flashed away.

The series of afterimages that appeared on the field were surprisingly fast, but they were still crunched by the second elder Sun Miao to the trajectory of Xiao Han in advance.

The second elder didn't expect Xiao Han to think that this clumsy method could confuse his own perception.

The second elder was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly sneered, and said with a grin: "I want to avoid me? How can it be so easy..."

As soon as the voice fell, the second elder Sun Miao's figure suddenly changed, and after a while, he appeared directly in front of Xiao Han's series of afterimages, directly following in Xiao Han's footsteps.

With a sharp breath, Sun Miao's big hand slapped Xiao Han's back fiercely.

With this palm, Sun Miao didn't leave any hands.

This palm embodies Sun Miao's lifelong skill.

Sun Miao decided to determine the outcome with one move, and no longer gave Xiao Han a chance to escape.

And Sun Miao has already used his speed to the extreme.

and so.

This palm hit Xiao Han's back without any suspense, without any deviation.

When the fierce energy from Sun Miao's palm was poured into Xiao Han's body, the huge force directly shot Xiao Han away.

Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation on the court.

In this way, Xiao Han's figure was slapped by Sun Miao for hundreds of meters, and then hit a wall on the side of the main hall.

The thick stone wall was full of traces of cracks, Xiao Han was deeply plunged into the wall, and the cracks on the surrounding walls spread out, making people startling.

Those Huangquanmen elders who were standing at the entrance of the main hall were happy, but Li Guiyuan, the master of Huangquanmen, looked sideways at this scene, his expression slightly changed.

Did Xiao Han lose?

A look of loss flashed in Li Sisi's eyes.

It seems that Xiao Han's strength is good, but compared with the second elder Sun Miao, there is still a gap.

Seeing this scene, Li Chen on the side sneered: "Hehe, Xiao Han, this guy, has fallen out of standard today. Although he was suppressed by the second elders a little bit fortunately, he shouldn't just run away and take such a big one behind him. The flaws are left to the second elders. It seems that Xiao Han also knows that he is bound to lose, so he doesn't want to continue struggling, right?"

At this moment, Xiao Han finally climbed out of the wall.

Even Xiao Han couldn't help being a little bit ashamed now.

After struggling for a while, Xiao Han staggered out. It seemed that Xiao Han still had no intention of surrendering.

Seeing this, Sun Miao frowned, and a cruel expression flashed across his face.

His figure flashed, and the whole person appeared directly in front of Xiao Han. When he raised his hand, he directly pinched Xiao Han's neck, and lifted Xiao Han off the ground as soon as he sent his energy.

A trace of murderous aura flashed in Sun Miao's eyes. He stared at Xiao Han's face and said in a deep voice, "Stop doing unnecessary struggles. Just give in. If the old man wanted to kill you, you would already be dead."

Xiao Han was restrained by the second elder Sun Miao, and even the vital part of his throat was pinched by Sun Miao. There was no room for resistance.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Huangquan Sect disciples all forgot to applaud and watched the scene on the court dumbfounded.

However, Li Guiyuan and the elder Li Longji, the master of Huangquanmen, glanced at each other, and both saw the regret in each other's eyes.

Unexpectedly, a genius like Xiao Han could not stop the second elder Sun Miao's strength from crushing.

It seems that the overall situation is set, and Xiao Han's defeat has become a fact.

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