On Thursday afternoon, Zhang Feng and Xiaohua were about to review their homework in the library of Mizuki University. Liu Bin and Guan Xiaotong also went on a date. As for Zhang Dagu and Zhang Xiaomei, the two ran away at night, and they vowed to lose ten catties in three months. Therefore, only Xiao Han is left in the dormitory.

Xiao Han is alone in the dormitory.

Today the teacher group has a meeting, so work has been busy until late.

Xiao Han returned to the dormitory after eating in the cafeteria alone. As soon as he arrived at the door of the dormitory, he met a familiar face.

"Tao Jun?" Xiao Han looked at Tao Jun who was physically strong.

"I'm waiting for you!" Tao Jun smiled.

"Are you looking for me?" Xiao Han's face sank. This guy has a relationship with himself. It must be nothing good to come to him at this time. Therefore, Xiao Han could not help frowning. He frowned and looked at Tao Jun.

"Don't look at me like that." Tao Jun smiled slightly, and then said: "I'm not here to trouble you."

"Tell me, what can you do for me?" Xiao Han asked.

"I heard that you are going to participate in the National College Student Championships?" Tao Jun asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "However, I did not take the initiative to go, but was forced to participate."

"Hey, how many people want to go but can't go!" Tao Jun smiled, and then said: "Your kid said that he didn't want to go. It's funny!"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"I came to you today because I want to form an ally with you." Tao Jun sighed.

"What ally?" Xiao Han looked at Tao Jun suspiciously.

Obviously, he still had some precautions against Tao Jun. Tao Jun was beaten badly by himself and lost to himself in the arena. Obviously, he couldn't come to visit him so kindly. Either you want to ask yourself, or you have a bad heart. No matter which one it is, Xiao Han must be careful.

"I signed up for the college student championship this time." Tao Jun glanced at Xiao Han and said, "Of course, I was also recommended by the school to participate. However, I know your strength is above me, so I came here specially. Looking for you, I hope we can form allies on the field and compete for medals together."

Tao Jun dare not say that he is competing for the championship. This is a national event. So many universities across the country. And some universities have foreign students. Everyone knows that blacks have stronger physical and explosive abilities. Most people are not their opponents at all. Therefore, Tao Jun knew that he could not win the championship, so he could only hit the medal.

"No problem!" Xiao Han calmed down when he heard it.

"I know you were biased against me before, but..." Tao Jun smiled slightly, and then said: "I hope you can understand."

"It's okay." Xiao Han shook his head.

After that, Xiao Han turned his head and left.

Looking at Xiao Han's back, Tao Jun sighed helplessly. It seemed that Xiao Han was still defensive against himself. However, this time Tao Jun really wants to win a medal in the tournament. He wanted to know the secret of Xiao Han's sprint.

Xiao Han is a student in the Department of Finance, and Tao Jun has also learned about Xiao Han through his teacher. Xiao Han has never received any formal running training. So Tao Jun is curious why Xiao Han can run so fast? Is there a secret or is it strong explosive power? Just like those blacks, they are born with explosive power.

Tao Jun's mouth raised a strange smile.

After thinking for a long time, he glanced at the other person, and then said, "Xiao Han!"

Xiao Han stopped, turned his head and looked at Tao Jun suspiciously.

"Don't you want to fight for honor for the school?" Tao Jun shouted.

"What do you want to say?" Xiao Han asked.

"Can you guide me in sprinting?" Tao Jun said, "I would like to worship you as a teacher. How?"

"Sorry, I don't accept apprentices!" Xiao Han waved his hand and walked into the 101 dormitory.

Tao Jun looked confused. He didn't expect that when he lowered his figure so badly, he was still so fiercely rejected. This made Tao Jun a little at a loss. Moreover, his face looked a little gloomy, very gloomy.


Suddenly, Tao Jun grabbed a stone and threw it out. The stone hit the wall not far away, exploding a cluster of sparks.

"Don't teach, don't teach, what's so great!" Tao Jun snorted coldly.

Rejected by Xiao Han, Tao Jun could only turn his head and leave. Although a little unwilling. However, it is a kind of humiliation to be more inside. Xiao Han obviously looked down on himself, so he was unwilling to guide himself. It's nothing more than hiding such sprint skills and not letting himself compete with him.

Thinking of this, Tao Jun pursed his mouth. He gritted his teeth and returned to the playground by himself. He decided to take advantage of the last remaining month to practice his sprinting skills and improve his sprinting strength.

