"But, a copper mine is countless wealth." Zhao Lizhong said hurriedly: "Where can such a copper mine be kept without mining?"

Now that Xiao Han has said it, it proves that Xiao Han estimated that there is a way out, even if there is no copper mine, it is estimated that there is a way to get a copper mine. Zhao Lizhong is involved in hotel planning. If there is a copper mine to show your talents, it would be a very good stage to get it.

The corner of Zhao Lizhong's mouth raised a look of expectation.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "Actually I want to mine too!"

"Xiao Han, what do you mean by this?" Yang Lu asked curiously, "Do you have a copper mine?"

"Almost." Xiao Han smiled and said: "I will be able to get it in about a year, and the shares of the copper mine will fall into my hands. At that time, I plan to exchange the blood of all the management of the copper mine and put them all Change to my own person, so that I can rest assured. But, I don’t have anyone to use. Brother Zhao has been helping me open up the catering market, and Sister Yang will help me run a restaurant and a technology company. I also know you. Very busy!"

"Xiaohan!" At this time, Zhao Lizhong said hurriedly: "I can find someone to replace me in the catering market. Leave it to me about the copper mine. I also want to challenge myself."

"Is it really possible?" Xiao Han asked in surprise.

"Of course!" Zhao Lizhong nodded immediately.

"That's good!" Xiao Han nodded when he heard it, and said, "You help me fix the catering market, and I will let you do it for the copper mine. You must help me make a performance for the first year."

"Don't worry." When Zhao Lizhong heard it, he patted his chest, and said: "The copper mine market is so good now, and the country is in Daxing real estate. The price of copper mines is soaring. Even a fool can make money even if he manages it. What a fool!"

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "Brother Zhao, I'll take care of you about the copper mine."

"Good!" Zhao Lizhong nodded.

At this time, Yang Lu revealed a smirk of joy and said: "Xiao Han, I never believed that you could establish a group company. Now it seems that our pace is getting faster and faster, and we are getting closer and closer to our goal. ."

"Sister Yang, Meida Group intends to enter the provincial real estate this year." Xiao Han said, "Presumably you already know about this. However, what I want to say is that I want to let Meida Group gradually go bankrupt. ."

"This..." Yang Lu was taken aback for a moment.

"Don't ask why!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "This is a personal grievance. We were not qualified to fight against them before, but now it's different. With the copper mining industry, I believe we can establish the Hanmen Group in the second half of this year. As long as the Hanmen Group is established, we can find a way to attack the Mida Group economically. Moreover, in the provincial and urban areas, I will find someone to help. When the time comes, the provincial and Linjiang cities will work together, and I will not believe in Mida. The group can stand firm."

"Okay!" Yang Lu nodded and said: "What do you want to do, I will cooperate with you!"

"From this year on, our Hanmen Group has two goals!" Xiao Han looked at Yang Lu and Zhao Lizhong seriously, Li Da Pang shrank in the corner and did not say anything. He didn't have too many management matters because he was not well-educated. . Therefore, he just listened to every shareholder meeting. As for what Xiao Han and the others made, he only needed to understand and not too much to participate. Unless there was a need to vote, Da Pang Li would participate.

"Which two?" Da Pang Li asked curiously.

"First, set up the Hanmen Group; second, make a high-profile appearance." Xiao Han smiled slightly and said: "From this year on, we will change our previous style, and often expose it in front of the media to increase the influence of our Hanmen Group. "

"I see!" Yang Lu nodded.

Xiao Han's approach is actually not complicated. It is nothing more than to increase the influence of the poor group and strive to have enough strength to assist him when attacking the Meida Group. The current Meida Group can be regarded as a mainstream force in Linjiang City. However, the poor family is only a small company and has not yet established a group company. Therefore, it is not an opponent of Mida Group at all.

This is the first shareholder meeting of Hanmen Company this year. The poor company has five major shareholders, Xiao Han, Liu Si, Li Dapang, Zhao Lizhong and Yang Lu. However, Liu Si has no decision-making power. Therefore, the general meeting of shareholders basically excluded him.

However, this time the decision of the shareholders meeting needs to be reported to Liu Si.

"Okay, you guys are busy first." Xiao Han stood up and said, "I should go to Sifang Technology."

"Are you going to find Liu Si?" Zhao Lizhong heard it and said immediately: "If we want to take over the copper mine, we must make this clear. Liu Si has 49% of our poor company. If he continues to hold so many shares, it will definitely lose money to us."

"I know, so I plan to find him." Xiao Han smiled.

