The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2428: News about the Demon King

Thinking of this, Xiao Han signaled Luffy to speed up the journey.

Under the control of Luffy, that flying monster directly turned into a black shadow and flashed across the blue sky, flying at high speed towards the large city at the end of Xiao Han's line of sight.

When the flying monsters arrived in the sky above Yunwu City, this time, Luffy still parked the flying monsters outside the city in a place specially used to park the flying monsters.

Xiao Han said hello to Lu Fei, and then flashed directly from the back of the flying monster beast towards the middle of the cloud city.

Right now, the Lu family is the largest in the entire Yunwu City. Except for the Lu family's masters, others naturally dare not stop Xiao Han.

Some of the strong men in the Lu family who were in charge of city defense naturally recognized Xiao Han's breath. The incoming person was their Lu family's new uncle, and they did not stop them.

Xiao Han flew directly into Yunwu City, and then landed outside a wall of Lujia Manor.

Then, Xiao Han walked directly towards the gate of Lujia Manor.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly discovered that many people were standing at the entrance of the Lujia Manor. Judging from the costumes and appearance of those people, they should all be figures with faces and faces.

It's just that now, these people are standing at the door of the Lujia Manor with a look of expectation, as if they are waiting for something.

Xiao Han had just appeared at the gate of Lu's Manor. Before Xiao Han could speak, several young guards at Lu's gate had already greeted him.

One of the young men with the look of a chieftain respectfully exclaimed: "My uncle is back?"

Suddenly, everyone at the entrance of the manor looked at Xiao Han.

Many people recognized that this was the new uncle of the Lu family, the guy named Xiao Han.

Some time ago, Xiao Han, the man of Lu Family Patriarch Lu Xuan, fought for the Lu Family to pass through the entire spatial teleportation formation, but there was a lot of rumors in the entire Yunwu City.

And many people have seen with their own eyes how Xiao Han killed the Quartet.

The entire Cloud Mist City knows that now the Lu family not only has a good relationship with Huangquan Sect, but also has a young master at the peak of the Tribulation Period, whose combat effectiveness is very terrifying.

Xiao Han sighed lightly at the gaze around him, not paying attention.

Although Xiao Han is still a little uncomfortable with the Lu family calling himself aunt, Xiao Han still smiled and nodded: "Well, I'm back."

Seeing Xiao Han's peaceful look, the respectful look in the eyes of the Lu Family guards guarding the gate was even more obvious.

With the strength of this new uncle, he was so approachable in front of ordinary children of the Lu family, without any pretensions at all.

The young man with the appearance of the chief hurriedly sent someone in to inform Lu Xuan and others, and he was responsible for personally leading Xiao Han to the manor.

The head of the guard took Xiao Han to the depths of the champion, and whispered to Xiao Han: "The master has ordered, as long as the uncle comes back, he will send someone to notify her immediately."

"Thank you."

The man said with a proud face: "Aunty, you are too polite, because of you, our Lu family is already proud of this cloud city, and now no one dares to provoke our Lu family."

"It's better to keep a low profile." Xiao Han smiled slightly and said lightly.

"My uncle taught me." The man lowered his head and said convincingly.

Not long after Xiao Han followed the head of the bodyguard into the manor, he saw Lu Xuan, Chen Jinnan, Yumei Empress and others hurriedly in front of him.

Lu Xuan walked over first, and after seeing that Xiao Han was safe, she breathed a long sigh of relief and said softly, "Xiao Han, you are back. It will take you seven or eight days to go. I am also worried that the people at Huangquanmen will embarrass you."

"No, didn't I come back?" Seeing the concerned look in Lu Xuan's eyes, Xiao Han smiled and said, "The reason why I stayed for so many days is mainly to help Huangquanmen arrange a formation. So it was delayed for a few days. By the way, why are so many people standing at the door."

"It's not all because of you. Recently, our Lu family has become very lively because of you." Lu Xuan covered her mouth and smiled.

"Why is it because of me?"