However, where did Tao Jun know that Xiao Han has no sprint skills at all. All his sprinting ability comes from his powerful brain. It was a brain injected with Potential No. 2 reagent. It is so powerful that it is hard to care about. It is unimaginable.

Since being injected with Potential No. 2, Xiao Han's whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes. Moreover, the strength has also changed. Xiao Han used to be a weak person. Today, Xiao Han has become an omnipotent person.

One and One Dormitory.

Xiao Han was sitting on the desk and reading. He didn't even think about Tao Jun's request just now. However, Tao Jun's words gave him a sense of vigilance. Why is it that I am not a student of the Department of Physical Education, and have never received physical training, but can have more powerful sprinting and sports abilities than students of the Department of Physical Education? Not only in physical ability, the most important thing is in learning ability.

It takes a year for others to complete the courses, I am afraid I can complete all of them in just one month. And definitely get high scores.


A thought came to Xiao Han's mind. Yes, I was too exposed. As the saying goes, the wood shows up in the forest and the wind pushes it.

It is too sharp and will definitely be targeted.

When Xiao Han just sat down and was about to read, suddenly someone walked in outside the dormitory. Then, the door of the room was closed and the curtains of the windows were closed. Xiao Han turned his head and looked over, it turned out to be a coquettish woman. Wearing a black leather skirt and leather jacket. The chest is high, and the thighs are slender.

"Xiao Han..." The woman walked in, showing a charming smile.

"Who are you?" Xiao Han frowned.

"It doesn't matter who I am..." The woman smiled slightly, and then said: "The important thing is that I am the woman who can satisfy you now!"

The woman was seductive, with a lustful look in her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Han looked wary.

"Don't be so nervous!" The woman smiled slightly, and then said: "I am just a weak woman. You have defeated the three war gods of the sword league, and there are men who have defeated the black iron. I cannot pose any threat to you. . So don't be nervous!"

Xiao Han became more vigilant when the woman said this.

The other party knows himself so well, which shows that the other party must have come prepared. Therefore, Xiao Han must be vigilant and take precautions. Xiao Han frowned and said, "Who are you? If you don't say anything, please leave!"

"Haha, my name is Ye Shisan!" Ye Shisan took a seat on the bed, then took off his leather jacket, revealing the black bottoming shirt. The black bottoming shirt was raised high, and a pair of full chests were proud and straight. The black bottoming shirt had a piece of lace on the chest. Through the looming lace, a large piece of white skin could be seen inside. It makes people excited and exciting.

"I don't know you, let's go." Xiao Han said.

"Little handsome guy, don't be so unfeeling." Ye Shisan smiled slightly, and then said: "I came here admiringly, I admire you very much. I want to accompany you once today, how about?"

After speaking, Ye Shisan also took off his short skirt.

A pair of slender and well-proportioned thighs, wrapped in black stockings, are alluring. After the skirt was taken off, the little black **** were left. The net-like black **** are even more exciting.

Although Xiao Han is a passionate young man, he has no interest in such a woman who takes the initiative to send it to the door. Especially this kind of woman who came prepared, and he didn't know this kind of woman, he was even more unbelievable. I have always maintained a vigilant heart.

"Hehe..." Ye Shisan smiled, holding the head of the bed with both hands, and pouting his butt, her **** full of temptation. Shining light, between the Pythagorean, it seems that the mysterious place can be seen, but the surrounding area seems a little dark. When most men see this, they can't help but pick up a gun. However, Xiao Han was different. He had a defensive heart for the woman in front of him, and adding that the place was so dark, the original meaning was instantly filled out.


Ye Shisan patted his **** fiercely with both hands. It hits loudly.

"Xiao Han, why don't you come and fight." She was in that line before Ye Shisan, so she is very professional in how to seduce men. The most important thing is that she knows what men need and how to treat men. Want to catch it.

However, Xiao Han was not interested.

"Don't come here for striptease performances." Xiao Han smiled and said: "I recommend a place for you. You should know Liu Sandao. He has a spot there, I can introduce you to it, you go There will probably be a lot of people who will spank you!"

Ye Shisan's expression immediately sank when he heard it.

How could she not know the place Xiao Han said, where women please men? Ye Shisan did this kind of thing in the early years, and now she has become a master, a person who needs a man to please herself. Now, Xiao Han's words immediately opened Ye Shisan's wounds. So, she became angry all at once.

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