The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 466: First girlfriend

After talking a few words, Xiao Han and Chen Zihan left the China World Trade Center.

Xiao Han had already spent a lot of money. Chen Zihan naturally didn't want to spend any more. 80,000 yuan was spent, but it was very painful. Not to mention eighty thousand, even eight thousand, even eight hundred yuan, he felt like cutting meat.

"Xiao Han, there is actually no need to buy these clothes." Chen Zihan still feels distressed.

"I bought it all." Xiao Han took Chen Zihan's hand and said, "So, don't feel bad."

"Oh, okay." Chen Zihan nodded and said: "I bought everything, but... are you sure your girlfriend won't mind?"

Xiao Han turned his head to look at Chen Zihan, a playful look flashed in this girl's eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "Aren't you my girlfriend?"

"Huh!" Chen Zihan snorted softly, and then said: "I think, but, don't you have a girlfriend at Mizuki University? What am I? Am I a third party!"

When it comes to this issue, Xiao Han feels an incomparable sense of confusion. In fact, he felt ashamed of Chen Zihan. Therefore, when buying this piece of clothing, there was a sense of atonement. Although a piece of clothing was far from able to make up for Chen Zihan's inner pain, he felt that there was only so much he could do.

"I was wrong, all right?" Xiao Han said helplessly.

"Forget it, I forgive you." Chen Zihan pursed his lips, and then said, "It's just a girlfriend anyway, right?"

Chen Zihan still has illusions about Xiao Han in his heart. Although Xiao Han is not as rich as Jiang Xiaoliang, no one can say about feelings. Chen Zihan always cared about Xiao Han in her heart, even though she was far away abroad, she still cared about Xiao Han very much.

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Right." Chen Zihan suddenly smiled.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"Next semester, there seems to be exchange activities between Harvard University and Mizuki University." Chen Zihan smiled slightly and said: "You said, what if I exchange students with Mizuki University?"

"Huh?" Xiao Han was dumbfounded.

There seems to be an academic exchange between Harvard University and Mizuki University. But it was also a matter of the past two years. The reason why Chen Aiguo has paid a lot for Shuimu University can be seen from this point. Although Shuimu University is a key university in China, it is also one of the top ten universities, but it is not as well-known as Tsinghua and Peking University. Therefore, it is possible to have academic exchanges between Mizuki University and Harvard University, which has proved Mizuki University's rising status in China.

"Why? You are not welcome?" Chen Zihan asked.

"No, no, no." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "You were originally a Chinese student, but now you want to exchange back to China? This...what is the trouble, this reminds me of a joke."

"What joke?" Chen Zihan blinked.

"There is an old man from Beijing, China. Because the smog in Beijing is too heavy, he decided to travel to Washington, USA." Xiao Han smiled, and said: "Just got off the plane, the old man saw a random lottery on the street. He was very curious about the game, so he went forward to draw. Who knew he won a special prize, what is your prize?"

"What is it?" Chen Zihan asked rhetorically.

"A seven-day tour in Beijing, China." Xiao Han laughed.


When Chen Zihan heard it, he burst into laughter, leaning forward and back, laughing so hard that he could barely straighten his waist.

"This uncle is really unlucky." Chen Zihan laughed and said: "I just arrived in the United States to get some fresh air, but I haven't gotten over it yet. Are you going back to Beijing again?"

"What is the difference between this hapless uncle and you?" Xiao Han asked rhetorically.

"Huh!" Chen Zihan heard it and said, "Do you mean Sang Shuhuai?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that." Xiao Han shook his head hurriedly.

"I think you have this meaning." Chen Zihan snorted and said, "Are you afraid that I will go to Shuimu University and ruin the relationship between you and your girlfriend?"

"Nothing." Xiao Han waved his hand again and again.


Chen Zihan suddenly giggled when Xiao Han was so nervous.

"Okay, you girl, dare to tease me." Seeing this, Xiao Han rushed forward.

Chen Zihan ran away. This girl was very proud. While running, she smiled at Xiao Han and said, "You come after me, you come after me."

Xiao Han naturally wouldn't let her go, so he chased after her. However, Xiao Han did not work hard, but kept following closely. Deliberately keeping a certain distance with Chen Zihan, the fight between lovers is not a fight between enemies. Lovers must have a certain sentiment, and Xiao Han has always deliberately maintained such a sentiment in it.

The two of them just laughed on the street like this, chasing and hitting, you chase me.

Soon, Xiao Han chased him up, and then took Chen Zihan into his arms. Xiao Han pretended to be vicious and said, "Don't you want me to catch up with you? Now I'm catching up. You run, why don't you run?"

