The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 520: Night Thirteen

Liu Bin chuckled and said, "So, don't learn from Tao Jun and brag about it. It won't be fun if the cowhide is blown."

"Do you think I am like a braggart?" Xiao Han replied to Liu Bin angrily.

"That's true." Liu Bin nodded.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said with a smile: "Forget it, let's talk about this later. Anyway, the sports meeting is still in May. This is only March."

"No hurry." Liu Bin said hurriedly.

"By the way, how is the situation between you and Guan Xiaotong?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Very good." Liu Bin smiled and said, "I go to their school to find her every day. Hey, for convenience, I bought a mountain bike specially."

There was an orange-red mountain bike outside the door, which was bought by Liu Bin.

"You are so rich, so buy a scooter." Xiao Han smiled.

"That won't work!" Liu Bin shook his head and said, "I have to save money to buy a house. After graduation, I will marry Guan Xiaotong."

"You kid..." Xiao Han laughed.

The progress between Liu Bin and Guan Xiaotong is relatively stable. However, Liu Bin seems to have some complaints about this relationship. He smiled bitterly and said: "Oh, I am rather annoying to speak of it. Although the relationship is good, the relationship is also good, but yes, she refused to have **** with me. relationship."

"Huh?" Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, and said, "You kid is such a beast, so you propose to have a relationship?"

"Counting out, we've been together for almost two months." Liu Bin pursed his lips, and said, "Is it an exaggeration to make this request?"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled.

Liu Bin raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "However, every time she helps me with my hands and my mouth to solve problems!"


Xiao Han just took a cup of water to drink, but was stunned by this sentence.

"Fuck!" Even Zhang Dagu, who was concentrating on playing King's Glory, looked at Liu Bin dumbfounded. He got up again and again, then knelt on his bed, and said excitedly: "Damn, I don't accept anyone, just **** him. You. Liu Bin, let me be your disciple. How did you do it?"

"Haha..." Xiao Han was so choked, his face flushed.

"Is it difficult?" Liu Bin said with a smile: "Just use online jokes to lie to her, saying that if she doesn't let herself be released, it is harmful to her body. She doesn't want to let me go, so she can only find ways to help. Let me release."

"Fuck, you are great!" Zhang Dagu said with a look of emotion, "I also bullied Guan Xiaotong's innocence!"

Xiao Han's heart shook for a while...

Guan Xiaotong is not innocent. This girl works in the night market. It is definitely not Liu Bin who can deceive him with just a few words. Therefore, Xiao Han seemed very calm. He said nothing, and took a sip of water in silence.

Xiao Han did not want to participate in the relationship between Liu Bin and Guan Xiaotong. However, he did not allow Guan Xiaotong to hurt Liu Bin. After all, Liu Bin is his brother. In the dormitory, the four people are like iron brothers. If Guan Xiaotong wants to deceive Liu Bin's feelings, Xiao Han will absolutely not allow it. Of course, if Guan Xiaotong is sincere to Liu Bin, Xiao Han will naturally not tell her about her at night. This was a blow to Liu Bin.

However, Xiao Han thought for a while, he felt it necessary to have a good talk with Guan Xiaotong. If she really likes Liu Bin, she should leave the night scene and be her student.


Provincial capital, Zhonghuan Road.

In a teahouse, a burly man in a black shirt is drinking tea in a Japanese-style tatami-style box. Inside, there are several other men. The burly man is Hei Tie, and he has been planning how to deal with Xiao Han since Hei Tie was frustrated last time at the Hanmen Restaurant.

Later, because of the New Year, he gave up the implementation plan.

This time, he summoned the leaders of several gangs in the provincial capital and gathered in his teahouse.

"Jizi, what have you been busy doing recently?" Hei Tie glanced at the thin man.

The thin man was skin and bones. At first glance, he was getting thinner and thinner due to long-term drug use, and his body gradually lost his vitality. The chicken looked at Hei Tie and said, "Damn, what can you do? The city has been crushed by the people of the Sword League. Lao Tzu has been unable to swallow this breath."

"What can I do if I can't swallow it?" In the box, there was a woman in a small black suit with big hole fishnet stockings underneath. The woman wears glamorous makeup, her lips are smeared with black lipstick and her eyes are smoky makeup. The whole person looks terrifying and terrifying. The woman is the only gang leader in the provincial capital, called Ye Shisan. Ye Shisan holds a large number of women's resources in his hands.