"Okay, you should have a good chat with him!" Zhao Lizhong nodded.

"Don't worry, I will protect the interests of our poor family!" Xiao Han smiled slightly.

Afterwards, Xiao Han left the poor restaurant. Then drove straight towards Sifang Technology.

The headquarters of Sifang Technology is in the Big Rich Entertainment Club in the city center. At this time, there was no one in the Big Rich Entertainment Club. The night is the most lively time for the rich.

When arriving at the rich man, the door was empty, and two men in security uniforms patrolled the door. Seeing Xiao Han coming, the two hurriedly greeted thousands of people.

"Mr. Xiao, happy new year." Two security guards saluted.

"Happy new year." Xiao Han gave them a red envelope. The two smiled suddenly.

They all knew Xiao Han's identity. As the gatekeeper of a rich man, you have to recognize your face at the very least, otherwise you will be beaten. Xiao Han is Li Si's guest. If this is not recognized, the security guard should not be a security guard.

Xiao Han soon went up to the fifth floor of the rich man.

The fifth floor of the rich man is the office of Sifang Technology. Speaking of it, Sifang Technology, a company of this size, also has a luxurious office building in Linjiang City. At first, Liu Si didn’t like to work in an office building in a proper manner. He simply moved his office building to a large office building. The fifth floor of the rich, here, is quiet and elegant, no one is arguing. Moreover, the surrounding area will not worry about going to work due to heavy traffic.

Of course, for Liu Si, it doesn't matter whether he goes to work or not. However, he likes to drink tea by nature, and he is a bit lustful. Therefore, he is absolutely right in the Big Regal Entertainment Club.

What kind of things is Big Regal Entertainment Club engaged in? Talking about the entertainment industry, in fact, there are some hidden transactions on the second and third floors, and this kind of transaction has always made the big rich entertainment club like a bucket of gold.

Xiao Han went up to the fifth floor.


He knocked on the door of Liu Si's office.

"Come in!" Liu Si's voice came from the office.

Xiao Han pushed the door and entered.

In the office, Liu Si is wearing a black suit and holding a jade pipe in his hand. He is lying on the sofa. On the side, his military commander is giving advice to himself. Suddenly, he sees Xiao Han coming in and Liu Si has a face. Surprised, he said, "Xiao Han, why are you here?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, and then said, "I want to discuss something with you today."

The strategist hesitated, and Liu Si nodded at him.

"Then you talk, I'll go first!" The military division smiled.

Before leaving, he closed the door of the office.

As soon as the military commander left, Xiao Han walked over slowly, and Liu Si greeted enthusiastically: "Come on, sit down, this is a big Chinese New Year. I thought you were gathering with classmates and it was lively. I wanted to disturb you too, but I'm afraid of disturbing your Yaxing, so I haven't looked for you!"

"Really?" Xiao Han said with a smile, "Mr Liu is really polite."

"What kind of courtesy?" Liu Si smiled slightly, and then said: "You and I are partners in interest. This year, your growth is obvious to all, and you have created considerable profits for our Sifang Technology. I really want to thank you for one thing!"

"Thank you, forget it!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "If Sifang Technology hadn't invested in us, it would have been impossible for the poor to develop to this day."

"By the way, what should be the matter if you came to see me today?" Liu Si asked curiously. He was full of curiosity about Xiao Han's arrival. Xiao Han never took the initiative to take the initiative. It was done on the phone. Very rarely visits, since it is a visit, there must be something important.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Our company has held a shareholders meeting!"

"Huh?" Liu Siyi was taken aback, and said with a smile: "I'm a big shareholder in the poor."

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "It is precisely because you are a major shareholder in a poor family. So, am I not going to report to you on our work? Although you are our major shareholder, you are an investment type. Shareholders have no decision-making power."

"Okay!" Liu Siyi smiled bitterly.

When he first invested, he thought he would not ask, just enjoy the benefits of investment. So, now he can't say anything. Of course, if someone else dared to tell him that, he would have been mad, but the person talking to him is Xiao Han, and Xiao Han's ability is obvious to all. There is no doubt about this. At this point, Liu Si did not dare to offend Xiao Han.

"Tell me, what's the matter!" Liu Si asked.

"This year our Hanmen company has set two goals!" Xiao Han glanced at Liu Si, and then said, "First, establish the Hanmen Group."

"Good thing, if a group company can be established, it will definitely be a happy event." Liu Si said hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "As for the second one, after the establishment of the group company, we have to deal with the Mida Group."

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