"Hehe..." Chen Zihan chuckled. She looked at Xiao Han with shame, affectionately, and touching.

Xiao Han was almost melted by the girl's eyes, he took a deep breath, then couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed it. He gently kissed Chen Zihan's red lips. Chen Zihan's red lips were slightly cold, and there seemed to be a hint of coldness in the red lips. Xiao Han's tongue easily pried Chen Zihan's red lips, and then he slammed Chen Zihan's teeth away, and the tip of his tongue slammed into Huanglong, which looked extremely smooth.

Chen Zihan did not stop at all along the way, but cooperated very well with Xiao Han. When Xiao Han’s tongue touched Chen Zihan’s red lips, Chen Zihan had already opened his mouth; when Xiao Han’s tongue touched Chen Zihan’s teeth, Chen Zihan has loosened his teeth.

The two kissed easily.

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth raised a smile, and his heart seemed to bloom with joy. The two kissed wildly, and Chen Zihan didn't refuse Xiao Han's kiss because he was at a street intersection. Chen Zihan has also been educated in Western culture to some extent, and maintains an open-minded attitude towards such things. If she changed to the former Chen Zihan, she might feel a little embarrassed at the intersection of the street, but now Chen Zihan does not feel that way. On the contrary, she has been holding Xiao Han's neck all the time, and the two kissed passionately and affectionately. Together.

The kiss between the two of them lasted a long time, as if the kiss was desperate, as if the kiss was desperate.

Until Chen Zihan was almost choking, she hurriedly pushed Xiao Han away.

"Xiao Han, you bastard, do you want to suffocate me?" Chen Zihan's face flushed, she cursed with a hint of anger in her shyness: "You can't let me take a breath?"

"I can't wait to kiss you for 24 hours." Xiao Han gritted his teeth and said.

"Really?" Chen Zihan was not angry and rejoiced, then smiled: "Did you lie to me?"

"Of course I didn't lie to you." Xiao Han hurriedly shook his head, and then said: "Why am I willing to lie to you?"

"Then tell me, do you like me or your current girlfriend?" Chen Zihan suddenly threw out his assassin. This problem caused Xiao Han's super brain to crash immediately. Xiao Han looked at Chen Zihan dumbfounded with a helpless expression.

In fact, this question is really not easy to answer. If Xiao Han says he likes Chen Zihan, then Chen Zihan will let Xiao Han be with him. After all, being with the person he likes is love in the true sense. However, if Xiao Han says that he likes the blue rain butterfly, Chen Zihan will be heartbroken, and he will feel sad. With Chen Zihan's character, he would probably but turn his head and leave. Therefore, no matter how Xiao Han answered, it would not be beneficial.

"I..." Xiao Han hesitated.

"You say it." Chen Zihan asked, staring at Xiao Han with straight eyes.

"I..." Xiao Han hesitated for a long time, and finally looked at Chen Zihan innocently, and then said: "Can I say I like them all?"

"Do you think you are Ximen Qing?" Chen Zihan looked at Xiao Han disdainfully.

"Then you tell me, how should I answer this question?" Xiao Han looked at Chen Zihan innocently. Xiao Han was very innocent, because he really didn't know what to do. Such a problem makes it very difficult for him to choose.

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you." Chen Zihan shook his head, then turned to leave.

"Are you angry?" Xiao Han hurriedly ran after him, and then took Chen Zihan's arm.

"I'm not angry." Chen Zihan shook his head.

"Then why are you leaving?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"I'm just a little sad." Chen Zihan sighed, and then said: "Once you were my man, I didn't expect you to be someone else's man now. I know that the problem I just had made you very embarrassed, in fact, in my heart There is no standard answer. So the answer you just said is a perfect answer in a sense. It won't make me angry or sad."

Listening to Chen Zihan's words, Xiao Han was somewhat sad.

Chen Zihan is his first love girlfriend after all, so his feelings for Chen Zihan are true. Because it is a first-time girlfriend, so, it can be said that he used the most affection back then. So that Chen Zihan left, and Xiao Han wrote the college entrance examination composition with painstaking efforts and tears in the examination room of his life. In fact, Xiao Han didn't think about getting high scores. I just didn't expect to get a high score accidentally, which is totally unexpected. Because in the composition of the college entrance examination, it is absolutely forbidden to write about the relationship between men and women. If you touch it a little, you will get zero points immediately. At that time, Xiao Han really took a big risk. Fortunately, the teacher who wrote the college entrance examination was wise, and did not bury this **** article by Xiao Han.

"Zihan, I'm sorry." Xiao Han looked at Chen Zihan seriously, and said: "I really didn't expect me to develop into the way I am now. I...I'm sorry."

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