It can be said that in the entire province and city, one-third of the skin and meat business belongs to her. Not only that, but there is also a group of loyal entourages under his hands. This group of people followed Ye Shisan to travel north and south, and finally took root in the provincial capital. So far, it has already had a lot of power. Moreover, Ye Shisan can be said to be a rich man in the provincial capital.

It is said that the woman was forced to sell meat at the age of 15, and she came out to work alone at the age of 18 and organized a group of women who stumbled to start a business. Later, he seized the overseas market, and he made a lot of money abroad. After returning, he founded Ye Nightingale. A lot of people have been recruited. After several years of development, this woman already has hundreds of millions of assets on hand, and has purchased two villas in the United States. A lot of assets have also been purchased in China.

"Ye Shisan, what can you do?" Ji Zi looked at her and said, "You are still crushed to death by the people of the Sword League."

"Hei Tie, I heard that you were beaten last time?" Ye Shisan held a slender cigarette, and then looked at Hei Tie coldly, and said, "What the **** is the situation? I am very strong with you. Understand, anyone can beat you?"

"Yeah!" Hei Tie smiled bitterly, and said, "Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that I was defeated. Moreover, I lost 200,000 yuan."

"Fuck!" The chicken was dumbfounded when he heard it.

In his mind, the black iron exists like a **** of war. He has always thought that Black Iron should be the most powerful man in the world. Moreover, Ji Zi has always wanted to see how it feels to fight against the three war gods of the black iron and the sword alliance.

I heard that there are three great war gods in the Dao League, namely the Monkey King, the White Tiger, and the King Kong.

Needless to say, the strength of these three people, but now, the strength of Black Iron is said to be very powerful. As for who is great, no one knows. However, before they started fighting, I heard that Hei Tie had been defeated by an unknown junior. How could the chicken stand it?

"Fuck, it's true!" Ji Zi exclaimed.

"Of course it's true!" Hei Tie nodded and said, "I don't have to harm my reputation, but facts are facts."

"Who is he?" Ye Shisan asked.

"A student!" Black Iron replied.


The tea cup in Ye Shisan's hand fell down, and the tea spilled all over the floor. Ye Shisan looked at Hei Tie stupidly, and said in astonishment: "Hei Tie, you actually lost to a student?"

"Yes!" Hei Tie nodded.

"Hey..." Ye Shisan couldn't help sighing, and said, "Is my expectations of you too high, or your strength is too low?"

"He is really amazing!" Hei Tie said, holding his tea cup, "This kid will become our scourge one day. So, we must either win him over or destroy him. Do you have any good suggestions?"

"I want to meet him for a while." A cold smile appeared in the corner of Ye Shisan's eyes.

"Ye Shisan, your body is itchy, right?" Jizi laughed, and said: "Whenever you hear that someone is better than black iron, you feel sad and want to send a gun to your door?"

"Get out!" Ye Shisan snorted coldly, and said, "Someone in this world may be able to defeat Black Iron, but absolutely no one can be stronger than Black Iron and can satisfy me."

The chicken chuckled, and then said: "Can the black iron body crush you to death?"

Ye Shisan's power is equal to that of Black Iron, and the reason why she is willing to follow Black Iron is because she likes Black Iron and the strong body of Black Iron. That incomparably mighty body, every time she was on the bed, she could scream and scream, dry and wet a large sheet of sheets.

Ye Shisan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I want you to control?!"

When speaking, Ye Shisan's mouth showed an enchanting smile, and then he leaned towards the black iron. Then crawled on Black Iron like an octopus. She pushed the black iron abruptly, and then straddled the black iron.


Suddenly, she tore off the zipper of the black iron trousers, fiddled with the giant, and fiddled with her skillfully, and it quickly went to the sky.

She tucked up the skirt and swung the **** inside the skirt. Then, she sat down slowly.

Ye Shisan showed a very contented expression on her face, it seemed that her empty heart was filled all at once, and the full swelling made her feel like flying into the sky. Moreover, this feeling made her more and more moist and hotter.

The chicken on the side watched this scene with interest.

This is simply a live erotica. It’s fine to appreciate it for yourself. Besides, it is estimated that the body of the chicken can be **** to death by Ye Shisan. Moreover, this guy has no sexual abilities at all, this guy does not last more than three minutes each time. The most important thing is that this guy has some signs of **** now. Although he has been drinking Chinese medicine to regulate his body, he has not improved.

Ye Shisan and Hei Tie appeared more reserved and reserved in the box at first. However, when he got to the back, he let go of his hands and feet. The black iron was naked, and Ye Shisan took off his underwear. The chicken looked at this scene with interest and admired the battle between the two.

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