Chen Jinnan on the side said first: "Since your birth, many forces in Cloud Mist City now know that the Lu family is already the leading family in Cloud Mist City, so those people outside come to see the Lu Family Patriarch, they want Come to build a good relationship with the Lu family, and by the way, I want to get to know you, a young and powerful person in the pinnacle realm."

Lu Xuan nodded and smiled: "This is indeed the case. Recently, I have been fainted. There are people who can't meet all day long. I have seen all the key people I should meet now. I really don't want to see the rest.

I think some of them are not the forces in Cloud Mist City. I heard that they want to come to our Lujia to explore the wind first, and see if you can make you a master of their team or the honorary elder of the forces. "

Xiao Han smiled and waved his hand, and said: "Pull it down, what I am most annoying is this kind of welcoming and sending. As for the title of honorary elder, I don't dare to be interested. Even Huangquanmen wants to keep me. They all refused directly."

Lu Xuan smiled: "Of course I know that you don't like this kind of welcoming and sending things, so I have rejected it for you, and also let out a word, if anyone dares to trouble you with this kind of thing, we Lujia Just be polite to them. Now those people outside are unwilling to give up. They want to come to our Lu family to clear up the relationship, probably they dare not find you in person.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly turned his head and looked at Empress Yumei and Luo Luo not far away.


Xiao Han's expression changed, and soon he noticed something strange.

It turned out that Xiao Han suddenly felt that the aura on Empress Yumei and Luoluo seemed to be much stronger than before.

Xiao Han was pleased and asked softly: "You two broke through at the same time? Not bad."

Empress Yumei blushed, and smiled: "As far as the last few days, you know, I have been walking on the same place with Luoluo for a long time, and it's already very slow to break the border now."

"Yes, Brother Xiao Han." Luoluo smiled on the side: "You still said, since this period of time, your cultivation level and strength have been advancing by leaps and bounds. If sister Yumei and I are not moving, we are about to do it. We were so anxious."

"There are some things you can't worry about. Since it's broken now, it's a good thing." Xiao Han laughed softly.

In fact, Xiao Han had already noticed that Empress Yumei and Luoluo had already touched the opportunity to break the realm.

It's just that things like breaking the border can't be anxious.

When Xiao Han met Empress Yumei, she had just been promoted to the seventh-order monster.

It has been almost two years since the time has passed, and Empress Yumei has now stepped into the eighth level, and this progress is not slow.

You must know that many seventh-order monsters will not be able to break through that bottleneck until the day they die.

Empress Yumei was able to advance from the seventh to the eighth rank in just over a year, which was already very good.

As for Luo Luo, the speed of Luo Luo's breakthrough was incredible because he had practiced the Demon Clan Cultivation Technique before.

It’s just that after Luoluo met Xiao Han, Xiao Han used the Demon Clan cultivation technique in her body to help Luo Luo stabilize the demon qi in her body. So now no one can see Luoluo. She had practiced the Demon Clan. Of the exercises.

It's just that the speed of improvement of the cultivation level before the fall is really amazing, so the combat effectiveness is somewhat weak.

Xiao Han's suggestion is that the next level of realm improvement should not be too fast, and it is best to slow down to make up for the previous level of emptiness.

Now that Luo Luo followed Xiao Han, he had only broken the boundary now, and it was already the result of Luo Luo's desperate suppression.

This is a good thing for Luoluo.

Now that Luoluo and Yumei Niangniang beside Xiao Han broke through at the same time, it was also great news for Xiao Han.

In this way, the strength of Xiao Han's side will once again improve by leaps and bounds. Once something happens, Xiao Han doesn't have to worry too much about the safety of Luoluo and Yumei Empress.

After all, the combat effectiveness of the two masters in the early stage of the Tribulation Period is already good.

After that, Xiao Han greeted Empress Yumei and Luoluo and the others, and the group began to walk into a courtyard.

"It's better to talk about business." Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then asked softly: "Lu Xuan, before I go to Huangquanmen, is there anything you asked you to investigate for me?"

After hearing Xiao Han's question, Lu Xuan's expression instantly became much more serious.

She winked at Xiao Han first, and then led Xiao Han and others into a courtyard. After everyone had sat down in the room, Lu Xuan said softly: "You let our Lu family investigate Some news has indeed been sent back."

Hearing this, Xiao Han's spirit suddenly lifted slightly.

Sure enough, there was information about the disappearance of the Demon Emperor and the Demon Race.

"In the days when you were away, our Lu family found some intelligence, plus the young master Zhang Quanzong who Chen Jinnan helped torturing the Demon Clan in the past few days has also gained some gains."

Hearing this, the smile on Xiao Han's face gradually disappeared.

A fierce murderous intent swept across Xiao Han's face instead.

Perceiving the changes and fluctuations in Xiao Han's body, everyone in the entire house couldn't help but stare, and the atmosphere on the court began to become serious.

After hearing Lu Xuan's words, Xiao Han's eyes fixed on Chen Jinnan not far away.

Even Xiao Han's breathing began to become a little rush because of his excitement.

It seems that this time, most of the news was obtained by Chen Jinnan, who severely tortured Zhang Quanzong, the young master of the demon clan, except for the Lu family sending people out to investigate.

Many years have passed since Xiao Han's father Xiao Zhan was arrested by the Demon Emperor.

And in all these years, although Xiao Han's father Xiao Zhan had no life threats, Xiao Han knew that his father must have suffered a lot in the hands of the Demon Emperor.

Xiao Han knows very well that the reason why he can gradually awaken in the secular world is probably because his father Xiao Zhan left behind.

In other words, there is room in Xiao Han's blood.

Because of this, Xiao Han was able to become a gas refiner from an ordinary high school student.

Along the way, Xiao Han relied on his own efforts to achieve his current level of cultivation and strength.

Xiao Han has been thinking about his father all the time for so many years.

From the beginning, Xiao Han only vaguely guessed that his father was not dead, but gradually Xiao Han found the clues left by his father.

Xiao Han had always been looking forward to one day, saving his father Xiao Zhan from the hands of the Demon Emperor.

Therefore, as soon as Xiao Han heard news about his father's relationship, Xiao Han's mood became very excited.

Seeing Xiao Han so excited, Chen Jinnan couldn't help but reminded: "Xiao Han, don't worry, it is not a simple matter to rescue your father Xiao Zhan. Any mistakes, it may not only be that there is no way to save your father, but you yourself will have to die for nothing."

Hearing this, Xiao Han groaned for a moment, then nodded gently.

Chen Jinnan was right.

Xiao Han hadn't planned to act so soon.

After all, he wanted to rescue his father, without sufficient preparation, he would die if he went.

The most important thing now is for Xiao Han to improve his strength as soon as possible, as well as the strength of his opponents.

Xiao Han took a few deep breaths and forcibly suppressed his ups and downs.

After Xiao Han regained his composure, he turned to look at Lu Xuan, and asked softly, "Lu Xuan, let me talk about the information you found this time."

Lu Xuan nodded and said: "In fact, I really want to say that our Lu family did not send people out to inquire about the news specifically for this time. Although our Lu family is only a force in Cloud City, it is about every move in the vicinity of Demon Imperial City. They are very caring, so in other cities outside, our Lu family also has our own set of intelligence networks, and our Lu family's spies have inquired about Mingshan's movements through various channels."

"What's going on?" Xiao Han asked quickly.

At this time, Chen Jinnan rushed and said, "A few days ago, the ancestors of the Lu family used a secret method to use the power of God's consciousness of Zhang Quanzong to send your power of God's consciousness to Mingshan. Later, the secret agent of the Lu family found out. It's abnormal. After that, I had nothing to do, so I just went to Quanzong Zhang... to chat."

Speaking of this, Chen Jinnan said with some embarrassment: "I have received some training in Xiaoyao Sect, and I have some experience in interrogating the enemy. Under my method, the whole Sect Zhang has said everything that can be said. He said that you were forcing you some time ago. He sent a power of divine consciousness to the underworld, and those demon emperor's men must have noticed your presence. To be cautious, they will definitely transfer your father again."

Having said this, Xiao Han had some reaction.

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